Monthly Archives: October 2020

Trump Lies – GET OVER IT!

Trump LIES!

Trump uses Midwestern swing to launch false attacks on doctors while Covid cases rise.

US election 2020: Trump criticised over false claim doctors profit from Covid deaths – live updates.

BERLIN, GERMANY – OCTOBER 30: Shortly before the US presidential elections, Madame Tussauds Berlin throws the wax figure of Donald Trump into the trash bin and disposes of it on October 30, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. They expect that he is going to lose, so say they don’t need it any longer. (Photo by Tristar Media/Getty Images)

Trump wants to KILL and FIRE (or have people die and have them fired) more people.

‘A Huge Attack’: Critics Decry Trump Order That Makes Firing Federal Workers Easier.

Respected all over the world MY ASS!  Trump is literally TRASHED in Germany.

Berlin’s Madame Tussauds places its Trump statue in garbage bin – Business Insider.

Just HOW STUPID in the GOLDEN BARE?  Jack Nicklaus endorses Trump then takes his SNAKE OIL Medicine!  What a doddering OLD FOOL!

Jack Nicklaus says he took hydroxychloroquine, doubts COVID-19 death count after endorsing Trump.

Besides Trump’s OLD FARTS, he does have his BROWN SHIRTS!

Biden campaign cancels Austin rally; Trump supporters reportedly harass bus on I-35.

NO!  Trump is going to RUN AWAY LIKE A COWARD when he loses.  Either that or barricade himself in The White House and throw a Trump Tantrum!

Trump may just keep campaigning after Election Day.

Anyone who continues to support Trump AFTER the election should be IMPRISONED!

Finally: Leave it to the FUCKERS at FOX to FIND a FOOL like David Bossie-Pants!

David Bossie: Trump will be reelected — here is his path to an Electoral College victory.

Trump could win, that is possible.  Anything is possible.  2016 was possible, even though THE POLLS said it wasn’t possible in 2016. The Polls are saying the same SHIT now.  The POLLS are BULLSHIT!  Trump is BULLSHIT!  It’s all a bunch of BULLSHIT!  The new NORMAL is BULLSHIT!  


Somebody in Spokane is Smokin some SHIT!

Washington state on Washington D.C., and the state of the nation:

Editorial: With misgivings, vote Trump for president and Inslee for governor

Donald Trump is a bully and a bigot. He is symptomatic of a widening partisan divide in the country. We recommend voting for him anyway because the policies that Joe Biden and his progressive supporters would impose on the nation would be worse.

The list of Trump’s offenses is long.


Trump is SCUM, but vote FOR him anyway.  What a load of shit!  Besides that, all the claims against Joe Biden are based ONLY on TRUMP LIES.  All one need do to disprove those Trump Lies is look at Biden’s forty-seven year history in American politics.  Yes, Biden has made some mistakes, who hasn’t. (Whereas Trump has a lifetime of narcissistic bullshit to identify him, as well as a list of over twenty-thousand lies in less than the last four years.)

Voting FOR Trump would be a HUGE MISTAKE and yet the editor of the Spokane Spokesman Review says we should make that MISTAKE and vote FOR Trump.  WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY SMOKING IN SPOKANE!

(Oh! I get it. They are the reddist of RED REPUBLICANS in Spokane. But, why did they endorse Democrat Jay Inslee? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY SMOKING IN SPOKANE?)

The Seattle Times reports this about its Spokane-based media cousin:

The Spokesman editorial refreshingly cuts through all the performance art baloney. Trump is no joke, it states. He really is a bigot and a know-nothing charlatan. But we back him anyway … why? Because we think he’ll be better for business.

Seriously, that’s pretty much it. Joe Biden wants more spending on things like health care and education (true), so he’ll have to “impose unprecedented tax increases,” (not true, especially the “unprecedented” part — for the record what Biden is actually proposing are higher taxes on people making more than $400,000 a year).

Given the choice between a wretched human being and “a doddering, doting uncle who would hand out gifts the nation can’t afford,” the editorial closes, “economic policy and principle should prevail. Vote Donald Trump.”

‘Wretched human being’ for president: How the Spokane paper’s bizarre plug for Trump revealed a hard truth.

