Monthly Archives: October 2019

Trump & Republicans LIE!


Do NOT Forget what Trump said:

Twice in a press conference earlier this month, Trump went out of his way to say the rough transcript was, in fact, a verbatim recounting of his call with Zelensky. “I had a transcript done by very, very talented people — word for word, comma for comma,” said Trump at one point in that early October news conference. “Done by people that do it for a living. We had an exact transcript.” Later, he added that the document was “an exact transcript of my call, done by very talented people that do this — exact, word for word.”

Trump echoed that sentiment on Twitter as well.

. . .

stamped right at the bottom of the transcript — which the White House released! — was this warning:

“A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A number of factors can affect the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word “inaudible” is used to indicate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.”

It’s right there in the transcript! That this is not a transcript.

Don’t forget what Donald Trump said *repeatedly* about the Ukraine call transcript

We ALL knew then (when the ‘SUMMARY’ of Trump’s Ukraine phone call first came out) that TRUMP WAS LYING.  The ‘transcript’ was NOT a verbatim transcript.  It was a “SUMMARY” of the call and only a SUMMARY.  Lt. Col Vindman, UNDER OATH, said that the “transcript” was NOT a verbatim TRANSCRIPT, even as Trump LIED repeatedly and said it was.  It was HEAVILY EDITED and thus only a SUMMARY of the call as we were originally told.



Republicans (like Kevin McCarthy) are LYING FOR TRUMP!

ALL REPUBLICANS need to be held accountable and PROSECUTED FOR THEIR LIES!


At least TWITTER will stop carrying SOME of Trump’s Republican and Russian LIES!

Trump campaign blasts ‘very dumb’ Twitter decision | TheHill

The SMART decision for Twitter to make would be to SUSPEND TRUMP’s ACCOUNT!  Come on Twitter, get SMART and stop being a TWIT!





Evidence Against TRUMP!


Army Officer Who Heard Trump’s Ukraine Call Reported Concerns

‘Extremely disturbing’: Top Dems alarmed over Vindman’s testimony on Trump-Ukraine call

Vindman offers a firsthand account of critical episodes in alleged quid pro quo


No need for any Whistleblowers now, we have FIRST-HAND EYE and EAR WITNESS evidence to CONVICT TRUMP of HIGH CRIMES!

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch TRUMP NOW!

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch TRUMP NOW!

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch TRUMP NOW!

You CANNOT impeach Trump!

Can Trump be IMPEACHED?

Nope!  (Don’t be a dope.)

Column: Trump pulls ‘reverse-Nixon’ over Ukraine call: ‘I AM A … › columns › rex-huppke › ct-trump-impe…


The basic point is:

Trump can NOT be IMPEACHED because even though he has committed IMPEACHABLE ACTS he has admitted it, thus pulling off a “Reverse Nixon” with Trump openly declaring:


Trump is a Crook, like Nixon was a Crook.  But Nixon made the fatal flaw of saying “I am not a crook!”  Whereas Trump has OPENLY ADMITTED he is a Crook and Rudy-Toody-Crooked and Fruity and all the Trumpski ‘Comrades In Crime’ agree that TRUMP IS A CROOK!

And you can’t IMPEACH a CROOK who ADMITS HE IS A CROOK!  (Can you?)

Impeach #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump!!!

Impeach #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump!!!

Impeach #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump!!!

p.s.  The linked article comes to you direct from Chicago, where we all know Trump is LOVED by all Chicagoans.

Trump WANNABE DICKtater (currently just a DICK!)

The real HEADLINE should be:

TRUMP JUSTIFIES HIS DICTATORIAL ACTS  (because Trump acted like a DICKtator.)

instead, FOX NEWS spins it to sound more positive:

Trump defends keeping ‘leaker’ Schiff, Pelosi out of the loop on al-Baghdadi raid

Trump defends keeping ‘leaker’ Schiff, Pelosi out of the loop on al-Baghdadi raid

Let’s be HONEST and admit there is no other way to look at Trump’s actions.  TRUMP ACTED LIKE A DICTATOR!  Kim Jong-Un would be proud of the way Trump acted.  Putin probably told Trump to act the way he did.  All DICKtaters, like Trump wants to be, agree with FOX.  Real people do not.

Trump is a WANNABE DICTATOR and he acts like it.  

By the way Dear Reader, 

You are hereby INFORMED that YOU must refer to Donald Trump as DEAR LEADER henceforth.  

