Monthly Archives: January 2021

GOP Communists (like Comrade Trumpskaya!)

Let’s finally face the facts that there are Communists inside the United States Government! 

Except they don’t call themselves Communists.  Old Senator Joe McCarthy (the self-avowed Anti-Communist Republican Senator from Wisconsin) would be correct today if he claimed there are Communists in the State Department.  They are in the Congress too, and almost all other Federal Government Departments (thanks to comrade Donaldovich Trumpski!).  The big problem is, the Communists in the American government today call themselves ‘Republicans’ and swear their allegiance to Commie-Stooge Donnie Trump and not the American People or the U.S. Constitution like they said they would and are supposed to according to the Oath they swore to.

Imagine if old Joe McCarthy knew that young Kevin McCarthy was/is a COMMUNIST!  Old Joe would be Tail-Gunning Kev to the max! (Picture that disgusting image if you will.)

But, the fact is: today’s Trumpublicans are RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only) actually.  The fact is: they are COMMUNISTS pretending to be Republicans.  Real Republicans believe in America, the American People, fiscal Conservatism, Balanced Budgets.  FAKE Republicans, or RINOS like they are, believe in Trump and thus they believe in Putin and Communism, because Putin is Trump’s puppet master and Trump is just a dumb fucking puppet!

The Republicans (actually The Rino Commies) want YOU to FEAR COMMUNISM but ignore authoritarians ,,,

The Republican National Convention wants you to fear … › think › opinion › republican-nati…

… because Republicans are the NEW COMMUNISTS!

Republicans trotted out socialist regimes as the supposed Democratic model while ignoring the fact that they’re trying to implement those government policies now.

Republicans say bad things about “socialists” and “socialism” but let’s NEVER FORGET THE FACT that the former USSR was the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.

The USSR claimed to be SOCIALISTIC, but was really nothing more or less than a COMMUNIST REPUBLIC!

Communists are Republicans, and REPUBLICANS are COMMUNISTS.  Just look at Comrade Donald Trump as the example:

A. Comrade Donald Trump took his marching orders (and intelligence reports) from Ex-Communist KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin. (Vlad is Trump’s Commissar!)

B. Comrade Donald Trump said openly that he “Fell In Love” with the Communist Dictator of North Korea, Kim Jung-Un. (Kissy Kissy!)

C. Comrade Donald Trump would NOT fight his Communist comrades in Vietnam, and instead got a FAKE BONE SPUR diagnosis so he could DODGE THE DRAFT in America.  (He was and is also a coward and told Junior he’d be disinherited from The Trump Fortune if he joined the U.S. Military, because soldiers are losers and suckers especially when they get killed.)

D. Comrade Donald Trump fed Communist ‘Chairman For Life’ Xi Jinping the very best piece of Chocolate Cake at his Mar-A-Lago resort. (That’s before Trump blamed China for the CHINA FLU or as he put it in his own racist terms: ‘The Kung Flu’, which normal people call Covid-19.)

E. Comrade Donald Trump went to Vietnam, finally, years after they beat the piss out of the U.S. killing a lot of Americans and South Vietnamese and declared themselves to be COMMUNISTS. (Recall that Donald Trump hated American Hero U.S. Senator and Vietnam POW John McCain, but fell-in-love with Communist Dictator Kim Jung-un and all other Commies like Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese Communists.)

What more PROOF do you need to PROVE Donald Trump is a Communist?  Those are all verifiable FACTS. Trump claims to be a Republican but he’s a RINO and really a Communist.  Thus Republicans who support Trump are COMMUNISTS!  It’s just logical.

You still need more proof of the Republicans front for Communist Domination?

Was the civil rights movement a republican/communist … › doi › pdf

Here’s what Republicans and communists have in › Commentary

FACT CHECK: Republicans Blast Socialism At RNC. Here’s … › 2020/08/25 › republicans-blast-democrats…

AP FACT CHECK: Communist Party USA didn’t endorse › article

About that last one:  Former Senator Perdue CLAIMED John Ossoff was “endorsed by the Communists”.  He wasn’t.  Ossoff was never ever endorsed by any Communist organization. By the way, Perdue LOST, probably because among other things, he is a liar and people in Georgia caught-on to his lies.  John Ossoff is a Democrat, not a Communist, and John Ossoff is the current Senator of Georgia. Perdue was the “Trump Communist”.

p.s. Don’t even get me started on ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell or his gang of Commie Cohorts like Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham or Josh Hawley!

