Monthly Archives: August 2020


Everything that comes out of Trump’s MOUTH should be given the same credit as FARTS COMING OUT OF ANYONE’s ASS!

Trump’s searing attacks give Biden a crucial test.



Trump continues threats against Portland ahead of Kenosha visit

Trump continues FARTING WITH HIS FACE!


Twitter Removes Claim About CDC And Covid-19 Coronavirus Deaths That Trump Retweeted.

Trump FARTS WITH HIS FINGERS when he Tweets like a TWIT!


Trump, Vicar of Fear and Violence.

Trump is NOT a VICAR of anything, he is simply an OLD FART FACE!


What does Trump’s payroll tax deferral mean for you?

I’ll tell you what it means.  It means that TRUMP FARTED FROM HIS FACE AGAIN!


Biden to accuse Trump of inciting violence in Pittsburgh speech.

Biden can’t call Trump what he is, because Biden is TOO KIND, but I can because TRUMP IS A FUCKING FART FACE!


In America Trump/Pence is a CHEAP FART as well in 2020!

Trump is the WRONGLYEST of the WRONGS! (Bigly!)

I wrote about this link below, a lot about this, a day ago.

The Guardian.Trump supporters drive through crowd and pepper spray protesters in Portland – video.

Trump is WRONG about Portland’s Mayor.

Associated Press.Trump, Portland mayor blame each other after deadly shooting.

If you want to know HOW WRONG Trump is, just read what I wrote about it and him a day ago.


Trump is WRONG about this too.  Wisconsin’s Governor is RIGHT!

Wisconsin’s Gov. Tony Evers tells Trump not to visit Kenosha.

The Governor does NOT want Trump in his state, and we REAL AMERICANS DO NOT WANT TRUMP IN OUR COUNTRY!

Anyone who supports Donald J. Trump can GO LIVE IN RUSSIA the COMMIE-LOVING BASTARDS!


Even the mild mannered Americans are saying so.

(CNN)  Jim Gaffigan isn’t known as the “clean” comedian for nothing. He typically keeps politics out of his routines and is famous for not cursing in his shows, instead serving up hilarious comedy about slices of daily life from “Hot Pocket” snacks to his clothing. Trump’s speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention seems to have changed all that.

Gaffigan, who I’ve known personally for years, unleashed a profanity-infused Twitter storm where he warned Trump supporters, among other things, that the President is “a traitor and a con man who doesn’t care about you.”

Gaffigan, whose animated series “Pale Force” made him known for jokes about how White he is, didn’t stop there. He slammed Trump for his “incompetent” handling of the Covid-19 crisis, adding, “You know all those people didn’t need to die.” The comic also warned that Trump “is a fascist who has no belief in law,” while defending Joe Biden against Trump’s claims that his Democratic rival is a socialist. And then Gaffigan did something he would ever do on stage: he cursed, writing, “I don’t give a f–k if anyone thinks this is virtue signaling or whatever,’ adding, “We need to call trump the con man and thief that he is.”

In a word: Wow!

How Jim Gaffigan’s profanity-laced tirade could hurt Trump.

LOOK!  When guys like Jim Gaffigan get pissed, then YOU KNOW THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG!  REALLY WRONG!  (Trump is really REALLY WRONG!)


What is really REALLY WRONG with Donald “The Dumbshit’ Trump, is that Trump is a “DUMB SHIT” as well as an M.D.  (Mental Deficient or Mental Defective, take your pick.)

That’s what is WRONG!


Killings in Portland and Kenosha, and Trump is NOT RESPONSIBLE! Right!

Okay.  I wake up this morning,  I turn on the computer, and I see another story about a person being killed!

I read The Guardian version of what happened in Portland.  (I read The Guardian first, because it is a British-based news source, that does NOT say who wrote the piece, so it should be less biased one way or the other than any American Liberal or Conservative news outlet.  Right?  The Brits really have no dog in this hunt, RIGHT?)

I had NOT heard of the shooting in Portland, so initially I believed this was yet another story about the killings in Kenosha by the kid who shot three people and killed two after Jacob Blake had been shot in the back 7 times by a cop.  So I read this article, because it was titled:

Fatal shooting in Portland as Trump supporters clash with BLM protesters

Fatal shooting in Portland as Trump supporters clash with BLM protesters.

At first I wondered, “What the hell is going on in Portland now?  The killing was in Kenosha!  What the f—?”

Then I read the story.

