Monthly Archives: September 2020

Are YOU a FASCIST or are you the other?

Let’s tell the TRUTH!

AntiFa stands for ‘Anti Fascist‘!

It is Anti NAZI! (That is against NAZIism.)

It is Anti White Supremacist!

It is Anti KKK.

There is NO GROUP (that we or anyone else knows of) that goes by the name ANTIFA!

It is a philosophy, started in Anti-NAZI Germany, before the start of World War II.

AntiFa is an idea.

AntiFa is NOT a physical group of racists, like The NAZI’s, Neo NAZI’s, KKK, Proud Boys and other FASCIST organizations are physically existing armed HATE GROUPS.

AntiFa is an idea that is diametrically opposite of the Boogaloo Movement.

The word ‘AntiFa’ is made up of either one German Word “antifaschistisch” or two English words “Anti” and “Fascist”.



READ IT HERE: Antifa (United States) – › wiki › Antifa_(United_States)


Anyone who is Anti-AntiFa is IN FACT – PRO FASCIST! (Two negatives equal a positive, thus Anti + Anti = PRO.)

Donald Trump is Anti-AntiFa, and therefore Donald Trump is PRO-FASCIST!

Adolf Hitler was PRO-FASCIST, as the leader of the NAZI Party in Germany. (He was also anti-Jew.)

Benito Mussolini was PRO-FASCIST, as leader of the FASCIST Party in Italy. (He also supported Racist Policies.)

Donald Trump is PRO-FASCIST, as leader of the TRUMPUBLICAN Party in America. (He promotes RACISM, RACIST POLICIES and he really wants to MAKE AMERICA WHITE. Not again, because America has never been a white country. Never.)

That is simply a LOGICAL FACT.

A:  If YOU are ANTI FASCIST then YOU may be Pro-AntiFa.

B.  If you are PRO-FASCIST (like Donald Trump) then you are against the philosophy of Anti-Fa, or just plain old FASCIST!

The philosophy of ANTI FASCISM is clearly evident in The HOLOCAUST MUSEUMs all over America, Israel and the rest of the world. 

Pro-FASCISTs do not agree with ANTI FASCISTS and they don’t believe THE HOLOCAUST ever really happened.  That’s just a plain and simple fact. (My father was one of several American soldiers who liberated a NAZI Concentration Camp during WWII, and that is a fact! By the way, he was a soldier, not a “LOSER” or a “SUCKER” as Trump referred to us.)

You are either ANTI-FASCIST or PRO-FASCIST.   It is a binary choice.  There is no third option. Choose! You are one or the other, there is nothing in between.

Donald Trump clearly believes in PRO-FASCISM.

Donald Trump is a FASCIST.  

That is a fact.

(Sadly, if you support Donald Trump, you are probably a Fascist too.)

How could she even think she loved that UGLY TRUMP?


Former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal says she’s ‘been forgiven by Jesus’ for alleged Trump affair

‘I knew it was wrong, it was a sin in God’s eyes,’ McDougal says

Former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal says she’s ‘been forgiven by Jesus’ for alleged Trump affair.


The PROOF is in the PUDDIN’! (And the pictures.)

Trump lies some more, SO WHAT!


First presidential debate fact check: Trump and Biden on mail ballots, the economy, COVID and more.Fact check article

Trump says he paid millions in income taxes; Biden says ‘show us your tax returns’ | TheHill.

Sheriff in Portland denies Trump’s debate claim of winning his endorsement.

Trump heckled, bullied and lied through the debate. It won’t … › commentisfree › sep › donald-…

CNN fact-checked the presidential debate: “An avalanche of … › presidential-debate-trump-cnn-fact-ch…

Debate fact-checks show Trump lied and lied. But one group … › story ›


Really.  What did you expect?

That’s why I did NOT bother to watch the debates, because I knew Trump would lie.  He did.

