Monthly Archives: May 2021

Donny Trump’s Bestest FREINEMIES Forever (or until he throws them under the bus)

Trump’s FRIENDS include:

Paul Manafort (Convicted and cooling his heels in and then out of prison.  Thanks to Covid-19, and NOT Trump.)

The “My Pillow” Guy (Whatshisname?  Oh!  Who cares?)

Stephen Miller (should be convicted and COVIDead!)

Rudy Giuliani (about to be convicted.  Rudy Toody Farts and Fruity is a JOKE!)

Kanye West (the worst!  Also KW is a total NUTJOB and an Ex-Kardashian.)

Lindsey Graham (The Super Suck-up!  Probable suck-off but he hides it.)

‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell (on again, OFF AGAIN friend and FUCK-UP!)

Tom Brady (left New England Patriots and went to Tampa Bay Buccaneers FLORIDA, shortly after Trump left New York and went to FLORIDA!  You figure it out.)

Roseanne Barr (BULLSHIT BARR)

Bill Barr (former Attorney General and another BULLSHIT BARR)

Martha Stewart (ex-CON who secretly loves Trumpy)


Allen Weisselberg  (about to FLIP on the DIP!  Like Michael Cohen FLIPPED!  Which may cause Trump to Skip!)

Then there are these assholes …

Sidney Powell Claims Trump ‘Can Simply Be Reinstated,’ Biden Told to Leave White House.

Sid is WRONG.  (She is also a Wack-A-Doodle!  Besides that, have YOU ever seen Powell and Trump together?  Could Powell be Trump in DRAG?)

Bannon has his MAGA megaphone back. GOP candidates know it.

Bannon is a SCHLONG!  (Bannon is also the world’s biggest booger.)

Trump’s longtime ally Roger Stone has warned that the former president must prepare to be indicted for fraud in the coming weeks.

Stone is a DONG!  (Fancies himself as a Dapper Crapper.)

Former Trump advisor Michael Flynn said the US should have a coup like Myanmar, where the military overthrew the democratically elected government.

Flynn has been smoking his BONG too LONG! (Here he is about to PULL TRUMP’s fat little FINGER for a fart.)

Then there all the ‘LITTLE PEOPLE’ who Trump doesn’t give a damn about EITHER!  Like …

Trump appointees have been left furious after being asked to ‘immediately’ pay thousands of dollars in deferred payroll taxes, which they thought would be forgiven. 


Trump Appointees Are Furious Over Payroll Tax Payment Order › Politics › Economy


High number of Trump political appointees sought permanent … › politics › donald-trump › h…

Finally, there are Attorneys, Generals and Judges who plan to find the TRUTH about TRUMP, like New York State Attorney General Letitia James or New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., or the Federal Bench’s

Judge Amy Berman Jackson strikes again.

Not to mention that both Twitter and FaceBook put Trump in the corner, signaling that ….

Trump is sliding toward online irrelevance. His new blog isn’t helping.

Now, it looks like Trump is about to be INDICTED.  So, either he will be CONVICTED himself, or fly his newly refurbished airplane to wherever, in order to FLEE the country and leave his people holding the bags of VOMIT and FECES he has left behind.

NO MONEY for people NOW as RESTITUTION or REPARATIONS for what happened IN THE PAST!

You can NOT REPAIR all the damage that the sins of the past have done to the descendants of today.

MONEY will NOT do it.

Money may not go to the people who were really damaged.

Money may go to people who were not damaged at all.

You cannot DEMAND the people of today pay for the bad acts of the people in the past.

Many, if not most of those people are not even descendants of the people who committed those BAD ACTS, and thus had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO with those bad acts.

Many were not even descendants of people who were in this country when those bad acts occurred.

Many are taxpayers who are descendants of people who those bad acts were perpetrated upon.

MONEY won’t do it!

So, why is there all this DEMAND for MONEY, ie: REPARATIONS?

One reason and one reason only.

The people clamoring for REPARATIONS TODAY want FREE MONEY!

They want to WIN THE LOTTERY without even buying a ticket.



Forget the past, and THE FACT that BLACK AFRICAN TRIBESMEN sold BLACK AFRICANS they captured in their wars, to white and non-white people.  THAT IS A FACT!  BLACK AFRICANS sold BLACK AFRICANS into slavery.


Because they WANTED THE MONEY!


The only way to REPAIR the unfairness of the PAST, is to eliminate that unfairness in the FUTURE!

Money won’t do it!