After reading The Guardian’s version of what happened, I felt the headline would have been more appropriate if it had said something like:

“Vigilante KILLED in Portland Oregon, by pissed-off Protestor”

… because that’s apparently what really happened.  A group of “Vigilantes” decided to take the law into their own hands, came ‘in mass’ to shoot-up the crowd of protesters with their own paint-pellets, tear gas and whatever they had.  Apparently one (or maybe more) of the protestors got pissed-off, maybe because the cops were apparently allowing the vigilantes to do whatever they wanted, so this protestor fired back with deadly force and one of the vigilantes was killed.

Initially I thought, “Well that’s just too fucking bad!  The vigilantes should have just stayed home, and not gotten involved.  The vigilantes should have let the cops take care of the protestors, because that is what the cops are supposed to do.  The vigilantes basically ASKED for it, and they got it!  Too fucking bad.”  But then I decided to do some more reading.

So I read this story from The Willamette Week (an Oregon publication that Wikipedia lists as an “alternative weekly” and says nothing about it being either conservatively or liberally biased, only that it “eschews comprehensive coverage of general news” and does say that this particular publication won a “Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting”).  So the reporting should be accurate, right?

The article was titled:

One Person Shot to Death Amid Trump Caravan in Downtown Portland

Witnesses described a hushed scene as police officers gathered around the body of a young man lying in the street.

Willamette Week.One Person Shot to Death Amid Trump Caravan in Downtown Portland.

Okay, the headline does say “Amid Trump Caravan” but instead of being biased, that actually is accurate.  It was a ‘Trump Caravan’ of Trump Vigilantes, shooting paint balls and gassing Black Lives Matters protestors.  So, that is accurate, even though it may look a little biased.  Anyway, I read the story.

The article specifically stated:

Witnesses at the garage, including independent journalist Laura Jedeed, described a hushed scene as police officers gathered around the body of a young man lying in the street. An ambulance arrived, then drove away without the man inside.

That was a stark contrast to minutes before, when a fleet of pickup trucks waving Trump banners rolled through downtown, horns blaring, with red-shirted young men leaning out of windows to yell racial slurs and deploy pepper spray on pedestrians, many of them leftist protesters, who blocked the trucks’ path.

Obviously it was a Trump Caravan.  Obviously it was a group of vigilantes who decided to take the law into their own hands and attack the BLM protestors.  Apparently the cops were concerned when one of the vigilantes was killed.  My question was, at this point, what were the cops doing when these Trumpsters first rolled their caravan into town?  The brief article does not say.  The cops probably should have stopped the caravan.  If they had, then the shooting would not have happened, and the dead guy would not be dead.  Right?

Then I read the FOX News report of the same incident.  It was titled:

Portland shooting leaves 1 dead as pro-Trump group clashes with BLM

Portland shooting leaves 1 dead as pro-Trump group clashes with BLM.

The story began:

Violent clashes between a massive pro-Trump caravan that drove through Portland, Ore., and Black Lives Matter protesters left at least one person dead in a shooting Saturday evening, according to reports.

Okay, so now we know that it was “a massive pro-Trump caravan” that basically attacked “Black Lives Matter protestors”.  So far it seems accurate.  At least the FOX version agrees with the other two.  Then it says:

Portland police said they were investigating a homicide in the area where the pro-Trump group and counter-protesters clashed but did not say whether the gunfire was directly related to the protests.

Well, that part does NOT seem entirely accurate.  The Pro-Trump Caravan was not made up of “protestors” or even “counter-protestors” it was basically a bunch of vigilantes who were attacking the protestors.  That is simply a fact, and FOX even seems to support that FACT in its opening lines.  In this case the COPS lied.  The FOX article goes on to say:

The pro-Trump rally’s organizer, who coordinated a similar caravan in Boise, Idaho, earlier in the week, said in a video posted on Twitter Saturday afternoon that attendees should only carry concealed weapons and the route was being kept secret for safety reasons.

Tensions began escalating to violence earlier in the day when racial-injustice protesters confronted the pro-Trump caravan as it drove through the city following a rally at the Clackamas Town Center.


1. the Pro-Trump people were instructed to carry “concealed weapons”.  Thus, they had DEADLY FORCE TOO.


2. This was not a spur of the moment thing, it was a planned attack that apparently had happened before in Idaho, at least one full state away. 

The article went on to say:

Protesters attempted to stop caravaners by standing in the street and videos from the scene showed sporadic fighting, as well as Trump supporters firing paintball pellets at opponents and using bear spray as counter-protesters threw things at the Trump caravan.

