Monthly Archives: July 2020

Donald J. Trump lies whenever he speaks. He is a PATHOLOGICAL Liar!

The story republished below is listed under the heading:  The Æsop for Children

It can be found at this GOVERNMENT link:

The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf – Library of Congress Aesop … › aesop

It is a story that Trump should have read and learned long ago, but apparently he did not, given over TWENTY THOUSAND LIES he has told just since he took his oath of office.  We republish it here for Donald J. Trump to read, or anyone else who may be unfamiliar with the story.  PLEASE NOTE OUR COMMENT AT THE END.


The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf

A Shepherd Boy tended his master’s Sheep near a dark forest not far from the village. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. All he could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play on his shepherd’s pipe.

One day as he sat watching the Sheep and the quiet forest, and thinking what he would do should he see a Wolf, he thought of a plan to amuse himself.

His Master had told him to call for help should a Wolf attack the flock, and the Villagers would drive it away. So now, though he had not seen anything that even looked like a Wolf, he ran toward the village shouting at the top of his voice, “Wolf! Wolf!”

As he expected, the Villagers who heard the cry dropped their work and ran in great excitement to the pasture. But when they got there they found the Boy doubled up with laughter at the trick he had played on them.

A few days later the Shepherd Boy again shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!” Again the Villagers ran to help him, only to be laughed at again.

Then one evening as the sun was setting behind the forest and the shadows were creeping out over the pasture, a Wolf really did spring from the underbrush and fall upon the Sheep.

In terror the Boy ran toward the village shouting “Wolf! Wolf!” But though the Villagers heard the cry, they did not run to help him as they had before. “He cannot fool us again,” they said.

The Wolf killed a great many of the Boy’s sheep and then slipped away into the forest.

COMMENT:  Given the FACT that Donald J. Trump has told over TWENTY THOUSAND LIES just since he took the Oath of Office for President in January 2017, how can we trust him now.  He LIED and LIED and LIED and LIED, and to this day continues to LIE.  So, we must conclude that Donald J. Trump is LYING about any Vote-By-Mail fraud or anything at all that he says.  (We can easily conclude that simply because Trump is lying.)


Donald J. Trump is a LIAR, and can NOT ever be trusted.

Epilogue (to the story above):

Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.


Donald J. Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR as he has been called by members of both major American political parties.

Trust me, when I say, Donald J. Trump is NOT speaking the TRUTH now or ever.  Trump is what he is, and will never change his spots.  (Meaning: Trump will always be a liar.)

The phrase “a leopard never changes its spots” means that it’s impossible for one to change their character, even if they will try very hard. The expression, sometimes also used as “a leopard can‘t change its spots”, is used to explain the idea that no one can change their innate nature.

A Leopard Never Changes Its spots | Phrase Definition, Origin … › content › phrases › a-leopa…

Interesting fact

This meaningful phrase dates as far back as the Old Testament. It was used in Jeremiah 13:23, where the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah had originally said: “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard its spots?”. “A leopard never changes its spots” derives directly from that phrase and is still used today.


Donald J. Trump is a LIAR.  That is a truthful fact.

Trump is a NUT! (More than just a Right-Wing Nut Job, he is really Looney Toons!)

Trump said he can do ANYTHING!  He said he could, because he’s the president and it says so in Article 2 of the Constitution.


Trump Can’t Postpone The Election, But He Can Delegitimize The Results.

BUT WAIT A MINUTE!  Didn’t Trump once say that because he was the president he could do anything he wanted?  Yes, he did say that.  Snope it!

Fox News political editor: Trump ‘either trying to provoke a reaction or trying sow doubt’ with election delay idea

Yah!  Trump is trying to ‘sow doubt’ alright.  DOUBT IN HIS OWN SANITY!


Trump suggests delaying election, warns mail-in ballots to result in ‘INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT’ vote.

Trump floats idea of election delay, a virtual impossibility.

Republicans openly challenge Trump’s tweet on delaying election.

Republicans Reject Trump’s Suggestion to Delay Election, Something He Cannot Do.

Trump floats election delay, congressional Republicans reject idea.

Well, it’s about damn time some Republicans grew some BALLS!

Bernie Sanders tells Trump ‘we’re not delaying the election,’ ‘your disastrous presidency will end’.

Bernie always had the chutzpah to tell Trump he’s nuts, and a pathological liar!

Mayors face off with Trump over use of federal law enforcement.

Looks like the Mayors have finally got some balls too.  (And many of them are women!)

