Monthly Archives: February 2020

Let’s be HONEST about “The 1619 Project’ bullshit!

This is why ‘The 1619 Project’ is complete and total BULLSHIT!


That ship did not appear out of nowhere.  It was absolutely NOT owned or manned by WHITE Americans.  

In fact, white people did NOT even start the SLAVE TRADE.

Yes, slavery in America may have started in August 1619 off the coast of Virginia, but that is NOT the whole story.  Here is MORE of the story to bring out some of the TRUTH!

The first Africans arrived in Virginia because of the transatlantic slave trade. Across three and a half centuries—from 1501 to 1867—more than 12.5 million Africans were captured, sold, and transported to the Americas. While Portugal and Spain were the first European powers engaged in this trade, eventually most of the European powers would get involved. It was as profitable as it was brutal.

The Africans who came to Virginia in 1619 had been taken from Angola in West Central Africa. They were captured in a series of wars that was part of much broader Portuguese hostilities against the Kongo and Ndongo kingdoms, and other states. These captives were then forced to march 100-200 miles to the coast to the major slave-trade port of Luanda. They were put on board the San Juan Bautista, which carried 350 captives bound for Vera Cruz, on the coast of Mexico, in the summer of 1619.

Nearing her destination, the slave ship was attacked by two English privateers, the White Lion and the Treasurer, in the Gulf of Mexico and robbed of 50-60 Africans. The two privateers then sailed to Virginia where the White Lion arrived at Point Comfort, or present-day Hampton, Virginia, toward the end of August. John Rolfe, a prominent planter and merchant (and formerly the husband of Pocahontas), reported that “20. and odd Negroes” were “bought for victuals,” (italics added). The majority of the Angolans were acquired by wealthy and well-connected English planters including Governor Sir George Yeardley and the cape, or head, merchant, Abraham Piersey. The Africans were sold into bondage despite Virginia having no clear-cut laws sanctioning slavery.

The Treasurer arrived at Point Comfort a few days after the White Lion but did not stay long, quickly setting sail for the English colony of Bermuda. Prior to leaving port, however, it is possible that 7 to 9 Africans were sold, including a woman named “Angelo” (Angela) who was taken to Lieutenant William Pierce’s Jamestown property, which Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists excavated in partnership with the National Park Service. By March 1620, 32 Africans were recorded in a muster as living in Virginia but by 1625 only 23 were recorded. These Africans, scattered throughout homes and farms of the James River Valley, were the first of hundreds of thousands of Africans forced to endure slavery in colonial English America.

The First Africans | Historic › history › the-first-africans

That is actual HISTORY.  Colonial English American HISTORY.  Or at least part of it anyway.  A part that some Black activist African-Americans today do NOT want YOU to know.  Why don’t they want YOU to know ALL THE RELEVANT FACTS?  Because they want MONEY!


They want to ‘GUILT’ ALL WHITE Americans into giving them FREE MONEY for something that never happened to them.  It may have happened to SOME of their ancestors, by a few white people (white people who were NOT Americans at the time anyway), but today they want ALL WHITE AMERICANS to PAY MONEY to ALL BLACK AMERICANS, and that is ALL BULLSHIT!


The TRUTH IS ‘The 1619 Project’ is a BLACK ACTIVIST PROJECT to ‘GUILT’ White America into paying Tax Dollar REPARATIONS to Black Americans.  That is what it really and truly is.  It is all greedy self-centered BULLSHIT!  THEY WANT MONEY!

There were Europeans, especially Spanish, Portuguese and English actively involved in the GLOBAL SLAVE TRADE since the year 1501 (and maybe even earlier)!  Are they being ASKED to pay any REPARATIONS?  No!

There were Mexicans and even Bermudans involved in the Slave Trade, in addition to English colonists on this side of the world.  Are they being ASKED to pay any REPARATIONS?  No!

The people who bought those slaves, stolen by the English, from the Portuguese on their way to Mexico, were English colonists and NOT Americans.  Are they being ASKED to pay any REPARATIONS?  No!

