Monthly Archives: November 2020

GOOD LUCK! Thanks! But, Goodbye.

I am shutting it down.

What does that mean?

It means that there’s no longer any point to posting the kind of blogs I have been posting every day (sometimes more than one a day) for the past couple of years.

Trump LOST.

Biden WON.

Besides that, WordPress has done something that has broken the sites.  People may be able to read my stuff, I don’t know.  You might be able to read this “Good Bye” message. Then again, maybe not.

The only thing I know for sure is that WordPress is preventing YOU from posting a “LIKE” or a “FOLLOW” to my pages.  Thus, I have no way of knowing if anyone likes this, or is even seeing this.  It’s kind of pointless for me to continue.

I noticed the change months ago on my site

They stopped the ‘LIKES’ at about the same time they forced that CRAPPY NEW EDITOR on us.

Now it’s spread to all my sites, including this one.

I recently notified WordPress, but they say it’s my browser, or somehow it’s my fault. That’s bull. I’m using the same browsers I have always used. I’m using the browsers that work for everything else. I can post a ‘LIKE’ to my own stuff, sometimes, but YOU can’t. Or, if you can then I can’t see it, so I don’t know. (No feedback is NO FEEDBACK,)

I don’t know if the people at WordPress SUPPORT Donald Trump, and that’s why they’ve isolated me and my sites.  However, I now have to suspect they are Trumpublicans and I just didn’t make a bigly enough impact during the campaign while leading up to the bigly election, and that’s why they let me continue with my Anti-Trump blogs.

However, it appears that NOW THAT TRUMP HAS LOST the Trumpistas at WordPress, like Trump himself, have to take out their measure of vengeance upon all of us who saw Trump for the NAZI he really is.

Well, it no longer matters.


NAZI FASCISM IN AMERICA has LOST along with Trump.

The KKK and other White Supremacists in America have LOST with TRUMP! (Even though there are a lot of them.)

They are LOSERS!

So, my work here is done.

Let WordPress do what it wants to do.  Even if they want to support Trump. 

I hoped WordPress would be a neutral vehicle that would accept all opinions, but it looks like they too are TrumpTurds who support Donald J. Trump — who LOST!

Trump is going to do what he’s going to do.  

Trump may yet plunge America into the FINAL WORLD WAR.

Biden may try to stop him.

Some people seem to think Trump will leave The White House on January 20th, or before.  I do not. 

I believe, Trump will barricade himself in The White House and try to never let Biden in, kind of like Nicolas Maduro has done in Venezuela.

Nicolas Maduro is still in charge of Venezuela.  (He went from elected leader to dictator, just as I believe Trump hopes to go.)  Even though Icky Nicky was voted OUT OF OFFICE like Trump was, old Nick is still In Charge. Will Dumb Donnie follow suit?

Read all about it. Google it. 

Can Trump do what Maduro is doing?  Why the hell not?

The best thing that might happen is that Trump might follow-through on his threat to leave America since he lost to Biden.  Trump lost to Biden.  Bye Bye Trump.  (I hope he goes to Moscow, and I hope Vladimir puts him and his whole family in a Gulag in Siberia. They are IDIOTS, but they are no longer USEFUL IDIOTS. The Trumps are simply IDIOTS.)

But, then again, Donald Trump lied before ( a lot!) and was probably lying then (when he said he would go away).  So Trump is a LIAR and like dog-crap on our shoes it’s going to take a lot of effort to scrape him off and get rid of the smell. (Because of Trump, America is going to smell bad for a long long time.)

So, so long to you all.  Unless, and until WordPress fixes what they broke, and you can post “LIKES” to my web pages, at least until then I’m outta here. (Maybe they ‘broke’ it by accident, or maybe on purpose. Who knows. It just looks awfully suspicious.) Anyway …


We won.

Will Trump really ever leave The White House?  Who knows.  Trump is such a liar, and a racist, and all sorts of other bad things you can think of.

Good bye and Good Luck! Thank you all for your support.

TrumpTurds are STINKING DEAD FISH and slithering SNAKES!



Trump asked advisers last week for ‘options’ to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, says report.

Trump Administration Rushes To Sell Oil Rights In Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Rage, tweets and TV: A vision of a Trump post-presidency begins to emerge.

These guys decide NOT to represent the TRUMP TURD!

Three attorneys withdraw from representing Trump campaign in Pennsylvania suit

Some REPUBLICANS have not turned into TRUMPUBLICANS!

GOP senators shrug off Trump’s conspiracies over election results: ‘He can say whatever he wants’.

Republicans livid over Trump’s plan to reduce troops in Afghanistan.

The WOMAN REPUBLICAN who has taken her lead from the EXAMPLE of Donald Trump!