Trump Commie! Trump Commie! Trump Commie!


‘President Donald J. Trump Day’: Ohio lawmakers call for June 14 holiday.

Why not October 7 for Vladimir Putin Day?

Why not January 8 for Kimmie (Jong-un, Donnie’s Commie LOVER) Day?

Make it a TWO-FER!  June 14 for Donnie Trump and June 15 for Xi Jinping Days!

Or how about (pick any date) to CELEBRATE the DAY Communist Vietnam BEAT THE PISS OUT OF THE UNITED STATES and WON THE WAR! (Make NO MISTAKE about it, Nixon SURRENDERED and America LOST THAT WAR!)

Or Celebrate MAY 9th as RUSSIAN MAY DAY and hold a big old MILITARY PARADE to celebrate Russia’s Victory Day right down every MAIN STREET in America.  (That’d make Trumpski happy fer sure!)

Really!  As long as we’re gonna celebrate the COMMUNISM of TRUMP, let’s do it on all of those days.  Right TRUMPTURDS?





By the way

Senate Republicans say Trump should be held accountable for riot — but not by them.

Naturally the Senate Republiturds want someone else to “HOLD TRUMP ACCOUNTABLE”.  Why not?  After all, they were colluding with Trump so they can’t do it.  They are as GUILTY AS HE IS!

The Trumpers ALMOST made America a Communist coutry!

This is absolute PROOF as to how STUPID these TRUMPTURDS really were and obviously still are.

I quote from the article, which quotes Hostetter (the Hotsetter) and Rohrabacher (the GOP flop):

Hostetter, who heads a group called the American Phoenix Project, praised the Trumpers, “as America from the ground-up fights back agains this communist takeover of our country.” Reading from a prepared text, he declared, “Both foreign and domestic enemies and traitors surround us. They are protected and enabled by a corrupt and evil…mainstream media. And this mainstream media joined forces with an even more corrupt group of tech tyrants in the Silicon Valley.”

As the demonstrators cheered, he said, “President Trump and his ground troops here with the patriots—we’re going to fix this….There must, absolutely must be a reckoning. There must be justice. President Trump must be inaugurated on January 20.”

Hotsetter had a very specific idea of justice: “The enemies and traitors of America, both foreign and domestic, must be held accountable. And they will. There must be long prison terms, while execution is the just punishment for the ringleaders of this coup.” A woman at the front of the crowd yelled, “Gitmo!” Standing next to Hotsetter, thoughout this violent rant, was former GOP congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who long represented the area before losing his seat in 2018. (When Rohrabacher spoke, he vowed that the assembled would not allow “communists to take control of our government” through election fraud.)

“Stop the Steal” Organizer Called for “Execution” of Trump’s Foes

Okay!   Here is the PROOF:

Exhibit A.  Donald Trump took his orders directly from a KGB Communist leader of Russia, ex-KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin. (Current dictator of Russia who really wants to Make Russia COMMUNIST Again.)

Exhibit BDonald Trump said he “Fell In Love” with the Communist Dictator of North Korea, Kim Jung-un.

Exhibit C.  Donald Trump DODGED THE DRAFT in the late 60s and early 70s (with FAKE BONE SPUR DIAGNOSIS in a foot he can’t remember which) because he was a COWARD and would NOT fight COMMUNISM.

Exhibit D.  Donald Trump shared the bestest Chocolate Cake ever at his Mar-A-Lago resort, with his Communist friend, the Chairman For Life of Communist China Xi Jinping.

Exhibit E.  Donald Trump would only go to Vietnam after the COMMUNISTS controlled the entire country when Donald Trump was willing to play FOOTSIE with the Communist Leaders of Vietnam.

FACTS are FACTS!  This country (the anti-Communist USA) had a COMMUNIST President from January 2017 to January 2021. His name was DONALD JOHN TRUMP!

Donald Trump LOVES Communists!

Hostetter, Rohrabacher, and all the other dumbshits who supported Trump, in FACT supported COMMUNISM!

They did NOT fight Communism!

They FACILITATED Communism.

Donald J. Trump was actively trying to turn America into a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP.

They FACILITATED Trump and his Communist dreams.

Are THEY STUPID, or what?

Trump = GOP = DUMBASS!

Trump was a DUMBASS!

‘The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy.


