Monthly Archives: September 2021

Donald Trump is an ASSHOLE, IDIOT, PRICK …

Trump is a 

Peepee, 45 (four five) or Ntutu – Penis.

… as in the Kasi slang/dialect of South Africa.

So, what did the Bigly Ntutu (Donald J. Trump) think (and say) about Stephanie Grisham’s new book?

“Stephanie didn’t have what it takes and that was obvious from the beginning. She became very angry and bitter after her break up and as time went on she was seldom relied upon, or even thought about. She had big problems and we felt that she should work out those problems for herself. Now, like everyone else, she gets paid by a radical left-leaning publisher to say bad and untrue things.”

Donald Trump’s appalling response to a new tell-all book about his White House.

What did you expect?  Trump HIRED HER, then we FIRED HIM, and she wrote a book.  Stephanie Grisham did NOT quit the Trump Administration until after the January 6, 2021 RIOT that Donald J. Trump incited.  This is simply a typical Donald J. Trump “Wah!  Wah! Wah!” Response.  The BIGLY BABY is throwing another TANTRUM!  Typical!

Other things Grisham included in her book, were the fact that:

Trump summoned press aide to his Air Force One cabin to ogle her: book.

Grisham says she sought to shield young, female aide from Trump

Trump played tough with Putin when cameras were around, but a new book details his insecurities.

‘Casual dishonesty:’ Donald Trump’s ex-spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, rips him in book.

Lack of helicopter space forced Ivanka Trump, Kushner to drop plans to meet Queen Elizabeth II: book

Trump’s former press secretary details his mysterious 2019 hospital visit in behind-the-scenes look at his White House.


Trump’s Press Sec: He Called Me to Insist His Penis Wasn’t Toadstool-Shaped.

Donald J. Trump even called from Air Force ONE to defend his PENIS!  (What a Dick-Head!)

Since Grisham spilled the beans about Trump’s trip to Walter Reed for a “colonoscopy” now Donald Trump is the BUTT of Late Night Jokes about his wrinkled orange ass!

Late Night Hits Trump With Colonoscopy Jokes.

Donald Trump Still Leads The Republicans—And That’s Bad for Almost Everybody.

Donald Trump Still Faces a Reckoning in New York.

Trump Support Drops 20 Points as Ron DeSantis Surges to Tie in New 2024 Poll.

Elon Musk Longs for the Days When Trump Would Invite Him to the White House.

Former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski accused of making unwanted, ‘vile and disgusting’ sexual advances.

The fact is TRUMP IS A DUMB ASS and a DICK-HEAD!  How much longer is that ASS going to be in the news?


The ONLY coop Trump can push is a …

Five Ways Donald Trump Tried to Push a Coup.

… shit-filled CHICKEN COOP!  Because Donald J. Trump is a gutless fucking chicken full of shit!

And …

Joe Rogan: Trump will ‘100%’ run for president again and win if pitted against Biden or Harris.

Joe Rogaine is a PISS POOR COMEDIENNE (he was shit on that one TV show he was on, and likely why it got cancelled) and Joe Rogaine is a SHIT HEAD like all TrumpTurds are.  Joe Rogaine once accused Comedian Robin Williams of stealing his jokes.  Joe Rogaine is his ONLY JOKE!  Besides that, even dead Robin Williams is funnier than Joe Rogaine ever was, which is why Joe Rogaine never could keep a real job!  Hairless and Brainless Joe Rogaine!  What a turd, a TRUMPTurd!


NYC Moves to Turn Trump’s Bronx Golf Course Over to Homeless Shelter Operator.

That’s fitting!  (For all the times Trump has LIED and caused people to become homeless.)

NBC’s Chuck Todd suggests Trump is to blame for the media not putting a ‘spotlight’ on Dem ‘problems’.

TRUE because TRUMP IS THE DAMN PROBLEM!  (Trump is not just the Dems Problem, Trump is the MAIN DAMN PROBLEM!)

Liz Cheney tells Trump ‘I like Republican presidents who win re-election’.

The ONLY WAY Trump WINS anything is if and when he CHEATS, like he CHEATED IN 2016 with Russian Collusion!  (Trump CHEATS all the time, he’s been CHEATING on his TAXES since long before he DODGED THE DRAFT!  And Trump DODGED THE DRAFT because he is a COWARD!)

