Monthly Archives: August 2021

DO NOT negotiate with BUTTHEADS or TRUMPS!

Don’t “negotiate: with ANY TrumpTurds or Trumps, PERIOD!

Welcome to the Upside Down. Democracy might not survive, but the ratings will be great as the GOP base has become so unhinged and radicalized on a feed bag of disinformation to the point that Crenshaw, a slavish MAGA man, got heckled for refusing to say the election was stolen. Even Trump, their god-king, was booed by his adoring cult at a recent rally in Alabama. Did he praise Muslims? Hug an undocumented immigrant? Compliment Obama? Nope. He simply gently recommended that they take a life-saving vaccine, like he did, that will protect them from suffering a tragic, unnecessary death.

. . . 

You can’t “win over” these folks anymore. They are too far over the bend to get brought back around by Hillbilly Elegies, FDA vaccine approvals, sympathetic profiles of voters in rust belt diners, or town halls with undecided voters. Facts, common sense, and good-naturedness will not sway their fragile, terrified hearts.

Enough coddling. It’s time to say enough is enough.

. . .

It’s too late to convince people determined to believe otherwise that the pandemic is real, deadly, and requires them to wear masks and take vaccines. It’s been nearly two years. We could have reopened safely by now, saved thousands of lives, and protected our front-line workers if we simply followed social distancing and masking.

Instead, a radicalized minority enabled by demagogic governors continues to choose death, which Republicans are trying, insanely, to rebrand as “freedom.”

To quote Batman Begins, “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you.” That minority may have a right to choose death, but they certainly don’t have a right to infect us with their virus by coming to work, to sporting events and into our children’s schools.

Don’t Negotiate With Trump’s Disease-Spreading Zombie Army.

This BULLSHIT didn’t work for Trump.  Why does the FAKE FUCK IN FLORIDA think it’s going to work for him?  FACTS are FACTS!  Whereas:  Fuckheads are Fuckheads!  DeSantis is a Fuckhead without any FACTS!

DeSantis echoes Trump by blaming testing for high rate of Covid infections in Florida children.

Somebody needs to tell Rand Paul (the EYE DOCTOR who is not a real doctor) and the rest of the Trump NumbNuts that Covid-19 Vaccines were created to PREVENT the disease Covid-19 in HUMANS and Ivermectin was created to De-Worm Horses!  That should say it all, like Hydroxychloroquine was created to fight malaria NOT Covid-19.  (Jesus are THEY dumb!  They go from an anti-malaria drug to a horse de-wormer.  God damn are they STUPID!)

‘Hatred for Trump’ blocking research into ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment.

Instead of PREVENTING a disease, they DEMAND A CURE after they have caught the disease which they left themselves and others open to.

TDS – Trump Dumbshit Syndrome seems to have taken hold of some seriously ill DUMBSHITS.  Maybe somebody needs to create a vaccine or CURE for TDS!

Demand for antibody treatment used by Trump grows in states where delta is surging.

Remember the old saying, “An ounce of PREVENTION is worth a pound of CURE.”

Who said that?  Oh yeah.  It was one of THE FOUNDERS of this country, Benjamin Franklin, who said that,

“An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth A Pound of Cure.” – National … › an-ounce-of-prevention-is-worth-…

I thought the TrumpTurds (former Republicans) were all about THE FOUNDERS?  I guess not.  They are all about TRUMP now (now that they are Trumpublicans or TrumpTurds).  Trump is THE ENDER!  They apparently want to see The United States of TrumpMerica!

Donald J. Trump can say, “I’m BUTTman!” In any voice he wants to, and everyone will believe it!  Trump is a BUTThead!

Donald Trump LIES! Jim Jordan SUDDENLY remembers! TrumpTurds keep on being stupid!


President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Smith Reynolds Airport, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020, in Winston-Salem, N.C. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Trump’s lies will lead us to the truth.

Well, Trump’s LIES have got to lead us somewhere.  After all, in just FOUR YEARS he told over THIRTY THOUSAND LIES!

