Monthly Archives: December 2020

2021 SUCKS until Trump is FINALLY GONE!

The year 2021 is getting off to a BAD START!  Trump is going back to The White House.  THAT’S BAD NEWS!

Trump to return to Washington early ahead of Republican plan to disrupt certification of Biden’s win.

Trump ditches Mar-a-Lago New Year’s party for DC on short notice – Business Insider.

Trump to return to Washington on Thursday, ahead of schedule.

Trump jets to White House as Senate rejects $2K stimulus checks.

Trump to return to DC early, GOP senator says he’s ‘playing with fire’ in contesting election.

The FACT IS there is NO ‘WARP SPEED’ Bullshit.  There never was …

How Trump warped HHS long before Covid-19.

Trump is allowing MORE AMERICANS TO DIE because he is a LOUSY PRESIDENT, a bad leader and a MURDERER! Trump is like SLUG SPEED and he even leaves a slimy scum trail wherever he goes.

Yet, Trump still has his sycophants like …

Hawley Answers Trump’s Call for Election Challenge.

Josh Hawley is the new TRUMP-SYCOPHANT in The U.S. Senate, as Screwy Louie Gohmert of “he’s casting aspersions on my ASPARAGUS” fame is filling his sycophantic position in The House.  Both, like ALL SUPPORTERS of Trump, are SICK SYCOPHANTS!

Even though Trump is still planning his RIOT in Washington D.C. (Can’t someone ARREST TRUMP for “INCITING A RIOT? Or, is Trump really “ABOVE THE LAW” as he thinks he is?)

Trump is inciting chaos on Jan. 6, both in and outside the Capitol.

At LEAST, after Trump is carried out of The White House, kicking and screaming and throwing his latest toddler temper tantrum, we will eventually have Joe Biden as our President for the next four years.

Biden to issue executive order halting any Trump ‘midnight regulations’.

So the FUCKS at FOX are upset!  Bigly FUCKING/FOXING Deal!  At least TRUMP WILL BE GONE (hopefully). (Trump’s Executive Orders are all bullshit, and he did more in 4 years than Obama did in 8.)

Maybe we should just postpone the New Year’s Celebration until AFTER Joe Biden takes the Oath of Office, moves into The White House and Trump is finally gone!

I don’t much feel like celebrating any new year that still includes Donald ‘The Dumbass’ Trump.

QUESTION: Instead of taking out almost three hundred fifty thousand Americans, why couldn’t Covid-19 just take out Donald Trump?

Are you REALLY THAT STUPID? (They, the Trumpublicans, think YOU are.)

Trump DOES NOT want a two thousand dollar payment to Americans for Covid-19 Relief.  He just proposed that to HELP Loeffler and Perdue get re-elected in Georgia against Warnock and Ossoff.

Here’s how it works.

Trump is counting on American’s notoriously SHORT MEMORY and attention span.  He proposed a $2000 payment, after over 6 months of telling his boy Mnuchin to get it under $500.  Mnuchin did the best he could but only got it to $600.  Trump DELAYED the signing by over a week to make sure that the overall impact to the U.S. would be less than $500 per person.  (After he increased the national debt by TRILLIONS giving his rich pals permanent Tax Breaks.)

Trump has already FOOLED almost half of America with his lies, his tax bullshit and QAnon crap.

(Trump is also a known RACIST, and so are his supporters, but that’s beside the point. Trump is a LIAR!)

Trump believes he can FOOL most of the rest of America with this latest BULLSHIT LIE that he really wants $2000 payments.

THE FACT IS: Trump is giving Loeffler and Perdue a boost by saying they want to give Americans $2000 payments too, just like The President. (He helps them, they help him.)

BUT; Trump, Loeffler and Perdue DO NOT REALLY WANT to give Americans $2000.