What’s the Deal With Trump’s Pizza Tweet?

What’s the deal with any or all of Trump’s crazy-assed Tweets?  

Trump is a TWIT!


Actually, Trump is looking to endorse Patio Pizza just like he did those Mexican beans (Goya shit) on the Resolute Desk in The White House.  Trump is looking for his next career as a carnival barker or spokesmodel.  (How’s that Goya Boycott going anyway?)

The fact is that Trump is FUCKING NUTS!

What Does Trump Think the ‘Suburban Lifestyle Dream’ Means?

Dumb question.  To Trump it only means one thing:  MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN!  (The bigly problem with that is that America has never been all white.  This land was originally owned by the RED man.  Make America RED Again?)

Forget about Alzheimers, Trump is just plain fucking CRAZY!




Lock Trump up in a ‘rubber room’ where he can’t hurt anyone, including himself.  (Or smear his own feces on the walls.)

Trump Wants To CANCEL the Election and be named DICK-TATER-TOT for Life!

Trump is NOT even waiting until he LOSES.  He’s trying to DELAY the November Election now (in July) and delay it FOREVER!  

Trump floats delaying election despite lack of authority to do so.

Trump floats election ‘delay’ amid claims of voting fraud.

Trump suggests delaying election amid fraud claims, but has no power to do so.



But even we didn’t think Trump would try this shit BEFORE HE LOST!

Trump’s goal is either: to DISTRACT, as in pointing and yelling “SQUIRREL!” and/or also to ultimately stay in POWER in The White House for LIFE.

What is he trying to DISTRACT US from?  The latest SHITTY GDP Report?

Perhaps it’s his DISMAL performance fighting the coronavirus pandemic, The TRUMP EPIDEMIC here in the U.S.

Trump and his allies respond with pseudo-science as US death toll hits 150,000.

Trump attended Texas fundraiser without mask, social distancing

Trump also thinks he can BUY his way out of THE TRUMP EPIDEMIC!

Trump says coronavirus stimulus checks, direct payments may be more than $1,200.

If he can’t DELAY THE VOTE, then Trump thinks he can BUY YOUR VOTE with YOUR OWN MONEY!



Trump’s Attempt at an Un-Trumpian Image.

Trump is a TOTAL WASTE!


Trailing badly in polls, Trump points to ‘hidden’ voters and the ‘silent majority’ as path to victory.


OR is this what YOU WANT!


Why Trump Might Quit.

Trump might QUIT, but we doubt it.  Trump would rather LIE, CHEAT and STEAL rather than quit.  If he does QUIT, then GOOD!  Lock him up, or let him run/fly to Moscow where Putin may just send him (and his whole stupid family) to a Gulag.  (“Due process?  Vat is ‘Due Process’?  Ve have no ‘Due Process; in Russia!  Enjoy your stay in Siberia, comrade!”)  

It doesn’t matter.  We just need to …




Trump LIES, CHEATS & STEALS and wonders, “Why don’t people like me?”

Aw!  People don’t like Trump as much as they like Doctor Fauci.

Trump undermines his pandemic response with more misinformation and self-obsession

At a White House briefing that turned almost into a parody of his own mismanagement of the pandemic, he complained that the government’s top infectious diseases expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, had better approval ratings than he did.

He painted a misleading picture of a viral surge still raging across Southern and Western states that is showing new signs of spreading deeper into the heartland, saying large portions of the country were “corona-free.”

Trump undermines his pandemic response with more misinformation and self-obsession.

Maybe that’s because most people think Fauci is probably telling them the TRUTH, while they know Trump is a BIG FAT UGLY LIAR!


Trump questions why Fauci has better ratings as U.S. nears 150,000 coronavirus deaths.

Maybe it’s because Trump LOVES PUTIN and RUSSIA more than he even tolerates Americans and America.


Pentagon to pull 6,400 US troops from Germany following Trump demands, slammed as gift to Russia

Pentagon to pull 6,400 US troops from Germany following Trump demands, slammed as gift to Russia.


Exclusive: Trump never raised Russia’s Taliban bounties with Putin.


Protesters in Manhattan in the Tax March against President Trump in New York City, 2017.


Trump’s New COVID-19 Doctor, Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine

TRUMP IS A TOTAL WASTE and a FRAUD and MUST GO NOW!  We really cannot take a “wait and see” attitude for November or January to wait and see if Trump really leaves when he LOSES.  We should and MUST get rid of him NOW!


p.s.  Seattle KICKED OUT THE FEDS sent by Barr and Trump. 

