Monthly Archives: May 2019

Never Trump!

It is about DAMN TIME that ALL Americans see Trump as the LIAR and FRAUD he is, and those who once supported him are now turning against him!  If they can’t say “Never Trump!” at least they can now say: “Never Trump again!”

President Donald Trump’s trade wars may be something he believes in, but it doesn’t seem to be a political winner. Unlike many issues on which Trump has seesawed on over the years, Trump has been generally consistent in his protectionist stance on trade. He seemed to use that to his advantage in the 2016 election, during which he went after Democrat Hillary Clinton, who tended to have more of a free trade record.

Polling during his presidency suggests, however, that most Americans don’t really care about trade policy and have turned against Trump’s argument for a protectionist trade policy.

Americans have turned against Trump on trade

It is NOT just TRADE that Trump has been wrong about.  It is EVERYTHING Trump has done that he is WRONG about, starting with TRUMP’S COLLUSION WITH THE RUSSIANS to get elected.

Everything Trump touches TURNS TO SHIT!  Trump has the TURDEST TOUCH!

Yes, I am a “NEVER TRUMPER” because I have always known that TRUMP IS NOTHING BUT A LYING PIECE OF SHIT!

p.s.  If Trump really believes that the word “impeach” is a “dirty, filthy, disgusting word” it is ONLY because Trump knows that HE is a “dirty, filthy, disgusting” piece of shit person and the word ‘IMPEACHMENT’ should be applied to HIM!

Trump: National Healer?

Trump is HEALING America and is NOT a RACIST?  Really!

From the moment President Donald Trump launched his run for office in 2016, the media and the Left have claimed that he has used racially-charged language and exacerbated ethnic tensions in this country. A pair of sociologists at the University of Pennsylvania, Daniel Hopkins and Samantha Washington, recently set out to measure the result of what they described as President Trump’s “explicit, negative rhetoric targeting ethnic/racial minorities.”

What they discovered was, to them, astounding. Though they expected racism to be flourishing under Trump, “white Americans’ expressed anti-black and anti-Hispanic prejudice declined after the 2016 campaign and election” [emphasis theirs]. After carefully studying the evidence proving the media’s claims to be false, they came to the sort of truly learned conclusion only possible in the ivory towers of academia: This demonstrated a “thermostatic response,” in which people move in the opposite direction from their leaders.

MENKEN/HENDERSON: Donald Trump Is Healing The Country

If this had not been reported in RIGHT WING NUT JOB TRASH like The Daily Wire it might be more believable.  (BTW, the article says Samantha Washington is a “psychologist” but other reports simply call her a “grad student”.  Is there some exaggerated reporting going on here?)

Then, again, there is this story from Trump’s own best source:

Twitter Reminds Trump of His Racist Past After He Slams Joe Biden and Controversial ’94 Crime Bill

Twitter Reminds Trump of His Racist Past After He Slams Joe Biden …

You have to wonder how an obvious RACIST like Trump can be a national “healer” at the same time.  Sorry, but I’m not buying it.  (And I never buy anything the Rabid Right Wing NutJob press reports like The Daily Wire puts out anyway.)  

Everyone everywhere in the world knows by now that Donald J Trump is a RACIST.  There’s no way a RACIST like Trump can heal this nation of any racism he promotes, not even “thermostatically”.  


Impeach Trump Now! 


Impeach Trump Now! 


Impeach Trump Now! 

By the way: Even Trump’s old buddy Stevie Banana-Brain Bannon is predicting Trump will go down…

Steve Bannon Predicts Donald Trump’s Downfall Once Investigations …

Bannon described Trump Organization as ‘criminal enterprise …

Trump is not just a RACIST, he is also a CROOK!  (Robert Mueller even said so.)

GOP against Trump!

More Republican coming out against Trump!  Is this the crack in the dam that will eventually lead to a flood downstream?

Two Republican lawmakers in blue states chided President Trump during the Memorial Day holiday for attacking former Vice President Joe Biden during a four-day state visit to Japan.

“Wrong for @POTUS Trump to criticize @JoeBiden in Japan and to agree with Kim Jong-un. Politics stops at water’s edge,” Rep. Peter King (D-N.Y.) tweeted Monday. “Never right to side with murderous dictator vs. fellow American.”

