Monthly Archives: September 2019

Enough Trump is TOO MUCH!

Forget Bossert.  

‘Enough’: Trump’s ex-homeland security adviser ‘disturbed,’ ‘frustrated’ by Ukraine allegations, says president must let 2016 go

“If he continues to focus on that white whale, it’s going to bring him down,” Bossert said. “Enough. The investigation’s over.”

‘Enough’: Trump’s ex-homeland security adviser ‘disturbed,’ ‘frustrated’ by Ukraine allegations, says president must let 2016 go




Enough already!  Enough is Enough and Trump is WAY TOO MUCH!

Trump Toilet Tirade Tweets

Twit Tweets Twenty-Three Times in Tirade between Turds


Somebody really needs to take away Donny’s Tweety Machine, especially when he’s on the toilet tweeting his madness.  At least now we have some confirmation that Donny has a TV and DVR in his bathroom, along with his Twitter machine.

Trump launches Twitter tirade against Fox News’ Ed Henry

Trump launches Twitter tirade against Fox News’ Ed Henry

Twenty Three Tweets in less than 23 minutes, all between Trump turds, groans and grunts while he is trying to pass a poop.

Twitter!  You really should SUSPEND Trump’s Twitter account.  He is OBVIOUSLY VIOLATING EVERY SINGLE RULE in the Twitter Rule Book, or User Agreement, as the case may be.

(Seriously. it looks more and more like the real people at FOX are trying to extricate themselves and their network from Trump for the purpose of self-preservation.  That could mean they KNOW that TRUMP is going down, and they don’t want FOX to go down with him.  I even suspect there is talk in the FOX Boardroom about firing Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson and even Sean Hannity for their Trump insanity.  Perhaps others can be salvaged.  Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace may be the sane ones who are saved from the FOX axe.  Who the hell ever heard of ‘Ed Henry’ before this, anyway?)

Trump et. al. is DONE! (We hope.)

Trump has been proved to be LYING AGAIN!

The Ukraine Timeline Shows Trump Is Lying

The phone call and the whistleblower complaint are just the beginning of the evidence.

. . . 

Here are the key episodes.

. . .

1. The Lutsenko retractions.

2. The Pence cancellation. 

3. The aid suspension.

4. The phone call. 

5. The non-explanations.

6. The non-communication.

7. The release of other money. 

The Ukraine Timeline Shows Trump Is Lying

Add that all to the three years of Trump lies.  His FAKE claims.  His unfulfilled campaign promises.  And all the rest that Trump has done as a TRAITOR TO AMERICA and you understand that …


The Republican Party that supports Trump is DONE.

The MORONS who follow Trump are DONE!

Stick a fork in them, because they are DONE!  (And the fact is they FORKED THEMSELVES!)

Impeach Trump.

Convict Trump!


Fools and “Tribe Trump”.

This article is from way back in August 2017.  It’s still as true today as it was then.

Why Trump Supporters Just Can’t Help Being Fools

But after seven months of lies, sleaze, impulsivity, laziness, vengeance, arrogance, ineptitude, ignorance, nepotism, self-love and Putin love, how can three out of four Republican voters still be sticking with him? How come those faces I see on TV don’t see the nightmare I see? (I don’t mean that bizarre “Blacks for Trump” guy; I mean the rest of them.)

Check out my previous blog:  Trump LOSES BLACK SUPPORT!

Why Trump Supporters Just Can’t Help Being Fools › Featured Post


Those who are still members of “Tribe Trump” are, sadly,  still fools.

Some people are “fools”.  That’s just the way they are.


A small group of people are geniuses.  Most people are sensible.  Some people are gullible, and some people are FOOLS!  The FOOLS belong to Tribe Trump.

Donald Trump slams ‘archaic’ US constitution that is ‘really bad’ › News › World › Americas › US politics

That is what Trump REALLY thinks of the United States, the U.S. Constitution and Americans.  Also from 2017.  Also true.

Donald Trump’s Constitution – Forbes › sites › daviddavenport › 2017/09/15 › donald-tr… 

Also from 2017, confirming Trump’s disdain for the document he swore to “preserve, protect and defend”.  Trump is the ‘FAKE and FRAUD’ the FOOLS follow!