Federal agents leave Seattle after pressure from local and … › seattle-news › politics › federal-a…

Washington state officials confirm federal officers leaving … › homenews › state-watch › 509457-washin…

Slog PM: Feds Retreat from Seattle, Rep. Jayapal’s Big … › slog › 2020/07/28 › slog-pm-f…

If Seattle can do it, so can all the other cities where Trump and Barr sent their SECRET POLICE GESTAPO.

Barr and Trump are LIARS like Adolf and The NAZI’s!

FAKE Attorney General William Barr sat before a Congressional Committee on Tuesday July 28th, was scolded by the Democrats and stroked by the Republicans.  Pretty much what you’d expect from a bypartisan congressional committee.  When Barr spoke, which was not very often, he either ACTED stupidly confused or made excuses for being Trump’s personal lawyer instead of the Attorney General of WE THE PEOPLE.  That’s why he’s a total FAKE.  Here is a glaring example of just why and how FAKE and FRAUDULENT Billy the Barf-Bag Barr really is.


‘Operation Legend’ was originally ONLY an offer from the Federal Government (Barf-Boy Barr) to help the police of the city of Kansas City, Missouri “INVESTIGATE” a backlog of unsolved killings, which was prompted by the unfortunate “DRIVE-BY SHOOTING” that killed LeGend Taliferro on June 29, 2020.  Keep in mind, ‘Operation Legend’ originally had nothing whatsover to do with George Floyd’s ‘Murder By Cop’, racism, protecting Federal property, or anything else.  It was supposed to ONLY be a Justice Department and FBI offer to help the cops of Kansas City investigate unsolved killings.  (After all the FBI is the Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION.)

Operation Legend – › wiki › Operation_Legend

Whereas, ‘Operation Relentless Pursuit’ was an operation announced on December 18, 2019 that was as follows:

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Launch of Operation Relentless Pursuit

The Operation Will Surge Federal Law Enforcement Resources into Seven of America’s Most Violent Cities

Today, Attorney General William P. Barr announced the launch of Operation Relentless Pursuit, an initiative aimed at combating violent crime in seven of America’s most violent cities through a surge in federal resources.

Joined at a press conference in Detroit, Michigan, by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Acting Director Regina Lombardo, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Acting Administrator Uttam Dhillon, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, and U.S. Marshals Service Director Donald W. Washington, Attorney General Barr pledged to intensify federal law enforcement resources into Albuquerque, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, Memphis, and Milwaukee – seven American cities with violent crime levels several times the national average.

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Launch of … › … › Office of Public Affairs › News

‘Operation Relentless Pursuit’ was a complete and total FAILURE initiated by Attorney General William Barr.  Thus, AG Barr (at the behest of Donald Trump) then launched ‘Operation Legend’, named for a 4 year old DEAD BOY in Kansas City, MO.  Barr quickly MORPHED that “investigation only” operation into the aggressive GESTAPO-LIKE Secret Police SURGE and ATTACK by the Federal Government upon the Peaceful Protesters in Portland, Oregon.  (As it turned out Portland was a Test Case that seemed to work for Barr and Trump.   Portland was NOT one of the named SEVEN  cities.)  Initially Barr called upon UNIDENTIFIED TROOPS from the CPB (Customs & Border Patrol) and DHS (Department of Homeland Security).  Barr MORPHED a benign FBI investigation ‘Operation Legend’ into the malignant and aggressive ATTACK ON AMERICAN RIGHTS that was the original purpose of  his ‘Operation Relentless Pursuit’.

Since then AG Barr (at the behest of Donald Trump) has expanded the FALSELY PROCLAIMED ‘Operation Legend’ to the cities of Chicago, Albuquerque, Seattle, Cleveland, Milwaukee and Detroit.  Apparently Barr used the ATTACK ON PEACEFUL PROTESTORS at Lafayette Park in Washington D.C., as a MODEL to MORPH ‘Operation Legend’.  That was a PLANNED violent ATTACK upon PEACEFUL PROTESTERS  that was coordinated by Attorney General William Barr in Lafayette Park, on June 1, 2020 so that Trump could walk over to a church to have a FAKE Photo-Op of Trump holding up a Bible in front of St. John’s Church.  When Barr was able to “get away” with that bullshit, he went on to MORPH Operation Legend in Portand, Oregon.