“It’s Memorial Day Weekend and you’re taking a shot at Biden while praising a dictator,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) also tweeted Sunday. “This is just plain wrong.”

GOP lawmaker says Trump wrong to criticize Biden in Japan | TheHill

Justin Amash sends tweet storm on Mueller report, Barr and Trump ahead of town hall

Add them to Justin Amash (R-MN) and there seems to be an increasing momentum AGAINST TRUMP!




Still, some ask…

Is There a Method to Trump’s North Korean Madness?

No!  Trump has no ‘method’.  Trump has no ‘strategy’.  Trump has no ‘intelligence”.  Trump only has Vladimir Putin’s hand up his ass, working his jaws and telling him what to say and do.  Trump is Putin’s hand-puppet and Putin has Trump’s shit all over his hand!

Trump Undercuts John Bolton on North Korea and Iran

You gotta wonder how long it’s going to be before Trump’s own people start criticizing Trump.  Kind of like when Rex Tillerson called Trump “A fucking moron!”  It’s coming.  Sooner than later.  It is coming, because anyone with a functioning brain cell knows that Trump IS a Fucking MORON!

It’s Only a Matter of Time Before Trump Shits Himself

Trump LOVES Kim


And by that we mean Donald Trump LOVES Kim Jong-un (not any other Kim, like the woman Kim Kardashian-West or Kim Hunter.  Trump LOVES a little FAT North Korean Kim.)

Trump was asked if he is siding with a dictator over a fellow citizen and former U.S. vice president. Trump responded that he doesn’t take sides and, on foreign soil, went on to call the Obama administration a “disaster.”

Trump backs Kim Jong Un’s attacks on Biden, dismisses North Korea …

Out of one side of his mouth Trump said he does not take sides, but out of the other side he says he takes Kim’s side over anyone from the Obama Administration.  Trump is such a liar and a hypocrite, but even worse, Trump is such a DUMBASS!

Trump has already said that he “Fell In Love” with Kim, so the Trump-Kim Love Affair continues.  Is Trump Gay too?  There is nothing wrong with being Gay, unless he tries to hide his gayness like he is trying to hide everything else he is and does and has done.

And Trump praises Kim for calling Joe Biden a “low I.Q. individual”!  That’s hilarious, because Trump is the LOWEST I.Q. DUMBASS who has ever been anywhere near The White House, and that includes the fictitious Forrest Gump.

Like Forrest Gump’s momma said, which can be said of Donald Trump, “Stupid is as stupid does!” because Donald Trump is STUPID and he does “stupid” all the time!

p.s.  Shinzo (Shit-hole) Abe of Japan needs to have a talk with Emmanuel (Manny) Macron of France, to find out what good it does to kiss Trump’s wrinkled shit-stained orange ass.  It will not turn out well for Abe just as it did not benefit Macron.  Trump LOVES Kim, and obeys Vlad, and everyone else (Abe, Macron, Americans) can just go to hell as far as Trump cares.



Trump needs a win really bad, so why not go to Japan to his Kiss-Ass Friend Shinzo (Shitzo) Abe (Abbey)?  (After all Shinzo ‘the Shit-zo’ supposedly wrote ‘a beautiful letter’ to the Nobel Committee and recommended Trump for the Nobel Piss Prize.  Maybe it was the “Peace” prize, which he won’t get anyway.  Although, Trump might actually get a “Piss Prize” in the form of a “Pee-Pee Tape” from his friend Vlad.)

Whether the hours of male bonding result in wins on trade and security remains to be seen. Before the day even began, there were signs the ardent effort at cultivating the US leader — started even before he assumed office — had not paid off in new agreement on North Korea.

Still, the lavish displays of camaraderie clearly suited Trump, who was pictured at the Mobara Country Club south of Tokyo smiling broadly in a selfie taken by Abe as they played 16 holes and sat together for both breakfast and lunch (double cheeseburgers made from American beef, according to Japan’s foreign ministry).