The shooting happened after most of the caravaners had left the downtown area,

I actually have to commend the FOX reporter for giving us more information on the matter, but I have to wonder why the protestors were trying to stop the caravan.  What were the police doing?  Shouldn’t the cops have tried to stop the caravan?  I think they should have.  I think that was their job, to PROTECT and SERVE by preventing violence and bloodshed.  But, as the story says, “The shooting happened…”  So, obviously the cops were NOT doing their job.  And the FOX story ends with this statement:

Portland has seen more than 90 nights of continued protests and rioting in the downtown area and other parts of the city since May 25, when George Floyd died in police custody in Minneapolis.

Which only says to me that the COPS have NOT been doing their job for about “90 nights” in Portland, so eventually something like this was bound to happen, because the COPS have NOT been doing their job.

Then I read this:

Investigators want answers in deadly protest shooting; Trump sounds off

Lovell: ‘This violence is completely unacceptable’

Investigators want answers in deadly protest shooting; Trump sounds·

(KOIN is a CBS affiliate TV Channel in Portland, Oregon.  This story was posted by their news staff.  Lovell is apparently the Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell.)

Besides also reporting that the dead man was wearing a “Patriot Pride” hat, as all the other reports did, this one also reported that Donald Trump got into the act,

On Sunday, Trump issued a flurry of tweets and retweets including several that blamed Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler for the death and one in which the president appeared to be encouraging his supporters to move into Portland.

“GREAT PATRIOTS!” Trump wrote as he shared video of his supporters driving into Portland to confront the protesters.

Let’s state for the FACT that these people were NOT “GREAT PATRIOTS!” as Trump called them.  They were vigilantes, who previously PLANNED this ATTACK against BLM Protestors, because the COPS (under Chuck Lovell) had not done their job for about 90 nights. 

In fact:

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf blamed local officials for failing “to protect their communities.”

“I’m asking Portland officials, so that’s the mayor, that’s the governor and that’s local law enforcement, to do their job to address any violent activity that is occurring in their streets,” Wolf told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Well, Chad got the first part right, but after that he blew it.  “Local officials” in Portland had NOT done their job.  But those “local officials” were THE COPS not the mayor or governor.  It was local LAW ENFORCEMENT which FAILED to do its job that ultimately is responsible for the Trump Vigilante getting killed.  That is on the shoulders of Chuck Lovell and no one else.

Trump, Wolf and Lovell can PASS THE BUCK onto somebody else, but the FACT is TRUMP and WOLF are totally WRONG, because the Oregon Governor has nothing to do with it, the Portland Mayor did his job by turning the matter over to the Police, and it is Chuck Lovell and his COPS who dropped the fucking ball, which is why that Trumpster is DEAD!

The person who shot and killed the Trumpster is responsible too, but that would NOT have happened if at any point the goddamn COPS under Lovell had done their fucking job.

And Trump should keep his fucking shit-hole mouth shut and not tweet about shit that he ultimately caused.  After all, what did Trump tweet or say about the KILLER IN KENOSHA?  Another reason we have to get that Orange Asshole out of our White House.

Then I read this:

White House chief of staff says Trump ‘is on the side’ of ‘rule of law’ amid protest violence

In the wake of two deadly shootings at protests this week, Mark Meadows pressed states to accept federal law enforcement assistance.

White House chief of staff says Trump ‘is on the side’ of ‘rule of law’ amid protest violence.

At one point the article states, and I quote:

And while he’s issued broad denunciations of violence, Trump tweeted during protests in Minnesota after the shooting death of George Floyd by police that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Twitter flagged the tweet on its platform for “glorifying violence.”

CORRECTION:  George Floyd was NOT shot to death.  He died because a COP kept his knee on the neck of George Floyd even though George begged him to stop and stated he could not breathe.  The COP killed George Floyd, but NOT with a GUN.  And, Trump has done NOTHING but Tweet his ignorant Tweets.  And, Meadows is an IDIOT APOLOGIST for Trump.

Well the “shooting” has started.  It started in Kenosha and continues on in Portland, and TRUMP IS AN IDIOT!

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., the co-chair of former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, took issue with Meadows’ framing in an interview immediately following Meadows’ comments.

“When you talked to the chief of staff, Meadows, he said President Trump is on the side of law enforcement. Well, the question becomes: Who is on the side of Justice? Who is on the side of constitutional policing? It’s not about law enforcement or protestors, it’s about making sure that police are held accountable when they violate people’s constitutional rights, when they shoot unarmed Black people,” he said.