PLEASE NOTE:  FIVE of the original seven cities named in ‘Operation Relentless Pursuit’ are the same named cities the falsely MORPHED ‘Operation Legend’ has been expanded into, so that those cities could be attacked by the BARR/TRUMP GESTAPO-LIKE STORM TROOPERS from multiple agencies of The Fed.   All cities mentioned in BOTH the FAILED ‘Operation Relentless Pursuit’ and MORPHED ‘Operation Legend’ are cities run by DEMOCRATIC Mayors.

1.  This is OBVIOUSLY a PARTISAN POLITICAL ATTACK by a REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION against a Democratic electorate.  (Similar to the Brownshirt attacks ordered by Adolf Hitler in 1930’s Germany.)

2.  Operation Legend has OBVIOUSLY been MORPHED into an operation similar to Operation Relentless Pursuit.  Who MORPHED it?  AG Barr.  Who ordered the MORPHING?  Trump.

3.  Whatever you want to call it, this current OPERATION is clearly a FASCIST ATTACK by the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION against DEMOCRATS carried out by a FAKE Attorney General named William Barr.

(4.  Are those UNIDENTIFIED TROOPS from various American government agencies, or maybe they are really “The Little Green Men” that Vladimir Putin used to steal The Crimean Peninsula from the Ukraine in 2014?  After all, they have no identification on their green camouflaged military-like uniforms, and they don’t speak – to anyone.  They don’t even speak to NON-VIOLENT NAVY VETERANS.  Instead they beat him with their billy clubs and sprayed pepper-spray in his face.  They did similar to a NON-VIOLENT MARINE CORPS VETERAN.  Kind of makes you wonder if they really are Americans, doesn’t it?)

The “Honorable William P. Barr” as it said on his nameplate at the Congressional Hearings, is a DISHONORABLE LYING SACK OF SHIT who is TRUMP’s LAWYER and NOT the Attorney General of WE THE PEOPLE of The United States.

Over 2,000 Former DOJ Officials Want AG Bill Barr to › intelligencer › 2020/02 › over-2-000-form…

More than 2,000 former prosecutors, other DOJ officials call on … › news › politics › more-than-2000-former-…

Bill Barr resignation: More than 2,000 former prosecutors and … › prosecutors-doj-officials-barr-resign

Former Justice employees call for Barr to resign – › content › news › Former-Justice-emplo…

DOJ Alumni Statement on the Events Surrounding the … › …

(More than TWO THOUSAND former Department of Justice Officials can’t all be wrong.  Just like more than TWENTY THOUSAND recorded and documented Trump lies must include some real lies.)


William P. Barr HIJACKED Operation Legend …

… in order to continue his Partisan GESTAPO STORM TROOPER attacks on the American People in American Cities to stop them from exercising their CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED and PROTECTED American RIGHTS, when he had previously FAILED to do the same thing with Operation Relentless Pursuit!

Barr sent Trump’s GESTAPO THUGS and GOONS to attack and arrest PEACEFUL PROTESTERS in American cities in order to INCITE VIOLENCE and not at all to quell any alleged VIOLENCE.  Barr and Trump have made the situation WORSE and MORE VIOLENT in every city they’ve sent their SURGE of SECRET POLICE to, as they LIE and claim to have tried to make things better.

Willy Barr continued to lie to Congress during his hearing on July 28, 2020.

Barr testifies before House panel in long-awaited showdown with Democrats.

AG Barr testifies before House Judiciary Committee

Nadler to Barr: ‘You’re projecting fear, violence nationwide’.

US Attorney General defends deploying federal agents to Portland.

By the way, to this day the FBI under AG Barr has NOT helped Kansas City, MO cops identify and prosecute the KILLER of LeGend Taliferro.


Imagine that?!

Trump is so consistently WRONG!

Here are the HEADLINES (actually links) for today. 

Typically, the Trumps are Fake, Fraudulent and FUCKED-UP!

On the one hand ….

Trump slams ‘deranged Anarchists and Agitators,’ predicts chaos if Biden wins election.

but then on the other ….

Trump’s New COVID-19 Doctor, Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine.


Speaking of Hydrox!

Twitter restricts Donald Trump Jr’s account over false hydroxychloroquine claims

And of course …

Trump Announced, Then Canceled, a Yankees Pitch. Both Came as a Surprise.


So now ….

Trump says he will accept Republican nomination in North Carolina after all.

Those Trump boys just can not seem to make up their minds, but when they do settle on something they are always wrong, and when they realize they are wrong they retreat (or reTweet).

Trump shatters his own show of responsibility on the pandemic.

Trump is obviously wrong, because ….

