Monthly Archives: February 2021

RRR = Reds – Republicans – Racists = KKK

Republicans R Racists.  They have simply gone from The KKK to the RRR!

‘A double standard going on’: Democrats accuse GOP and … › news › 2021/02/22 › biden-nomin…

Seriously!?  After four years of Trump Trash Tweets the goddamn Republicans (including Republican Joe Manchin who claims to be a Democrat) are OFFENDED by Neera Tanden’s tweets.  AWW!  Poor babies!  (They like to dish it out, but clearly they can’t take it.)

This just shows how RACIST the Republicans (and Joe) really are.

How Racist Are Republicans? Very. – The American › blogs › tap › how-racist-are-republicans-…

The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This … › politics › 2020/08 › racism-re…

GOP congressman headlines conference where organizers push white nationalist rhetoric.

Senate GOP passes COVID-19 funding bills, including one Democrats call ‘racist bulls–t’.

The GOP is not even trying to disguise its racism anymore.

and the clincher actually happend a while ago …

WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 28: U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) speaks during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee June 28, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The committee held a hearing on “Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election.” (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Brian Kilmeade is co-host of Fox & Friends, the president’s favorite weekday morning show. Kilmeade is, well — he’s not that bright. To be sure, he’s very good at advancing the party line. Sometimes, though, he gets mixed up. Wednesday morning, he tried saying something bad about the Democrats but ended up saying something bad about the Republicans, and in the process, intimating accidentally the truth about the GOP.

Historically, it was the Democratic Party [that was] the party of the [Ku Klux Klan]. It was the Republican Party [that was] the party of Frederick Douglass as well as Abraham Lincoln. So somehow, I guess in the sixties, things all reversed.

All things did indeed reverse more than half a century ago. The Democratic Party’s ruling coalition, which had prevailed since the 1930s, shattered under the weight of the backlash against the Vietnam War and the passing of the Civil and Voting Rights Acts. At the same time, the Republican Party, seeing a power vacuum, traded white liberal conservatives (which was the majority of New England) and Black Republicans for southern segregationists. It has been waging variations of soft civil war ever since.

Fox News Accidentally Reveals the Horrible Truth About … › essays › fox-news-accidentally-rev…



Even the guys who LIE for TRUMP are caught in their own LIES by guys who RIOT for Trump!

Trump supporters who breached the Capitol: ‘It was not Antifa’.


Gold Trump statue on sale at CPAC for $100,000.


Golden Trump statue turning heads at CPAC was made in … › us-news › feb › golden-trump…

Trump’s GOLDEN IDOL STATUE was MADE IN MEXICO and now it’s FOR SALE like Trump has always been!

‘It’s Donald Trump’s party’: How the former president is building a political operation to cement his hold on the GOP.

It is Trump’s POTTY party!

.At CPAC, rising GOP stars send message that Trump is here to stay.

and that …



Bad news for Donald Trump Jr: the right is fast tiring of Trumps.

Even THE RIGHT WING NUT JOBS are getting tired of the NUTTIEST NUTZ!

CPAC or CPORK (A bunch of FAT PIGS poking each-other’s posteriors!)

CPAC produces CPuke!  (Or a Sea of Puke!)

The return of Donald Trump: CPAC puts the Republican 2024 presidential primary front and center.

Donald Trump and his CAST OF CLOWNS headline CPuke with their own special brand of VOMIT!

Not a single one of them will EVER become President of the United States, no matter how many GOOFY GOP votes they get at CPuke, because the REPUBLICANS of America have proven themselves to be REPREHENSIBLE RETARDS! ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell said he would support the NOMINEE of the Republican Party, he did NOT say he would support Donald Trump, because Trump is NEVER going to again be the nominee no matter what Mitt Romney says.

And, about their ‘CANCEL CULTURE’ bullshit …

CPAC cancels speaker over anti-Semitic social media commentsCNN·2 days ago

Former Vice President Mike Pence CANCELED his attendance at CPAC.

Candidate (and former Trump Ambassador to the United Nations) Nikki Haley CANCELED her visit to CPAC (or did they CANCEL her?  Who knows?  Who cares.  She was and is CANCELED!).