You can bet on the fact that Trump called ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell and said something like: “BLOCK IT!  Make sure the $2000 payment NEVER comes up for a vote in the Senate.  Help Loeffler and Perdue get RE-ELECTED by letting them say they support me and the $2000 payments, but make damn sure it never happens.  Come on!  YOU can do it Mitch, because YOU just got re-elected and after your next six year term Americans will forget that YOU blocked their $2000 checks.  After all, most of them have already forgotten why Joe Scarborough, Nancy Pelosi and most of the rest of the country called you ‘Moscow Mitch’.  They are STUPID.  They FORGOT that.  They will FORGET THIS, because THEY ARE STUPID.” (Trump is calling YOU “STUPID!”)

By the way, why did Joe and Nancy and most of America call Mitch ‘The Bitch’ McConnell “Moscow Mitch” anyway?  Oh!  Yah!  Here’s why:

Louisville’s famous politician was first called “Moscow Mitch” in July by MSNBC host Joe Scarborough on his “Morning Joe” show for blocking two measures aimed at preventing foreign interference in U.S. elections a day after former special counsel Robert Mueller appeared before two House committees and reiterated how his 448-page report found the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

McConnell: Moscow Mitch is “over the top” smear – 2019/09/03

That’s right.  Because Mitch McConnell was PROTECTING RUSSIA instead of DOING HIS JOB helping Mueller determine the truth about COMRADE DONALDski and his Russian Masters!


If YOU really are a STUPID AMERICAN, then you will let “Moscow Mitch” and Comrades Donald, Kelly and David get away with their COMBINED LIES about the latest $2000 payment because after all, YOU ARE JUST A STUPID AMERICAN and you’ll forget all about this anyway. YOU ARE STUPID and they know it.

After all, David Perdue actually encouraged Donald Trump to sign the $600 payoff legislation.

Georgia senator fighting for reelection personally lobbied Trump to sign spending bill.

He may have even proposed the bullshit LIE about the $2000 payment, to help him and Kelly as long as ‘Moscow Mitch’ did his part.  Why?  Because comrades Donald, Mitch, David and Kelly believe YOU are STUPID!

Are YOU really that “STUPID!”? 

Do us all a FAVOR and DIE FASTER you TrumpTurds!

Trumpublicans are GOING TO DIE!


  • keep believing this whole Covid-19 Pandemic is a hoax
  • keep travelling by airplane or whatever
  • keep going to your super-spreader events
  • But most of all, KEEP DYING!

Because if there is something this country and this world can use less of is RACIST SCUMBAGS LIKE YOU PIECES OF SHIT!

So, DIE ALREADY you dumbasses.

Every one of YOU who dies only increases the overall I.Q. of America and the world,


Is THAT really the kind of FACE you want running your country?

Trump has NOT ‘Lost it”  Trump NEVER ‘Had It’ to lose.

Trump turns on everyone.

Donald J. Trump is a LOSER.

Donald J. Trump has always been a LOSER!

Everything Donald Trump touches TURNS TO SHIT!

Now the MAGA maggots can see what they supported, and it’s NOT PRETTY!

Now the MAGA maggots can see how they aligned themselves with RUSSIA and COMMUNISTS to IMPOSE TRUMP on America!

Now, maybe the MAGA maggots can admit they were WRONG!

Because …


Trump threatens 30-day reign of destruction on the way out of office. (The famous ‘Trump Temper Tantrum!’)

Senior Republican says party’s final election challenge will ‘go down like a shot dog’.  (Trump is shooting the dog.)

Tiger King’s Joe Exotic Sues DOJ to Get Pardoned by Trump.  (Why not?  Tiger King is more SANE than Trump is. At least T.K. is not shooting his cat.)

Congress lines up override votes in case Trump vetoes defense bill.  (That is: CONGRESS, which is both Democrats and SANE Republicans.)

Televangelist Pat Robertson says Biden won, won’t be president long, urges ‘erratic’ Trump to retire. (Even his Jesus-Freaks are realizing Trump was USING THEM and USING JESUS.  Jesus Christ! Only the JESUS FREAKS are allowed to USE JESUS to line their own pockets. They are starting to realize that, right Pat? And, even if Joe isn’t president for long at least we’ll have President Kamala!)