GSA official blocking Biden’s transition appears to privately plan post-Trump career.

ONE HONEST REPUBLICAN spills the beans on crooks Doug Collins and Lindsey Graham.

Ga. secretary of state says fellow Republicans are pressuring him to find ways to exclude ballots.

Georgia secretary of state says Graham, other Republicans have pressured him to toss legal ballots

Georgia secretary of state says Lindsey Graham and other Republicans have pressured him to toss legal ballots: report.

The basic thing to remember is that: YOU CAN’T EVER TRUST ANY REPUBLICAN!, EVER!  Even the ones who repudiate Trump now, allowed him to rule for four years before he was BEATEN LIKE A DRUM by Biden.

The REPUBLICAN/TRUMPUBLICAN image is not an elephant, it is a SNAKE and the TRUMPTURD MOTTO is now: 


Democrats and donkeys may be stubborn, but REPUBLICAN SNAKES IN THE GRASS ARE EVIL and they all smell like DEAD FISH! MAGA That! (Morons Are Governing America!)

Why doesn’t Trump do …

A TV news talking-head just asked, “Why doesn’t President Trump take the Coronavirus Pandemic seriously?

She asked this in response to Dr. Fauci stating that Donald Trump has not participated in any of the White House Coronavirus Task Force meetings for a long time, at least several months.

Trump is NOT working with the Biden Transition Team on the Coronavirus, and Trump refuses to CONCEDE the election he just LOST.

Why doesn’t Trump do anything about the Coronavirus Pandemic.



Donald J. Trump only cares about one thing and that is Donald J. Trump.

Have you got it now?


He never did. Those MORONS who voted for him never got it either. Anyone who thinks Trump cares for anyone other than Trump is a GODDAMN FUCKING IDIOT!

Trump says he is tired of hearing “Covid! Covid! Covid!” because he wants everyone to be about “ME! ME! ME!” The fact is “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! is a CHUMP! CHUMP! CHUMP!”

The Coronavirus Pandemic is SPIKING AGAIN in the U.S. but all Trump can do is THINK OF HIMSELF.

Trump’s failure to work with Biden is becoming more urgent as Covid spreads.

When he should be working with Biden AND EVERYONE ELSE to control the Pandemic, Trump does NOT CARE about anyone but himself!

Trump campaign retreats from key claim in Pennsylvania suit.

Trump lawyer complains of harassing call from attorney at opposing firm.

Trump lashes out after campaign reportedly scraps key claim in Pennsylvania suit – live.

Trump, Trying to Cling to Power, Fans Unrest and Conspiracies.

Judges appear increasingly frustrated with Trump’s legal claims about 2020 election.


Fuck anyone else.  They are NOT HIS PROBLEM!  (We really are, but he doesn’t care.)

Trump supporters hit with fireworks at restaurant after MAGA march, suspect arrested.

GODDAMN TRUMP SUPPORTERS ought to be HIT with a lot more than just FIREWORKS.  They need to FUCKING WAKE UP!

Whitmer blasts ‘rise up’ tweet from Trump adviser amid new COVID-19 restrictions.

Gretchen Whitmer is CORRECT! 

Trump needs to RISE-UP from his own SELFISHNESS or get the hell out of the way and SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Trump is now a ‘Lame Duck’, but he has always been a LAME FUCK!

Trump Excretes his Tweets

The truth is that after years and years of the Trump BIRTHER BULLSHIT, even Trump EVENTUALLY admitted Obama was born in America.  So now, Trump seems to EVENTUALLY be admitting that BIDEN WON the recent election! Trump’s still not ready to say he LOST, he refuses to concede, because Trump says the election was rigged.

Trump admits Biden won, falsely claims election was ‘rigged’.

Trump says for first time that Biden ‘won,’ blaming ‘rigged’ election.

Trump says he lost election to Biden for the first time, blames ‘rigged’ process – Business Insider.

Trump did that as Trump always does things via TWEET. Then, just moments later Trump sent out another TWEET (probably while he was still sitting on the shitter) that basically said his first TWEET was wrong.

Here’s some Breaking News: ALL TRUMP TWEETS ARE BULLSHIT! (They always have been.)

Why did Trump finally ADMIT Biden won?  Maybe because the states said Trump’s plans to flip the Electors was NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Republican leaders in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin throw cold water on ploy to flip electors to Trump.

(Please note the WARNING at the TOP of Mark Levin’s bullshit TWEET! Even Twitter says Trump and Levin are FULL OF SHIT! Like Trump, Levin believes that “If you can’t beat’em, then CHEAT’EM!” That’s really the ONLY WAY Trump could ever win, was by CHEATING!)