A lot of SHIT happened IN THE PAST.

The PAST is The PAST!  

So far, we have no way of going back into the PAST and undoing what was done wrong in The PAST!

We can ONLY undo that wrong NOW and in the FUTURE.


I truly and honestly believe that if REPUBLICANS really believed they could re-institute SLAVERY today for The Future, that they would DO IT!  They are certainly trying TODAY to re-enact the Era of Jim Crow Laws to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST BLACKS because they are BLACK, and other coloreds simply because they are colored.  The WHITE SUPREMACISTS of the Republican Party are WHITE SUPREMACISTS.  They believe that WHITE MAKES RIGHT!  The REPUBLICANS are RACISTS!  That is a FACT!

People who DEMAND MONEY REPARATIONS are RACISTS as well.  They are NO BETTER than REPUBLICAN RACISTS, because they intend to use ONLY their RACE to justify REPARATIONS be paid to them in MONEY!

We have to eliminate those BAD ACTORS (Black and White and every color in between) from our society, so we can make real repairs NOW for THE FUTURE!

RACISM GOES BOTH WAYS!  It is not a One-Way Street.



Let’s make REAL REPAIRS NOW as the reparations FOR THE FUTURE!


The WHOLE TRUTH is needed to expose THE BIG LIE!

QAnon is a LIE.  (That much is obvious to anyone with a functional brain cell.)

Trump winning in 2020 is a LIE!  (That has been proven well over SIXTY TIMES by now.)

Kevin McCarthy is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Louie Gohmert is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Steve Scalise is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Elise Stefanik is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Marjorie Taylor-Greene is a LIAR!  (Really REALLY Obvious.)

Matt Gaetz is a RAPIST and a LIAR! (Very OBVIOUS!)

Mitch McConnell is a LIAR! (and ‘Moscow Mitch’ is a Russian Bitch.)

Lindsey Graham is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Ted (Raphael Edward born in Canada) Cruz is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia is a LIAR!  (Obvious.)

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is a LIAR!  (So SO obvious!)

All Republicans who RESTRICT VOTING and HIDE THE TRUTH are LIARS!  (That’s the TRUTH.)

DONALD TRUMP IS A UNIVERSALLY KNOWN AND WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!  (Also, in addition to being a good and close friend of the late sex-fiend Jeffrey Epstein, Trump is also implicated as some kind of bribe-offering Go-Between in the Robert Kraft/New England Patriots NFL SPY-GATE saga, but that was long before Trump screwed-up and was elected president with the help of Russia.)


The old saying goes: “Birds of a Feather Flock Together!”

The new saying is:  FUCKERS like the GOPPERS join together to LIE!

They are KNOWN by the company they keep, because they are well known as LIARS!

Before the actual vote, everyone seemed to know when it would happen and how it would turn out.

Senate “likely” to vote on January 6 commission bill this week despite Republican filibuster threat.

Senate Republicans expected to block vote on January 6 commission.

A Senate vote on the January 6 Capitol insurrection commission is probably doomed.

(I’d be really surprised to find enough Republicans to vote ‘FOR’ a NON-PARTISAN INVESTIGATION COMMISSION of January 6th, 2021.)

THE WHOLE TRUTH is NOT what The Republicans want.

Then EVEN BEFORE the vote was ALLOWED TO BE held.

Guess what?  The REPUBLICANS under the leadership of ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell (while Russia was again busy HACKING AMERICA) delayed the VOTE by extending the Chinese Debate.  Eventually the Senate was forced to vote on the January 6th Commission bill and 35 Republicans voted AGAINST IT!  Then they ran to the airport to celebrate their extra-long weekend.  (They will be off today through Monday, Memorial day, and also from May 31 through June 4th.  A LOOOOOOONG weekend that is a week long.)

Senate Republicans block bill to create commission to probe pro-Trump Capitol insurrection.

Senate Republicans kill Jan. 6 commission on pro-Trump Capitol riot.

Besides NOT WORKING AT ALL NEXT WEEK, apparently The Republicans are content to live with THE BIG LIE!  One has to ask:  What ARE Mitch and HIS REPUBLICUNTS so AFRAID OF?  THE TRUTH!  Are THEY AFRAID of THE TRUTH?  The REPUBLITURDS CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!  Hey, TRUMPUBLISHITS:

The long history of Republican LIARS goes back at least as far as June 4, 1954, when a Boston lawyer named Joseph Welch made a statement and then asked Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy, angrily:  

“Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?”