Man accused of pretending to be dead mom to vote for Trump – Business Insider.  (Big news: That MAN is a REPUBLICAN! Or, more accurately, a TRUMPUBLICAN!)

Trump-directed email criticizes McConnell, includes polling graphic.  (Trump takes credit for McConnell re-election. It wasn’t Trump. It was the STUPID MAGA mutants in Kentucky who re-elected ‘Moscow Mitch’!)

Trump assembles a ragtag crew of conspiracy-minded allies in flailing bid to reverse election loss.  (The ‘rag-tag’ crew does NOT include McConnell or anyone else the PARANOID Trump is blaming now.  The rag-tag’ crew Trump has assembled only includes NUT JOBS like Trump. Like Fynn, Powell and Rudy Toody Fresh & Fruity! TOOT! TOOT! The old fart.)

Giuliani Distances Trump From Sidney Powell (Who Reportedly Visited White House Today).

Giuliani tries to distance Trump from conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell.

Rudy Distances Trump From Sidney Powell as She Visits White House for Third Time.

Trump order: New federal buildings must be ‘beautiful’.  (Q: Who else fancied himself a ‘beautiful building guy’?  A: Adolf Hitler!)

IT IS LONG PAST TIME TO 25th Amendment TRUMP!  Trump is CRAZY!  (Maybe it’s the advanced stages of syphilis or just his family history of dementia? Donnie’s daddy Fred was a loon too!)

Donald Trump DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU or me. Donald Trump ONLY cares about DONALD TRUMP! He’s CRAZY!

Sidney Powell is CRAZY!

Rudy Giuliani is CRAZIER!

Donald Trump is without a doubt THE CRAZIEST MOTHERFUCKER ON THE PLANET!

Trump continues to pursue efforts to overturn election results.

Trump wants Supreme Court to overturn Pa. election results.

Donald Trump does NOT care if the U.S. economy is going to hell.

Donald Trump does NOT care if the U.S. was hacked by the RUSSIANS.

Donald Trump does NOT care if MORE AMERICANS WILL DIE needless deaths!

All Donald Trump cares about is Donald Trump and his GODDAMN GOLFING!

Somebody NEEDS to do something about DONALD ‘THE DUMB ASS’ TRUMP!  And do it now!

p.s.  Mike Flynn is just an asshole telling Trump that he ought to impose MARTIAL LAW in just those states that the Electors are voting AGAINST TRUMP.  Mike Flynn is an ASSHOLE! Jenna Ellis and all the other MAGA maggots are just nuts!

Donald Trump is a COWARDLY ASSHOLE!

The latest bit of TRUMP BULLSHIT is the SCAM that Trump is trying to pull off on his MORONS of MAGA!

Trump is putting out an email saying he is proposing a PATRIOTIC CHRISTMAS for 2020?

Patriotism is the theme of Christmas at the White House › article

A Trump PATRIOTIC CHRISTMAS for a second year?  BULLSHIT!

Trump would not know what PATRIOTISM is if it bit him on his FAT FUCKING WRINKLED SHIT-STAINED ORANGE ASS!

Trump is a COWARD!

Trump used FIVE DEFERMENTS to get out of being a real patriot and serving his nation in uniform.

Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former … › news › 2019/02/27 › t…

JFK served in the war.  RFK served in the war.  George H.W. Bush served in the war.  Even “W” served in Uniform.  BUT Donald Trump NEVER SERVED ONE DAY in uniform, because Donald Trump is a COWARD!

Trump’s fifth DEFERMENT was for FAKE BONE SPURS that his PAID OFF DOCTOR ‘FEEL GOOD’ said he had, even though he was an athlete at his MILITARY SCHOOL!