Sumo, golf and barbeque: Trump and Abe bond after a tweet …

CAUTION:  Let’s not forget how the “buddy-buddy bromance” Trump had with French President Emmanuel Macron went by the wayside, before Manny and France took a Dump on Trump.  Expect the same from Shitzo-Shinzo.  Trump will be the cause of that too.

A round of golf always seems to be on the agenda whenever President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe get together.

Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe tee off amid US-Japan trade tensions

Wait!  Isn’t this the Trump who said he’d be “too busy working for the people” that he’d never have time to golf?  Yes it is.  Trump LIED!

Even though Shitzo Abbey is his bestest suck-up friend, Trump almost FUCKED-UP THIS TRIP TOO with his childish Twitter on the Shitter Tweeting.

President Donald Trump, on the first day of his state visit to Japan, dug at Tokyo for what he called a “substantial advantage” in trade and asked Japanese businesses to invest more in the United States.

Trump takes dig at Japan for ‘substantial’ trade advantage and calls for …

The president, who spent Sunday morning playing golf with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, went on to say he has confidence that Kim will “keep his promise” to not launch any missiles …

Donald Trump defends dictator Kim Jong Un, bashes Joe Biden from …

Trump made that comment AFTER Kim had already fired off more missiles!  Trump is such a DUMB ASS!

“North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me,” Trump wrote in a tweet posted before 6 a.m. local time.

In Japan, Trump praises Kim Jong Un, rails against US border wall ruling

Trump is such a DUMBASS!  Even the dumbest of the dumb know you don’t piss on the carpet of your host’s house.  But that is exactly what Trump did.  He took out his teeny tiny itty bitty little pecker and peed all over Shinzo and his carpet with his Twitter Tweet!  (Trump is such a dumbsheet!)

To make up for Trump’s itty bitty teeny tiny Pee-Pee …

The “President’s Cup” is huge — according to the White House, it stands around 54 inches (close to 5 feet) and weighs between 60 and 70 pounds.

Donald Trump will present huge ‘President’s Cup’ trophy to sumo …

The Trophy is so YUGE because Trump’s pee-pee is so teeny tiny like his itty bitty widdle hands.

The honor given to Trump was part of a charm offensive Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe continued Sunday as he courted the president with three things close to his heart: wrestling matches, cheeseburgers and golf.

Call it sumo diplomacy.

Trump awards trophy at marquee sumo event in Tokyo

No!  Call it what it really is…  Shinzo Abe is KISSING DONALD TRUMP’s WRINKLED ORANGE ASS!  That is what it is.

Shinzo Abe MADE Trump.

They saw Trump’s personal brand of bullshit and they used it against him.

Japan saw Trump coming and they knew just exactly how to pander to his ego.

Trump is no “world class negotiator” or “dealmaker”, Trump is a CHUMP!

Trump has been MADE!

Trump has been MADE IN JAPAN.

Put the label on Trump ‘MADE IN JAPAN’ because Trump is finished!

Der Führer – Heil Trump!

Trump wants to be …

Der Führer !

THAT is the PROMOTION Trump seeks!

President Trump Wants a Promotion

President of the United States of America is not good enough for The Donald anymore.

The Donald wants to be Der Führer !

Watch out Vladimir!  You have created a MONSTER and he, Der Führer Trump, is coming after YOU comrade!

When will our greedy, self-serving politicians–and I do mean the GOP–resist this tyrant?

And most of all, when will the church find its courage and shout: “THIS MUST STOP?”

Banned Words And Mein Führer Trump – United Methodist Insight…/banned-words-and-mein-führer-trump-thismuststop-read-more…




Trump fantasizes about being a strongman like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un — the Korean dictator and Trump’s new best buddy, who has starved thousands of his own people and assassinated his own cousin. My momma always said birds of a feather flock together.

If Trump could do it, he would sign an executive order making himself president for life.

The Republican Führer Donald Trump Commits … – Miami New Times…/donald-trump-the-republican-hitler-lies-again-abo…

Impeach Trump now or get ready to say



Yes, he might win the battle, by NOT being convicted by the kowtowed Republican Controlled Mitch McConnell Senate, but TRUMP WILL LOSE THE WAR when Republican Senators and Trump are VOTED OUT OF OFFICE by an INFORMED AMERICAN ELECTORATE!

p.s.  South Carolina’s Senator Lindsey Graham is quite obviously a dishonest closeted Gay man who is afraid of what Trump might do to him.  Graham can be ignored until he comes out of his closet.