Accused by former White House chief of staff John Kelly of replacing him with a “yes man,” President Donald Trump dispatched a yes woman to rebut him. “I worked with John Kelly, and he was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President,” Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement to CNN on Saturday, offering North Korean television a lesson in sycophancy.

White House Goes Full “Dear Leader” in Praise of “Genius” Donald Trump

This is exactly why we need to …

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump NOW!

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump NOW!

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump NOW!


Ivanka Trump was BOOED too, and is -.. simply the result of Donald Trump’s ejaculation!


THIS IS GOOD!  That’s why we had to repost the whole thing.

Ivanka Trump Booed while Dad Destroys Office of Global Women’s Issues

by Rebecca Watson, April 27, 2017

Ivanka Trump, braindead puppet and progeny of a bombastic racist gameshow host who is currently President of the United States, was recently invited to a women’s summit in Berlin. Why? Well, because she’s a woman! And because 36 years ago, Donald Trump ejaculated into her mother. She’s really earned this.

If you think I’m being too harsh on poor Ivanka, you’re not alone! Just as I’m not alone — when Ivanka stated with a completely straight face that her father a “tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive,” the audience rightfully booed her. When news of the brutal booing hit the internet, men rushed to defend her — even liberal men. Especially liberal men. Take Chris Cillizza from CNN, for example, who wrote a whole article about why the booing was so, so mean and wrong. Poor Ivanka is Trump’s daughter, he wrote, so she should never be criticized for defending him. Even when she is defending his view of women, which, as a reminder, he thinks of as being sexual objects available at all times for his pleasure. Ivanka included.

Or Dr. Munr Kazmir at HuffPo, who whines that not only should we not boo Ivanka for defending her father’s views of women, but cheering her when she does that. Why? Well, his article is nearly impossible to parse because it’s a black hole of navel-gazing and hand-wringing, but it seems that he thinks that she is very progressive and is having a huge impact on her father. Even when she’s saying her father treats women just fine.

It’s a shame those guys spent so much time writing those bullshit articles, because maybe if they hadn’t have been, they would have been reading the news that while Ivanka was on stage at the women’s summit talking about how much Donald Trump loves women and about how she is “striving to think about how best to empower women in the economy, both domestically and across the globe”, someone leaked the fact that Donald Trump is planning to obliterate the State Department’s Office of Global Women’s Issues, which leads the charge to make sure American women are involved in US politics while also tackling global issues like sexual violence and gendered economic equality.

It would be ironic, if we didn’t already know that that’s exactly the kind of thing Trump would do.

So fuck Ivanka Trump. She’s a 35-year old woman, not a child, and she can voice her opinion if she wants. If she actually believed in the empowerment of women, she’d announce to the world that her father is a sexual predator who is dangerous to women on every level, and she’d lead the fight to impeach him before he can do any more damage.

Ivanka Trump Booed while Dad Destroys Office of Global …


Apparently Ivanka’s daddy Donnie has not yet “crushed” the State Department’s Office of Global Women’s Issues.  Not yet, anyway.  He has planned to, but like all his plans (like the plan to ‘Build The WALL’) Donald Trump has FAILED!


The real point here is to note that the Trumps get BOOED a lot.  Ivanka was BOOed,  Daddy Donnie was recently BOOed by baseball fans, and before that laughed at by world leaders at The United Nations.  Donnie Junior has been BOOed all over the place, and Eric is just a BOO HOO because a lot of people feel sorry for him for being so damn stupid and ugly and also being a Trump.


It’s especially apropos at this time of year when a lot of people are saying “Boo!” trying to scare others.  In the future the word to use to scare others will simply be “TRUMP!”

That word sends shudders through me already!

p.s.  We really like the description of Ivanka’s qualifications to go to the Berlin Summit, “because 36 years ago, Donald Trump ejaculated into her mother. She’s really earned this.” That is truly Ivanka’s one and only qualification for anything she has ever done.  She’s a bitch who was born rich.  Boo Hoo!

Trump’s FUN NIGHT at the World Series!

Trump was NOT welcome at the 5th game of THE WORLD SERIES of BASEBALL.  This may be one of the BIGLYEST STORIES of Trump’s entire FAKE TERM as president.