Even though the writing above only alludes to it, doing a little more research you will learn that the people who initially captured and enslaved those first Angolan Black Africans into slavery were BLACK AFRICANS themselves.  Are they being ASKED to pay any REPARATIONS?  No!


Yes!  It is a FACT that BLACK AFRICANS captured and sold BLACK AFRICANS into slavery.  That is a fact.  That is a DIRTY LITTLE SECRET that the BLACK AFRICAN-AMERICANS of today do NOT want you to know.  Instead, they want to lay all the blame on WHITE AMERICANS so as to get FREE TAX DOLLARS in FINANCIAL REPARATIONS from all WHITE AMERICANS, when in FACT it was NOT WHITE AMERICANS who started the slave trade in America at all.

And…  in fact it was only a very small percentage of white people in America who owned black slaves anyway.  The slave owners were mostly RICH SOUTHERNERS who owned LARGE PLANTATIONS, and they bought BLACK SLAVES so they would not have to pay decent wages to poor white people.  They bought BLACK SLAVES to keep poor white “in their place” and deny them their rights!  (Those kind of people are known as Republicans today.)

So, why should ALL WHITE AMERICANS of today have to pay their TAX money to BLACK AMERICANS now.  GUILT!  The BLACKS are trying to ‘GUILT’ all WHITES with their LIES and half truths.  Greedy GUILT is all it is.  That is ‘The’ entire “1619 Project’!  It is all about ‘Guilt’ for ‘MONEY’!


‘The 1619 Project’ is a LIE!  It is a BLACK LIE!


Trump is America’s “First Black President”? Really!


Former NFL player calls Trump ‘first black president’ at White House event

Trump Called “First Black President” At White House Black History Month Roundtable

Ex-NFL player declares Trump ‘first black president’

One former NFL player, who is BLACK, who was apparently alive when Barack Obama was our president, is now saying the very FAKE ORANGE MAN Donald Trump is America’s “First Black President”.  




Er,  DUH!

Apparently this black man, a former NFL player, had KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY, but they replaced his brain with another knee.  Thus, this dumb black guy is TAKING A KNEE FOR TRUMP!

(Seriously, I am not a racist.  I am an equal opportunity critic.  I just happen to believe that there is ‘stupid’ in all races, and this black guy is one of the stupidest of his race.  He is a DISGRACE TO HIS RACE, just like the black litterbug I saw driving downtown yesterday, who I honked at and flipped the bird at.  These guys are a big part of the reason why some white people call all black people names like N—–rs!  They are stupid. They are being PURPOSELY STUPID! That’s not racial discrimination or racism, it’s just a plain FACT!  There are N—-rs and there are H—-IES and there are others who deserve to be called what they are being called.  The bad thing is they cause others to be called those things too, because they make it bad for everyone in their race.  Again, that is NOT racism, it is just a fact.  Some BLACKS are a DISGRACE TO THEIR RACE!  That’s all there is to it.  FACT!)

The CORONAVIRUS is just going to MIRACULOUSLY GO AWAY, anyway, in April when is gets warmer, so just GET OVER IT!

Trump’s current mouthpiece and ‘Acting Chief of Staff’ (for now) Mick “THE PRICK” Mulvaney is basically saying of THE CORONA VIRUS … GET OVER IT!

Trump chief of staff Mick Mulvaney suggests people ignore coronavirus news to calm markets

Typical of a WHITE HOUSE that puts Pence ‘THE AIDS KILLER’ in charge of fighting the Corona Virus, because Pence KILLED A LOT OF PEOPLE IN INDIANA when he was governor, with his refusal to take positive steps to fight AIDS.  (Mommy, what does “Thou Shalt Not Kill” mean?)


Here’s something that’s a lot closer to the truth:

Whistleblower Accuses Trump of ‘Corrupt’ Effort to ‘Cover Up’ Possible Exposure of Federal Workers to Coronavirus

Who do you trust more, a PROVEN LIAR in a LYING ADMINISTRATION or a Whistleblower?  I’ll trust the Whistleblower.

White House’s Mulvaney: Coronavirus coverage ‘all about’ hurting Trump

Somebody should tell Mick “the Prick” to “Just get over it!”