Also, how the hell does the Spokesman Review endorse the WRETCHED REPUBLICAN Trump and the Dastardly Democrat Inslee in the same editorial?  Especially when Inslee’s opponent Loren Culp has been dubbed “Trump-Lite” and Trump-like?

Culp an atypical GOP candidate for Washington › article › virus-outbreak-donald-trump-sp…

Culp claims that since so many people die from auto crashes it makes just as much sense to restrict driving as it does to restrict people contact because of COVID-19. First of all, we already restrict driving. Our laws dictate how much distance to keep from other cars, how fast we can go, when we can and cannot pass, wearing seat belts, and where we can drive and park. I am sure Culp has issued his share of tickets for infractions of those laws. By doing so, has he violated the people’s freedom or made them safer? Additionally, people can choose not to drive. They can’t choose not to breathe.

Letter to the editor: Who is Loren Culp? | Opinion | thereflector … › opinion

Trump and Culp are basically THE SAME. (Pro-Lifers when it comes to Anti-Abortion, but let the rest of humanity DIE if it means they get richer!) So how can the Editor of the Spokane Spokesman Review endorse one and not the other?  The only answer can be MONEY!  The Editor/Owner of The Spokane Spokesman Review must make more than four hundred thousand dollars a year, and likes the Trump TAX CUTS but not the proposed Biden Tax hikes.  Obviously, it’s all about THE MONEY HONEY!

Typical TrumpTurd Trumpublicans.  SHOW THEM THE MONEY and they’d vote for anyone.  That’s why the PROSPERITY GOSPELYTES of the EVANGELICAL PARTY support Trump.  FOR THE MONEY!  (Acolytes of greed, who say: “Fuck The Little People!  If they die, they die as long as we get rich.  Vote FOR Trump!”)

The pic above is for yesterday’s blog.

Trump is today’s JAN BRADY!

Do YOU remember?

Then there was this MEME …

Now there is this BULLSHIT!!!

Trump is NOW saying: “COVID! COVID! COVID!!!” (That is an actual QUOTE from Donald J. Trump’s current re-election stump speech, that he is giving at his SUPER-SPREADING rallies.)

because …

Trump is jealous of Covid, Biden, Obama, and anyone with a brain, and anyone with common sense, …

Trump is Jan Brady!

I don’t believe The Polls! But, I also don’t believe Trump is WINNING!

Trump is WINNING?

How the hell can that even be possible?

Are there really THAT MANY stupid, selfish or stupidly-selfish people in America?

Don’t believe the polls — Trump is winning


We predict that President Trump is going to win the 2020 presidential election — and win big.

While the majority of the polls suggest that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is leading, or at best that it’s close, those polls suffer from at least three problems.

Don’t believe the polls — Trump is winning | TheHill.

So many Americans are saying “If Trump wins, I’m moving out of the country.” or even “If Biden wins, then I’m moving out of America.” 

It doesn’t matter.  WHERE THE HELL IS ANYONE GOING TO MOVE TO?  All the borders are CLOSED and nobody wants Americans because of what Trump has FAILED TO DO to keep us from getting sick with Covid-19.  We’re stuck because Trump SUCKS!  WE ARE FUCKED!  Because Trump is a MotherFucker!

You know it!  I know it!  GOD KNOWS IT!  

Trump has fucked us all, so how the hell can he be winning?  It doesn’t make any sense.  We know Trump is the reason why SO MANY AMERICANS ARE DYING!  Granted, he did not cause the virus, but TRUMP MADE THE VIRUS WORSE!  We all know that.


This is Jonathan the Jack-Off.
This is Christos Crapper.

And Now, for a Completely Different Opinion… – Daily › stories

As one person writes:

The Hill (of course it’s a different opinion) has an article up that caught my paranoid mind’s attention: Don’t believe the polls — Trump is winning. 

If you’ve never been over there, please be aware that they are always on the Republican side of everything — so, of course, this is what they are saying.

But I took a look at the arguments so you wouldn’t have to and got a lot of comfort from what I saw.  The arguments attack the pollsters as being biased and unreliable.  They cite the tone of the questions asked, and the methods used to select respondents.   And their third reason is (oh let me just give it to you):

Okay!  I get it now.  Jakubowski and Makridis, who usually write with Peter Range, are CONSERVITARDS!  No wonder they are so PRO-TRUMP and Anti-Biden. 