Trump did even more than just lie,  Trump actually gave a SHOUT-OUT of SUPPORT to the WHITE SUPREMACISTS!

Proud Boys celebrate after Trump’s debate callout.

He was asked to denounce white supremacy, but instead TRUMP PROMOTED WHITE SUPREMACY!

What a racist.  TRUMP IS A RACIST!  He proved it during the debate. However, that is something we already knew about him. Even though we probably did not expect him to display it on national T.V., he did.

I am still planning to VOTE FOR BIDEN

… mostly because it is a VOTE AGAINST TRUMP!

However, I still feel no matter how large the margin is, Trump will lose and Trump will claim the election was rigged, and Trump will declare himself the DICTATOR OF AMERICA whether he calls himself a dictator or tries to claim he is still president. 

It doesn’t matter.  THE PEOPLE will have spoken through our votes, Trump will lose, but Trump will refuse to accept his loss, and the WHITE SUPREMACISTS, RACISTS and TRUMP TROLLS will come out from under their slimy rocks to support him.

What happens next is really what will decide if this country continues as it was, or if it becomes a COMMUNIST SHIT-HOLE.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Donald TrumpSKYA and his RUSSIAN RUBLES!

Aww!  Trump has TAX TROUBLES!

Trump’s tax troubles couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Wait!  How the hell could Trump have any TAX TROUBLES when he hasn’t PAID any taxes in 10 of the past 15 years, and for two years since he was elected he only paid $750 each year?  Most Americans paid more TAXES in one year than Trump paid in TWELVE!

Trump’s debts and foreign deals pose security risks, former intelligence officials say.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK!  With a TAX LIABILITY LIKE TRUMP’s he could not have even gotten a busboy’s job at the FBI cafeteria!  How the HELL does he end up as PRESIDENT?  (OH!  He HID his taxes.  TRUMP LIED! Now that explains everything.)

Trump’s ‘biggest fear’ is ‘massive’ IRS bills and potential tax fraud charges, says Michael Cohen.

Oh, I’m sure Trump has LOTS and LOTS of BIGLY FEARS.  His TAX LIABILITY is just one fear he has to deal with.  He paid more to SHUT UP Porn Star Stormy Daniels ($130,000) than he did to SCREW THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES (about $1,500 in 12 years)!

Trump taxes are ‘national security’ issue, Nancy Pelosi says.


Who does Trump owe hundreds of millions of dollars to?

That’s an easy answer.  Only one source would loan a LOSER like Trump a dime after he proved what a worthless piece of shit and lousy businessman he was and is.  THE RUSSIANS via their FRONT Deutsche Bank.  Trump OWES The Russians and that’s part of the reason he NEVER EVER SAYS ANYTHING BAD ABOUT Vlad. (The other part is THE PEE PEE Tape that Vlad is holding over his head waiting to SPILL on him.)

Tax Records Reveal How Fame Gave Trump a $427 Million Lifeline.

Despite policy wins under Trump, the Koch network isn’t helping the president’s reelection bid.

Don’t miss the Ivanka Trump bombshell buried in the Times tax story

Running for president was the worst business decision Trump ever made.

Trump’s Tax Returns Show Lying Is His Only Marketable Skill.

Trump got all that FREE MONEY (and Rubles) and still he’s over FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT!

Then there was this BULLSHIT OPINION PIECE published by the FUCKS at FOX and written by one of Trump’s “BEST WIFE BEATER PEOPLE”.

At the end of the FOX Business ‘OPINION’ piece it says:

Andy Puzder was chief executive officer of CKE Restaurants for more than 16 years, following a career as an attorney. He is currently a Senior Fellow at the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy. He was nominated by President Trump to serve as U.S. labor secretary. 

The startling news about Trump’s economy that mainstream media ignored: Andy Puzder.