Trump advisor Larry Kudlow urges calm on coronavirus: ‘Stocks look pretty cheap to me’

Larry LowCud needs to “GET OVER IT!” too.


Trump’s Potty Problem!

Trump still apparently has Potty Problems!  He obviously FAILED at POTTY TRAINING!

‘I can’t even’: Emails reveal EPA officials’ reaction to Trump rant on toilets, showers

Trump’s harping about the water pressure in TOILETS seems to have a lasting effect, like his TWEETING ON THE POTTY!

Look!  Either he TWEETS on the POTTY or SHITS on the POTTY, but he needs to quit TWEETING HIS SHIT ABOUT THE POTTY!

What a TWIT!


I just heard a dumbass talking-head on TV say that “Those are the rules” meaning The Democratic Party Rules, “and everybody is playing by the rules.” meaning Bernie Sanders can’t complain, because the DNC Rules are The Rules.  THAT IS SUCH BULLSHIT!  The DNC Chairman, Tom Perez, CHANGED THE RULES to allow Michael Bloomberg to participate in the Nevada and South Carolina Debates, but he would NOT change the rules when asked by HONEST TO GOD DEMOCRAT Cory Booker.  (Bloomie is a FAKE Democrat.)  Perez CHANGED THE DNC RULES so that Bloomie could hopefully cause harm to Bernie Sanders (who is more of a Democrat than Bloomie has ever been or ever will be) without risking any political damage to himself.  Tom Perez CHANGED THE RULES to RIG the Democratic Primary in much the same way as Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile did in 2016 to harm Bernie and help Hillary, and THAT IS WHY WE ARE CURRENTLY STUCK WITH TRUMP!  (You would hope the DUMBASS DEMOCRAPS would have learned from their stupid mistakes in 2016!  Apparently they did NOT!)  The Democrats RIGGED The Primary to hurt Bernie in 2016.  The Democrats are RIGGING The Primary against Bernie again in 2020.  Donna did it.  Debbie did it.  Now TOMMY IS DOING IT!  (Also, talking-head dipshits on TV even the ones who claim to have been Republicans but are now on Democrat Cable Shows, who are talking about it should just SHUT THE FUCK UP, because obviously they are either lying or just don’t know what the hell they are talking about.)

p.s.  Besides STUPID TALKING HEADS on Democrat Cable TV, you got even stupider heads in the Trumpublican party.  The news of the day is that so many Trumpublicans think they’ll get the Corona Virus from drinking Corona Beer, that the maker of Corona Beer is projecting a $289 Million Dollar LOSS!  Meanwhile, proud Trumpublicans are claiming “I ain’t gonna get no Corona Virus.  You knows why?  Cuz I only drink Bud Light!”  (BUD in The Potty!)

Trump is K-I-S-S-I-N-G other men and being KISSED by them. (Why is this not a problem for Rushbo!)

Trump is …  I honestly do NOT know what Trump is, but I know he is NOT normal!


But, THE FACT IS Trump gets KISSED by MEN!  (Or at least one other MAN has KISSED Trump.  He even said so.)


(Above is an actual picture of Trump kissing Rudy Giuliani while Rudy was in Drag Queen mode.)  Trump actually said this.  This (below) is a direct Trump QUOTE:

“I had a man come up to me a week ago. Hadn’t seen him in a long time. I said, ‘How are you doing?’ He said, ‘Fine, fine.’ He hugs me. I said, ‘Are you well?’ He said, ‘No,’” Trump said to laughter at his re-enactment.

“He said, ‘I have the fever and the worst flu.’ He’s hugging and kissing me.

Coronavirus gets a Trumpian response – › coronavirus-trump-press-conference-117813

Here is some confirmation:

‘He was Hugging, Kissing Me…’: Trump Narrates How He … › world

Here is more confirmation:

Trump’s Coronavirus Strategy – The New York › 2020/02/26 › politics › trump-coronavirus-strategy


mkt3.jpgFACT: Trump ADMITS that A MAN was KISSING HIM.  (Trump said so, in his own words.  I saw the video on TV and read it here in these reports.  Donald Trump definitely said that a MAN he knew was HUGGING and KISSING him.)