Trump followers are simply FOOLS!  Sad but true.

“A mind is a terrible thing to waste!”, but “Tribe Trump” Fools are waste.  That’s just the way it is.

Trump, Scandal, N.R.A.

(Those are really three terms that all mean the same thing.)

Trump & The N.R.A.?

President Trump met Friday with National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre to discuss how the gun rights organization could possibly provide financial assistance to help defend the president as he faces a scandal, The New York Times reported Friday, citing two people familiar with the situation.

Trump met with NRA chief to discuss financial support: report | TheHill

What?  Trump is facing a “scandal”?  What scandal.  Trump’s entire presidency is a SCANDAL!

Wayne’s question to Don is, “Which one?”

Trump Meets With LaPierre to Discuss How N.R.A. Could Support Political Defense


Seems like Trump, Scandal and N.R.A. all go together very nicely.  They all mean the same thing.  They mean THE SHIT IS GONNA HIT THE FAN boys!  And you’re gonna get it on ya!

Impeach Trump!

Impeach Trump!

Impeach Trump!

Impeach TRUMP first! Then …

Seriously!?  Trump says Schiff should resign.  SERIOUSLY?!

President Trump on Friday called on Rep. Adam Schiff to resign, accusing the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee of “fraudulently” reading to Congress a nonexistent version of his call with the Ukrainian president.

“Rep. Adam Schiff fraudulently read to Congress, with millions of people watching, a version of my conversation with the President of Ukraine that doesn’t exist,” the president said in a tweet.

“He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call, but he completely changed the words to make it sound horrible, an (sic) me sound guilty,” he wrote.

“HE WAS DESPERATE AND HE GOT CAUGHT,” Trump continued. “Adam Schiff therefore lied to Congress and attempted to defraud the American Public. He has been doing this for two years. I am calling for him to immediately resign from Congress based on this fraud!”

Trump calls on Adam Schiff to resign for allegedly lying to Congress


Live updates: Trump calls for Schiff’s resignation, as Pelosi says Barr has ‘gone rogue’

No,  Adam Schiff was not “DESPERATE” and it is Trump who “GOT CAUGHT”. 

Now Trump is playing the “I’m rubber, and you’re glue” children’s game, because TRUMP IS A CHILD!

We want Trump to RESIGN, preferably AFTER HE IS IMPEACHED!

Trump is a REPEAT LIAR!

Didn’t THEY say that Trump was going to release the “Whistleblower Complaint”?  (They, meaning the news reporters.)  Maybe I mis-read/heard that. 

Didn’t Trump say he was going to authorize the release of the “Whistleblower Complaint”?  (Maybe Trump LIED.  Again.)

What did Trump actually say he was going to release?  Trump PROMISED to release the “Un-Redacted TRANSCRIPT of the call between Trump and the Ukraine President”.  That is what Trump said HE WOULD RELEASE.  That was Trump’s PROMISE!

What did the White House release?  It released ONLY a “MEMORANDUM” of the phone call.  It was NOT even the partial “transcript” or anything close to what TRUMP PROMISED he would release.  

Okay, maybe The White House did NOT release the “Whistleblower’s Complaint” and maybe I mis-heard that they would.  MY BAD!  I admit I may have made a mistake.  (Yesterday was a confusing day.) But THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE THE FACT THAT:



Trump PROMISED to release an “unredacted transcript” of the call.  (I know I heard that much.)  Trump DID NOT release that.  Instead Trump LIED (again) and released only a MEMCOM that makes him look good.  In essence, Trump released PROPAGANDA!  That is all he released.

THE LAW says that The White House was supposed to release the “Whistleblower’s Complaint” directly to Congress.  But!!!!  THAT is what Trump’s White House still REFUSES to release or give to congress, even though the law says they have to.  The law says they “Shall” deliver the “Whistleblower’s Complaint”, not that they can give congress something else instead.