NY judge orders Trump Organization’s tax firm to hand over more documents to state attorney general.

Being associated with TRUMP proves the TRUMPTURDS DUMBASSES TOO!

Job Seekers With Trump White House on Their Résumés Face a Cold Reality.


Davos likely to give Trump cold shoulder while China’s Xi to make remarks.

Trump is still a DUMBASS!

Florida town conducting legal review of Trump’s residency at Mar-a-Lago.

Republicans are DUMBER than THE DUMBASS!

Republicans condemned Trump. Now they’re seeking his help.

Everyone knows that Republicans and Trump are Dumbasses, even the Democrats!

Kevin McCarthy Takes Heat From Democrats over Donald Trump Meeting.

Let’s face it:  Republicans and Trump are DUMBASSES!


You can’t kill them.  As much as we would like to, and be done with them ONCE AND FOR ALL. We can’t kill them, because that would only make them martyrs. (They aren’t worthy of that, simply because they are only a couple of assholes with big teeth.)

Reps. Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene Face GOP … › Politics



The motion to censure is a main motion expressing a strong opinion of disapproval that could be debated by the assembly and adopted by a majority vote. According to Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised) (RONR), it is an exception to the general rule that “a motion must not use language that reflects on a member’s conduct or character, or is discourteous, unnecessarily harsh, or not allowed in debate.” Demeter’s Manual notes, “It is a reprimand, aimed at reformation of the person and prevention of further offending acts.” While there are many possible grounds for censuring members of an organization, such as embezzlement, absenteeism, drunkenness, and so on, … :

Censure – Wikipedia › wiki › Censure

Basically this means we can SHUT THEM UP! Just tell the truth and call them LIARS!

Censure is a formal, and public, group condemnation of an individual, often a group member, whose actions run counter to the group’s acceptable standards for individual behavior.  In the United States, governmental censure is done when a body’s members wish to publicly reprimand the President of the United States, a member of Congress, a judge or a cabinet member. It is a formal statement of disapproval.

Censure in the United States – Wikipedia › wiki › Censure_in_the_Unite…

We can even prevent them from being allowed to VOTE in Congress.

In fact, we can make it so these two SCUMBAGS are more useless than any non-voting representative from any U.S. Territory, or to put it another way: as useless as “TITS ON A BOAR”!

Then Greene (who claims to represent Georgia 14) and Boebert (who claims to represent Colorado 3) are effectively USELESS DEAD WEIGHT in the Congress and The Repukelickers Potty. (The Republican Party, Trumpublicans, QAnon creeps.)

Censure these two, then Censure all the others who HELPED the RIOTERS who stormed the Capitol Building on January 6th at the INCITEMENT of Donald ‘The Dumbass’ Trump!

After all those TRAITORS in The House (including Kevin ‘FUCKING’ McCarthy) have been Censured, then Censure The Senate members (including Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Lindsay Graham along with ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell) and finally conduct the vote to CONVICT DONALD ‘THE DUMBASS’ OF IMPEACHMENT!

That’s how we do it in America!!! 

And it’s all LEGAL and ABOVE BOARD!!!

They’re all QUACKED UP!

QAnon stands for Quackery And nonsense!

The “Q” is a Quack!

The “Q” spews NONsense!

Quackery And nonsense!

That is all that QAnon is, is Quackery And nonsense!

Anyone who believes anything that comes from QAnon or Trump is a FUCKING IDIOT!

The QAnon motto is “Where We Go One, We Go All”

JUST LIKE GOOD LITTLE LEMMINGS off the cliff if that’s where QAnon goes.

Or SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE if that’s where QAnon leads you.

IF YOU BELIEVE IN QAnon, YOU ARE AN IDIOT who can NOT think for yourself.  You can’t think.  That is what makes YOU an IDIOT, because YOU let QAnon and Trump do your thinking for you, and we already know that TRUMP CAN NOT THINK because he is FUCKING STUPID!

JFK Junior is DEAD! And “PizzaGate” was BULLSHIT! (Those are documented FACTS!)

Donald J. Trump is a TWICE IMPEACHED IDIOT. (More documented FACTS!)


Q is a QUACK!

Putin is the Puppet Master pulling the strings from his COMMUNIST PALACES!



Who FELL IN LOVE with a COMMUNIST?  Trump!

Who FED Chocolate Cake to a COMMUNIST?  Trump!