And Jim Jordan, suddenly remembers:

POLITICO Playbook: About Jim Jordan’s other Jan. 6 call with Trump – POLITICO.

Rep. Jim Jordan Suddenly Remembers At Least One Other Call With Trump On Jan. 6: Report.

Jim Jordan Admits to Multiple Calls With Trump on 1/6, Spurring Renewed Calls for Subpoenas.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) arrives ahead of FBI Director Christopher Wray testifying before a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein – RC13B8A6E560

But WHAT does Jimmy remember?  Does he remember any of that sex stuff when he was a wrestling coach!   Seriously!  Does Jimmy remember any of that shit?

Trump’s brand of Trumpism is Hitlerism, is FASCISM!

This is what YOU get when YOU support Trump!

Trump’s ‘Kraken’ Lawyers Got What Was Coming.

This is Trump and The Trumps, as told by a Trump!

Mary Trump: No Trump political dynasty, Donald’s kids lack charisma.

The truth about Trump is …

At the same time, part of Trump’s uncanny ability to resonate with the GOP base lies in his lack of strong ideological convictions. Unlike other politicians, who might continue to make a point they believe even if it’s unpopular with voters, Trump has no qualms about turning on a dime.

“It’s very possible that, after months of equivocating about the merits of the vaccine, his endorsement at his latest rally was simply a trial balloon to see how it would fly. But clearly Trump can take a hint. If the pro-vaccine message—even one couched in the language of personal choice—falls flat, he will ditch it in a hurry.

“Going forward, Trump may indeed find that—like other Republican politicians—even he himself is subordinate to ‘Trumpism.’ If that’s true, it’s yet more undeniable evidence of the profound and enduring impact he’s had on reinventing the modern Republican Party.”

Donald Trump and His Allies Trapped by Doctrine of Conformity They Created.

Trump will change his mind faster that he changes his shorts even after he himself has crapped in them.  Trump believes “LOYALTY” is a one way street and it all leads to him and never away from him.  Just ask Pence, who he hung out to dry and wanted his rioters to hang on January 6th.

Republicanism is now Trumpism and that’s simply Trump’s own brand of Fascism.

After they REGISTER the Muslims and the Mexicans and all non-white Americans, then it’s just a short time to the camps and the ovens! Donald J. Trump is the 21st Century Adolf Hitler, and will screw-up America and Americans just like Hitler screwed-up Germans and Germany in the 20th Century. If we let him!

Trump is all show (LIES) and NO GO! Trump really doesn’t care if his TrumpTurds live or die!

The latest hydroxychloroquine is named ivermectin

Ivermectin demand drives some to pro-Trump telemedicine website.

‘You Are Not a Horse’; Trump Booed for Pushing Vax › … › COVID-19

Clamoring for ivermectin, some turn to a pro-Trump … › now › clamoring-ivermectin-…

Ivermectin is the latest Hydroxychloroquine!  Hydroxy… actually did NOTHING, but Trump didn’t tell you that did he?  No.  (It would have been even more effective if people ate Hydrox cookies, than took that fake drug like Trump told them to).   Remember that Trump also told people to drink bleach and shove lit lightbulbs up their butts.  I wonder how many TrumpTurds did that?  (Some of them may still be doing it.)

After Trump Hypes Chloroquine as Covid-19 Cure, a Man … › 2020/03/24 › trump-hyped-c…

President Donald Trump: I happen to believe in … – YouTube › watch

8 questions we still have about Trump’s case of Covid-19 – STAT › 2020/10/07 › 8-questions-…

Taking hydroxy—whatever really did Trump a lot of good, didn’t it?  Did Trump EVER say anything bad about hydroxy…?  No!  By the way, has he ever said anything bad about Putin?  Or Communism?  No, not either of those.  Does anyone really expect him to say anything bad about ivermectin?  He did say to take the vaccine, but his own people “Booed” him.  Go figure!

Hydroxychloroquine was available FOR A PRICE at drug stores and some tropical fish stores. 