The fact is:  Even though Trump and The White House said they would release a “transcript” of the phone call between the Piece Of Trump Ugly Shit (POTUS) to the President of The Ukraine, neither Trump NOR his administration released even a “transcript” of the call AS TRUMP PROMISED.  What Trump and his fellow LIARS released was a “Memorandum of the Call” or what some call a MEMCOM.

White House Releases Memorandum of Ukraine CallLawfare·9 mins ago

A MEMCOM is NOT a verbatim transcript.  Trump LIED, again.  He had a MEMCOM written-up to make himself look good.  Trump and his administration LIED, again (as I predicted they would).  They wrote up a bunch of BULLSHIT LIES and are passing them off as if they are facts, and they (Trump and his fellow liars) are WITHHOLDING the TRUE FACTS, and ‘Moscow Mitch’ is giving speeches to claim FALSELY that the Democrats have been wanting to IMPEACH TRUMP for THREE YEARS.  (It is a FACT that some people have wanted to impeach Trump for three years, but WE are NOT all Democrats, and not ALL DEMOCRATS have wanted that.  Just ask Nancy Pelosi about that last part.)

‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell supports the ‘Moscowian President’ Trump, and has even claimed that there is no EVIDENCE of wrong-doing by Trump.  LIAR!  There IS evidence, and Trump is sitting on it, with his big fat ugly shit-stained wrinkled orange ass.


There was evidence of Trump WRONGDOING long before this “Whistleblower Complaint” that TRUMP refuses to release.

IMPEACH TRUMP ON EVERYTHING!  Not just this latest load of crap, but …

IMPEACH TRUMP ON EVERY SINGLE COUNT OF HIS High Crimes and his Misdemeanors. (Is there enough paper to list them all!)





What are we calling this one?  Ukraine-Gate.

Trump ordered hold on military aid days before calling Ukrainian president, officials say

LIVEThe latest on Trump’s Ukraine drama: Live updates

Trump, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden And Ukraine: 5 Questions Answered

Trump administration claims Ukraine aid was stalled over corruption concerns, decries media ‘frenzy’

Is that like Sharpie-Gate, Mueller-Gate, Inauguration-Gate, etc,,,

How many “Gates” does Fucko Trump get before he is IMPEACHED?

This is the TRUTH:  Trump Has No Shame

FUCKO Trump who has NO SHAME and NO CLASS!

He is truly #PresidentPussyAssBitch

When will FUCKO Trump be IMPEACHED?

Pelosi has been HELPING Donald Trump!

She needs to stop HELPING him!


The impeachment of Donald ‘FUCKO’ Trump is NANCY’s WORST NIGHTMARE?


Trump’s self-impeachment may be Pelosi’s worst fear

She is worried that impeaching Trump will “electrify” his followers and possibly cause him to win in 2020 along with his fellow scumbag Trumpublicans?


Allowing Trump to get away with all the ILLEGAL SHIT she has been allowing him to get away with is the thing that is “electrifying” HIS base.  Obviously she doesn’t see that.

Pelosi gives CRAP to The Squad, while she lets Trump off the hook.

Pelosi keeps congress from voting to Impeach Trump, while she protects Trump so he can do more illegal shit.

Why?  Maybe because she is a POLITICIAN and has almost as little real HONESTY and INTEGRITY as Trump has, which is NONE.

Trump is a LIAR, CHEATER, STEALER, and SCUMBAG in every respect.

Pelosi is a “politician” and thus she has abandoned her integrity for political expediency.

The FOUNDERS of this country knew that someday a Trump might arise, so they put IMPEACHMENT into the Constitution for that inevitability.

Impeachment is the REMEDY to the disease known as Trump.

Pelosi is like the doctor who prescribed an aspirin as a remedy for a SUCKING CHEST WOUND!

The fact is:  Nancy Pelosi is GUILTY of MAL-PRACTICE!

That really is all there is to it.  She has no excuse.  She is being a political COWARD and allowing Trump to keep getting away with his illegalities.  In that respect she is not only excusing Trump, she has been helping him!

Impeach ‘FUCKO’ Trump!

Impeach #PresidentPussyAssBitch

And, convince Nancy to Retire along with all the Republicans who are also retiring this year and next, because they know that however this turns out, the Republican Party will LOSE under Trump.