CPAC Yanks Speaker After Anti-Semitic, Pro-Pizzagate Posts … › featured-cpac-speaker-young…

America UNCANCELED my ass!

Stephen Colbert Calls Out ‘America Uncanceled’ CPAC for … › stephen-colbert-hammers-america-u…


Cancel Culture Cocksuckers Politic at CPAC.  (That is “CCCP at CPAC”!)

Trump is a COMMUNIST LOVER and that is a FACT!

If you don’t LOVE the COMMIES you can’t speak at CPAC!

You get CANCELED!  (Canceled by the Pukes of the RePUKElickers potty!)

CPAC and Republicans are the NEW RED MENACE!

Worshippers of the GOLDEN PIG!

Golden Trump statue turns heads at CPAC.

CPAC’s “Golden Calf” Trump statue is a perfect metaphor for the state of the Republican Party.

Donald J. Trump is the GOLDEN PIG, NOT Calf.  (A Calf has more respect.)

Daily Beast.Mary Trump: Here’s How We Send Donald to Jail.




Marjie Taylor Greene ain’t no Christian, fer sure!

Some people are DISCRIMINATORY ASSHOLE DUMBSHITS (like Marjorie Taylor Greene)


some people are NORMAL.

Marjorie Taylor Greene mocks congressional colleague’s transgender rights flag with sign.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Hangs Anti-Transgender Sign in Response to Rep. Marie Newman’s Pride Flag.

Rep. Greene hangs anti-transgender sign across hall from fellow lawmaker with transgender child.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene hangs sign mocking congressional neighbor’s transgender pride flag in Twitter spat.

Marjorie Taylor Greene posts anti-transgender sign across hall from lawmaker with transgender child.


Trust The Science?  What kind of BULLSHIT is that coming from a GODDAMNED God Fearing Bible-Thumper like her! 

She’s supposed to TRUST IN GOD!

God says through Jesus Christ:

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved … 35By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:34 KJV · ‎John 13:34 NIV · ‎John 13:34 ESV

Jesus was a MAN who LOVED MEN.  OBVIOUSLY Marjorie Taylor Greene is NOT a follower of GOD or JESUS! 

Jesus H. Christ!

The fact is that MTG is BatShit Stupid and a Non-Christian.  (Besides the fact that she is a prejudiced bitch.)

No matter how you slice it, the FACT IS that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a GODDAMNED LIAR and HELLUVA HYPOCRITE!


Personally, I do NOT care where Trump is buried, I just wish he would DIE, soon.

But just let me know WHERE Donald Trump is buried, because…

The State.South Carolina lawmaker: Trump can be buried at our Capitol.

South Carolina, Arlington, BUMBFUCK Saudi Arabia, Moscow Russia, wherever.



POTus = PISS ON TRUMP urination saturation!

Trump: the American Rapist! (Is that too harsh? Too bad it’s true.)

Trump CHANGED The United States Constitution.


Trump thinks it’s okay to RAPE America and others, because he’s rich.  That just PROVES that Trump is a son of a bitch!

Most presidents have more power given to them by congress, in little dribs and drabs.  Donald Trump grabbed the U.S. Constitution by the pussy and took what he wanted.  With the help of his chickenshit Republican co-conspirators Donald Trump RAPED America!  (Sadly. most of the Republicans are still acting like chickenshits to Trump.)

This is what Trump did:

1. No president shall be removed from office for treason, bribery, or any other crime or misdemeanor, no matter how high, should a partisan minority of the Senate choose to protect him.

2. Congressional oversight shall be optional. No congressional subpoena or demand for testimony or documents shall bind a president who chooses to ignore it.

3. Congressional appropriations shall be suggestions. The president may choose whether or not to comply with congressional spending laws, and Congress shall have no recourse should a president declare that his own priorities supersede Congress’s instructions.

4. The president shall have authority to make appointments as he sees fit, without the advice and consent of the Senate, provided he deems his appointees to be acting, temporary, or otherwise exempt from the ordinary confirmation process.