On May 28, 2021 the vast majority of Republicans of The United States Senate have confirmed that THEY HAVE NO SENSE OF DECENCY.  

They confirmed it by voting against a Bi-Partisan Commission that was designated to investigate the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION, prompted by their fellow Republican Donald Trump, which KILLED Police Officer Brian Sicknick and at least 4 other Americans.

Trump, midterms fuel GOP’s effort to quash Jan. 6 commission | TheHill.

In victory for Trump, Republicans block probe of U.S. Capitol riot.

Senate Republicans kill Jan. 6 commission on pro-Trump Capitol riot.



The GOP is GUILTY until PROVEN INNOCENT!  (A Bi-Partisan Commission could have proven them innocent, UNLESS THEY ARE GUILTY.  Maybe THAT IS WHAT THE GOP IS TRYING TO HIDE.  THE GOP is GUILTY as in GUILTY OLD POOPS!)

Let’s be clear!  Donald Trump and his Republicans are totally responsible for PHYSICALLY ASSASSINATING those 5 Americans, whereas Republican Senator ‘Tail Gunner’ Joe McCarthy was merely verbally assassinating one.  All WE THE PEOPLE wanted to know is HOW IT HAPPENED!  That was the intent of the bi-partisan commission. But, apparently The Republicans are AFRAID OF THE TRUTH!  As stated above: Republicans are LIARS!


The Republican Party is NOT the Law & Order Party.  A real law & order party does NOT hide from the TRUTH.  They CAUSED the DEATHS of at least five people (INCLUDING POLICE OFFICERS) on or shortly after January 6th, 2021.  

Feb 22, 2021 — A police officer was beaten, a rioter was shot, and three others died during the rampage. 

These Are the 5 People Who Died in the Capitol Riot – The … › 2021/01/11 › who-died-in-ca…

2 Capitol Police officers died by suicide days after the Jan. 6 … › 2-capitol-police-officers-died…

The Republican Party is THE NEW COMMUNIST PARTY!  Be HONEST and just ADMIT IT!


Have YOU no sense of DECENCY!


What is it Weisselberg or WeaselTurd? Tell us TRUMPY!

Is his name Allen Weisselberg?  

Emails Tie Top Trump Exec Allen Weisselberg to Yet Another Trump Financial Scandal – Mother Jones.

Should it really be Alien WeaselTurd!

Part of the TrumpTurd family of WEASELS!

Maybe his EX-daughter-in-law should change her last name.  After all, how would YOU like to be known as a WeaselTURD for the rest of your life?  (Or a Weasel Zipper?  Just look at number 41 in the list linked below, and then scan up to number 1, which is really NUMBER TWO.  The sad fact is, they are all NUMBER TWO.)

Top 100 Conservative Websites by Global Alexa Rating › original

Weisselberg Zippers?  (Sounds about right.)

Weasel Zippers is a site that “scours the bowels of the internet” for stories that relate to conservative values, liberal bias, or other politically objectionable tidbits from around the interwebs. You know what you get when you “scour bowels”? All you get is shit and diarrhea! That’s the truth. Look it up.

Google Tells Conservative News Website to Take a Hike … › columnists › 2014/05/09

Is “Giuliani” the Italian word for “Ferret-Face”?

Trump and Giuliani ask judge to drop Capitol riot conspiracy case.

If it’s not now, it should be soon.

It’s all coming out now!

Son, ghostwriter of late senator say Trump intervened to stop probe of Patriots’ Spygate scandal.

Trump tried to end Spygate probe of New England Patriots by offering bribe, late senator’s son says.

And remember: it was Kraft who was caught in the MASSAGE PARLOR getting a HAPPY ENDING, 

Robert Kraft, a Massage Parlor, and an Unbelievable Story … › news › 2019/10 › the-dist…

and Trump was good friends with Jeffrey Epstein as well as The Douche a.k.a. Alan Dershowitz (The Dersh-Douche).  (Trump is also implicated as some kind of bribe-offering Go-Between in the Robert Kraft/New England Patriots NFL SPY-GATE saga, but that was long before Trump screwed-up and was elected president with the help of Russia.)

Jeffrey Epstein Netflix series: Former Trump lawyer Alan … › 2021/05/26 › jeffrey-epstein-n…

BIRDS (Turds) of a feather FLOCK (fuck) together!  And then there is Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump’s biglyest Fan Boy!  (Let’s NOT even talk about Stephen Miller ‘THE BABY KILLER’.  Let’s just stay with Gaetz-Rape and Dumbass-Donald.)

