Monthly Archives: January 2019

SCHULTZ IS A FAKE (he pretends to appreciate Veterans, but he is NOT a veteran, just like Trump and Bloomberg are not veterans and both are DRAFT DODGERS.)

Trump supposedly had “bone spurs” that kept him out of the military.  Recent reports suggest that was a lie a doctor provided to get a good deal from Trump’s father Fred.  Common knowledge all over the internet and news media.  Trump is a LIAR and a COWARD.


Then there is this…

Michael Bloomberg


Why haven’t the media held Mr. Bloomberg’s feet to the fire regarding his Vietnam War service. He received “ineligible” status, based on a doctor’s assessment of “flat feet,” but the members of his draft board in Massachusetts even said that this wasn’t necessarily disqualifying.

Just because he flat-out refuses to ever answer questions about it, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be pressed harder, especially when he just overturned a voter-mandated term-limit law.

— Posted by Jay


The matter was subjected to exhaustive investigative reporting in 2001. As he was completing Harvard Business School and his student draft deferment was expiring, he applied to the Army’s officer training program but was rejected because of flat feet. Then his local draft board classified him 1Y – draftable only in a national emergency — for the same reason, flat feet.

The journalistic probing in 2001 questioned how the draft board learned about the flat feet without conducting an independent medical exam, which it did not. The mayor says he was not the source, the officer training program would not normally be, and military records are either incomplete or missing. The matter will most likely never be resolved.

What is unquestioned is that Mike Bloomberg has flat feet. To prove it, he showed them to me — making for an evocative scene in the book.


And then there is this about…

Howard Schultz

Apparently Howard Schultz NEVER SERVED in the military either.  Why not?  And Why was he so UNAWARE of military service until he had a book ghost-written for him that focused on the military:

Starbucks CEO: Veterans Day ‘has been turned into a weekend sale ……/starbucks-ceo-veterans-day-has-been-turned-into-a-…

Nov 10, 2014 – Howard Schultz, the Starbucks CEO, said events in Washington this week are … here — is sponsored by Starbucks, HBO and Chase, and will air on HBO at 7 p.m.. Schultz, who never served in the military, is pushing other …

During the 2018 midterm election, when rumors of a possible presidential bid first emerged, Schultz all but halted campaign contributions save for one donation.

The billionaire gave $50,000 to the With Honor Fund, a super PAC bankrolled primarily by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his family to elect Democratic and Republican congressional candidates who served in the military.


Schultz is just as much a FAKE as are Trump and Bloomberg!  (In my humble OPINION as a proud Vietnam Era Veteran.  I served my country!)