What these BULLSHIT OPINION STORIES fail to say is that Andy Puzder WITHDREW his own name from consideration because he was ashamed by reports that he, ANDY PUZDER, is a WIFE BEATER just like a lot of Donald Trump’s “Best People” like Brad Parscale, Rob Porter, David Sorensen, Pat Shanahan, Corey Lewandowski, and even more.  Here are some FACTS!

FACTS LIKE: Puzder has been a WIFE BEATER since at least 1989.

Exclusive: Puzder’s ex-wife told Oprah he threatened ‘you will … › puzder-oprah-winfrey-labor-235030

Andrew Puzder: Divorce Lawyer Says Abuse Claims ‘Credible … › Politics › Donald Trump

Trump labor secretary nominee Puzder withdraws following … › news › politics › trump-labor-…

Now that you know THE FACTS about Puzder, does that make you rethink his opinion?  I hope so. It should, because Puzder is SCUM just like Trump et. al. 

And Puzder is a ‘Senior Fellow at Pepperdine”?  Those goddamn FAKE CHRISTIANS will support anybody with LOTS OF MONEY!  (Just like Frankie Graham and those Evangelical dumb-shits who support Trump.  At least Junior Jerry Falwell has been found out for what a liar and sex deviant he is.)

Trump says “Russia, if you’re listening” was a joke. There’s tape to prove otherwise.

TRUMP IS A JOKE!  He’s a bad joke.  He’s a Russian joke.  And the joke is on us!

Trump Just Lost Control of the Game.

Donald J. Trump is a TOTAL LOSER!

Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters.

Trump MOCKS EVERYONE!  He really believes he is BETTER than everyone, especially those dumbass Christians and anyone else STUPID ENOUGH to support him.  Trump knows he is a worthless SHIT.  He also knows that anyone who supports him is worth less than a worthless shit!  I wonder if those NUMB-NUTS know how really worthless they really are?

Trump: The Don of Douche-Baggery!

Donald Trump is a PISS POOR BUSINESSMAN but a top notch LIAR!

Trump’s dad continually bailed him out – Need to › corruption › trump-bailed-…

Trump’s ‘small’ loan from his father was more like $60.7 million … › 2018/10/02 › trumps-small-loan-from-h…

Trump’s father gave his son at least $413 million: New York … › story › trumps-father-gave-his-s…

… and as ‘Thanks’ to his dear old dad …

Donald Trump sought control over his father’s will and estate … › graphics › politics › donal…

8 Times Donald Trump Claimed He Was A Self-Made Man … › entry › trump-self-made-man-myt…

That is only 8 times of the hundreds of thousands of times Trump has LIED!  And we have the PROOF.

Somewhere along the line Trump got in such deep financial DOO DOO that no bank in the world would loan him a dime, EXCEPT the Russian Front Bank in Germany named Deutsche Bank.  They loaned him enough to pay off his debts and then some, and what did he do in thanks.  He SUED THEM. (Do you start to see a pattern here?)

November 2008: Trump Sues Deutsche Bank for $3 Billion … › collusion › trump-sues-deutsch…

Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State … › news › trump-deutsche-bank-lo…

Who won the lawsuit of Trump vs. Deutsche Bank?  Who knows!  The question you need to ask is the next one;

Why Did Deutsche Bank Keep Lending to Donald Trump … › article › trump-inc-podcast-deut…

Who knows the answer to that, really.  (Except for the possibility that Vlad knew he had Trump by the balls and just wanted to keep squeezing!)

The latest report proves that when Trump was at one of his all time lows the NBC television show The Apprentice bailed his ass out!

Tax Records Reveal How Fame Gave Trump a $427 Million … › donald-trump-taxes-apprentice

Trump tried making money off his new found fame, but still managed to fuck that up, because he is a PISS POOR BUSINESSMAN.

Trump was given BILLIONS OF DOLLARS (and Rubles) and still he is over FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT and those loans are coming due soon!

The point is, TRUMP IS A PISS POOR PERSON and everything he touches TURNS TO SHIT! 