Fauci responds to Trump tweet: ‘I have not been misleading the American public under any circumstances’

Hence ….

Trump campaign accused of breaking federal campaign spending rules

So, what are Voters to do?

Voters Are Starting To Doubt Trump’s Reelection Chances


Of course FOX News is making its predictions:

Trump slams ‘deranged Anarchists and Agitators,’ predicts chaos if Biden wins election.

The only people more screwed-up than the Trumps are the Fake-Fucks at FOX.  So we all know what to do with them, and Trump.  (SHIT CAN all the SHIT HEADS!)

Trump is a DISTURBANCE we can do without!

Now Trump has a problem with Twitter.  He’s tweeted so much in the past that he is by far their most prolific TWIT!

Trump: Twitter trending topics are ‘illegal’ and ‘unfair’ – Business Insider.

(I don’t have an account on Twitter,  I don’t Tweet.  Thus, I am not at all like Trump, as I am not a Twit.  However, I can make observations and I do have an opinion or two to share.)


Apparently Trump is so incensed by the bad rap he’s been getting on Twitter, and other Social Media, that he has proposed Social Media should be REGULATED.  (Kind of like when he was pissed at Google, because every time anyone would search the word “STUPID” a picture of Trump would appear.)

What really needs to be REGULATED?  Trump’s mouth maybe!

Trump is moving forward with his plan to regulate social media.

Isn’t that what Adolf Hitler did?  I mean, they didn’t have Twitter or Social Media back in the late 30’s. but they did have radio, and Hitler sought to control it much like Adolf Trump is trying to control all public communications today in the twenty-first century.

In fact Trump has Stephen Miller, just like Adolf Hitler had Joseph Goebbels, both masters of PROPAGANDA!  (Although Miller might be a Trump mistress.)  The biggest difference is that Goebbels really had his own hair, and didn’t have to spray-paint it on.


Maybe Trumpy’s communication problem is a big reason for …

Team Trump’s Mounting Fear: His Base Will Abandon Him.


Donny is obviously NOT abandoning Ivanka’s BASE.

Maybe …

President Trump is not playing enough golf.

If Donald Trump went golfing more (how much more can he really do) he could send out some ‘Penis Pics’ like his new golfing buddy Brett Favre is famous for doing. Oh!  That’s right!  Stormy Daniels described Trump’s penis as a stumpy little Mario Mushroom character.  Guess “The Dickless Donald” doesn’t want to advertise that.  (By the way, how does Trump manage to hold onto his Golf Club with such teeny tiny hands?)


Trumpers have other PROBLEMS with Trump, like the fact that …

Trump’s message collides with diversifying suburbs.

If he’s not confusing the suburbanites, then he’s sending in his Gestapo Storm Troopers to attack city dwellers, and fucking over the farmers with his NO TRADE POLICY.  What the hell is wrong with Trump?  (Seriously, Trump is disturbed!  And I find it very disturbing.)

Drugmakers refuse to attend White House meeting after Trump issues executive orders on costs.

Pretty bad when even the Drug Dealers don’t want to meet with Trump.


Explain this one (The picture above or the bullshit below):

Trump Announced, Then Canceled, a Yankees Pitch. Both Came as a Surprise.

Doctor Fauci already threw out the first pitch of the season.  (That really seems very appropriate, actually!)  What’s Trump gonna do, throw-out his back?  Is saying he will, then saying he won’t like moving his convention from North Carolina to Florida, then canceling Florida!  That seems like a disturbing PATTERN for Trump to display.  But, then again…

what about Trump isn’t DISTURBING?

A new TRUMP TWITTER TANTRUM to add to the thousands of others.

Uh!  Oh!

So ‘The Donald’ is now pissed at the “Saint Ronald of Reagan Foundation”.

Trump lashes out at Reagan Foundation after fundraising request

… Trump lashed out at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute on Sunday following a report that it had requested the Trump campaign stop using former President Reagan’s name and image in fundraising.

Trump made the remarks in a tweet that also shared a post pointing out that the Reagan Foundation’s chairman, Frederick Ryan Jr., is the publisher and CEO of The Washington Post. In his tweet, Trump also hit Fox News over recent polls that have showed him trailing Joe Biden, his Democratic presidential rival.

Trump lashes out at Reagan Foundation after fundraising request



Dare I say it again, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks!”.  Trump being “the lady”.

HEY!  That ain’t NO LADY!  That’s just a DUMBASS in a red hat!