That’s right!










It’s not Trump, that’s for damn sure.

Trump can WIN in 2020!

This is what ONE GUY wrote in 2013 about Trump getting the Republican nomination.

Would God Be So Good?

Donald Trump getting the GOP nomination in 2016, much less becoming president, is Mars jumping in line of Earth to get closer to the sun.

Let’s be clear: Representative Steve King of Iowa pulling back the chain-link fence in Tijuana so Mexican drug mules won’t get their fat calves stuck in the barbed wire is a longshot. Trump getting the GOP nomination in 2016, much less becoming president, is Mars jumping in line of Earth to get closer to the sun.

That is what Barry Friedman wrote and Esquire Magazine published on July 29, 2013.


Guess what happened?  Trump GOT THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION in 2016, and TRUMP BECAME PRESIDENT.  Nobody thought it was possible, not even Donald Trump.  (Did Mars jump in front of the Earth to get closer to the Sun?  Did Congressman Steve King help Mexican drug smugglers cross the border safer?  Maybe not, but then again maybe so.)


The FACT IS Trump has been president for almost four years.  This country is fast becoming a SHIT-HOLE, thanks to Trump.  Barry Friedman was wrong.


Can we take four more years of Trump?

Can we survive eight more years of Trump?

Can we even imagine 12 more years or a lifetime of Trump Dictatorship?

Can Trump win in 2020.

Nobody thought he’d win in 2016, but he did.

Can he do it again?



Big sister Maryanne says Donald is BESOTTED with his daughter, Ivanka.

Donald senior is “besotted” with his daughter Ivanka.  Eric is a MORON. (Not much is said by Aunt Maryanne about Donny Junior, so obviously he doesn’t really count for much. Junior’s simply the middle stooge of the Three Stooges of the Trump kids.  Tiffany tries to stay away from the Trumps, and Barron is too young to matter.)



Maryanne (Trump) Barry (Donald’s older sister), in an unguarded moment, apparently had some not so nice things to say about her little brother Donnie and his family.  She already was known to have said how cruel and unprincipled Donald J. Trump was and is, and how he probably paid someone to take his SAT test to get transferred from Fordham to Penn/Wharton.

But now LEGAL tape recordings of Maryanne (Trump) Barry have also revealed this:

Maryanne also thought it was incredibly heartless that Ivanka shared a social media photo holding her son on the same day that news broke that more than 1,500 immigrant children had been unaccounted for after being separated from their parents at the Mexico border, under the Trump administration’s cruel policy.

“When that damn Ivanka puts this picture of the Madonna and child on Instagram when the big news of the day was how kids are being ripped from their families,” Maryanne said. “I couldn’t blame — I’d never heard of Samantha Bee before. I couldn’t blame what she said.”

Bee famously called Ivanka a “feckless c*nt” for her mother and son post. The Full Frontal host said on her May 30, 2018 show, “Ivanka Trump, who works at the White House, chose to post the second most oblivious tweet we’ve seen this week. Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices you feckless c*nt!” Bee later apologized for what she said after a fury of complaints from Republicans about the word she used towards Ivanka.

Mary Trump reveals recordings of Trump’s sister swiping at Ivanka, Eric.

Well, that’s about it,  Aunt Maryanne says niece Ivanka is a “feckless cunt” just like Samantha Bee said she was.


and that is that!

Ivanka Trump is the FECKLESS CUNT that DONALD J. TRUMP IS BESOTTED BY, WITH, FOR, whatever … her.


By the way, what does “besotted” mean?




adjective: besotted

  1. strongly infatuated.”he became besotted with his best friend’s sister

  2. “Similar:  infatuated with, smitten by, in love with, head over heals in love with, hopelessly in love with, obsessed by, passionate about, consumed with desire for, devoted to, doting on, greatly enamored of, very attracted to, very taken with, charmed by, captivated by, enchanted by, enthralled by, bewitched by, under someone’s spell, hypnotized by, bowled over by, swept off one’s feet by, struck on, crazy about, mad about, wild about, potty about, nuts about, very keen on, gone on, really into, hung up on, carrying a torch for, twitterpated by, ensorcelled by

  3. ARCHAIC intoxicated; drunk.

Why do you suppose Maryanne used that “specific” word to describe Donald J. Trump’s feelings for his own daughter Ivanka? (After all she is a retired Federal Judge and she really knows “The Best Words!”)