Fish tank cleaner chloroquine phosphate killed a man who … › nation › 2020/03/24

Chloroquine: A “New” Drug for Treating Fish Diseases – Reefs … › magazine › aquarium-fish-chloroqui…

At least with ivermectin, if they live they won’t have horse worms.  That is, IF THEY LIVE!

Arkansas doctor under investigation for prescribing anti-parasitic drug thousands of times for Covid-19 despite FDA warning.

Texas DSHS warns about ivermectin as COVID treatment.

Vegas feed store reports shortage of Ivermectin.

Ivermectin flying off Jacksonville feed store’s shelves.

How ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ Sold Access to Bogus COVID-19 Treatments—and Left Patients in the Lurch.

Some Iowa farm store customers seeking unauthorized animal deworming drug ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment.

As long as these people are going to take a DRUG to fight Covid-19, why don’t they take the FREE vaccine instead of paying for this Horse Deworming Drug, like they paid for hydroxy…whatever or the fish tank cleaner when they got it?  Drugs are drugs!  Take the RECOMMENDED DRUG!  (If God did not want us to take the vaccine, He would not have invented it!). Instead …

Man Dies, Woman Hospitalized After Taking Form Of – NPR › sections › 2020/03/24 › man-dies-…

Poison control centers getting influx of calls about ivermectin related to COVID-19 treatment.

Oh!  That’s right.  The vaccine is going to turn them into an animal, or it’s magnetic or some such bullshit.  BUT, the vaccination is NOT GOING TO KILL anyone!  Hydroxy… or Ivermectin… may KILL the human user.  Are they STUPID or what?  That’s who still supports Trump. THE STUPIDS!

‘DUMB ASS’ Donald, Trump ‘THE CHUMP’!

Good luck!

Seven US Capitol Police officers sue former President Trump, Stop the Steal organizers over January 6 riot.

Trump Flips Out at House Committee After It Requests Secret Capitol Riot Documents.

Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump and Allies Over Election Lies and Jan.

I sure wish these guys could get together and SUE THE SHIT out of TRUMP!  Then he’d really “flip out” or at least FLIP HIS WIG!

Damn RIGHT Ashli was a threat!  She was breaking-in to where she was NOT supposed to be!

‘She was posing a threat’ — Capitol officer who shot pro-Trump rioter Ashli Babbitt goes public.

Capitol Police officer who shot Trump supporter says it was ‘last resort’.

So Ashli got killed.  TOO FUCKING BAD!  To quote her former leader, “She knew what she was getting into!”  She had it coming,

See what I said, Donald is a DUMB ASS!

Donald Trump: Actually, Osama bin Laden Wasn’t That Bad.

Trump says infamous terrorist Osama bin Laden ‘only had one hit’.

No, DUMB DONALD, Osama wasn’t THAT bad.  He just masterminded the plan to KILL THOUSANDS of people.  That does not even compare to the HALF MILLION or more Americans Donald Trump KILLED with his bullshit about Covid-19.

Trumpism Has Entered Its Final Form.

And then TRUMP will be GONE?  We can ONLY hope.

Trump’s Minions deserve to be Mocked! (So does Trump.)

Let THE LIARS come forth!

Kayleigh McEnany says there wasn’t ‘crisis after crisis’ when Trump was president.

Let THE TRUTH will out!

Kayleigh McEnany mocked for claiming there was no ‘crisis after crisis’ under Trump.

MOCK the LIARS!  And get ready for an Arizona-like Cyber Ninja TWO POINT OH in Pennslyvania!

In latest bow to Trump, GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania plan to launch hearings on 2020 vote.

The LIARS will never admit DEFEAT or TRUTH!

However, in one OPINION, maybe someone is GETTING IT!  (Even as others still seem so deluded!)

Trump rally boos from a base gone bonkers.


Maybe the TrumpTurds have simply GONE BONKERS!

Then, again:

Opinion | The Trump Clown Car Has a Smashup in Arizona.

Then there are the SENILE OLD FOOLS who supported Trump.

Jack Nicklaus sounds like he doesn’t regret endorsing, voting for Donald Trump.