This may NOT end up good for Lumpy Trumpy!  There are still a lot of Republicans who revere “Saint Ron of the Rayguns”, and may now revile ‘Trump the Lump’ because of his latest Twitter-tantrum.


Let’s see how this plays out.  We actually may have more people join the ranks of the ‘Never Trumpers’ because of Donnie’s latest Dumbassery.  (What a grumpy old fart!)

Even REPUBLICANS Hate Trump!

Before we get started, Nancy has a new name for Trumpy! 

Pelosi dubs Trump ‘Mr. Make Matters Worse’ over his handling of coronavirus pandemic.

Accurate.  He has caused “The Trump Epidemic” to get worse in this country/  In fact, Covid-19 infections and deaths are worse in the U.S. than in any country in the world, thanks to Trump!   However, I won’t use that name and I rarely call him “President” because he is more like an “Impediment” to the United States.  I usually just call him Trump or Trumpy, and lately Lumpy.   Donald J. Trump is the “Colluder and Thief!”  (Donald “The Dumbass” Trump is the worse thing that has ever happened to this country ever!)

Anyway …

George Conway, husband of Kellyanne Conway (Trump’s main squeeze and creepy supporter in The White House), is AGAINST TRUMP.  And George is a Republican who Trump has called Mister Kellyanne.  Nice.  Very juvenile, but that’s Trumpy!

A lot of the “Never Trumpers” are Republicans.  (Actually, almost ALL of the ‘Never Trumpers’ who are still ‘Never Trumpers’ are Republicans.)

The Lincoln Project is a group of Republicans who produce TV ads against Trump.

The group ’43 Alumni’ are all former George W. Bush Republicans who apparently don’t like Trump.

Lots of music people have asked, told or legally stopped Trump from using their music at his rallies, like Neil Young and The Rolling Stones.  (Trump seems to use it anyway, because, let’s face it, Trump doesn’t give a damn what anyone else wants.  Trump just cares about what he wants.)

Now even “THE REAGAN FOUNDATION” obviously a well established Republican group, is asking Trump to STOP MENTIONING REAGAN’s name at Trump events and other activities in order to raise money for Trump.  (Maybe it’s because they know that Trump is going to put a lot of that money in his own pocket, and not leave it with the campaign which raised it.  Who knows, but that is what Trump does.  He steals from the rich to give to himself.)

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute called on the President Trump’s reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) to stop using former President Reagan’s name and image to fundraise last week.

. . .

“We own the likeness of President Reagan and they used his image for the coin without our consent. We called the RNC and asked them to cease and desist the use of Pres Reagan on the coin and they agreed,” Giller said.

Reagan Foundation Chief Marketing Officer Melissa Giller told the Post that the RNC agreed “within seconds” to stop using the former president to fundraise for Trump’s reelection bid.

Reagan Foundation asks Trump campaign, RNC to stop using former president’s name to raise money

So, apparently Reagan Republicans do not like Trump either.

Almost ALL Democrats HATE Trump.

Most Independents do not like Trump.

Almost all minorities (from shit-hole and non-shit-hole countries alike) seem to hate Trump.  In fact, almost anyone who is not WHITE and/or STUPID hates Trump.

A whole lot of others who don’t fall into any of the aforementioned categories apparently just plain do not like Trump either.


Who’s left?

The only people who apparently like Trump, enough to vote for Trump and allow him to use their stuff, are talentless, racist idiots.  That seems to be Donald J. Trump’s ONLY demographic.  Trump has the White Trailer Trash contingent all to himself.  Trump THE LOSER, appeals to THE LOSERS.  Apparently there are a lot of LOSERS in America.  Too many LOSERS!  All those LOSERS seem to like that WEINER, Donald ‘The DickHead’ Trump.  (I wonder if they are tired of LOSING yet?)  No wonder they went for Trump.  He promised them they would be winners.  Trump lied.  Trump’s not a winner, he’s a WEINER!

Trump’s only alternative seems to be to claim the November Election is RIGGED, and refuse to accept the results (which will almost certainly be the result that Trump is the LOSER!).  I mean, when almost everyone hates Trump, including a lot of Republicans, then how can that big fat orange asshole win?  He can’t.

What’s Trump to do when he loses?

Trump will do the only thing he can do, and that he has done in the past.  He will revert to type.  Trump’s type is to be a LIAR and a CHEATER.

Like Trump’s real motto goes:  IF YOU CAN’T BEAT ‘EM, CHEAT ‘EM!

Get ready for some BIGLY CHEATING!

Biden leads in three key states Trump won in 2016.