Did Donald J. Trump CONFIRM his older sister Maryanne’s observation that Donald J. Trump has always been “besotted” with his own daughter Ivanka, when Donald Trump said this, on T.V. for God and everyone to see and hear?

‘If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her’

Donald Trump’s unsettling record of comments about his … › … › Americas › US politics


Snopes says that’s a “Mixture” of a comment, because Trump was just joking but that’s bullshit.  (I have long suspected that Snopes is doing whatever it can to help Trump.  Now I know it.  Snopes is shit, when it comes to Trump.  Snopes is a TrumpTurd.)  

Donald J. Trump wasn’t joking at all.  Trump’s own BIG SISTER Maryanne told us the truth.  Donald J. Trump is “BESOTTED” with Ivanka, and he really would like to “DATE HER” if he thought he could get away with it.  Maybe he is “dating” her.  Seriously!  Has anyone checked the DNA of Ivanka’s children?


Jared looks like he may be gay.  Is Jared a BEARD so that Daddy Donny can tap that ass of his own daughter Ivanka?


Is that why Melania obviously does NOT like Ivanka? 

Is that why Donny made the following comment to PORN STAR Stormy Daniels, when he CHEATED on Melania as she was giving birth to her (and his presumed) child Barron?

Stormy Daniels says Trump told her ‘you remind me of my daughter’ after she spanked him with a magazine

Stormy Daniels says Trump told her ‘you remind me of my … › Politics


The word today is “BESOTTED”.

As in:  Donald J. Trump is BESOTTED with his daughter Ivanka.  (God knows it.  We all know it.  Donald confirmed it.  Even big sister Maryanne said so.)



Eric is a “moron” and Ivanka is a “feckless cunt”!  Those can be the words for tomorrow and the next couple of days.  (Moron, feckless and cunt.)




Vote For Trump. (Go ahead! Be a dumb ass.)

Just like Trump!

He PRETENDS to help you, but results in FUCKING YOU IN THE END!

The president signed an executive order on Aug. 8 calling for a deferral of the employees’ portion of the payroll tax from Sept. 1 through the end of the year.

Currently, employers and employees share responsibility for a 12.4% levy that funds Social Security and a 2.9% tax to support Medicare.

Social Security taxes are subject to an annually adjusted wage cap ($137,700 for 2020), but Medicare taxes are assessed beyond that threshold.

The executive order applies specifically to the Social Security tax and would affect workers whose bi-weekly pay is less than $4,000 on a pretax basis.

The three-page notice the IRS issued on Friday postpones the due date for these taxes until April 30, 2021. After that date, penalties, interest and “additions to tax” will begin to accrue.

Employers – dubbed the “affected taxpayers” in the guidance – “may make arrangements to otherwise collect the total applicable taxes from the employee,” the IRS said in its guidance on Friday.

If the employer doesn’t withhold employees’ share of taxes and the IRS can’t collect them, then the worker is on the hook for the tax.

The tax bite on the employee can be significant: A worker earning $50,000 per year would be able to pocket $119 per paycheck if Social Security taxes were deferred – a total of $1,073 over nine pay periods, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

IRS guidelines on Trump’s payroll tax holiday leaves employers on the hook for back taxes.


Vote for Trump




More TYPICAL TRUMP that you should be used to by now:

Gas station secured small business bailout money, then paid for Trump billboards.

Trump gives Alice Johnson a full pardon a day after her RNC speech.

Trump’s RNC speech lacked some coronavirus safeguards. That might have been the point.

Donald Trump Has Declared Himself Impotent.

Trump is a LIAR. Trump supporters are DUMB ASSES! Those are THE FACTS!

Donald J. Trump is a LIAR and anyone, ANYONE, who supports him for President is a DUMB ASS IDIOT!


US election 2020: Donald Trump’s convention speech fact-checked.

Claim 1: “If you give power to Joe Biden, the radical left will defund police departments all across America”


Claim 2: “We have already built 300 miles of border wall”



Claim 3: “Over the past three months, we have gained over 9 million jobs, a new record”


Claim 4: “The United States has among the lowest case fatality rates of any major country in the world”



Claim 5: “He [Joe Biden] has pledged a $4 trillion tax hike on almost all American families”


Claim 6: “We obliterated 100% of the ISIS caliphate”



Claim 7: “We will always, and very strongly, protect patients with pre-existing conditions, and that is a pledge from the entire Republican Party”


Claim 8: “Our Nato partners, as an example, were far behind in their defence payments. But at my strong urging, they agreed to pay $130bn more a year”



Just add a bunch more LIES to Trump’s list of OVER TWENTY-THOUSAND LIES!


