Monthly Archives: June 2019

Trump MDs

Trump is a COCK!

In this case ‘MD’ does NOT stand for Medical Doctor, it stands for MENTAL DEFECTIVE.  Thus Donald J. Trump is a COCKTOR not a doctor.

That is to say Cocktor Donald J. Trump is a Total Prick!

Trump says US was ‘cocked and loaded’ to strike Iran before he pulled …

Trump is a DUMBSHIT and so are all the mentally challenged and intellgence impaired idiots who support him.  They, the propagandized puppets of Trump (PP’s of Trump, which kind of reminds you of Trump’s infamous Russian ‘Pee Pee Tape’), believe Trump’s bullshit because he is obviously lying with easily proven lies.  They’d rather believe his BULLSHIT than accept the HONEST TRUTH or consider the VERIFIABLE FACTS!  (That is how we know for a FACT that they are Mentally Retarded too!)

President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Saturday Edition

Donald Trump Stumped By Terms ‘Busing’ And Western ‘Liberalism’ At …

Trump, Dumb as Always, Thinks Busing is About Transportation

Trump: Immigration raids could start Fourth of July

IT IS SO OBVIOUS that DONALD TRUMP IS A TOTAL DUMBASS!  Why doesn’t EVERYONE see that?  Obviously some people (those who still support Trump) are TOO FUCKING STUPID to be left on their own.  They are FUCKING MORONS!  They need serious mental help!

They, like Trump, are MENTALLY DEFICIENT!



W T F!

Trump is reportedly musing about pulling the U.S. out of its foundational treaty with Japan


Trump PULLED OUT of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Trump PULLED OUT of the JCPoA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, aka the Iran Nuclear Deal).  Which is why Iran is about ready to go to war with the U.S. now, and vice versa.  That could be the start of World War III, or at the very least a good way to distract the media from covering the Democrats who are running for president in 2020.  Squirrel!

By The Way:

Trump’s ‘obliteration’ threat to Iran renews war fears

US and Iran showdown goes from terrible to worse – CNNPolitics

(Trump is probably going to attack Iran to take the media’s attention away from the Democrats, and put the cameras back on himself.  Trump is such a TRANSPARENT FAKE!)

Trump PULLED OUT of NAFTA, renamed it the USMCA and re-entered it.  OUCH!  DID THAT HURT!  (It probably hurt like I imagine E. Jean Carroll says it ‘hurt’ when Trump RAPED her.)

‘She’s Not My Type’: Accused Again of Sexual Assault, Trump Resorts to Old Insult

Trump PULLED OUT of an international arms treaty signed in 2013 by then-President Barack Obama.

Trump’s threatened to PULL OUT of NATO!

Trump even almost pulled U.S. troops out of South Korea, because he ‘fell in love’ with North Korea’s Kim Jung-un. (They still send each-other ‘love notes’.  Big beautiful letters as Trump describes them.)

TOO BAD Donald’s daddy Fred didn’t PULL OUT before squirting his Demon-Seed into Trump’s mommy’s pussy.  (She should have gotten an ABORTION when she found out she was pregnant with that lying asshole.  Donald probably grabbed her pussy on the way out as he was being born.)

Trump wishes he would have pulled-out before Eric was conceived, and maybe Donnie Junior, but NOT Ivanka.  Donald would NEVER PULL OUT of IVANKA if he ever had the chance to get into Ivanka.  (Maybe he has.  Have you seen some of the really suggestive pictures and videos of Donald and Ivanks?  They seem very VERY close.  Too CLOSE.)  Donald even said he wanted to ‘date’ Ivanka.  He said so, on the tee vee, if she wasn’t his daughter.  I wonder how Jared felt about that, when he heard that his father-in-law wanted to screw his wife.  Donald Trump basically said he wanted to do his own daughter.  That’s a FACT!

One wonders how Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is going to feel if Trump PULLS OUT of the longstanding Post WWII American agreement with Japan.  Don’t wonder.  After Shinzo has been kissing Dumb Donald’s wrinkled orange shit-stained ass all this time, he’s going to feel totally FUCKED when Trump PULLS OUT on him and Japan!  He should feel that way!


Trump has no “Peace Plan”.

Trump’s Peace Plan Is Immoral, Impractical—and Could Blow Up the Middle East

Trump’s Peace Plan Is Immoral, Impractical—and Could Blow Up the Middle East

Trump only has a WAR PLAN to cover up his own many inadequacies and to draw attention away from the Democratic debates.

Trump will cause hundreds, thousands, perhaps even millions or billions of people to be KILLED and MAIMED in order to save his own wrinkled orange shit-stained ass!

TRUMP himself is IMMORAL!

Trump does NOT have a “Peace Plan”.

Trump has a PISS PLAN in the form of a PEE PEE TAPE being held over his head by Vladimir Putin

Trump is SICK! (Sick in the head!)

Trump may NOT know who “this latest woman is” because Trump is SICK IN THE HEAD!

George Conway Says Trump’s Credibility is ‘Annihilated’ After …

Trump has AMNESIA.  It could be voluntary (like lying), but is more likely he is experiencing a medical illness.