Mom was right!  You are known by who you hang out with!  Anyone who hangs out with Trump is obviously SCUM!

Now, back to WeaselTurd, er, ahem, Weisselberg!

Since speaking on T.V. about the Trump/Weisselberg connection, the former daughter-in-law of Allen (WeaselTurd) Weisselberg has received an EVICTION NOTICE to GET OUT of her apartment now!  Isn’t that called RETALIATION?

Jennifer Weisselberg, former daughter-in-law of Trump Org CFO, faces eviction.

Former daughter-in-law of Trump Org CFO says that she has been evicted.

Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg EVICTED ex-daughter-in-law from home after she spoke out.

RETALIATION?  Yes.  For sure.  “Witness tampering“?  Maybe!  “Corrupt intent?”  ABSOLUTELY!!!

p.s.  Don’t forget about the mass shootings all over America, the immigrant kids on the border, the Israeli-Palestine War/Cease Fire, or whatever happened to Alexei Navalny at the hands of Vladimir Putin.  Don’t forget about the Trump Ukraine lie, Trump’s January 6th INSURRECTION or the First and Second IMPEACHMENTS OF TRUMP.  DO NOT FORGET ABOUT TRUMP’S BIG LIE!  And please don’t forget about The NAZIs in Charlottesville, VA, the Covid-19 Pandemic and how it all got started.  Don’t forget any of that shit, even though the Republicans, Democrats and media may want you to forget it, now that they have “a new issue” as the bigly “Breaking News”.

It may actually be INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK this time!

Under Donald “The Dumbass” Trump “Infrastructure” was always a LIE and a JOKE!

For those who watched the Trump White House closely, there was perhaps one joke that towered above the others: “Infrastructure Week.” The Republican president started his term talking up his interest in an ambitious infrastructure package, and periodically, Donald Trump would suggest he was ready to get serious about the issue.

But that never happened. 

. . .

“I really, honest to God, never have thought of infrastructure as being a partisan issue,” Biden said before meeting with senators yesterday in the Oval Office.

When ‘Infrastructure Week’ stops being a political punch-line › rachel-maddow-show › when…

How many “Infrastructure Weeks” did Donald “The Dumbass” Trump tout, during his four year term?  At least one per year, but NOTHING ever happened. 

How many “Infrastructure Weeks” did Donald “The Dumbass” Trump actually have during his four year term?  America’s infrastructure was allowed to get worse because of Trump’s LIES and INACTION.

This is PRESIDENT Joe Biden’s FIRST “Infrastructure” bill, and it looks like he’s going to get it done, and it looks like it may even be Bi-Partisan (meaning, having some Republican support).  And…

this is Joe Biden’s FIRST YEAR as PRESIDENT.

Republicans propose nearly $1tn counteroffer to Biden’s infrastructure plan

Senate Republicans make new infrastructure offer as House Democrats urge Biden to dig in.

Senate GOP unveils its $928 billion infrastructure counteroffer to Biden — here’s what’s in it.

Bipartisan highway bill advances in Senate, offering a path through infrastructure morass.


Finally there are SOME REPUBLICANS who seem to care MORE for this country than they do for themselves and TRUMP, and how he can PAY THEM with BRIBES and FUNDRAISING to keep their jobs.  (If they care about Trump, you can be sure they do NOT give a shit about YOU.)

p.s.  But don’t forget about the mass shootings, the kids on the border, the Israeli/Palestine War/Cease Fire, or whatever happened to Alexei Navalny in the hands of Vladimir Putin.  Not to mention the Covid-19 Pandemic and how it all got started.  Don’t forget any of that shit, even though the Republicans, Democrats and media may want you to forget it, now that they have “Infrastructure” as the bigly “Breaking News” issue.

Marj v. Ilhan, Reps v. Dems, RACISTS v. NORMAL PEOPLE

The DIFFERENCE between the comments tweeted by CONGRESSWOMAN Ilhan Omar versus racist representative Marjorie Taylor Greene are OBVIOUS!

Rep. Ilhan Omar Faces Criticism After Comments About Israel … › 2019/03/07 › minnesota-congressw…


Marjorie Taylor Greene is talking about the Jews again. › news-and-politics › 2021/05 › marjo…

The DIFFERENCE IN COMMENTS IS OBVIOUS BABY!  It’s all about the BENJAMINS versus the GOLD STARS, Space Lasers, The Rothschilds and all the other Anti-Semitic shit that MTG spouts out of her dirty mouth!