Donald Trump claimed his personal Vietnam was not getting an STD while he was FUCKING AROUND as American Patriots were dying in Vietnam, for HIM! (Trump is NOT a CHRISTIAN either.)

Donald Trump told Donnie JUNIOR that if he joined the military then JUNIOR would be DISINHERITED!

Trump said he would disown Donald Trump Jr. if he joined the … › news › trump-s…

Donald Trump is NOT a PATRIOT!

Donald Trump is a LYING ASSHOLE!

Donald Trump is a LYING CHICKENSHIT!

Donald Trump CRIES “Russia! Russia! Russia!”


During the first presidential debate, Trump questions intelligence community findings that Russia hacked the DNC: “I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC. [Clinton’s] saying Russia, Russia, Russia, but I don’t—maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?”

Somebody Sitting on Their Bed That Weighs 400 Pounds › collusion › first-preside…

That was from the year 2016!  

NOW, today, 4 years later in 2020, look at this MOST RECENT tweet from Donald J. Trump the TRAITOR!

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The Cyber Hack is far greater in the Fake News Media than in actuality. I have been fully briefed and everything is well under control. Russia, Russia, Russia is the priority chant when anything happens because Lamestream is, for mostly financial reasons, petrified of….

8:30 AM · Dec 19, 2020 93.5K 50.7K people are Tweeting about this

Same old shit.  Trump yelling out “Marsha!  Marsha!  Marsha!” (or is that “Russia! Russia! Russia!”) just like Jan Brady did, like the little girl Trump is.


In 2016 DUMBASS Donald J. Trump was blaming the Democratic email hack on a 400 pound nerd in a bed, possibly somewhere in New Jersey:

Trump’s “400-pound hacker” comments did not go over well … › minutes › trumps-400-pound…

Twitter Has Field Day Over Trump’s ‘400-Pound Guy’ Quote At … › 2016/09/26 › trump-40…

Trump says obese nerds may have hacked the DNC – The Verge › presidential-debate-2016-d…

Tech crowd goes wild for Trump’s ‘400-pound hacker’ › tech › news › 2016/09/27

TODAY, four years later and as the president, Trump is basically saying the same thing:

Somebody Sitting on Their Bed That Weighs 400 Pounds › collusion › first-preside…

Trump will not ever blame Russia, even though the WHOLE WORLD (even his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo) knows that RUSSIA HACKED THE UNITED STATES. (Russia is Vladimir Putin, Trump’s real boss with the Hot Sauce!)

Pompeo says Russia is “pretty clearly” behind cyberattack on … › … › Donald Trump

Donald J. TRUMP IS A TRAITOR to America and Americans.



p.s.  There was a commenter who goes by the name ragnarsbhut (which I guess stands for a Raggedy Ass Butthead) who recently posted on my blog WIND that “Calling Trump a traitor is absurd.”  (His comment is posted right there in WIND. Go look at it.)

The FACT IS Trump IS ABSURD.  Trump IS A TRAITOR to America and Americans.  Here’s the proof that THAT DUMBASS (Raggedy Ass Butthead) is WRONG, because the main DUMBASS IS A TRAITOR.  They are BOTH “RAGGEDY ASSED BUTTHEADS” as well as DUMB ASSES and TRAITORS!!!

My recommendation is that you GO TO ragnarsbhut website and tell him yourself what a DUMBASS and a TRAITOR he is. It’s easy! You can go to his WordPress hot sauce bullshit blog site and post a REPLY that he is an idiot and a TRAITOR just like Trump.


Donald J. Trump IS A TRAITOR!

Trump remains silent as massive cyber hack poses ‘grave risk’ to government.

Opinion | I Was the Homeland Security Adviser to Trump. We’re Being Hacked.



Trump’s move to his Florida estate challenged by neighbor.

America DOES NOT WANT TRUMP at all, that’s why we VOTED FOR Joe Biden.

Let Trump spend the rest of his miserable life in Guantanamo Bay or a Gulag in Siberia!

Good Riddance to TRUMP TRASH!