Biden ahead of Trump as deaths top 1,000 a day – live.

100 Days Out: Trump looks for game change as Biden makes gains.

Biden leads Trump in battleground Arizona.

Trump trailing in battleground states 100 days out from the election.

Support for Trump’s handling of coronavirus pandemic hits new low.

Trump is behind in a state no Republican has won the presidency without in 96 years.

Pro-Trump super PAC losing the money race to Democrats.


Yankees who knelt for anthem quiet on Trump’s planned trip to Yankee Stadium.

De Blasio rips Yankees for allowing Trump to throw first pitch at Yankee Stadium.

Mixed messages?

How the Republican Party opened itself up to the Trump takeover.

Trump has helped the US to see its dark side. It will still be there when he goes.

These last two are why it’s necessary to get rid of all Republicans as well as getting rid of Trump.  Donald J. (for JackAss) Trump corrupted them.

Donald Trump Golfs With Brett Favre as a Thousand People a Day Die From COVID-19.

Finally, the Truth is: TRUMP DOES NOT GIVE DAMN about anyone else but Trump.  (Apparently neither do penis-flashers like Favre.)  They are both a couple of dicks.

Trump has a SIMPLE PLAN for Staying In Power! (This could be it.)

I know how he plans to do it!

I was watching The Rachel Maddow Show (because I can’t stand Hannity insanity or his lies), with Ali Velshi filling-in for Rachel, and suddenly it hit me.  I don’t know if it was something Ali said on the show, or a coalescence of all the reading I’ve been doing about Trump and his cronies.  Either way, this is it:

Trump is going to win Re-Election by Declaring the November 2020 Election NULL and VOID. 

Actually, whether he wins or loses it doesn’t matter, because under the Trump STRATEGERY he wins either way.  (It’s even easier than if he pulled a Maduro.)  Trump will simply remain IN POWER (in The White House) until a new FAIR election can be held. 

Will the Democrats do anything about it?  Probably not.  They are turning out to be a bunch of spineless wimps.

However, the catch is that there will never ever be a time when a NEW FAIR ELECTION can be held, so Donald J. Trump will remain PRESIDENT FOR LIFE.

That’s how he plans to do it.



It has to be simple, otherwise Donald “The Dumbass” Trump would not be able to understand it.

The problem is; it’s so simple that nobody with a brain will probably believe it either, but I am sure this is Trump’s Strategery for remaining in power.

Think about it.

Fact #1:  Trump was elected to the Presidency in 2016, when nobody (including Donald Trump himself) thought he would win.

Fact #2:  Trump was really elected by the Electoral College (thanks to the manipulation of the E.C., Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by Putin and his “Cozy Bear” Russians) even though Hillary Clinton beat him by almost THREE MILLION more Popular Votes.

So Trump is ‘The President’ for more than three years.  He was IMPEACHED but not removed, and now it’s 2020.  Trump has been running for re-election since the day he was sworn into office for his first term.  Then …

Test #1:  Trump cancels the GOP Nomination Rally in North Carolina, and gets away with it.  (So far, so good.)

Test #2:  Trump chooses Jacksonville, FL for the new location of the GOP Nomination Convention.  He is successful.

Test #3:  Trump then CANCELS the Jacksonville rally on account of Covid-19 ‘The Trump Epidemic’.  After making fun of Biden for planning to hold a “virtual Convention” Trump decides that he too should hold a “virtual Convention”.  (Trump seems to do this kind of thing a lot.  He criticises and ridicules the other guy, then he does the same thing later on.  Yet, Trump seems to get away with it.)

All this time Trump is keeping the Covid-19 ‘Trump Epidemic’ going so that America is the most infected country in the world.  (It is.  We are.  All the rest of the world seems to have control of the Pandemic, except countries like Russia, Brazil and the U.S.)

Trump then complains about the FRAUD of Vote-By-Mail, of which there is no real fraud and never has been.  However, with Covid-19 there is a real need for Vote-By-Mail.  Yet Trump keeps complaining about the Vote-By-Mail FRAUD!

Trump tells FOX News (Chris Wallace) and the world, he will NOT accept the November 2020 Election Results if he loses.  (Why would he?  He said he wouldn’t in 2016, but he won.  So, why would he accept a loss in 2020?)

Trump must keep Covid-19 and The Trump Epidemic going strong through November, with more infections, so he DEMANDS SCHOOLS MUST BE OPEN.  (Everyone knows school children can catch the virus, transport it home, infect their parents and grandparents and lots more Americans will die.  The Trump Epidemic continues unabated.  Trump hopes to accelerate it.  Trump doesn’t care who dies or how many he kills, as long as he can stay in power.)