‘I don’t trust the CDC’: Trump rally attendee on why she is unvaccinated.

and finally a former TrumpTurd who always was and always will be a TURD:

Alex Jones blasts Trump as ‘dumbass’ over vaccines

NO “maybe” about it.  Trump’s PISS POOR handing and LIES about the Covid-19 CRISIS killed over half a million Americans.  However, TRUMP is finally talking smart about vaccines, people should get the vaccine, but Trump remains A DUMBASS over just about everything else.  Alex Jones is simply a DUMBASS!

Believe Trump.  We don’t care.  Believe Alex.  We don’t care.  Believe whomever you want to believe.  We really do not care.  Just keep wearing those stupid red hats.  Okay?  Just keep wearing them like the NAZI’s wore their stupid Swastika Arm Bands.  Okay?  Okay!

Republicans, Trumpublicans, GOP, QAnon, Trump, Conservitards = PRO-DEATH!

Let’s get serious.

The Republicans are PRO-GUN.  That means pro-violence, pro-suicide, pro-this, pro-that which all lead to PRO-DEATH.

The Republicans, especially the QAnon Trumpublicans, are anti-vaccination advocates.  They are the anti-vaxers who are literally keeping Covid-19 from being suppressed in this country.  Most of the anti-vax states are in the Republican DEEP South, especially Florida, Texas, Arkansas and Alabama.  Anti-vaccinators mean they would rather have people (themselves included) die before they would ever allow themselves or many people they know be vaccinated and thus protected from the virus.  That is simply PRO-DEATH instead of pro-life.

Republicans in the Deep South (mostly Trumpublicans) do not want to allow anyone, who does not have lilly white skin, entry into this country.  They would rather those people die in Mexico, Afghanistan or elsewhere before they are allowed to immigrate to the United States.  That is simply and plainly PRO-DEATH!

The overwhelmingly white Republicans insist on imposing their own set of moral and religious values on others, and forcing all women to have babies.  Even babies they cannot afford to take care of or babies they don’t want.  Yet these same mostly white Republicans will not lift a finger or pay a dollar to support these unwanted babies after they are born.  They would rather those babies be born and die, instead of being born to live.  They call this their PRO-LIFE political stance, but in truth it is PRO-DEATH.  

By the way, the same PRO-DEATH mostly white Republicans discount the resurgence of back-ally and coat-hanger abortions that were the norm before Roe v. Wade, and would most certainly return with the repeal of Roe v. Wade.  They don’t care.  They are simply PRO-DEATH!

Not everybody feels the same way about abortion.  Not everyone has the same religious guilt about abortion.  However, many of these mostly white Republicans insist on placing their guilt and their morals on others.  Hence, they are against the option to give people a chance to make a good or bad choice.  They are simply PRO-DEATH!

Same goes with the vote.  If people won’t vote the way they want them to vote, then they do everything they can to KILL their chance to vote.  That is yet another way they are PRO-DEATH!  DEATH to the VOTE of the MAJORITY!  Death to MAJORITY VOTE!

Then there are the Republicans who FAVOR ‘The Death Penalty’.  Almost all of them do.  They believe in Capital Punishment.  They honestly believe in KILLING PEOPLE.  Now I ask you, How is that consistent with Pro-Life?  It isn’t.  Thus, Republicans, Trumpublicans, QAnons, and GOPpers are basically hypocritical liars.  That’s kinda why they like Trump so much I guess.  He’s a liar, but he’s so blatant about it.  That’s what they seem to love about him.  He says he’s NOT a racist, but he really is.  Trump says he has a great relationship with THE BLACKS, but he really doesn’t.  Donald says he is Pro-Life but he really isn’t.  

I could go on, and on, but I’ll stop here.  These are the people who say they are pro-life, but in actual TRUTH they are PRO-DEATH just like their leaders who don’t care about anyone else’s life but their own, and their political career.

Do YOU want the truth?

The TRUTH is, that those people who like to call themselves pro-life are really PRO-DEATH.  Just like Donald J. Trump who claimed he was “the least racist person in the world.” Or that he was “more respectful to women than anyone else in the world.”  Or that he “had a great relationship with THE BLACKS.”