One comment took a real stretch to make it anti-semitic, whereas the latest comment from MTG was SO OBVIOUS and MTG DOUBLED DOWN.

Plus Ilhan Omar APOLOGIZED whereas MTG has issued an ANTI-APOLOGY as well as the fact that MTG Doubled-Down on her Anti-Semitic Comment.

The Republicans seem fine with MTG and her RACIST ANTI-JEW DISGUSTING comment, when they were jumping out of their asses to condemn Ilhan Omar after she quoted a Rapper, was sanctioned by her own political party and apologized.

Marjorie Taylor-Greene and the Right’s Odd Anti-Semitism › intelligencer › article › marjorie-tayl…


Donald Trump blasts Rep. Ilhan Omar over ‘anti-Semitic’ tweet › news › politics › 2019/02/11

GOD DAMN I HATE THE REPUBLICAN LIARS!  (I actually HATE them more than regular liars, and I am not supposed to HATE anyone.  TO HELL WITH THAT!  I hate the goofy GOP ASSHOLES!)


Joe Biden Wins Minnesota Over Donald Trump | Elections … › News › Elections

Trump was WRONG AGAIN!  He LOST the Minnesota vote as well as the election in 2020.  So Trump The CHUMP is a LOSER and a RACIST just like Marj-Tay-Tay Greeney The Bigly Weinie!

“Critical RACE Theory” is RACIST, just like “The 1619 Project” is RACIST!

Okay!  May 25th, 2021 is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the George Floyd Murder by Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin.

A Black Man, who allegedly passed a fake twenty dollar bill, was killed by a white police officer.

That white police officer was tried and found “GUILTY” and is now in prison.  It’s not a perfect solution.  It will not bring George Floyd back to life, but it is the best we can do.

Now, today, everyone is talking about “Critical Race Theory” being taught in American classrooms, associated with the George Floyd murder.

What is “Critical Race Theory”?

Critical race theory originated in the mid-1970s in the writings of several American legal scholars …

Perhaps, if CRITICAL RACE THEORY was taught in the SEVENTIES, or at least BEFORE DEREK CHAUVIN dropped-out of school, then he might have learned something about it and George Floyd might be alive today.  Perhaps.

Perhaps if The Civil War in America were taught better, than it obviously has been, then George Floyd might be alive today, because Derek Chauvin might NOT have killed him.  Perhaps.

INSTEAD, Critical Race Theory is DREDGED UP TODAY, to be taught some FIFTY YEARS TOO LATE to do George Floyd any good.

INSTEAD, “The” very racist “1619 Project” is being taught to make BLACK PEOPLE HATE WHITE PEOPLE and WHITE PEOPLE HATE BLACK PEOPLE more than ever before.


BLACK AFRICANS captured and sold BLACK AFRICANS to white men to start the SLAVE TRADE!  That is a FACT.

The first BLACK SLAVES sold to “Americans” in Virginia in 1619 were BLACK SLAVES who were on their way to slavery in MEXICO, not The United States.

The first Americans to buy those BLACK SLAVES were NOT AMERICANS.  They were English Colonists.  THEY WERE ENGLISH.  (The United States of AMERICA would not become AMERICA until over one hundred fifty years later in 1776.)

The United States CIVIL WAR, was started to put an end to slavery!  (I don’t care what anyone says, it was NOT about “states rights” or any of that bullshit!  It was started to finally put an end to slavery in The United States.)

Well over SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE DIED in the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR.  Most of those people were WHITE!  (Some were Black, that is true, but most were white and blacks fought on BOTH sides of that war.  BOTH SIDES!)

Yes!  Some white people have promoted JIM CROW LAWS.  (Mostly in the Deep South and Mid-West)  BUT MOST WHITE PEOPLE HAVE REJECTED THAT BULLSHIT!

Yes!  There are White Supremecist Organizations like The KKK, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc..  BUT MOST WHITE PEOPLE HAVE REJECTED THAT BULLSHIT!

Yes!  Some politicians have promoted racial discrimination over the years.  They used to be called Democrats.  Then Lincoln emerged as the First Republican President and sought to end slavery.  The Kennedy’s tried to end discrimination.  LBJ of Texas tried to promote Civil Rights!  The DIXIE-CRATS bolted from the Democratic Party and became REPUBLICANS!  That is ALL A FACT!