Now we have to speculate a little.  

Looking into the near future we see that because ‘The Trump Epidemic’ is now well into its Second Wave, few people want to go to a physical polling place to vote.  They’d rather not stand in long lines, wait for hours to actually vote and possibly catch Covid-19, so they opt to Vote-By-Mail instead.

Trump loses, but then claims Vote-By-Mail is fraudulent, and does NOT accept the results that show he is clearly  the loser.

Trump CANCELS the Presidential Election results!

Trump says it will be rescheduled at a later date (but it’s never rescheduled) so Trump remains (as the last elected president) as President For Life.

How will Trump RULE?  

Just like Hitler did.  Only Trump’s Reich will be truly a THOUSAND YEAR REICH, or so he believes.

Trump has his henchmen already lined up, just as Hitler did.

Donald J. Trump (Adolf Hitler, der Führer)

1.  William Barr – Attorney General (similar to Heinrich Himmler – ReichsFührer of the SS.)

2.  Mike Pompeo  Sec. of State (much like Joachim von Ribbentrop – NAZI Foreign Minister.)

3.  Stephen Miller – speech writer/brainpower/spray-on hair (almost exactly like Joseph Goebbels – Reichminister for Propaganda, except Goebbels really had hair.)

4.  Steven Mnuchin – Treasury (Martin Bormann – NAZI Party Chancellery.)

5.  Alex Azar – HHS (useful tool)

6.  Betsy DeVos – Education (useful idiot)

7.  Mike Esper – Sec. of Defense and “Yes Man” par excellence (Karl Donitz, Wilhelm Keitel, Erich Raeder, Herman Goring – NAZI Military Leaders.  Though, not as smart as Erwin Rommel.)

8.  Elaine Chao (wife of ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell, token Asian and Trump’s hold on the GOP controlled Senate and GOP leaning Supreme Court.)

9.  Chad Wolf – Homeland Security (useful and very much a heartless tool.)

10.  Wilbur Ross – Commerce Secretary, when he’s awake (kind of like Walther Funk – Reich Minister of Economics.)

(and, of course, there’s Unlce Ben Carson – HUD – token black man, kind of like Albert Speer who was Hitler’s Chief Architect.  Not a real job, he just likes having him around.)

Now does it start to make sense?

Trump is a 21st Century Hitler and those are some of his henchmen.

This is why Trump has HHS and Homeland Security sending 50,000 to 75,000 GESTAPO STORM TROOPERS to various American cities all headed by Democratic Party Mayors.

(Where is Trump getting all those Gestapo Storm Troopers?  Are they the same “Little Green Men” that Putin used in The Ukraine to steal The Crimea in 2014?)

If Covid-19 and The Trump Epidemic does not keep people in these cities from voting for Biden, then Trump’s Gestapo (The Little Green Men) will.  Still, Trump will probably lose the election, but that really doesn’t matter, does it?

How will Trump stay in power, after he declares the November 2020 Election and Biden’s Winning Results a fraud?


Trump will do as Hitler did and start a war.  Hitler has WWII,  Trump will start World War III. 

That is why Trump has angered all former American Allies, and cozied up to his dictator friends and idols.

Trump can easily start a war with China, Venezuela, Iran, Mexico or any of the members of the European Union.

For his wartime alliances he will have Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, North Korea, and Brazil to name just a small set.  (He may even get England on his side, if Boris stays in charge.)

This is all a part of Trump’s master plan.


Simple, isn’t it?

(Ugly, isn’t it?  It has to be UGLY, it’s TRUMPLY.)

But really, it has to be simple too, or Trump would never be able to understand it.

Unfortunately, it may be too simple for anyone of any real intelligence to accept.  They may poo poo it because of its simplicity alone.  Intelligent people will look down upon this plan like they look down upon Trump.  Or, like the Democrats, they may do nothing, assuming that Trump will be like other politicians and obey the rules.

Unfortunately, they are totally wrong in that Trump is NOT like other politicians.  In fact, Trump is not like anyone else at all.  That’s why Trump is so dangerous, and why he keeps ‘FAILING UP!’  (As his niece Mary has pointed out in her book that Uncle Donald has done his whole life.)  In that respect, Donald Trump is like Forrest Gump.  Stupid is as Stupid does, but you never know what you’re gonna get, because life is like a fucked-up box of chocolates.