Really!  What do you expect from LIARS like that?

Do you expect them to ever be honest about anything?

No wonder Joe Biden has such a huge problem in Afghanistan right now.  Trump lied and set-him-up.  That’s the serious truth.

Trump and TrumpGOP are ALL PRO-DEATH!

TRUMP DAZE!  REPUBLICANS are PRO-DEATH!!!  (That is a FACT!). Republicans want to KILL AMERICANS by Covid-19, and Afghans by Taliban Terrorists, and all others by whatever means is convenient INCLUDING GUNS!

Trump’s allies are now denouncing his Taliban deal.

Denouncing Trump?  Really!  It’s about time.  Why isn’t EVERYBODY doing it?  (I guess because there are still a lot of dummies in America,)

Trump Is Finally Telling His Supporters to Get Vaccinated, but It’s Probably Too Late—And It’s All His Fault.

Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated.

Alabama crowd boos Trump for urging supporters to get vaccinated.

Analysis | Trump and top ally get booed by the monster Trump’s GOP created.

Trump Ripped by Alex Jones for Recommending COVID Vaccines After Being Booed at Rally.

Alex Jones turns on Trump: ‘Maybe he is a dumba**”.


Donald Trump’s Latest Money-Making Schemes.

Trump is still soliciting political donations, although it’s unclear what he needs the money for. At the top of his website, it says, “Together, we are rebuilding our nation” above a link where one can donate to the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee. After selecting the amount you want to give, a box to make it a recurring donation is automatically checked. This has gotten Trump into a little trouble previously; he’s had to refund $122 million to his supporters who unwittingly checked the box, thus far.

Trump is ALWAYS trying to TRICK people into giving HIM more MONEY!  ALWAYS!  Do you really think he plans to use that money for politics?  Not really.  Trump more than likely plans to keep it for himself, so he can pay off his upcoming MASSIVE debt probably.

p.s.  The CYBER NINJA’s in Arizona are EXTREMELY SICK with ‘The Covid’!

“Today we are receiving a portion of the draft report from the election audit analysis team,” said Fann. “The team expected to have the full draft ready for the Senate today, but unfortunately Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan and two other members of the five-person audit team have tested positive for COVID-19 and are quite sick.”

The counting began on April 23 and Logan expected it to take 16 days, but it has instead been ongoing all summer. Cyber Ninja contractors have, among other things, inspected the ballots for traces of bamboo, which supporters of the audit say would prove they were smuggled from China.

Report on partisan Arizona audit delayed after pro-Trump Cyber Ninjas contract COVID.

Trump-friendly Cyber Ninjas delay report on Arizona election because CEO, 2 others are ‘quite sick’ with Covid.

Aw!  That’s TOO FUCKING BAD!  (That’s me trying to be sarcastic.). I wonder if they caught it from the BAMBOO SHOOTS?  Aw shit!

p.p.s.   It’s time to stop blaming Joe.

Stop Blaming Biden for Afghanistan. He’s Cleaning Up Trump’s Mess | Opinion.

Donald Trump and dip-shit Pompeo created this mess.  Biden is simply cleaning-up after them, again.

Trump INSPIRES shit-heads like GAETZ!

Boo Trump!  Boo!  (And we don’t mean the scary kind of “BOO!” although Trump is plenty scary.)

Donald Trump Encouraged People at His Rally to Get Vaccinated. They Booed Him.

Donald Trump Booed at Alabama Rally After Encouraging Crowd to Get COVID-19 Vaccine.

Supporters at Alabama rally boo Trump after he tells them to get vaccinated

Mo Brooks was booed by Trump rally attendees after he told them to move on from 2020 ‘election theft’.

After boos at Trump rally, Brooks vows to fight ‘Socialist Democrat voter fraud’.

Mo Brooks Backpedals After Trump Rally-Goers Boo Him for Saying Move Past 2020 Election.

Trump targets Biden over Afghanistan but gets booed briefly on vaccines at Alabama rally.