Thanks to Trump, The United States of America is fast becoming a SHIT-HOLE COUNTRY!

p.s.  If you LOVE TRUMP then be proud to DISPLAY YOUR STUPIDITY!

Wear you red MAGA hat.

Wear you Notorious ACB T-Shirt.

Make SURE everyone in the world knows what a DUMBASS YOU REALLY ARE!

Make yourself an EASY TARGET!

Why WASTE the TIME? Biden/Trump Debates are STUPID!

No.  I am NOT going to watch the debates.  Why bother?  There is NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD EVER VOTE FOR TRUMP, so why even bother watching.  Nothing Trump can say will ever win me over.

The presidential debates are basically for people who are undecided between the two.  I am NOT undecided.  I WILL NEVER EVER VOTE FOR TRUMP.

If anyone in this country is undecided, then they are FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD.

Why would anyone ever vote FOR a LIAR, a MURDERER, a TAX CHEAT, an ASSHOLE like Trump?

If any American cannot decide between Trump versus Biden by now, and they need to watch the debates in order to make a decision, then those people are NOT AMERICANS, they are really FUCKING STUPID and don’t deserve to live, breed or even vote.

So, no, I am not going to waste my time watching Trump continue to LIE, like we all know he will in the presidential debates.  Trump cannot be trusted. 

Trump cannot tell the truth. 

Trump is a worthless piece of shit.

The ONLY PLACE Trump belongs is a prison cell in solitary confinement for the rest of his unnatural worthless life.  I’d vote FOR that.





Trump THE TAX CHEAT!  (We have been waiting a long time to find out what we already knew:  TRUMP IS A CHEAT!  Thanks New York!  Now we know Trump is also a TAX CHEAT!)

‘New York Times’ Reports On Trump Tax Returns, Looming Audit.

The New York Times.Trump’s Taxes Show Chronic Losses and Years of Income Tax Avoidance.

Donald Trump’s tax returns reveal why he *really* ran for president.

Trump’s Taxes Show He’s a National Security Threat.

Trump Is Just Another Moocher.

Trump THE MURDERER!  (There is no doubt about it:  Many, if not most, of those DEAD AMERICANS and DEAD because of Trump.)

CDC director overheard blasting Trump health adviser: ‘Everything he says is false’ | TheHill.

Trump to deliver remarks on the coronavirus amid fallout from report he avoided taxes.

Redfield voices alarm over influence of Trump’s new coronavirus task force adviser.

Trump THE CAMPAIGNER.  (He made the same DEMAND of Hillary in the 2016 campaign.  Then we found out HE was selling PEE PEE Tests and he made a Russian Pee Pee Tape.)

Biden campaign responds to Trump’s call for drug test: ‘President thinks his best case is made in urine’.

No handshakes between Biden and Trump at first debate.

Trump THE NUT MAKER!  (Either he hires crazy people [aka his ‘Best People’], or he makes people go crazy.  The evidence is that he does both.  Look at Stephen Miller who was crazy to begin with, and then look at Doctor Robert Redfield among many others who Trump has driven crazy.  Then look at the evidence in the links below.)

Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale hospitalized following reported suicide attempt.

Ex-Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale was drunk and agitated in standoff, cops say.

Trump HHS Spokesman Michael Caputo receives ‘metastatic head and neck cancer’ diagnosis.

The BOTTOM LINE is that Trump doesn’t just believe American soldiers are SUCKERS and LOSERS.

The Real Suckers And Losers – Eugene › 2020/09/10 › the-real-suckers-an…

The Truth is that DONALD TRUMP BELIEVES MOST AMERICANS (not just the soldiers) ARE SUCKERS AND LOSERS because he is counting on those suckers and losers to re-elect him so he can keep on scamming those suckers and losers.  

Late Night: No One Says ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ Like Trump … › Arts › Television

That’s kind of why and how he CHEATED ON HIS TAXES, and left YOU suckers and losers paying for his shit.