QUESTION: Why hasn’t Rush Limbaugh been making fun of this MAN KISSING TRUMP?


Apparently Rush Limbaugh has a problem with a married man kissing his husband, when that married man has only been married one time and one time only to the same man he his currently married to and is kissing.  Yet Limbaugh does NOT have a problem with a married man being kissed by another man, when that married man has been married to three different women and is married to one now, who is not kissing him.


QUESTION 2:  Is there a double-standard here?

Think about it.

Bloomberg probably WORSE than Trump. Both are Fakes and Frauds! AOC knows, because she is also from NYC!

AOC is correct, Bloomberg could be even WORSE than Trump!


AOC warns a Bloomberg win would lead to a worse president than Trump

“We obviously have to beat Trump,” she told “The Breakfast Club” show on Power 105.1 AM on Tuesday. “But if we beat Trump and go back to the same policies that we had before, a worse Trump is going to come. A Trump that’s more sophisticated, whose fascism is less obvious, is going to come and things could get even worse.”

AOC warns a Bloomberg win would lead to a worse president than Trump

and she continues…


“A lot of people don’t know Bloomberg. We’re here in New York City. We lived under his tenure as mayor,” she said. “We know exactly what he did. This is part of what he’s doing when he comes in, swoops in super late in the game with billions of dollars at his disposal and is able to kind of shower the airwaves with his cash.”

And, it is a FACT that Bloomie says he was a Democrat but changed to being a Republican so he could win the mayor’s race.  


That’s the same thing Trump did when he switched from being an alleged Democrat to being a Republican so he could run for president.  Bloomie is JUST LIKE Trumpy!  Only BLOOMIE IS WORSE.  Bloomie is a real billionaire, not a fake like Trump.

CORONA VIRUS and the CROWNED VIRUS! (Self crowned, King Trump)

Finally, here is something Trump can LIE about but can be easily proven WRONG and that he is a LIAR!


Trump rips coronavirus coverage, to hold news conference | TheHill

Donald Trump’s administration might have just had its ‘Mission Accomplished’ moment with coronavirus

White House considers appointing coronavirus czar

Coronavirus cuts Trump’s Dow gains since election to 48% from 61%

As the virus spreads, Trump rages over the markets. That’s alarming.

Trump tries to get control of widening coronavirus concerns as Democrats propose $8.5 billion in emergency funds

Trump announces news conference on coronavirus with CDC after days of mixed messages

cv2.jpgBUT WAIT!

Trump SAID that he had the Corona Virus “Very well under control in our country” the U.S.



Of course he did.



(Hasn’t EVERYONE figured that out by now?)

Let’s just hope that Trump catches the Corona Virus soon.  That could be a real “Mission Accomplshed!”

Trump & Some Politicians!

Trump and Politicians are IDIOTS!

I say it that way because Trump is NOT a politician.

Trump is a LIAR, and an ASSHOLE, a DUMBSHIT, a MORON and lots of other unflattering things, but Trump is NOT a politician.  Trump is too stupid to be a politician.  It takes at least a little brains to be a politician.  Trump does NOT have any brains.  In fact, most Republicans do NOT have the requisite BRAINPOWER to be real politicians.   Look at Lindsay Graham or Ted Cruz for example.  A couple of total MORONS if there ever was such a thing, and there are more like them, like Doo-Doo Dougie Collins or Susie-Q Collins for example.  They, like Trump, are too fucking stupid to be politicians.


Some Democrats are stupid idiots as well.  They are so busy, the Democrats at least, being afraid of Bernie Sanders for being HONEST and admitting he is a democratic socialist, that they (the Democrats) who are attacking him (Bernie) are actually helping Trump!


Getting back to Trump for a second, the latest TRUMP STUPIDISM is his complaint that because Supreme Court Justices Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg have said bad things about Trump, that they should RECUSE THEMSELVES from any and all cases that come before the Supreme Court that relate to Trump.  That IGNORES THE FACT that Trump’s own Attorney General appointee, Jeff Sessions, DID IN FACT RECUSE HIMSELF from any and all Justice Department issues that investigated Trump.   Trump HOUNDED Sessions about that until he finally was able to have Sessions fired.  It would seem that TRUMP only approves of RECUSAL when it benefits Trump.  HOW STUPID IS THAT?  Trump is a real MORON!  (Morons Are Governing America = MAGA!)