Who is Peter Range anyway?  I can’t tell.  He may or may not have a separate entry on the internet.  He could be a Mountain Range in Tajikistan or an author who likes to write about Hitler.

In his Tweet, the Peter Range I think we’re talking about (the usual co-conspirarator of Jaku and Mak) wrote this:

Peter Range


I love Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, my family and serving others. I hope to be a Saint, but I have a long way to go; in the mean time, let Him be praised!

This is Peter the Putz!

Sorry Pete, but Saints are not SHITHEADS like YOU.  I PREDICT Peter will NEVER be a SAINT!  Never!  (And I was raised Catholic.  I was even an Alter Boy! But, like George Carlin said “you know, you grow,”)

The THREE of them are definitely ANTI-ABORTIONIST/PRO-LIFERS, which pretty much guarantees they are CONSERVITARDS!  These guys say they want to SAVE BABIES from being ABORTED, but obviously don’t GIVE A SHIT about the millions of adult people who have DIED and will DIE from Covid-19!  Hypocrites and liars like them DO NOT BECOME SAINTS.  (Sorry Peter, but that’s just a fact.)

These three JERK-OFFS may occasionally write critically about Trump, but that’s simply a ruse to try to TRICK people into believing the other crap they write.  They are playing THREE CARD MONTE using words, instead of cards, in their fake articles. 

Just like Trump, saying he’s turned over his THOUSANDS of businesses to his sons, by showing a table full of BLANK FOLDERS filled with BLANK PAPER pretending they are all the contracts he has signed over to them, these ASSHOLES pretend they are unbiased.  Just like Trump charging THREE OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS for each GLASS OF WATER he served any government official or visitor to his MAR-A-LAGO fake Florida White House, these THREE JACKASSES are BULLSHITTING (or trying to BULLSHIT) America (when they are just JACKING OFF each other). 

The Federalist says:

Jonathan Jakubowski is the author of “Bellwether Blues, A Conservative Awakening of the Millennial Soul.” Christos A. Makridis is a research professor with Arizona State University’s W. P. Carey School of Business, a senior adviser at Gallup, and a non-resident fellow at Baylor University. Peter Range is the director of the Office for Life and Justice of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Toledo, and radio host of “Say Yes to Life” on Annunciation Radio of Northwest Ohio. These views are those of the authors and not on behalf of any affiliated institutions.

Christos A. Makridis, Jonathan Jakubowski, and Peter Range … › author › makridisetal

Simply put, they are CONSERVITARDS! (Now I really have nothing against Christians or even Catholics, but I absoultely cannot stand LYING TRUMPUBLICANS like these three pukes.)

So, the bottom line is, let JakuBlowJobSki and MakeARumpRider write and publish whatever they want in The HellHill, because they are FULL OF SHIT-SKI! They’re Trumpubliturds anyway!  So is Pete THE STRANGE Range, a regular COLLABORATOR of theirs.

Whatever scares more people to the POLLS to VOTE AGAINST TRUMP and VOTE FOR BIDEN is just fine with me.  Why did they do it this time without Peter Range the STRANGE?  Maybe, because they know his name would give them away for THE LIARS THAT THEY ARE!  Or maybe it’s because Peter wants to be a SAINT and even he knows he can’t get there by openly LYING in print.

Seriously, there can not really be that many STUPID-SELFISH FOOLS in America!  (Can there?  I mean, there are a lot of ‘Stupids’ in America, but even in 2016 they needed Russian help to get Trump erected.  Can they do it again in 2020?  Doubtful.  Not even with Putin’s meddling.)

THE BOTTOM LINE IS:  Trump is probably going to lose, despite what lies these asshole TrumpTurds write.

The real problem is going to be ‘how to get Trump out of The White House after he loses the election’. He better leave the country, because if he doesn’t he is definitely going to get sued!

‘The Boston Herald’ is the ‘FOX News’ of New England!

Is this a big deal?

Editorial: The Herald endorses Trump

Editorial: The Herald endorses Trump.