Are YOU stupid enough to vote for Trump?

(Please!  Do NOT be a SUCKER, LOSER or TRUMPTURD.)

Pat Shanahan will (probably) VOTE FOR TRUMP!

Donald J. Trump’s BEST PEOPLE include a lot of WIFE ABUSERS!


‘Brad Parscale hits her’: Former Trump campaign manager accused of domestic violence.

Brad Parscale wife beater. (Works for Trump)

Trump wishes ex-staffer accused of domestic abuse ‘well … › Politics › story

Re-emergence of Trump Aide Accused of Abuse Is ‘Deeply … › U.S. › Politics

Rob Porter wife beater. (worked for Trump)

Rob Porter fits into Trump’s history of employing men accused … › rob-porter-staff-secretary-donald-trum…

A History of Sex and Abuse in the Trump Administration … › politics › politics-news › a-hist…

Dave Sorenson wife beater (worked for Trump)

David Sorensen becomes second Trump aide to quit over … › news › world-us-canada-43012426

Patrick Shanahan’s Domestic Violence Cost Him White › 2019/06 › patrick-shanahan-wouldve-…

Rob Porter’s ex-wives detail abuse allegations – › politics › rob-porter-ex-wives-white-house

Patrick Shanahan wife beater (worked for Trump)

After Aides Accused Of Domestic Abuse Resign, Trump Says … › 2018/02/09 › trump-wishes-former-aide-…

Ex-Wives Accuse Top Trump Aide Rob Porter of › 2018/02/07 › rob-porter-wives-abus…

White House Aware Trump Aide Allegedly Abused Former … › white-house-aware-trump-aide…

First wife Ivana (he raped her and cheated on her)

Trump Eyes Accused Wife-Beater Rob Porter for a Late … › news › 2018/03 › trump-rob-po…

Second White House official departs amid abuse allegations … › politics › 2018/02/09

Second wife Marla (he cheated with and probably on)

Trump’s Treatment of Women Was His Original Abuse of › Ideas › politics

Documenting Trump’s Abuse of Women | The New › magazine › 2016/10/24 › docu…

The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual › Politics › News

Porn Star Stormy Daniels (he cheated with)

Why domestic abusers thrive in Trump’s White House | Jessica … › commentisfree › feb › why-do…

Donald Trump is still abusing women — with his wife Melania … › news › politics › trump-abusi…

Current wife Melania (he cheated on)

Trump says of accused sex abuser Ghislaine Maxwell: ‘I wish … › news › politics › 2020/07/21 › tr…

Donald J. Trump HIRES wife abusers, because Donald J. Trump is a wife and woman abuser himself.

BE BEST!  (Right “Melanie”?)

Tax Cheaters VOTE FOR TRUMP!

Donald Trump get’s PATHETIC COWARDS to support him



Donald Trump tells over twenty thousand LIES.

Donald Trump is a TOTAL FAILURE as a businessman, investor, uncle and president. 


Donald Trump causes people like Caputo and Parscale to GO NUTS.

And those are the things Trump does well.

Trump COULDN’T and WOULDN’T pay his TAXES! What a PISS POOR PRECEDENT from a president.

Trump is a TAX CHEAT!

New York Times’ Trump Tax Returns Investigation: 18 Revelations.

New York Times: Trump paid no income taxes in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000.

NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017.

The New York Times.Trump’s Taxes Show Chronic Losses and Years of Income Tax Avoidance.

Trump is a PISS POOR BUSINESSMAN, and we have almost 4 years of his PISS POOR PRESIDENCY to prove it.

Trump didn’t pay income tax for 10 of 15 years before 2016 election: NYT | TheHill.


An Editor’s Note on the Trump Tax Investigation.

And the Trump Trailer Trash Kids should be thrown in prison too, for TAX CHEATING like their old man.

Trump lashes out at New York Times report alleging years of tax avoidance.