As usual, Trump changed his tune from hydroxychloroquine injections, drinking bleach and shoving a lit lightbulb up your butt to actual VACCINATIONS, like he and Melania and all the Trump Clubhouse Gang got.  AFTER THEY BOOED HIM in Atlanta, he came back and spun some yarns (lies) which is his way.  Meanwhile Republican Governor DeSantis in Florida, Republican Governor Abbott in Texas and REPUBLICANS all over, elected and unelected, turn out to be PRO-DEATH!  They are NOT Pro-Life or even Pro-Choice, they are PRO-DEATH because they want young children in elementary schools to catch the Covid-19 virus and probably DIE from it!   “NO MASKS!” they say. “NO MASK MANDATES EVEN!” they say. REPUBLICANS ARE PRO-DEATH, except for Trump who is simply PRO-TRUMP!  (Donald “The JACKASS” Trump really does not care who lives or dies as long as it means more money for himself.)

Trump rally in Alabama: Loyalists turn out to hear former president in Cullman.

Trump Jokes About COVID Risk, Touts His ‘Good Relationship’ With Taliban at Alabama Rally.

Former Pence Aide Say Trump, Miller Stymied Afghan Refugee Efforts.

Fact check: Trump administration officials try to rewrite their own Afghanistan history.

Trump JOKED about Covid-19?  (Covid-19 is nothing to joke about.)  Trump has a GOOD relationship with the Taliban? (Right, Trump also said he had a good relationship with THE BLACKS.)  The TRUTH is that NOT every Republican is buying Trump’s crap.

GOP congressman places blame on Trump admin for crisis in Afghanistan: ‘They set this up to fail’.

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger rips into Trump and Mike Pompeo for ‘getting rolled’ by the Taliban.

Congressman who left GOP over Trump gives final message before death from cancer.

It seems ONLY those GOOFY GOPS who are LOSING ANYWAY are the LOSERS who liked Trump’s crap.

“Trump Was an Inspiration for Me”: Matt Gaetz Tries to Shift the Narrative With a MAGA Romance.

Robin Vos meets with Trump on Wisconsin’s election review two months after the former president trashed him.

After all, the NO GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY person Trump is, is still …

The Elephant in the Room.

Oh and…

Trump’s Border Wall Torn Apart by Arizona Monsoon Rains.

p.s.  And Trump builds the BEST WALLS?  BULLSHIT!  Trump builds SHIT!!!  Trump has always built shit, and then LIED about it.

Goofy Old Poops (GOP) like Donald Trump, are CRAZY!

TRUMP and his GOP (Goofy Old Poops) BE CRAZY!

More than half of Kinzinger’s GOP primary challengers believe Trump won the 2020 election.

Minnesota GOP ‘in ruins’ after shocking scandal.

“We’re the Advance Team for Trump”: Newlywed Matt Gaetz.

In Iowa, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz Take Trump’s Baton.

Take Trump’s “baton”.  Be Trump’s ‘Advance Team’.  Nuts are NITS when they represent a NUT!

Supreme Court temporarily blocks reinstatement of Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy.

Supreme Court temporarily blocks Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ reinstatement.

NO SHIT!  Maybe because Trump’s policy is RACIST!

Trump heads to Alabama but his Covid politics are everywhere.

City hosting Trump rally in Alabama declares COVID-19 emergency

Maybe because Trump has already KILLED OVER HALF A MILLION AMERICANS with Covid-19 and his bullshit!

A former Pence adviser said Trump had 4 years to help Afghan allies leave the country but Stephen Miller’s ‘racist hysteria’ blocked it from happening

Stephen Miller is Trump’s head RACIST!

And yet, Trump keeps on LYING!  The SPACE CADET lies about SPACE COMMAND.  WHAT A FARCE!

Trump says he ‘single-handedly’ moved Space Command, frustrates Colo. leaders.

So!  What else is new?  Trump lies and is a racist, and his GOP is falling apart because of shit-heads like Gaetz & Greene!  

The thing is, Biden might DIE of OLD AGE before the next election, but even DEAD Biden will beat Trump like a DUMB DRUM!