Monthly Archives: December 2019

Trump is SCUM! (Not human scum, but ‘SCUM OF THE EARTH’ SCUM!)

Trump surrounds himself with the SCUM OF THE EARTH because Trump is like them, THE SCUM OF THE EARTH!

The president and the killer: Why Donald Trump’s embrace of Eddie Gallagher is so dangerous

Eddie Gallagher was such a toxic Navy SEAL his own men turned on him. To Donald Trump, he’s a political weapon

Trump has also pardoned two other members of the military accused or convicted of war crimes, even bringing them up on stage with him at a recent fundraiser. He has reportedly told allies he wants those men to campaign with him next year. We will almost certainly see them at the Republican convention. They are MAGA heroes.

Salon – The president and the killer: Why Donald Trump’s embrace of Eddie Gallagher is so dangerous.



You are known by the company you keep.

We all know what kind of company Trump keeps and prefers:  LIARS, CHEATS, THIEVES, KILLERS and COMMUNISTS to name a few.

Trump is SCUM. 

No wonder those who love him are SCUM or wannabe SCUM too!

Trump & Putin – Play KISSYFACE!

Putin calls Trump to “THANK HIM!”


Kremlin: Putin Called Trump to Say Thank You

Russia said Putin thanked Trump for helping fight a terrorist plot but offered few details

Putin thanks Trump for helping foil terrorist acts in Russia (Yahoo)

Putin thanks Trump for helping foil terrorist acts in Russia (ABC)

Kremlin: Putin calls to thank Trump for help on terrorism

Putin calls Trump to thank US for helping thwart New Year’s terrorist attacks

Putin thanks Trump for intel that foiled attack in Russia, Moscow says

Putin sends Trump a Christmas Card and New Year’s Massage!


Putin sent Trump a Christmas and New Year message and invited him again to visit Moscow

Putin CHATS with Trump!


Trump and Putin Had a Nice Christmas Chat, But the White House Isn’t Talking About It

Did Khrushchev EVER call Kennedy to THANK HIM?


Has any RUSSIAN dictator (before Putin) ever called any AMERICAN president to ‘Thank’ him?


What’s with the BROMANCE between Putin and Trump?  Are they COMRADES!  Or is it more like Putin is Trump’s COMMISAR!  (Is Trump ‘Putin’s Poodle’?)

Trump is WRONG, even a GOP Senator says so.

GOP Senator Lankford is CORRECT!

GOP Senator James Lankford says he doesn’t think Trump is a role model for young people

Washington — Republican Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma criticized President Trump for his tweets and language, saying he doesn’t believe the president is someone who young people can look up to.

“I don’t think that President Trump as a person is a role model for a lot of different youth. That’s just me personally,” Lankford said on “Face the Nation.” “I don’t like the way that he tweets, some of the things that he says, his word choices at times are not my word choices. He comes across with more New York City swagger than I do from the Midwest and definitely not the way that I’m raising my kids.”

James Lankford on “Face the Nation”: GOP senator says he doesn’t believe Trump is a role model for young people

But, alas, even Lankford is too naive to see that he and his fellow Christians are being USED BY TRUMP:

Lankford is a member of a weekly prayer breakfast held in the Senate, where members of the upper chamber come together to pray, sing hymns and swap stories. The Oklahoma Republican has a masters degree in divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and served as the director of student ministry for the Baptist Convention of Oklahoma and director of a Baptist youth camp before he was elected to Congress.

Lankford said he wishes Mr. Trump were more of a role model, but acknowledged he and the president are in lockstep on areas Lankford is “very passionate about,” such as abortion and religious liberty.

“For people of faith, it’s a bit of a conundrum at times that I look at some of the moral decisions that he’s made and go, I disagree with that,” the Oklahoma Republican said. “But he’s also been very, very protective of areas like life and very protective of areas of religious liberty to be able to allow people to be able to live their faith out. And at the end of the day, what we’re really looking for in an administration is folks that allow us to be able to live our principles.”