5. The president shall have unconstrained authority to dangle and issue pardons for the purpose of obstructing justice, tampering with witnesses, and forestalling investigations.

The 5 Trump Amendments to the Constitution.

The Atlantic calls them the FIVE AMENDMENTS Trump made to the U.S. Constitution.  I call them Trump’s five RAPES of America. 

There are more, because TRUMP REALLY FUCKED-UP America, but YOU be the judge (and hopefully Biden will fix it.)

TRUMP is the AMERICAN KOMPROMAT (and still a Communist ASSet)!

Trump was/is a Russian ASSet?


An Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset Since 1987. Does it Matter?

‘The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 … › us-news › jan › trump-russia-a…

The Moscow

Book review of American Kompromat: How the KGB Cultivated … › outlook › 2021/01/28

KGB groomed Trump as an asset for 40 years, former Russian … › kgb-groomed-trump-as-an-as…

Russian Intelligence Cultivated Donald Trump For Decades … › entry › kgb-cultivate-trump-asset-…

Trump was FINGERED by a FORMER KGB Agent, and worked directly for a different FORMER KGB Agent who is now the leader FOR LIFE of RUSSIA and really wants to MAKE COMMUNISM GREAT AGAIN.

Trump was the MOSCOWIAN CANDIDATE, just like we all suspected.

Trump was a USEFUL IDIOT like the Russians like.

Trump is still an IDIOT, but not as useful any more.

“Moscow Mitch” McConnell is more important to Putin than all of the Trump’s put together (in one Siberian Gulag)!

“The Real Invisible Enemy is COMMUNISM” like it said on the sign at the January 6, 2021 Insurrection that TRUMP CAUSED!

Trump WORKED/WORKS for Ex-Communist Vladimir Putin!

Trump FELL IN LOVE WITH Communist Dictator Kim Jung-un!

Trump INVITED and FED CHOCOLATE CAKE to Communist Leader For Life Xi Jinping at Mar-A-Lago.

Trump gave American secrets to Communist Russians in The Oval Office of The White House right after he was elected (with the COLLUSION and HELP of The Russians.)

Trump DODGED THE DRAFT (with fake BONE SPURS, in one of his feet that he can’t remember ever having) to avoid going to Vietnam to kill communist VietCong soldiers who were KILLING AMERICANS.

Trump later went to Communist Vietnam to play FOOTSIE with the COMMUNIST LEADERS of that country. (Apparently Trump no longer has BONE SPURS.)

Trump has pissed off every former American Ally, and snuggled-up to COMMUNISTS and DICTATORS when he was president.

FACT, proven by evidence, TRUMP IS A COMMUNIST LOVER.

Thus, obviously Trump was a RUSSIAN ASSet, because Trump is an IDIOT and was USEFUL to the Russians and the Communists.

FACT: Communism is ONLY an Invisible Enemy to the IDIOTS who refuse to see it, support Trump, and try to hurt America like Trump tried!







It’s in the news a lot lately, because of the SNOW in Texas.  What does ERCOT stand for?

Electric Reliability Council of Texas

Electric Reliability Council of Texas – › wiki › Electric_Reliability_Council_…

Texas ERCOT is not so damn RELIABLE now, is it?

Texas REPUBLICAN Governor Greg Abbott would have you believe it’s all because of the failure of Windmills, Solar Power and other renewable resources that caused ERCOT to be the BIG AS TEXAS FAILURE that it is.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott falsely blames wind turbines, Green … › nation › 2021/02/17 › texa…


According to Abbott, Texas has slightly more than 10 Percent of Renewable Energy Resources. (Slightly more than 10% of Windmills and Solar, but he’s even WRONG about that.)

The oil and gas industry has been very generous to Texas … › now › oil-gas-industry-very-genero…

Texas is the HUB of FOSSIL FUELS in the United States with all its dirty Oil Wells, Oil Derivatives and Oil and Coal Plants to make electricity.  THAT IS WHAT FAILED!

Do you remember when this same Republican Texas Governor deployed the Texas National Guard, because he THOUGHT the Federal Government was coming to CONQUER TEXAS?

Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama … › sections › itsallpolitics › 2015/05/02 › tex…

Governor Abbott Activates Entire Texas National Guard In … › news › post › governor-abbott-activate…

Maybe that REPUBLITURD ASSHOLE ABBOTT should have used the time (and Texas TAX Money) to fix ERCOT back in 2015.


Instead Texas Governor Abbott makes a TEXAS SIZED FUCK-UP! Again!

p.s. Ted Cruz runs off to Cancun Mexico to get away from the Texas Snow, gets CAUGHT, has to come back and then LIES and BLAMES HIS OWN DAUGHTERS for his own chickenshitedness. Louie Gohmert is silent (besides the fact that he is an IDIOT and probably worrying about his Asparagus.) John Cornyn isn’t saying shit about Texas. And, Abbott is screwing-up by the numbers, and like Cruz telling LIES THE SIZE OF TEXAS in an attempt to cover his fat ass. Those are all TEXAS REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS. Meanwhile Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has raised over THREE MILLION DOLLARS and is actively helping Texans, and she’s a Democrat, from New York! You figure it out. Then tell Texans how far up their asses most of them have their heads!

WHITE is still WRONG! TRUMP is still TRASH!

Every one of the fools who prophecized a Trump WIN and a Trump Second Term was a FALSE PROPHET!  Every Goddamn one of them, especially Paula ‘Goddamn’ White!

Read the article,  Read the TRUTH.  Wait until after March 2021 and see that Biden is still the current President and Trump is a still a BAD MEMORY!

Here are some excerpts:

In a December 15 article, Michael Brown, a longtime charismatic revivalist and scholar in Charlotte, North Carolina, had sharp words, warning co-religionists: “There is no reality in which Trump actually did win but in fact didn’t win. … To entertain possibilities like this is to mock the integrity of prophecy and to make us charismatics look like total fools.” After apologizing on January 7 for his own prophecy that Trump would be reelected, Jeremiah Johnson called parts of the prophetic movement “deeply sick.” In early February, he released a new YouTube series called “I Was Wrong: Donald Trump and the Prophetic Controversy.”

Once Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, more prophets, led by Johnson, predicted his win. Published in Charisma magazine, Johnson’s July 2015, prophecy—that Trump would be a latter-day Cyrus, modeled after the 6th-century B.C. Persian king who allowed Babylonian Jews to return to their homeland—was heavily criticized by some evangelical leaders, who pointed out that Trump had never been known to be a serious Christian, and had a personal history of divorces and extramarital affairs. (Johnson himself wrote that Trump was “like a bull in a china shop” who would disturb some people’s “sense of peace and tranquility.”) 

Within a day of the Capitol insurrection, a few other prophets who had prophesied a Trump win apologized: Johnson, as well as California pastor Shawn Bolz and Denver pastor Loren Sandford. Johnson published a long explanation, saying he had “misinterpreted” dreams and wished to “repent and ask your forgiveness.”

“I do not blame God’s people for insufficient prayer that resulted in Donald Trump’s losing the election, nor do I blame any kind of election fraud,” he wrote. “I am simply convinced God Himself removed him and there was nothing that any human being could have done about it.”

Blowback was swift. A few days later, Johnson wrote on Facebook that he had received “multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry.” He also said hewas losing financial support “every hour and counting.” (Johnson declinedan interview request made through Brown, a mentor.)

The Christian Prophets Who Say Trump Is Coming Again.


LYNCHBURG, VA – JANUARY 18, 2016: Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr. (R) presents Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump with a sports jersey after he delivered the convocation in the Vines Center at the university January 18, 2016 in Lynchburg, Virginia. Although Falwell said the university does not endorse a particular candidate, he left no question as to who he is supporting in the 2016 presidential race. Highlighting Trump’s conservative credentials, charity and politically incorrect speech, Falwell said, “I see a lot of parallels between my father and Donald Trump.” (Since then, August 2020, Junior Jerry has had to QUIT being in charge of Liberty U, because he was CAUGHT being a self-serving liar and sex fiend!)

Trump is a FAKE!

These PROPHETS are nothing but FALSE!

All of them (Trump and his False Prophets) are FRAUDS!!!