President Donald Trump greeted with boos at Game 5 of World Series, fans chant ‘lock him up’

‘Veterans for impeachment’ signs seen at World Series game during Trump visit | TheHill


Trump showered with boos, chants of ‘lock him up’ at World Series game

Donald Trump Gets Boos, “Lock Him Up” Chants At World Series Game 5

Trump met with sustained boos when introduced at Game 5 of the World SeriesTrump booed at World Series


Trump Attends World Series—and Gets Booed

‘Lock him up’ chant greets Trump at World Series

Trump’s Error at the World Series


Trump booed at World Series, “Lock him up!” chants break out during game 5 as president introduced

And count on FOX to put its own PARTISAN SPIN on the story in a vain effort to cover for Trump.

Trump roundly booed by World Series crowd as fans yell ‘lock him up’

And then there are those who think other things.


‘Morning Joe’ hosts: ‘Lock him up’ chants hurled at Trump are ‘sickening,’ ‘un-American’

‘Sorry Joe’ trends as Scarborough faces backlash for defending Trump after World Series chant | TheHill

… but they are wrong.  Sorry Joe & Mika, sorry FOX but you are WRONG!  Trump is WRONG!  Trump is only getting back ten fold the bread he has cast upon the waters.  It’s Biblical.  It’s justified.  It’s well deserved.  IT IS AMERICAN!  It is FREEDOM OF SPEECH!  Thus, you are wrong Joe & Mika.  You are WRONG FOX!  Sorry but YOU are WRONG!  Trump is WRONG!  America has the RIGHT!

POLITICO Playbook: What the booing of Trump says about his presidency

What this means is that TRUMP FUCKED-UP and the people at the World Series Game 5  let him know he FUCKED-UP by BOOING HIM.  That’s really all it means.  There are a lot of people in this country who HATE Trump.  (Some HATE Trump even more than they ever hated Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or Osama bin Laden.)  Trump has brought that HATRED DOWN UPON HIMSELF.  Trump deserved and earned every one of those boos.  As for “LOCKING HIM UP”?  Trump should be LOCKED UP!  Lock him up in a padded cell in an insane asylum, because Trump is CRAZY!

More Misc. Trump CRAP!

Here are some more recent headlines/links to prove TRUMP is a FAKE, FRAUD, FOOL and FRIVOLOUS FARCE!


Trump attacks Pelosi.

Trump launches Twitter attack on Pelosi over impeachment bid

Trump attempts to block IMPEACHMENT?  Oh really!

Trump’s latest attempt to block impeachment inquiry testimonies faces a key court battle


‘Clueless’ and ‘Saved by the Bell’ Are How We Got Trump

Trump’s WHOLE FAMILY IS Corrupt!

Company with ties to Trump’s brother Robert awarded $33 million government contract

Trump even tried to USE General Jim Mattis for his personal revenge against Jeff Bezos, which may be the real reason why Mattis QUIT!

Trump told Mattis to ‘screw Amazon’ out of Defense contract: book | TheHill

Seriously!  Donald J. (the J for Jackass) Trump does not have one single decent quality about him.  He is pure and total CRAP!

DONALD TRUMP IS INHUMAN SCUM!  (Which is much much worse than the “Human Scum” he called the media and Republicans who don’t kiss his wrinkiled orange ass, and others who he is miffed with.)




Just more TRUMP CRAP!

DAMN!  This is not big news.  This is lame-ass shit, like all Trump crap is lame-ass shit!



President Donald Trump says the U.S. military raid that took out Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a bigger deal than the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden during the Obama administration.

The Latest: Trump says Islamic State leader killed in raid

Of course Trump SAYS this is a bigger deal, because Trump wants everyone to believe that everything he does is better than what President Obama did.  It’s not.  TRUMP IS A LIAR!  This is bullshit.  (And besides that, TRUMP didn’t do a damn thing.  The U.S. Military did, but Trump is taking all the credit because he is a scumbag.  Sooner or later al-Baghdadi was going to die like this anyway,  Trump just happened to be in The White House when he did.  A lot of people hated al-Baghdadi, just like a lot of people hate Trump.)

When President Barack Obama had bin Laden killed, that was essentially the END of al-Qaeda.  They have never been able to come back from that.  Then ISIS was created, AFTER al-Qaeda was beaten by Obama.  Read the background about ISIS, ISIL, Daesh and it’s other names at the wikipedia page:

In fact it was THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION that created the COALITION that fought and eventually subdued ISIS.  It was just another thing Trump inherited from PRESIDENT OBAMA that Trump is now trying to take credit for.  (Like he has with all of America’s former allies, Trump has been trying to destroy that coalition.  Just look at what Trump did to The Kurds!)