‘It Hurt. And It Was Against My Will’: Trump Accuser Stands By Her Story

Trump is obviously suffering from DEMENTIA!  Either caused by Alzheimers or syphilis or both!

E. Jean Carroll: “Trump attacked me in the dressing room of Bergdorf …

Trump is either suffering from Alzheimers Disease (which runs in his family and is what his father Fred died of) or the advanced stages of syphilis, a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Donald contracted from all his whoring around.  Most likely Trump has BOTH forms of memory loss and is LYING on top of it all!


Look at Trump’s totally erratic behavior!  Trump is obviously SICK IN THE HEAD!

Activate the 25th Amendment or 


Activate the 25th Amendment or 


Activate the 25th Amendment or 


Trump is a JOKE!

Trump said:

“…the only one that matters is me.””

‘The only one that matters is me’: Trump backs Bolton amid Iran tensions

That is the TRUE opinion of a TOTAL NARCISSIST!

No one’s opinion, advice, knowledge, experience is better than Trump’s, as far as Trump is concerned.

It’s like he said for the 2016 election, when he said of American politics: “Only I can fix it!”

But Trump has not FIXED a damn thing, he has ONLY made everything worse!

TRUMP LIED!  (And he has continued to lie more than ten-thousand times since then.)

Trump is a TRUE and COMPLETE NARCISSIST and the evidence was there before 2016 as it is now here in front of us all again.  Trump has made a JOKE of America. 

The whole world is laughing at Trump and at America, and by extension if you live in America they are LAUGHING AT YOU TOO!

This is why we MUST get rid of Trump!  Until we GET RID OF TRUMP the JOKE that is Trump is on US!





STUPIDS believe Trump!

DON’T BE STUPID!!!  Don’t believe Trump.  Trump lied again!

Trump says he stopped Iran strike with 10 minutes to go concerned about casualties

Trump Stopped Strike on Iran Because It Was ‘Not Proportionate’

And if YOU believe that, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’d like to sell to you really cheap.


Trump only STOPPED the bombing of Iran because it’s TOO EARLY.

Trump knows that if he starts a WAR with Iran now, then the media will cover the Democratic Debates in Florida scheduled for the 26th and 27th of this month.  

THAT is when Trump will start the WAR with Iran.  

Trump will START A WAR with Iran to take the media’s attention away from the Democrats to focus it back on him and his latest “Squirrel!”

THE ONLY “CASUALTY” Trump is ever concerned with is TRUMP!


Trump’s Iran strikes U-turn underscores war and peace dilemma

President* Trump Just Stumbled Into, Then Out of, a War With Iran


CNN asks the question:

Is it wrong to say the US has concentration camps?

Is it wrong to say the US has concentration camps?

The answer is “NO!”


That is the TRUTH!

When the NAZI’s, under Adolf Hitler, first discriminated against the jews, they did NOT use CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

When the Nazi’s, under Adolf Hitler, first segregated the Jews in the Ghettos, they did NOT use CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

Then the NAZI’s, under Adolf Hitler, created the CONCENTRATION CAMPS and shipped the Jews to them.

We ALL know what happened after that.  (All of us except the Holocaust Deniers and Trump supporters that is.)

Trump is shipping ‘Legal Asylum Seeking Immigrants’ to CONCENTRATION CAMPS right now.  What do YOU suppose is going to happen next?


If you can’t deal with that TRUTH, then …

BTW: Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the Mitch McConnell of The House of Representatives!  She is just exactly like Mitch the Bitch!  Impeach Trump NOW!

Trump IS Hitler (reincarnated)

Trump continues to LIE!

… and LIE!

…… and LIE!

……… and LIE!

Fact check: Trump’s Orlando rally featured more than 15 false claims …

In this respect TRUMP IS EXACTLY LIKE ADOLF HITLER (and in other respects as well) and…

TRUMP SUPPORTERS are just exactly like Adolf Hitler’s NAZI’s, because they DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE THE TRUTH, they are ONLY willing to believe the LIES of Adolf Hitler/Donald Trump!

I am NOT the only person who believes TRUMP IS LIKE HITLER!

Why CNN’s Don Lemon likening Trump’s brand of hate to Hilter and …

That also helps explain why Donald JUNIOR is such a DUMBASS!

Trump Jr.: Why didn’t you cure cancer decades ago, Joe?

Donald JUNIOR is a chip off the OLD BLOCKHEAD!  What a couple of DUMBASSES!

TODAY The Red MAGA HAT in America is the same EXACT THING as the RED ARM BAND with the Black SWASTIKA was in 1930’s Germany.  The Red MAGA HAT shows you exactly who supports der Führer TRUMP!

Also in the NEWS:

These DRUGS …

33K pounds of cocaine seized in one of biggest US drug busts

DID NOT COME ACROSS THE MEXICAN BORDER! (They came into Philadelphia, PA on a ship.) Trump IS WRONG again!


Trump held his 2020 Campaign Start-Up Rally in Florida, and he told the same old lies, like Trump said repeatedly:  “Crooked Hillary Clinton”.  Hey Donald!  Hillary Clinton is NOT running in 2020.  Just thought you and your dumbass supporters should know that.