The Boston Herald is an American Right-wing Tabloid whose primary market is Boston, Massachusetts and its surrounding area. It was founded in 1846 and is …

Boston Herald – › wiki › Boston_Herald

So, The Boston Herald ENDORSES Trump.  


That’s like saying Sean Hannity ENDORSES Trump.


That’s like saying: Ted Cruz ENDORSES Trump.  (Well, actually, Ted MIGHT NOT endorse Trump.  After all Trump did say Ted’s wife was UGLY and his father KILLED JFK.  And Ted did call Trump a Pathological Liar. Maybe that was all before Ted drank the Trump HaterAide.)

Do you recall Lindsey Graham calling Trump a KOOK!  (Or worse.)

Well!  That’s what Lindsey said then.  Now Lindsey is singing a different tune.

Lindsey’s been sipping that Trump HaterAide as well.

So, anyway, The Boston Herald ENDORSED Trump.  BIGLY DEAL!  Trump and his TrumpTurds have been LYING to Americans for years.  Why stop now?

Just use THEIR words against them!

They are NOTHING BUT TrumpTURDS and LYING LIARS who tell LIES!

The Boston Herald Editorial Board obviously ate too many of their own beans and then FARTED!

  • Beans!
  • Beans! 
  • Good for the HEART!
  • The more YOU eat!
  • The more you FART!

(Yep!  They definitely ate too many baked beans!  They had to, in order to endorse that BEAN-BRAIN Old Fart Donald J. Trump.)

Speaking of songs, here’s one that occurred to me …

The Real Donald J. Trump

(In song.  Sing to the theme song tune for cartoon show ‘Top Cat!’  Watch the video.  Trump and T.C. have a lot in common, grifter-wise.  Except T.C. is way smarter than Dumbass Don.)

  • Tough Shit!
  • The most non-sensical
  • Trump Crap!
  • Don is Non-Sensical
  • Close friends get to call him “Mister Trump”
  • Because he’s such a dumb fucking hump!
  • Tough Shit!
  • The Indisputable LEADER OF THE KLAN!
  • He’s the boss, with no sauce, he’s such a piece of shit!
  • He’s the most pig slop!
  • Trump Crap!
  • (alternative ‘fact’ verse)
  • He’s a MOOK!
  • He’s a PUKE!
  • Lindsey called him a KOOK!
  • He’s the prime TumpTurd!
  • Tough Shit!

Seriously, TrumpTurds would be much better off voting for TOP CAT rather than Trump Crap!  And THAT is a NON-ENDORSEMENT of Donald J. Trump the UGLY STUPID CHUMP!

Please say a prayer with me!

Please my brothers and sisters, join me in prayer. Even if you never pray, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?

Oh God,

whomever You might be, PLEASE come upon this Earth and INFECT all the HEATHEN TRUMPTURDS who do not care if the rest of us get sick and possibly die.

Infect them ALL with the Covid-19 Virus, since they are already participating in SUPER-SPREADING EVENTS anyway, like:  the announcement and/or swearing-in of Amy Coney Barrett, Trump Political Rallies, and all Republican events in which they participate mask-less and not maintaining a recommended Social Distance. 

Let them ALL who do such things as STUPID as that, become INFECTED with the Covid-19 Virus, and DIE in PAINFUL AGONY!  They deserve nothing better.  They have brought this upon themselves.  You can MAKE SURE they are INFECTED, that they DIE and that they naturally GO TO HELL!


Please let them ALL DIE!

We do not need or want such selfish people in our midst.



Dear God, we do not wish the worst to befall these people.  We simply want them to get exactly what they deserve as soon as possible, so they can leave us alone.

Please God, whether You be called Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Buddha, The Great Spirit or whatever name or reference You go by – PLEASE grant our PLEA.  Please INFECT these selfish people so that they can DIE and be whisked away from our righteous society.  Give them what they apparently want and deserve.  Let them DIE in profound AGONY!



Flies SIT ON SHIT. And Mike Pence is Donald Trump’s personal pile of shit.

Mike Pence is actually WORSE than Donald Trump!


Pence for Trump?

Because Mike Pence is the WINDOW DRESSING for Trump.  He gives Trump the Christian-Credibility that Trump does not have. 