Liz Cheney’s Trump-endorsed challenger once called Trump ‘racist and xenophobic’.

Trump apparently likes people who dissed him, as opposed to those who try to tell him the truth.

With a straight face to an adoring crowd, Trump lies and says Arizona audit found he won.


‘We won’: Trump and his allies barrel ahead with election lies despite Arizona review confirming his loss.

The threat of violence was always a subtext of Trumpism,

Opinion | trump-political-violence-elections-democracy-nonviolence.

Bullshit!  The “threat of violence” was always the MAIN TEXT of TRUMPISM!  “Beat the crap out him!” or “I’ll pay your legal bills.”  Trump said those things, and more, because Trump is a COWARD and a LIAR!

Milley defends calls to Chinese at end of Trump presidency.

Milley Defends His Calls to China During Trump’s Term.

A Capitol Hill reckoning for top US general may again put Trump’s political storms on full display.

General Milley defends himself against TRUMP LIES (accusations).  What else would you expect him to do, TRUMP IS A LIAR!

Stephanie Grisham’s Book Details Trump’s ‘Terrifying’ Temper.

Grisham says she sought to shield young, female aide from Trump

Trump’s former press secretary details his mysterious 2019 hospital visit in behind-the-scenes look at his White House

Stephanie Grisham’s Book Details Trump’s ‘Terrifying’ Temper.

Trump had ‘Cats’ and ‘Phantom of the Opera’ played to soothe him, a new book claims.

Trump played tough with Putin when cameras were around, but a new book details his insecurities.

Former aide says Trump told Putin at summit he was going to act tougher ‘for the cameras’

Trump’s former press secretary details his mysterious 2019 hospital visit in behind-the-scenes look at his White House.

Stephanie Grisham’s new book documents TRUMP LIES!  (When Trump LIES he POUTS and throws Tantrums too!)

Trump Takes Another L, This Time to Omarosa.

Arbitrator slaps down Trump’s NDA challenge against Omarosa.

‘Apprentice’ star, former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman beats Trump in arbitration fight over book.

‘The bully has met his match’: Trump loses NDA case against former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman.

Yet another NEW BOOK, this time from Trump Insider Omarosa!

Trump exploded at Melania over her infamous ‘I really don’t care, do u?’ jacket, former top aide says in book.

‘Mad Dash’: Trump’s demand for a Texas ‘audit’ caught Gov. Abbott off guard.

Pro-Trump cartoonist Ben Garrison says he has COVID-19 and is treating it with ivermectin and beet juice.

TRUMP gets UPSET and LIES about Everyone, and Everything, ALL THE TIME.  Even his TrumpTurds like Ben G. buy Trump’s LIES!

Trump’s Press Sec: He Called Me to Insist His Penis Wasn’t Toadstool-Shaped.

Meanwhile Trump is worried about how people see his PENIS!  (Trump is a DICKhead!)

Trump’s spiteful support for Abrams over Kemp sparks midterms fear from Georgia Republicans.

Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell have a Donald Trump problem.

Lots of people “have a problem” with Trump!

When Trump sits he shits, and when Trump OPENS his mouth he LIES! (Either way, Trump is always FULL OF SHIT!)

After LOUDLY SAYING he “loved WikiLeaks”, 

Trump in 2016: ‘I love WikiLeaks,’ Trump now: ‘I know nothing … › 2019/04/11 › politics › wikileaks-…

Donald J. Trump claimed he “knew NOTHING about WikiLeaks”! 

Yet TRUMP and HIS PEOPLE tried to use the U.S. Government (and the CIA) to do their bidding and KILL Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.  Fortunately for US, Trump failed!  THAT IS HOW YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT TRUMP WAS and IS LYING!  He could not LOVE WikiLeaks and then later know nothing about WikiLeaks.  TRUMP LIED!  Obviously.

Trump administration mulled kidnapping, assassinating Julian Assange: report

CIA discussed Assange assassination with Trump officials: report.

However, like a BAD HABIT Trump keeps on trying.  Trump keeps on LYING!  TRUMP IS LYING!

Trump’s new interviews and appearances show that a storm is brewing.

What If 2020 Was Just a Rehearsal?

Opinion | Even if Georgia doesn’t pursue Trump, the Justice Department must.