Who would NOT fight against COMMUNISTS?  Trump (When Cadet BONE-SPURS used a FAKE diagnosis to get out of the draft.  Trump is a DRAFT DODGER! THAT IS A DOCUMENTED FACT!)

Who then played FOOTSIE with COMMUNISTS in VIETNAM?  Trump!  (Apparently his BONE-SPURS are all better now.)


Realize that Trump is a COWARD, QAnon and The Q is a QUACK, and YOU who followed them have been HAD. 

They FUCKED YOU and they didn’t even have to pay you! And… they are led by the COMMUNISTS (and so have YOU been.)

Let’s GET IT TOGETHER people!

It’s THIRTY-FIVE  years later since this song was first popular (1986 album Invisible Touch by Genesis).

  • The Reagans are dead,
  • Gorbachev is gone.
  • Gaddafi is dead.
  • Michael Jackson is dead.



I must’ve dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But i can hear the marching feet
They’re moving into the street.

Now did you read the news today
They say the danger’s gone away
But i can see the fire’s still alight
There burning into the night.

There’s too many men
Too many people
Making too many problems
And not much love to go round
Can’t you see
This is a land of confusion.

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we’re given
Use them and let’s start trying
To make it a place worth living in.

Ooh superman where are you now
When everything’s gone wrong somehow
The men of steel, the men of power
Are losing control by the hour.

This is the time
This is the place
So we look for the future
But there’s not much love to go round
Tell me why, this is a land of confusion.

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we’re given
Use them and let’s start trying
To make it a place worth living in.

I remember long ago –
Ooh when the sun was shining
Yes and the stars were bright
All through the night
And the sound of your laughter
As i held you tight
So long ago –

I won’t be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
We’re not just making promises
That we know, we’ll never keep.

Too many men
There’s too many people
Making too many problems
And not much love to go round
Can’t you see
This is a land of confusion.

Now this is the world we live in
And these are the hands we’re given
Use them and let’s start trying
To make it a place worth fighting for.

This is the world we live in
And these are the names we’re given
Stand up and let’s start showing
Just where our lives are going to.


We can start (again) by CONVICTING Donald Trump who has been impeached (again).

“Q” Stands for QUACK, because Q and Trump are QUACKS and their supporters are Stupid Cultists

You know who else was “trapped in Cognitive Dissonance”?

The followers of Jim Jones in Guyana were trapped by Cognitive Dissonance!  Just like the fools who killed themselves in Heaven’s Gate, and the assholes who died at Waco following the lies and Cognitive Dissonance of David Koresh.

Cognitive Dissonance is the way the CULT LEADERS get their dumbass followers to follow them. 

Cult Leaders lie and the lies are so great that the dumbasses in the cult believe the lies when all the FACTS and the TRUTHS around them prove that they are just LIES!

Trump was and is a liar.

Q was and is a liar!

That’s how they got their following.


It’s also called BEING STUPID!

How else can you possibly explain the MORONS who tried to take-over the U.S. Capitol Building and start a Coup d’état to keep Donald J. (The Jackass) Trump in power after the FACTS PROVED that he LOST THE ELECTION.

For those DUMBASSES who still refuse to believe the FACTS and the TRUTH, it is a true fact that Joe Biden BEAT DONALD TRUMP LIKE A DRUM in the recent presidential election.

Donald Trump LOST, because Donald Trump is a LOSER!

Yet, the Cognitively Dissonant would not accept the FACTS, because they are COGNITIVELY DEFECTIVE!  They are STUPID.  Fact is, they are WILLFULLY STUPID because they want to believe the LIES and disregard the truth.

Just wanted to drive that point home for them and call them STUPID once again.

It’s really fun to call them STUPID, because they are STUPID!

Cognitive Dissonance may be a good term to use on them, but Trump supporters are so STUPID they don’t understand it.  That’s because THEY ARE STUPID!

QAnon & Trump are Bifurcated Cognitive Dissonance

Remember the words:  cognitive dissonance

The reason I’m asking you to remember those words, is because at one time they were all the rage in the News Media. Some ordinary people tried to use that terminology too, but they were bad at it, they used it wrongly.

Then the News media’s Talking Heads went on to some other word they tried to make famous for a while.  One of the latest words is “bifurcation”.  It was “bifurcated” this or “bifurcated” that, and so on and so forth as long as they could use the word “bifurcate” in a sentence to try to make them look smart.  Thank God the “bifurcated” bullshit seems to have run its course.  Nobody seems to be using that word any longer.  