US President Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside of St John’s Episcopal church across Lafayette Park in Washington, DC on June 1, 2020. – US President Donald Trump was due to make a televised address to the nation, instead he made this phony Photo-Op.

True Christians and REAL AMERICANS see Mike Pence for what he is.  What is Mike Pence?  Mike Pence is Donald Trump’s WHORE!

Pence breaks CDC quarantine to campaign after his staff test positive – Business Insider.

Vice president Mike Pence to campaign at Reno airport on Oct. 29.

Infection of Pence Aides Raises New Questions About Trump’s Virus Response.

Health experts question Pence campaigning as essential work.

Coronavirus updates: In one-week span, US reports highest number of cases since pandemic began; states struggle to contain COVID spread.

Mike Pence is endangering and menacing the LIVES of Americans all over this country in order to campaign for his real LORD and MASTER, his god Donald Trump. 

Note the FLY sitting on top of a pile of shit.

How does that make Mike Pence WORSE than Trump?

Flies know shit when they see it.

Simply this way.

We ALL know Donald J. Trump is BAD for AMERICA and AMERICANS in almost every way possible.  That is what Trump represents.

However, Mike Pence puts a veneer on Trump and PRETENDS that Trump is not as bad as he really is.  Sadly, there are some Americans, mostly the Evangelicals, who believe Pence’s LIES which provide cover for Trump’s LIES!

That Fly knows Mike Pence is a real PILE OF SHIT!

THAT is how Pence is worse than Trump.

Even Satan (#13) is MAGA meat.


Trump is THE DEVIL!


Does ANYONE even CARE about TRUMP’s LIES?

Here’s why all Americans, including and especially the Evangelicals, SHOULD CARE about Trump’s LIES!

It framed the stakes of the election in a simple way. Does lying matter anymore?

Honesty has always been considered a keystone of character. Even children know lying is wrong. This is clearly communicated in our faith traditions as well. For example, the Bible warns against some form of lying at least 116 times. It’s right there in the 10 commandments — “Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” and echoed from the Old Testament (“A righteous man hateth lying…” Proverbs 13:5) to the New Testament (“Do not lie to one another…’ Colossians 3:9-10).

Let me say it more plainly: it is not biased to describe Trump as a liar. It is a matter of objective and demonstrable fact. The Washington Post has catalogued more than 22,000 false or misleading claims over the course of his time in office — and those are just the ones that he’s uttered in public. And he has lied as much as 50 times a day during the final stretch of this campaign. “The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me,” Trump’s former chief of staff, Marine Gen. John Kelly has told friends, “The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”

All of this is to say that if religion and virtue matter when casting your vote, then lying should matter as well. Because honesty matters. Character matters. On the flip side, campaigns that focus on fear or greed run counter to basic tenets of faith. If we overlook these bedrock virtues to focus instead on one or two policy positions — no matter how deeply held — we lose sight of the most fundamental teachings of faith and run the risk of reaping the whirlwind as a society.

Why evangelicals should care about Trump’s lies (and other sins).

If Trump goes down, people who know the president say, don’t expect him to take responsibility.

Michael Cohen, a former Trump fixer who has since broken with the president, said the culture of finger-pointing filtered down from a boss who never accepted blame. That, Cohen said, left lieutenants to fight it out among themselves.

“It can never, ever be Trump’s fault,” Cohen said. “That’s the rule.”

Paranoia and finger-pointing in Trumpworld as election approaches.

President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus in the James Brady Briefing Room, Monday, March 23, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

… Trump, who has long identified as a Presbyterian, now considers himself a “nondenominational Christian.”

Trump shared his change in religious identity in a written statement to Religious News Service.

“Though I was confirmed at a Presbyterian church as a child, I now consider myself to be a nondenominational Christian,” Trump wrote, without giving an explanation for the transformation or saying when it occurred.

Trump has a loyal base among white evangelicals, who in 2016 helped propel him to victory.

That year, the religious group made up roughly a quarter of the electorate, and 81 percent of them voted for Trump, according to a report by The Washington Post.

Trump, once Presbyterian, now says he’s a ‘nondenominational Christian’.