Lankford, and others. need to make a choice:  Follow Trump or do what’s right!  It’s really as simple as that.

Trump is WRONG!

Trump voters are GROSS!

People who voted FOR Trump are not good people.

No truer words have ever been spoken!

Filmmaker Michael Moore Says White People Who Voted for Trump ‘Are Not Good People’

As the 2020 run for the White House kicks into high gear, Michael Moore is calling out white folks who voted for Donald Trump.

The Oscar Award documentary filmmaker and activist has declared that “white people have not changed” and that people “should be afraid of them.”

In an interview for the latest edition of Rolling Stone’s Useful Idiots podcast, Moore wanted to make it clear that his fellow Caucasians are still the same since Barack Hussein Obama was elected into office.

“I refuse to participate in post-racial America,” the Flint, MI native said. “I refuse to say, ‘Because we elected Obama that suddenly that means everything’s OK, white people have changed.’ White people have not changed.”

“Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump,” he said.

“That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street toward you, two of them voted for Trump,” he furthered.

“You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you,” he cautioned. “You should be afraid of them.”

Filmmaker Michael Moore Says White People Who Voted for Trump ‘Are Not Good People’



Be very AFRAID!!!


Because it could happen again. 


Trump could be re-elected. 


Then we are all fucked!

Trump’s KILLERS!

Trump likes DICTATORS like Putin and Xi, and KILLERS like bin Salman, Kim and now Gallagher!

Disturbing new details, video in SEAL pardoned by Trump

Video interviews and documents leaked to The New York Times reveal how Navy SEALs turned against their own platoon leader, Eddie Gallagher, with allegations that he killed for the sake of killing. President Trump restored Gallagher’s rank in November, after Gallagher was convicted of posing with a dead body but acquitted of more serious charges. The two met at Mar-a-Lago last Saturday.

Disturbing new details, video in SEAL pardoned by Trump

Heres a bit of SAGE ADVICE:


or in other words …



Hint:  It’s NOT ‘good people’.


Senate GOP wants speedy Trump acquittal

Senate GOP wants speedy Trump acquittal | TheHill

Because they know he’s GUILTY!  They know it because they are GUILTY too.  Letting Trump off the hook will let them off the hook, then they can go back to their HOOKERS!  He is …

A Gangster in the White House

A Gangster in the White House

By the way, did Donald Trump have a skin transplant?  Specifically, did Donald Trump have skin from his SCROTUM transplanted to his face?

We have to ask, because recent TV close-ups of Trump show really grossly wrinkly skin all over his face.  Does that mean he’s recently had a skin transplant from his SCROTUM to his face, or has Donald J. Trump always looked like a dickhead?

Really, you really should read this.

You really should read this blog:


and all the blogs at 

FIRE | Onomatopoetically Speaking – Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).


Trump’s 2019 Feuds (a very small sampling)

“Counter Puncher” Trump is PUNCH DRUNK! (Suffering from Dementia. Alzheimer’s does run in his family.  His daddy Fred Trump died of Alzheimer’s.  Donald is suffering from Alzheimer’s, and the kids Manny, Moe and Jackie, also known as Junior, Eric and Ivanka are suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s.  Melania is just a whore, but she might have it too – BE BEST!)

Memorable Trump feuds with celebrities from 2019

Memorable Trump feuds with celebrities from 2019 | TheHill

You can name names, and recount the details, but basically saying Trump has FEUDED with anyone and everyone who ever disagreed with him pretty much covers it all.  Trump believes he is CORRECT all the time, because Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSIST!  Trump actually believes he is God.  (Well, I’ll be Goddamned and Go To Helled!  It’s true – THOUGH!  Do US a favor – THOUGH!)

God damn Trump To HELL!  (Trump is going there anyway.  The sooner the better.)

Trump has been called a Pathological Liar by lots of people including Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz and a lot of other people between those two political extremes.  (Seriously, Ted The-Current-Trump-Ass-Kisser Cruz once called Donald Trump a Pathological Liar!  THAT’s a FACT!)