Meanwhile, what are Trump’s LIES doing to the country?  

Violent clashes in DC after Trump backers’ election protest.

After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls.

Instead of bringing the country together, Trump continues to sow discontent with his lies and bullshit. Trump doesn’t care what damage he does, because he ONLY wants what’s good for Trump out of it. (Trump is only USING ‘the little people’ to get his way. He really does NOT care about them, or us, or the U.S.. Trump never did care about them, or us, or the U.S.. It was always and ONLY all about TRUMP!)

Now the other question is:  Why is Trump intent on screwing-up The Pentagon? 

Answer: Maybe because he wants to break as much as he can on the way out.

Trump’s Shuffling of the Pentagon Makes for a Rough Transition.

How the Trump administration’s ‘midnight rule-making’ could leave a big mark on government.

The Democrats DID get a new candidate and he (Joe Biden) BEAT TRUMP LIKE A DRUM in the recent election. (Trump even finally admits it.) Ever since 2016 it has been Trump who has been putting out THE BULLSHIT!

At least the New Administration is FOCUSSED on FIXING what Trump broke.  Starting with Covid-19!

As Trump ignores deepening coronavirus crisis, Biden calls for urgent response.

THANK GOD Trump lost and seems to be leaving! Biden has inherited Trump’s BULLSHIT, but is doing what he can to fix it URGENTLY!


Get the HELL OUTTA HERE Donnie Dumbass!

p.s. New York City/State and all others, SUE TRUMP’s WRINKLY ORANGE ASS INTO POVERTY! Even he can’t give himself a PARDON from that crap, no matter what his stacked SCOTUS says.

Trump and his fellow Losers – LOST!

Trump Is Going Out Like He Came In: With His Press Secretary Lying About Crowd Size.

Pence says Trump administration plans to be in place for 4 more years – Business Insider.

Giuliani wrecks Trump campaign’s well-laid legal plans.

Trump Campaign Shuts Down Fraud Hotline After it Gets Flooded With Prank Calls.

Warwick Pro-Trump rally protesters say they will be there all night.

Trump and His Loyalists Are Lying about the Size of the Million MAGA March.

Highlights From the Transition: Trump, Refusing to Concede, Cheers On Supporters.

VIDEO: Ex-aide says Trump didn’t want to shake hands with … › Politics › News

The TRUTH IS that people who support Trump are the real LOSERS and SUCKERS because he uses them.  He doesn’t want to shake their hands, because he thinks they are stupid and uneducated.  


And Donald J. Trump is the BIGLYEST LOSER of them all.

Donald J. Trump is INSANE!

Here are eleven steps to Trump’s DICTATORSHIP!

What Trump may be plotting: This might be a momentary tantrum; it may well be something more sinister


What Trump may be plotting: This might be a momentary tantrum; it may well be something more sinister.

Yes, it would be “difficult for the Trump team to pull off all eleven of these machinations.”  He might be unable to become America’s first DICTATOR. He or his band of incompetents might just screw it all up. So, at any point, Trump could simply decide to NUKE THE WHOLE DAMN BUNCH OF US!

If any one of his (or their) moves fail, Trump could simply PRESS THE NUCLEAR BUTTON!

After all, he does have access to the Nuclear Codes and …


As Soon as Trump Leaves Office, He Faces Greater Risk of Prosecution.

Another law firm bails out on Trump campaign.

Trump, stewing over election loss, silent as virus surges.

Trump, Except on Twitter, Silent for a Week.

Lawrence: ‘Donald Trump’s silence is his concession speech’.

Is it true, like Lawrence O’Donnell says in that last link, Trump’s “SILENCE” is his concession, or is it really just ‘THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM’?

After all, like Trump basically said to his friends, ‘The Blacks’ (because as everyone knows Donald Trump has a lot of BLACK friends, since he has such a good relationship with “THE BLACKS”):





This is how Trump sees it, in his Official White House rant:

Remarks by President Trump on the Election | The White › News › Briefing Statements

(If you didn’t bother to read all that Trump nonsense at the link above, it all boils down to the simple basic fact that Donald J. Trump is delusional.  Trump is suffering from Narcissistic TDDS [Trump Delusional Derangement Syndrome] Translated: Trump is Nucking FUTZ!)

After almost eight full days of silence from Donald Trump (it really was nice while it lasted) he finally opened his gob and gave a speech at The White House about Covid-19 and the Pfizer vaccine. (He was careful NOT to concede the election. He almost slipped. Instead he just bashed New York’s governor and tried to take credit for Pfizer’s vaccine. Then he left the podium without taking any question.)

The thing is: TRUMP IS INSANE!