Oh!  And then there is THIS from Louisiana IDIOT Republican Senator John Kennedy …

Three things:

1. The correct phrase is to “Shit or get off the pot!”  Defecate, not urinate.  So he got it WRONG.

2. John Kennedy is a gross and disgusting person who should change his name to something more appropriate like Dumbfuck Dumshittery, because by specifically attacking the “Leadership of The House” (ie. Nancy Pelosi) with his disgusting and inaccurate turn of phrase he is also denigrating the name of a truly great American by the name of John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.


3.  The FACT that this Loser from Louisiana says “urinate”, rather than Shit or even defecate, while HE is “sitting on the pot” proves that he sits to pee, and thus John Kennedy is a DAMN PUSSY!  Too bad he was elected in 2017 and has a six year term in The Senate.  We’ll just have to live with his DUMBASS HICK SHIT for the next four years until we can get rid of this asshole!

Trump-Barr-Perry CANCER!

World  to Barr: “Be more like Perry!

Rick Perry’s greatest success in Trump’s Washington: invisibility

William Barr needs to take lessons from Rick Perry rather that orders from Donald Trump.

Trump gives Barr power to declassify intelligence related to Russia …

Trump Gives Attorney General Sweeping Power in Review of 2016 …

Trump orders intel agencies to assist Barr with review of Russia probe

Intel Agencies need to respond: “Sorry!  We are NOT taking any new orders at this time.”  At least not until after Trump, Barr and the Circus of Clowns have been kicked out of Washington D.C. 

Just remember what Rick Perry once said about Donald Trump …

Rick Perry Attacks Donald Trump: A Cancer and Carnival Act | › Politics › Donald Trump

Then Rick Perry became part of The Cancer that is Trump!

Now Tricky-Ricky is planning to leave the Trump Administration.  Rats fleeing a stinking shit, or sinking ship, either way works to describe Trump.

Rick Perry planning to leave Trump administration: report | TheHill…/439443-rick-perry-planning-to-leave-trump-administration-report

… or maybe Trump finally saw the video and sent someone to fire Rick, because we all know Trump is too gutless to do it himself.

Anyway … Get Out Bill!  Because if you stay then you will be impeached along with Mnuchin and Trump and probably others.

BY THE WAY, regarding TRUMP …

Trump is KNOWN to have posted and supported FAKED altered videos in the past.  It is just another way Trump LIES!

Trump insults reporters, claims Acosta video wasn’t altered – AP News

Trump Has Been Posting Altered Photos Of Himself – YouTube

Trump is a FAKE!

I am stable geneyish with yuge achomlishments…..Dems have no Achomlishments-I hold crazy nancy in my steel-strong iron & Yugely Large manly fingers-2 show U how calm I am- will take you all out 4 Hamberders after we finish here…yes…hamberders with Covfefe if you would like. – Our thanks to @Kojac42u

Trump claims to be a “stable genius” and that is just another BUNCH OF TRUMP LIES!

Trump is NOT a genius, he is a “Fucking Moron” as his handpicked former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he was.  

Trump is NOT STABLE as we all can easily and clearly see.


Trump’s NEW Song


(Sung to the tune of “I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General” by Gilbert & Sullivan, from the comic opera “The Pirates of Penzance” with our sincerest apologies to G&S.)

  • I am the very model of a modern stable genie-us
  • Although my teeny tiny hands betray my tiny penie-us.
  • I know the Czar of Russia now is Vladimir the Putinski
  • And he’s my lord and master with his puppet hand inside of me.
  • Although not well acquainted with such matters of intelligence
  • At least I know my right hand man is stupid and his name is Pence.
  • About the facts and truth I simply call them all FAKE NEWS
  • I have so many lies to tell I don’t know which to choose.

I’m very good at stupid stuff and I know all the best of us

If they ever disappoint I’ll throw them all under the bus.

In short in matters small or large I always make a Tweet of it

Because you see I am the best at being a complete Nit Wit!