Trump is a LIAR and anyone who believes any of Trump’s lies is a DUMB ASS! 

And THAT is a FACT!

Trump FUCKED-UP! (So what else is new?) BIGLY!

Keep America Great!  (Trump’s BULLSHIT campaign slogan.)  CHECK IT OUT!!!


(Click on Joe Biden’s NEW Website telling the TRUTH about Trump.)

Biden snags ‘Keep America Great’ domain in latest act of Trump trolling

The Democrat’s campaign recently learned the web domain was available and snagged it.

After trolling Republicans throughout their convention, the Biden campaign has pulled its final act of the week: acquiring the web domain

The site now lays out a top-to-bottom rebuke to the Trump administration, including his handling of coronavirus. “Promises Made, Promises Kept Broken,” the site’s home page screams. “Trump isn’t looking for a second term,” it charges. “He’s looking for a do-over.”

Biden snags ‘Keep America Great’ domain in latest act of Trump trolling.

Donald J. Trump is a LOSER!

Keep America Great by


Donald J. Trump has made America A SHIT-HOLE. 

Kick that SHIT-HEAD out of our SHIT-HOLE! 

Then America can go back to being great, or at least GOOD like it was before Trump fucked it up.


An UNARMED black man, was walking to his car, and he was SHOT 7 times IN THE BACK by a COP, in front of his 3 little children!







The Kid in Kenosha who KILLED for TRUMP!


The Kenosha Shooting Suspect Was In The Front Row Of A Trump Rally In January

Kyle Rittenhouse’s social media is filled with references to “Blue Lives Matter.” A Trump campaign spokesperson said, “This individual had nothing to do with our campaign.”

The Kenosha Shooting Suspect Was In The Front Row Of A Trump Rally In January.

BULLSHIT!  This guy has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN.  This is the kind of person Trump is playing to.


First, the goddamn cops shoot an unarmed black man 7 times, IN THE BACK, while holding onto his shirt, as he is getting into a car full of his kids.  After he tried to do THEIR JOB and break up a fight between two women.  FUCKING COPS!

The COPS were TOO QUICK to use EXCESSIVE FORCE and SHOOT a BLACK MAN, because to these cops ‘black lives do NOT matter‘.

Second, BLUE LIVES DO NOT MATTER when they are RACISTS who shoot unarmed people for NO GODDAMN GOOD REASON.  These cops shot Jacob Blake because he was BLACK.  That is the truth of it!  I know it.  You know it.  God knows it.  But the GODDAMN COPS won’t ever admit it.

Third, this asshole kid is a 17 year old SHIT FOR BRAINS IDIOT just like his president.  Both are IMMATURE MORONS!  He KILLED two people and injured a third simply because he is a RACIST IDIOT who listened to the racist idiocy of Donald J. Trump.  (Trump has KILLED at least a hundred thousand people for no good reason!)

Fuck Donald J. Trump and his suck-up Kyle Howard Rittenhouse, and all the shit-heads who claimed this had nothing to do with Trump’s Campaign.  It has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN.  If this kid could vote, he would vote for Trump.  He can’t vote, so instead he KILLS FOR TRUMP!

I PRAY for a full recovery of Jacob Blake from all the bullets he took from the COPS who shot him in the back. (I hope he walks again.  I PRAY Jacob walks again.)

I PRAY for the full LIFE SENTENCING of Kyle Rittenhouse for killing two people and injuring a third.  (Lock him up and throw away the key.)

I also PRAY for the FULL LIFE SENTENCING of the cops who shot Jacob IN THE BACK.  (Lock them up in Gen Pop and see how long they last.)


I PRAY for the complete totally humiliating defeat of Donald J. Trump, the racist asshole who caused all this shit in the first place.  (Lock TRUMP UP and throw away the key!)


How the hell can ANYONE be a TRUMP supporter let alone be …

Into Being a Black Trump Supporter.

Trump is a RACIST, who inspires RACISTS, who end up KILLING PEOPLE.

Trump celebrates RACISTS, like these two assholes …

‘I Fear That We Are Witnessing the End of American Democracy’.

Because Trump believes in and promotes ALTERNATIVE FACTS which are LIES!

Kellyanne Conway undermined the truth like no other Trump official.

Kellyanne CON-way, inventress of the ALTERNATIVE FACT.