Also, take a look at the two men and how they handled their situations.  

President Obama GAVE MOST OF THE CREDIT for taking out bin Laden to Seal Team Six.  Whereas, Trump is trying to take credit for the death of al-Baghdadi for himself, as if Trump personally strangled al-Baghdadi to death.  (BTW, we all know Trump would NEVER be able to take out al-Baghdadi because Trump is too much of a COWARD to even fire anyone from his own administration.  Trump has other people do the firing because Trump is too GUTLESS!  Always remember that Trump was a DRAFT DODGER!)

The fact is:  Bush (a Republican) could not find bin Laden (a six foot tall Arab on dialysis) in over six years of searching, and Bush (a Republican) FAILED to take him out.  President Obama (a Democrat) found bin Laden and ordered Seal Team Six to take him out.  Trump did NOT take anyone out, the Army Delta Force did, and even at that the Delta Force really only caused al-Baghdadi to “take himself out” by detonating his own explosive vest and committing suicide.

Trump did NOT kill al-Baghdadi!  Al-BAGHDADI KILLED HIMSELF!  Trump actually didn’t have much at all to do with the death of al-Baghdadi.  Trump is just trying to take all the credit for it, when the real credit belongs to The U.S. Army Delta Force.  (And Trump called The Delta Forces “our dogs”.  What an ungrateful son of a bitch Trump is.)

The president acknowledges that the death of bin Laden was significant, but he believes the news about al-Baghdadi is even bigger news.

BULLSHIT!  Trump can believe whatever he wants to believe, because Trump lies to himself as much as he lies to everyone else.  The problem is TRUMP BELIEVES HIS OWN LIES.  Trump is a FAKE president (we wish the media would accurately report him as that).

The FACT IS: taking out Osama bin Laden was a BIGGER DEAL than this.  When President Obama had bin Laden taken out, that pretty much ended al-Qaeda.  But, wait and see, now that al-Baghdadi is gone there will be another to replace him, perhaps even two or more.  Like The mythological Greek Hydra, when the head of the snake is cut off then two or more will grow back in its place.  With Trump’s ABANDONMENT of the Kurds in Syria, allowing the Turks to KILL AMERICAN ALLIES (the Kurds), allowing the ISIS prisoners to escape back to fight again, and now this, Trump has only caused the creation of an ISIS HYDRA!

Trump says that bin Laden didn’t become a global name in terrorism until the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The president says that’s in contrast to al-Baghdadi, who Trump says is responsible for building a caliphate.

Trump is WRONG again, as usual, because al-Baghdadi was nothing compared to bin Laden.  It should be noted that al-Baghdadi “didn’t become a global name” UNTIL LONG AFTER 9/11 and the KILLING of bin Laden.  Trump is a FAKE and a LIAR!

Bottom line…

BIG DEAL!  So al-Baghdadi is dead.  Been there, done that, and PRESIDENT OBAMA DID IT BETTER!

We were expecting BIG NEWS from TRUMP.  Not this lame ass shit.

REALLY BIG NEWS would have been TRUMP’S RESIGNATION and his ESCAPE TO RUSSIA.  When is Trump going to announce that?

Until TRUMP quits and runs away like the COWARD he is, then America should continue to …

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump!

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump!

IMPEACH #PresidentPussyAssBitch Trump!




Trump will address the nation Sunday morning with a ‘major statement’ after cryptic tweet

Trump major statement Sunday 9 a.m. ET: White House says Trump will make a “major statement”

President Trump to deliver ‘major statement’ Sunday, White House says






This is how FOX FAKES the News.


Please do read the FOX news article (linked below) about Donald Trump’s recent “visit” to the HBCU (Historically Black University or College) in South Carolina.  It is a story SLANTED primarilly to criticize Democrat Kamala Harris for not attending, while it praises Trump for going to a “BLACK COLLEGE” to get a MAJOR AWARD for his PROMOTION OF JUSTICE mostly for the benefit of black people.

Trump blasts ‘badly failing presidential candidate’ Kamala Harris over boycott of forum

Now read the Politico Story about the same event that tells you Trump’s “visit” was to receive an “award” from a third party, and NOT the college.  It was NOT attended by a significant number of actual students of the HBCU Benedict College.  The Politico News article does point out that Senator Harris DID receive the same award three years ago from the same group.  (Giving it to Trump now seems to cheapen the award, so if I were Harris I would probably throw mine in the trash.)  The Politico News article also points out that other Democrates were …

“slated to appear this weekend, including former Vice President Joe Biden, South Bend (Ind.) Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Sens. Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.”