Today the FACT IS, not The 1619 Project, not any racist bullshit on either side, but simply this…

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA should be ONE COUNTRY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL PEOPLE regardless of the color of our skin or our ethnic background.  WE THE PEOPLE must INSIST that WE ARE ALL EQUAL in the EYES OF GOD and THE LAW!


We MUST put that THEORY into PRACTICE and stop all this pendulum swinging bullshit!

Trump to Nevalny! (And all the bullshit in between)

Let’s go BACK IN TIME,

before the current Israeli attacks on the Israeli created Palestinian Ghetto of Gaza, even before Covid-19, and remember what President Trump said to a group of AMERICAN JEWS in Nevada (or as he called it Nev-AH-dah, which is also wrong):

Trump Calls Netanyahu ‘Your Prime Minister’ to Crowd of … › Politics › News

Trump calls Netanyahu ‘your prime minister’ at Jewish … › story › news › politics › 2019/04/08

It was actually …

Donald Trump, Not Ilhan Omar, Accused Jews of Dual › 2019/04/07 › unlike-ilhan-omar-donal…

The FACT WAS and IS that  …

Trump, Netanyahu Are Driving American Jews Away From › Ideas › Israel

Even in ISRAEL they were asking in October 2018 …

American Jews may never forgive Israel for its reaction to the … › us-news ›

Well!  Will they?


(Or nearly back to today)

Israel kills 42 in Gaza as Netanyahu warns war will go on … › newshour › world › israel-kills-42-in-gaza…

Actually Israel, under the COMMAND of Netanyahu, has killed over TWO HUNDRED PALESTINIANS, many of them children, while the Palestinians in response have killed about 12 Jews.

Now, everyone is wondering:

Why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is far from over | PBS … › newshour › show › why-the-israeli-palesti…

QUESTION:  Why is the LATEST Israeli-Palestinian WAR (really a one-sided attack from Israel) such a BIGLY DEAL now?  Could it be because they want to distract our attention from RUSSIA and the Navalny-Putin thing?

Think about it.



Trump THE TRAITOR! (For real!)

Oh bullshit!

Donald Trump Plans To Repair, Use ‘Beautiful Boeing 757’ For Rallies, AgainIt’s a bird. It’s a plane. Well, yes, it’s a plane. Former President Donald J. Trump’s VIP Boeing 757 emblazoned with a huge “T” on the tail and his …

Trump is having his airplane made airworthy again for one reason and one reason only.

Trump is PLANNING to escape the USA when he is finally INDICTED for his CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES.




(But watch out Trumpy!  Vlad is going to send you and your family to a Gulag in Siberia and sell your goddamn plane!  So you probably should NOT go to MUTHA Russia to seek asylum, you BIGLY ORANGE ASS!)

p.s. Trump should probably fly to Australia instead of Russia!

Flip on Trump the FLOP!

Flippy Floppy!

Just call them FLIPPERS!  Or Flap Jacks!

Michael Cohen: Trump will ‘flip’ on family in criminal investigation.

Cohen insists Trump will ‘flip’ on family in New York probe: ‘Don’t take me. Take Melania!’.

Jimmy Kimmel Believes Trump Would Flip on His Own Children.

I believe Trump WILL flip if he thinks it will save his wrinkled orange ass.  He may even FLIP on Ivanka!

Trump Organization CFO Will Definitely Flip on Donald, Says Ex-Daughter-in-Law.

Ex-daughter-in-law of Trump Organization CFO says he will flip on Trump

Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law says he will definitely flip on the president.

The Odds Of Donald Trump’s CFO Flipping and Helping Send Him to Prison Just Shot Up.

Will Wiesselberg “FLIP”?  You bet your sweet ass he will. (That’s why they call him FLIPPER! FLIPPER! FLIPPER!)

Trump Organization criminal case: Ex-president’s close ally ‘will flip on him’ says relative.

To Donald Trump, LOYALTY IS ONLY A ONE WAY STREET.  Donald Trump EXPECTS everyone to be LOYAL to him, but he has no loyalty to anyone.

Trump cornered? Feds trying to flip Trump Org. exec in criminal probe.

Trump is a CRAPPIE flop!

Trump cornered?  Don’t count on it.  BUT, the New York Law did get The Dapper Don didn’t they.  And he died in prison.  They’ll get The Teflon Trumpturd too.  (Eventually.)

‘Criminal’ Trump Organization probe from New York AG may flip witnesses.

Hey, FLIP anyone and EVERYONE as long as it helps to GET TRUMP!

Trump is such a BIGLY FLOP!