(The REASON for Trump’s ‘change’ is because he thinks it will get him more Evangelical votes.  He is not even a Christian.  Trump is an unrepentant liar, which is not a Christian thing to be.  Though he does seem to Evangelize about LYING.  Are ALL Christians LIARS like Trump?)

Any Christian, who believes Trump’s lies is probably going to Hell. In fact, anyone at all who believes Trump’s constant stream of lies is just plain STUPID!

Trump the TURD, the latest WORD!

We all know that Donald J. Trump is an ASSHOLE!

How’d he get that way?  Through sheer self-determination.  He willed himself to become an asshole, and that is what he has become.

This new book just adds some background to all the others about Donald J. Trump’s ASSHOLE-ISHNESS! (Asshole-ery? Trump is an Asshole.)

New book by former Trump aide alleges early racist comments … › politics › story › new-book-by-for…

Here are some snippets from the article:

The book recounts racist, anti-Semitic and sexist behavior, along with Trump’s ability to lie “so naturally” that “if you didn’t know the actual facts, he could slip something past you.”

“The seeds of who he is today were planted back when I worked with him,” Res wrote. “He was able to control others, through lies and exaggeration, with promises of money or jobs, through threats of lawsuits or exposure. He surrounded himself with yes-men, blamed others for his own failures, never took responsibility, and always stole credit. These tactics are still at work, just deployed at the highest levels of the U.S. government, with all the corruption and chaos that necessarily ensue.”

Trump “can’t stand” the working people who make up his political base, she wrote, but “was well aware of the public relations benefit of being liked by ‘the common man,’ and he exploited it, a behavior he continues to this day.”

Trump turned out to be a difficult boss, blaming others for his mistakes, taking undue credit and withholding promised bonuses on a whim. When inspecting Trump Tower during construction, he began screaming at how the marble wrapped around the columns.

She recounts numerous examples of Trump squeezing business partners, the media or the people he worked with, just to get an edge, comparing his recipe for success to a player in the game of Monopoly who has no regard for the rules.

“Imagine if you cheated,” she wrote. “You took money from the bank, skipped spaces, put houses on your properties when no one was looking, and took everyone else’s houses. Would you win?”

“It’s not hard to look at the trajectory of his entire life and spot an unmistakable pattern: The bigger he got as a name, the smaller he got as a person,” she wrote.

Here are some other books about Trump! Google them, but don’t buy them.

Seriously, do not buy any book about Trump or allegedly BY Trump.  We all know what he is without reading any books about him.  Today Donald J. Trump is the BIGLYEST ASSHOLE ON THE PLANET and only looking to get BIGLYER!  (Watch out Pope Francis, Trump is after your job next!)

Trump is an ASSHOLE!

Full disclosure:  I did NOT watch either of the ‘DEBATES’ between Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.  I’ve already made my mind up as to who I am voting for, and no amount of talking from either one of them is going to change the FACT that I am voting AGAINST Trump.

However, as reported by CNN ..

Trump — who has constantly exacerbated racial divisions — declared that he was the “least racist person in the room.”

Trump dials back his anger, but his debate performance doesn’t change the facts.

Well.  That’s really all you need to know that Donald Trump is a GODDAMNED LIAR and needs to be THROWN IN PRISON!




Almost every time Trump said something, it was either FALSE or MISLEADING.  Check out THE FACTS for yourself.

Fact checking Trump and Biden at the final presidential debate.Fact check article


Presidential debate: Trump says on Covid-19: “I take full responsibility. It’s not my fault.”.

It may be true that Trump did NOT cause the pandemic, but Trump IS RESPONSIBLE for THE FACT that  the United States is leading the world in DEATHS and INFECTIONS from Covid-19.  Trump IS RESPONSIBLE whether he accepts the responsibility or not.  Trump’s words are LIES!

Five takeaways from the final Trump-Biden debate | TheHill.

‘The Hill’ and their writers have FIVE TAKEAWAYS, but we have our own:

1.  Trump is a LIAR!

2.  Trump is a CHEATER!

3.  Trump is a RACIST!

4.  Trump is an ASSHOLE!

5.  Trump is a PATHETIC PIG!  (Snort!  Snort!)