If sane people don’t see it Trump’s way, Trump may just take us all down with him.

Will President Trump become DUKE NUKE-EM?  (Will he NUKE us?)  After all …


Nuke TRUMP before he Nuke’s US!

Get Trump out!


The self-described “Golden Goose” is rage-tweeting at Fox News, promoting even more sycophantic outlets like Newsmax and OANN, and reportedly eyeing a post-White House digital-media empire of his own.


NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Shortly after polls closed on Election Day, putting an end to another exhausting, mudslinging, and wildly polarizing political contest, it became evident that a slight but clear majority of voters had placed their faith in the safe-bet Democratic candidate. Or at least, he was a safe bet compared to his GOP opponent, a far-right figurehead who flirted with white nationalist groups, helped spearhead the racist birther movement, and stood accused of sexual assault many times over (accusations he denied). But while nearly every notable media outlet projected a win for the Democrat, one network, One America News, decided it had seen enough to crown the GOP candidate the winner.

Three years have passed since Roy Moore’s defeat to Doug Jones in deep-red Alabama, a special-election race in which OANN incorrectly declared Moore the winner, and Donald Trump’s go-to propaganda outlet—at least, when Fox News resists his marching orders—is still spouting revisionism. Five days after the Associated Press projected that Joe Biden will be the next president, OANN remains one of the only semi-relevant networks that, as of Thursday morning, had not called the race.

In recent days, OANN—along with similarly C-list conservative network Newsmax, which has also resisted declaring Biden the winner—has suddenly found itself receiving a tremendous amount of attention, promotion, and praise from the president, often in the same breath he uses to rant against Fox. Trump’s grievances with Fox have been piling up over the past few months, namely with its polling operation, reporting from the network’s actual journalists, and, of course, Chris Wallace. But the levee now appears to have broken, an explosion that began with Fox’s Decision Desk calling Arizona for Biden with just 73% of the state’s vote counted. That move led the president to personally call up Rupert Murdoch “to scream about the [Arizona] call and demand a retraction,” according to my colleague Gabriel Sherman, whose report noted that the verbal abuse had no effect. By the weekend after Election Day, Fox News had joined the establishment-media pack in adopting the title President-elect Biden. 

Trump Goes Nuclear Against Fox News for Not Pretending He Won.

That’s just the first few paragraphs of the article from Vanity Fair.  It’s a good article.  You should read it all.  It mentions the next article from AXIOS.

Trump eyes digital media empire to take on Fox News.

So, now you know that TRUMP IS A LOSER and what he may be planning to do when he finally gets out of Our White House, if he ever does.  But, what if he does even worse, on a whim? What if he does something REALLY CRAZY?

Trump could still try to be America’s FIRST Dictator, but that’s not our fault. 

If Trump does NOT accept the FACT that HE LOST, and he does not leave The White House, then someone will have to go in and drag him out.  

As Trump stews over election, he mostly ignores the public duties of the presidency.

President Trump’s GOP wall of support is cracking.

US election: Biden extends lead over Trump with Arizona win.

Trump-Biden transition live updates: Latest election news and analysis.

Election updates: Biden’s lead over Trump in AZ surpasses remaining votes; GA begins 2nd-largest recount in US history.

The Fact Is That …



Given Trump’s antics and the gradual turning blue (Democrat) of former red (Republican) states, Trump has probably made it so that Republicans MAY NEVER WIN a presidential election ever again in America.  (Which is a good thing, except…)

Trump wants to fuck FOX.

Trump has FUCKED The Republicans!



Trump needs to accept reality and quit throwing his latest Toddler Temper Tantrum! (Trump could do worse if he loses control, and he might lose control any second now.)

Trump needs to have the Nuclear Codes taken away from him,


Trump FUCKED UP in 2016 when he ran for president to get the FREE PUBLICITY he needed to start his media group.  He fucked-up by winning.  Vladimir and The Russians fucked him, by helping him win.  He never expected to win, but he did,  The Russians made it happen.  Trump has been fucking-up America and the world ever since. Now he’s whining!  He wants to stay president, but he also wants his media empire.  The problem is, he could lose BOTH and that is why he’s throwing his Trump Tantrum now!

The bottom line is TRUMP IS A LOSER and Trump is one CRAZY BASTARD!

Trump should not only be dragged out of The White House but also thrown into prison for his crimes against humanity!  (Or at least he should be thrown into a Rubber Room for his own good.)

DO IT NOW, before Trump presses the button and fucks us all for eternity!

Saying Trump has “gone nuclear against FOX” is simply a journalistic turn of phrase.  What if he really does GO NUCLEAR?  He could, you know, he has the Nuclear Codes and it would not be “pretend”.