  • I know our mythic history that “America is White”
  • And that is why I am endeared by nuts and racists on the Right!
  • My quotes are all so elegant cuz I know the ‘best words’,
  • Even though the things I say always sound like turds.
  • I can yell and scream and cry no matter where I roam,
  • Cuz if they won’t do what I say I simply go back home!
  • I’ll take my bat and ball with me when I don’t get my way,
  • I’ll close my eyes and hold my breath ’til they all go away!

Because I am the pres-i-dent then I can make the call

to gather up the money that I need to build my Wall.

In short in matters small or large I always Tweet-out it

Because you see I am the best at being a Dumb Shit!

  • And when I know just what is what, cuz pictures have been drawn
  • I clearly see who I should use to make my latest pawn.
  • Mike Cohen was a super guy who I once liked a lot,
  • But then he ratted-out on me so now he’s just a snot!
  • He paid the big hush money bribe to shut-up that Stormy D.
  • And then she told all the world about my shroom pee-pee.
  • I lost so damn much money I was shunned by all the banks
  • That’s why I really love ‘Dear Vlad’ and owe him so much THANKS!

I’m not so smart, I just pretend I’m stable and I’m wise

but truthfully I cover all my faults with blatant lies! 

That’s why I lie so much, it seems I lie all of the time

but it’s the truth I lie a lot, cuz I am Donald Trump the SLIME!


  • I actually have such little hands and a teeny tiny penie-us,
  • I’m just a hump name Donald Trump, and I’m no fucking genius!

(I’m not even that ‘stable’ either!  I’m just really really good at lying.  Like, I’m like a world class liar!  Believe me!!!  I’m like the bestest liar there ever has been.  I know all the best lies.  I really do.  It doesn’t take a genius to lie or even spot a liar like me.  But I do wish my penis was bigger.  Good song lyrics though.  They could be the start of a new comic opera entitled: “The Liar of Burnt Pants”.)

“This Is the End of My Presidency. I’m Fucked,” Trump Said on May 17 ……/this-is-the-end-of-my-presidency-im-fucked-tru…

Would that it were so!

And about presidential profanity:

Richard Nixon may hold the unofficial record for being the most openly profane U.S. President — probably because he recorded much of what he said in the Oval Office. In a taped 1971 conversation between the President and two of his aides, Nixon called Mexicans “dishonest,” said that blacks lived “like a bunch of dogs” and that San Francisco was full of “fags” and “decorators.” And that was just one conversation.

Top profanity in POTUS history – NBC12.com

Does Trump echo Nixon?  In more ways than just profanity, racism, sexism, impeachment, and so much more.  Let’s IMPEACH TRUMP before Pence gets to pardon him.

Trump Theory?

Trump THEORY?  There is no such thing as “Trump Theory”.  There is Trump FAKERY!  Trump Stupidy!  Trump Tragedy!  But no real thought out “Theory”.

What is Donald Trump’s theory of victory over the Democrats?

President Donald Trump’s decision to walk out of an infrastructure meeting with Democrats left lawmakers scrambling to assess whether the fallout would reach other White House priorities, including a pending trade deal with Canada and Mexico that the president hopes will replace NAFTA.

Fuming about Democratic investigations into his presidency, Trump refused to shake hands with Democrats on Wednesday and left the meeting. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., accused the president of throwing “a temper tantrum for us all to see.”

Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi warfare hits new level, raising the risk of …

Trump has NO CLUE what real “WARFARE” is.  Trump is a cowardly DRAFT DODGER!  He was NOT doing anything but throwing a toddler’s tantrum, which he is now famously known for.

Trump DOES NOT have a “theory” about anything.  He says, he would love to work with the Democrats, but he means he would love to have the Democrats do what he tells them to do.  That is not a ‘theory’.  That is a petulant little child mentality, that also says, “If you don’t do things my way then I’m not going to play with you.  Neener!  Neener!  Neener!”  That’s NOT a “THEORY”!  That is simple childishness, and TRUMP IS A TODDLER!

Trump Theory is ‘Big BUNGHOLE Theory’, and Trump is the ‘BIG BUNGHOLE!’