… but like Senator Harris, they also chose NOT TO ATTEND Trump’s awarding and speech, though Trump did NOT TWEET about them, and FOX News did NOT mention them at all.  Trump chose ONLY to TWEET about Harris.  FOX only reported about Harris not attending.  Not any of the others.  Why do you suppose they did that?

Trump slams Harris for boycotting S.C. criminal justice forum over his award

Neither News Source points out that of the TEN (and ONLY 10) Benedict College students who were INVITED to attend the ceremony (and Trump’s speech) only seven (only 7 of the 10) actually showed up to the ceremony (and speech).  Trump made it sound like a lot of the BLACK STUDENTS were in attendance.  Yet the fact is that most of the BLACK STUDENTS were asked to stay in their rooms during the ceremony and speech, their classes were cancelled for that day, and they were supposed to be served a meal in their rooms as an inducement to keep them there.  The fact is they were served a snack, not a meal, and some of the students did NOT stay in their rooms, but went outside and protested Trump instead.  (That’s called exercising their RIGHT to FREEDOM OF SPEECH.)

Some of that NEWS is covered by a other NEWS ARTICLES and NEWS COVERAGE (like the article in the link below) and by television news.  REAL NEWS.

Trump speaks at HBCU Benedict College as students are asked to stay in dorms

The POINT IS:  To get the REAL NEWS you must read different reports and watch different television news shows.  That is the ONLY WAY to get the full picture.  If all you ever rely on is FOX or CONSERVATIVE news sources as your exclusive news source (which a lot of TrumpTurds do) then you are going to get their LIES that support their LIAR.  That is why a woman at the Justin Amash town hall meeting was so surprised that Justin Amash renounced his membership in the Republican Party and became an Independent.  It was REPORTED:

But of particular interest was a quote from one Republican local voter, whom NBC News spoke to after the event.

Cathy Garnaat, a Republican who supported Amash and the president said she was upset about Amash’s position but wanted to hear his reasoning. She said that she will definitely support Trump in 2020 but that Tuesday night was the first time she had heard that the Mueller report didn’t completely exonerate the president.

“I was surprised to hear there was anything negative in the Mueller report at all about President Trump. I hadn’t heard that before,” she said. “I’ve mainly listened to conservative news and I hadn’t heard anything negative about that report and President Trump has been exonerated.”

Just to be abundantly clear, my goal is not to pick on a random person in Michigan. The woman is a voter who was interested enough in current events to show up for a town-hall event with her congressman, and I’m glad she was willing to speak with journalists after hearing Amash’s perspective.

Trump voter surprised to learn about key Mueller report …

Cathy Garnaat is a REAL PERSON and was specifically talking about The Mueller Report, upon finding out for the first time that The Mueller Report did NOT ‘exonerate’ Trump or his 2016 campaign from COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS.  It did point out that RUSSIAN MEDDLING and COLLUSION did IN FACT occur, but Mueller could NOT indict (or charge) a sitting president because of a DOJ (Department of Justice/FBI) Rule.  Whereas FOX News, William Barr and Donald Trump consistently and repeatedly LIED and said The Mueller Report ‘exonerated’ Trump.  It did NOT.  Justin Amash read the actual report, decided for himself, and quit The Republican Party because of it.

Justin Amash went to the source and found the TRUTH.

We can’t always go to the source ourselves, so we have to rely on the news media.  NOT JUST ONE SOURCE like the FAKE FOX NEWS.  We need to get our news from various sources and then decide who is probably telling the truth.

After a considerable amount of reading and research, I have decided:




I read many sources, and came to a consensus.  I almost always find that FOX IS FULL OF LIES and FALSEHOODS, twisting the news to only support their LIAR TRUMP.


p.s.  The TRUTH IS that Democratic Senator Kamala Harris WILL be attending the Benedict College FORUM on Saturday, along with the other Democrats, though NONE of them were present when Trump was given his “award” and made his speech on Friday.  So, EVERYTHING TRUMP SAID and TWEETED ABOUT the Benedict College event WAS A LIE!  Everything.  Trump is a LIAR, but we already knew that.  We just wonder how FOX is going to spin those lies now.