But remember back when everyone was claiming almost everything was a result or cause of “Cognitive Dissonance”?

“Cognitive Dissonance” was the smart phrase of the day.

It was almost like some media geek got out his or her “Word Of The Day” calendar and made an extraordinary effort to include that terminology in whatever speech they were trying to give.  All in an effort to make them look smart!  Or I should say, to make them seem smarter than they really were.  It was STUPID!

Well, the word “bifurcate” was like that recently, and “Cognitive Dissonance” was like that a little longer ago.  However, we FINALLY have a real classic example of “COGNITIVE DISSONANCE”

And, as everyone knows:

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, and is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of them. Wikipedia

Pish posh! Try to understand that bunch of psycho-babble crap if you can. I recently heard an easier to understand explanation of what “Cognitive Dissonance” really is.  A lady on the T.V. described it as, “when reality does not match what you believe.” Simple! (I even think she was a psychologist. Though she was a good one who still knows how to speak in plain English.)

When I heard that, one thing came to mind.  (Actually two things, but they are related.  The two things are Trumpism and QAnon.)  Trumpism/QAnon are “Cognitively Dissonant”.  Some people may have believed in Trump, Trumpism, Q and QAnon, but none of it was factually real!  It was all “COGNITIVELY DISSONANT”. (That is to say, all of what Trump and Q said was bullshit.)

Trump is a LIAR.

TRUMPISM is a pack of lies!

Q is a LIAR (like Trump only worse).


QAnon is supported by LIES upon LIES upon LIES.

It is all “Cognitive Dissonance” because the FACTS of REALITY do not and have never matched the LIES of TRUMP or QAnon.  

Still, those MORONS believed that bullshit, because they were trapped in “Cognitive Dissonance”.

In a word, anyone and everyone trapped in “Cognitive Dissonance” is “STUPID”!

Bifurcate THAT!

Jezebel Junk!

Some jackass called me (and my better half) a “Jezebel worshipper”.  So, when I stumbled onto this story, that mentions a site called “Jezebel”, I got curious.

No, I did not get at all curious when that jackass called me a “Jezebel worshipper” because he called me a bunch of other vile and ‘profane’ names as well.  Obviously he was simply a TrumpTurd DumbAss who didn’t know what half the words he was calling me meant. (He is a hot sauce idiot too!)  That JACKASS is history now.  He still tries to post nonsense to my blogs, but his stupid shit all goes to my SPAM Folder because I am ignoring that JACKASS DUMBASS!

Anyway, here’s another reason not to like Trump or the MAGAheaded TrumpTurds who became members of his CULT, like the jackass I mentioed above.

What’s All This Drama About a Pro-Trump Parenting Guru?


1.  Why has this woman been supporting Trump with money she made from others on the web? (Is she the new Dr. Spock? Is her advice the new LSD?)

2.  Why would this woman support the BIGGEST LYING BABY who has ever been in The White House? (Besides being a coward and a liar Trump was a stunted toddler given to throw Temper-Tantrums when he didn’t get his way.)

3.  Why didn’t FaceBook kick her TrumpTurd ass out long before now?

The point is:

What is WRONG with these DUMB ASSHOLES who supported and still support Donald J. Trump?  Are they STUPID or WHAT?!


Trump is finally out of The White House.  Next, since he has been IMPEACHED AGAIN he has to be CONVICTED by The Senate this time so he can never darken our door again.

Trump needs to be stripped of all his money and power, as well as all of his kids, who never ever had a real father anyway (despite whatever the woman who the above article is about says.). (And his kids, especially Ivanka and Junior, need to be stripped of their money too. Let Melania keep her payoff from the re-negotiated Pre-Nup, after all she earned it with her fake smiles.)

All TrumpTurds, MAGAheads, Repukelickers, Jackasses and DUMBASSES need to be caught and locked up in a rubber room where they can no longer hurt others, or themselves. (We can start with Trump’s cabinet, Kayleigh MacInutley, Ted BUTT-SMOOZE Cruz, Lindsay Graham, ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell, Howling Josh Hawley and the rest of the Republican Scum.




p.s.  Who or what is a “Jezebel worshipper”?  I really don’t give a damn.  It’s just something some TrumpTurd Jackass called me. I’ve been called a lot worse, by people a lot smarter than that DUMB ASSHOLE!