Speaking of Trump’s DUMBASS SUPPORTERS, at the rally they chanted: “DRAIN THE SWAMP!  DRAIN THE SWAMP!  DRAIN THE SWAMP!”  The fact is Trump has made The Swamp bigger and added more vile critters to it from Wall Street and elsewhere.

The Trump Dumbasses also chanted: “BUILD THE WALL!  BUILD THE WALL!  BUILD THE WALL!”  But Trump has not yet, and never will build any wall.  Even if he did, which he won’t, Mexico will NEVER pay for it.  Another Trump promise BROKEN!

And getting back to Hillary, the Trumpturds chanted: “LOCK HER UP!  LOCK HER UP!  LOCK HER UP!”  The fact is Trump has never locked anyone up (except legal asylum seekers on the southern border), but the facts look like Trump will be locked-up before he locks anyone else up.


AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) is getting all kinds of RIGHT WING CRAP because she called southern border detention centers “Concentration Camps”. 

They are!  But they are not like the NAZI DEATH CAMPS or NAZI SLAVE LABOR CAMPS.  They are not like the RUSSIAN GULAGS.  They are not like the CHINESE and NORTH KOREAN RE-EDUCATION CAMPS.  Almost all of those started out as “Concentration Camps” or places to “concentrate” those whom the people in power did not like.  

They started out in the same way Trump has been “concentrating” immigrants seeking legal asylum on the southern border of the United States in facilities that are sometimes FENCED inside buildings and sometimes FENCED underneath highway overpasses. 

These are NOT even like the Detention Centers the U.S. used during World War II to detain Japanese Americans (for fear that some of them might be infiltrators) because Trump has taken the extra step of separating children from parents (kind of like Hitler did). 

 The “Concentration Camps” on the southern border of the U.S. are more like the “Concentration Camp” and “Tent City” that the disgraced and convicted Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio (the one that Trump pardoned) ran for almost 24 years in the state of Arizona.

Joe Arpaio’s Tent City ‘Concentration Camp’ Prisoners Have Been ……

More than two decades after Arpaio created the blazing hot open-air holding pen, new Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone relocated Tent City’s final 17 prisoners on Monday (10/9/2017). The move had been the final step in making good on a campaign promise to shut down the facility, which once housed roughly 350 prisoners who lived there during the 24-year reign of the self-styled tough-on-crime sheriff (convicted criminal and Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio).

Was AOC’s use of the term “Concentration Camp” wrong or inaccurate to describe what the Trump Administration is setting up now, especially by converting an old military base in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Republicans Hated When Obama Detained Migrants at an ……/oklahoma-republicans-are-suddenly-ok-with-housing-migran…

Nope!  AOC is correct.  It is a CONCENTRATION CAMP, even though it was once an Army Fort.  It is a place to “concentrate” the PRISONERS that TRUMP and his Neo-NAZI Trumpublicans do not like (legal immigrants seeking legal asylum).  It is only a matter of time (if we let it fester) before Trump starts killing them off en masse like Hitler did to the Jews in Germany.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is CORRECT!  

Trump is WRONG, because Trump is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler!


Katie Porter says, “Impeach Trump!”

Congresswoman Katie Porter says:

Rep. Katie Porter is latest Democrat to support impeachment inquiry

After weeks of study, deliberation, and conversations with Orange County families, I’ve decided to support an impeachment investigation of the president,” Porter said in a video posted on her social media channels. “I have not come to this easily. I come to this decision after much deliberation, and I know — deeply — what this means for our democracy.

Rep. Katie Porter is latest Democrat to support impeachment inquiry

California Democrat in swing district calls for Trump impeachment inquiry | TheHill




Trump is SHRINKING! (But will he LEAVE?)

Trump’s BASE is SHRINKING, because the GOP is SHRINKING.  It’s ALL SHRINKING like Trump’s teeny tiny itty bitty pee-pee is SHRINKING.  (Trump has small hands too!)

Juan Williams: Trump’s incredible shrinking GOP | TheHill

By the way “Juan Antonio Williams is a Panamanian-born American journalist and political analyst for Fox News Channel.”  So this REVELATION is coming from a CONSERVATIVE asshole from FOXed-UP News.

If Trump can’t win the few middle-of-the road white men watching next week’s debates from the middle, he might be the last Republican president.

That was WRITTEN by CONSERVATIVE JUAN WILLIAMS.  Let us hope he was being CONSERVATIVE and that Trump is the LAST REPUBLICAN.  Ever!

The ONLY SILVER LINING that is the dark cloud we have come to know as Trump, is that Trump may be DESTROYING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY from the inside out.  Trump may be the GOP IMPLOSION America needs!  Let us hope!

But let us also FEAR the possibility that even if Trump LOSES he will never leave!

So what happens when Donald Trump refuses to leave office? The …

So WHAT DOES HAPPEN if Trump refuses to leave?  Well, in one case WE ARE FUCKED!  I hope the Democrats know how to get rid of that orange asshole when they beat him, because he is not likely to leave PEACEFULLY.  There will probably be no “Peaceful Transfer of Power”.  Count on it!