So, NO, Sotomayor and Ginsburg should not ever recuse themselves from any Trump case, and they should keep telling America THE TRUTH about Trump the CROOK!  (Because Trump is a CROOK as well as being a MORON!)

Meanwhile, the DUMBASS DEMS and many of the media muttonheads (like Chuck Twat Todd) are calling out Bernie Sanders because he is being HONEST and telling the world he is a democratic socialist (not unlike FDR was).  What these DUMBASSES (Democrats and media morons) seem to forget is that The Democratic Party has allowed Bernie Sanders to RUN FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION.  Bernie is an OFFICIAL DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE.  Why?  Because The Democratic Party said that was okay with them.  Apparently many of them were okay with that when they thought he would probably lose like he did in 2016.  But, also like 2016, since it really looks like Bernie Sanders could WIN the DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION they are busy calling him out, and also trying to RIG THE ELECTION again like they did in 2016.  They are trying to FIX IT so that Bernie loses.


They have even CHANGED THE RULES (thanks to Tom Perez, the 2020 equivalent of Debbie Wasserman Schultz) to allow a REPUBLICAN named MIKE BLOOMBERG to run as a FAKE DEMOCRAT (when we all know Mike is REPUBLICAN) and participate in the debates even though he is NOT ON THE PRIMARY BALLOT in either Nevada or South Carolina.  Old Tommy boy said that changing the rules would be UNFAIR to other candidates when REAL DEMOCRAT Cory Booker asked for a similar change.  Tommy wouldn’t do it for a REAL DEMOCRAT, but apparently he will for a FAKE ONE WHO HAS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO PAY FOR IT.

What the hell are they going to do if Bloomberg BUYS THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION WITH HIS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and then gives the general election over to Trump?  That’s what Bloomberg wants to do you know!  Bloomie wants to BUY the DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION so he can help TRUMPY WIN RE-ELECTION.  Why!  Because that’s what Vladimir Putin told him to do!


Are Tom Perez and the other DUMBASSES in the Democratic Party TOO STUPID TO SEE THAT?  Or is Tommy being PAID OFF by Republican FAKE DEMOCRAT Mike Bloomberg to sabotage Bernie?  (We think the latter.  It is the only thing that makes any sense.  Why else would Tommy-Boy refuse to make debate rule changes for a real Democrat, but grant them for a Republican?)

So, anyway, here’s the bottom line:

WE ARE FUCKED by both the Republicans and the Democrats.  They are FUCKING US, and FUCKING AMERICA.  Our only hope is Bernie Sanders, who never claimed to be a Democrat.  Now we know why!  The Democrats are just as CROOKED as the Republicans.  They are COLLUDING with each other and have been for a long long time, hoping to keep all others OUT of the system.

The FACT IS, there is NOTHING WHATSOEVER in the U.S. Constitution that says we must have a TWO-PARTY SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT.  Nothing!  Not a damn thing!  Our government was never supposed to be run by THE POLITICAL PARTIES, but it is.  That is why we are stuck with Trump.  Hillary would have probably been just as bad, but Putin wanted Trump in 2016 and he wants him again in 2020.



Bloomberg is a Republican WOLF from WALL STREET!

Mike Bloomberg is NOT a Democrat.


Mike Bloomberg is certainly NOT “THE ONLY DEMOCRAT” who did this, that or the other as his current BULLSHIT TV COMMERCIAL says.  (Bernie Sanders is and always has been more of a Democrat than Bloomberg ever was or ever will be.)








Mike Bloomberg is an Egotistical Billionaire Asshole who is trying to BUY THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION so he can help Trump get re-elected.


There is NO “D” for Democrat in Mike BloombeRg, but there is an “R” because BloombeRg is a REPUBLICAN!


BloombeRg is a CON MAN!

BloombeRg is a REPUBLICAN!

BloombeRg is a REPUBLICAN!

BloombeRg is a REPUBLICAN!