The fact is, Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL PUSSY!  Trump is one cowardly gutless son of a bitch who does NOT belong in public, let alone public office.  Lock that crazy bastard up in a rubber room where he can smear his own feces on ‘THE WALL’ that Mexico will never pay for and he will probably NEVER build anyway.

Trump LIES A LOT, but other than that DOES NOTHING! (Same with “Moscow Mitch” and the DO NOTHING GOPs.)

Do Nothing Dumbshit ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell & his LIAR COMRADE ‘Dumber than a Dumbass Donald Trump’ tells lies to hide FACTS!


House Democrats passed 591 items in 2019 despite Trump’s ‘do-nothing’ claims

House Democrats passed 591 items in 2019 despite Trump’s ‘do-nothing’ claims

DO NOTHING DUMBASS ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell has received ALL THE BILLS that the House Democrats have passed, and let over 80% (or more) of them sit on his DO NOTHING SENATE MAJORITY LEADER’S DESK where no one can vote on them, because ‘MOSCOW MITCH’ McConnell is the real DO NOTHING DUMBASS in Congress, and Donald is just a regular DUMBASS LYING SACK OF SHIT!


Trump taunts ‘do-nothing’ Democrats for stalling on sending impeachment articles to Senate


Trump says ‘Do Nothing Dems’ want to ‘Do Nothing’ with impeachment articles



The Do Something Democrats show they can legislate even while they impeach



Here’s a FACT for you.

FACT: Trump is a LIAR!  (And that’s a fact!)

People who support Trump DO NOT WANT TO BE BOTHERED BY THE FACTS!  They’d rather just believe the lies, and Trump tells a lot of lies.  Trump has told OVER FIFTEEN THOUSAND LIES in less than three years,  (And that’s also a FACT!)


So far EVIL is TRIUMPHING!  Mostly because EVIL is doing NOTHING and getting away with it.

Trump HATES Mexicans (and other Non-White people)

Trump is as ANTI-MEXICAN as ever!

Exclusive: After Cabinet Opposed Mexican Cartel Policy, Trump Forged Ahead

Exclusive: After Cabinet Opposed Mexican Cartel Policy, Trump Forged Ahead

Trump does NOT listen to ANYONE! (Except Vladimir Putin that is.)

Trump HATES MEXICANS and imposes ANTI-MEXICAN policies on Mexico (all the Mexican countries, including Guatamala, El Savador and Honduras) IN SPITE of what ALL HIS ADVISORS tell him.

Why don’t Trump’s own people in his own Cabinet see what a lying asshole Trump is?

That seems to be the unanswered question.

Trump’s OLD FOTs!

Trump’s OLD FOTs include at least:

Bill Barr (The most corrupt lawyer ever to lie his way into confirmation as Attorney general)

Mitch McConnell (Moscow Mitch, Vladimir’s Bitch)

Lindsey Graham (Don’t CONFUSE ME with the FACTS!)

Steven Miller (the RACIST’S RACIST!)

Kevin McCarthy (who lives down do his name, and is as bad as Old ‘Tail-Gunner’ Joe.)

(FOT = Friend Of Trump.  Sounds like FART.  Not much difference between the two, really.  Trump’s Old FARTS or Old FOTs.  Same-O, Same-O.  In this case FOT stands for Friends Of Trump, whereas FART could mean Fucking Asshole Retarded Trumpers.  Like we said,  Same-O, Same-O.)

These are NOT PEOPLE you would want as your friends.  Not even as your neighbors!

In fact, these are not people who you would ever want anything to do with.

Why are they so important to Trump?

Simple answer:

Because they are just like Trump.  They are LIARS and CHEATS and that is who the FOOLS voted for, and Putin praises.

You know the old saying:  Birds of a Feather Flock Together.  

In this case they are TURDS not birds.  They are all the same.  SCUM!  Inhuman SCUM that floats to the top of the cesspool.


(Then pump out the cesspool.)