I agree with any OPINION that says Trump should be pursued and PUT DOWN!  PUT DOWN TRUMP like you PUT DOWN a bad animal, once and forever!!!  PUT TRUMP DOWN!  Stop the Trump LYING by Stopping Trump!

Give the Republican Party back to REAL REPUBLICANS and take it out of the hands of Trump and his TrumpTurds!

Cheney says a lot of GOP lawmakers have privately encouraged her fight against Trump

Liz Cheney on being a Republican while opposing Donald Trump – 60 Minutes.

Liz Cheney: `I was wrong’ in opposing gay marriage in past.

What Liz Cheney gets exactly right about Donald Trump — and her party.

We do NOT need a TWO PARTY SYSTEM in this country, but even more than that we DO NOT WANT A Trumpublican Party to be the precursor of Fascism as a lead-in to Communist Rule, like Trump wants!

Let’s go back to a TWO PARTY SYSTEM, then go back to a multi-party system which the Founders originally designed, but let us NEVER accept or even DEVOLVE into a TRUMPUBLICAN FASCIST COMMUNIST PARTY RULE!

It’s a CRIME to support a TRUMP!

Donald Trump could be charged with multiple crimes over his attempts to overturn his loss in the state of Georgia, report says

Trump committed crimes over Georgia election interference: report.

Trump committed ‘potential’ crimes over Georgia election interference: report.

Seriously!  ‘Potential’ or not, Trump DID commit lots of crimes! 

Trump COULD be CHARGED with a lot of crimes!  Trump isn’t just limited to his crimes in Georgia.  Trump’s WHOLE LIFE is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!

Trump Says Stacey Abrams ‘Might Very Well Be Better’ as Georgia’s Governor Than GOP’s Kemp.

Trump suggests Stacey Abrams might make better governor than Kemp at rally.

DUH!  That’s a ‘LOW BLOW’ for Trump to say he prefers Abrams, a Democrat, over Kemp, a Republican.  Trump REALLY must HATE KEMP A LOT to LIE SO BIGLY!  Trump once ENDORSED KEMP, but now he HATES Kemp.

Trump calls Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp a ‘disaster’ at rally, suggests Abrams instead.

Trump ONLY likes Stacey Abrams, because he HATES Brian Kemp and can’t find any Republicans in Georgia that he (Trump) does like who aren’t already LOSERS (like Trump).  Trump is a FOOL!  

Trump should LOVE Brian Kemp, not just because Kemp is a Republican, but because Kemp STOLE his election from Abrams.  (Maybe that’s the REAL REASON Trump hates Kemp, because Kemp did what Trump FAILED TO DO in 2020!  Trump is JEALOUS of Kemp!  The GREEN EYED MONSTER is in THE MONSTER!)

Lindsey Graham says that he wants Donald Trump to run again in 2024, just a few days after the former president trashed him.

Lindsey Graham is a fool and an idiot, just like most of those TrumpTurd Idiots!  Lindsey is like a whipped puppy who keeps getting whipped but comes back for more.  “Please Sir!  Whip me again!  Please!”

Trump return to White House ‘would be a disaster’ for US intelligence: Former DHS whistleblower.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK!  (The Democrats needs to quit PUSSY FOOTING around and throw Trump into Guantanamo!  But I guess it’s true, that the Democrats never miss an opportunity to MISS AN OPPORTUNITY.  After all, look at what they’re doing to appease Manchin and Sinema, a couple of DINOs if there ever were any!  FUCK ‘EM!  Get rid of the Filibuster/Cloture crap and be done with it and them.)

Admit it! TRUMP LOST!!! TRUMP IS A Loo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Zer!!!

Another REPUBLICAN who is pissed-off at Trump and Trump’s BIG LIE!

Ga. GOP Lt. Gov. says he’s ‘still furious’ over 2020 election challenges: book.

In fact, it seems like the whole state of Georgia is pissed at Trump!

Trump’s visit to Georgia: Walker’s debut, GOP feuding and Kemp’s problem.

Because …

‘No one has lost the state of Arizona more than Donald Trump’: Berman on Arizona audit.

That’s right, TRUMP LOST!  (We really can’t say that enough, at least until Trump and his Turds quit saying the BIG LIE!). I realize that some people bought the T-Shit that says “Trump won” but he really did LOSE.  TRUMP LOST!  They should refrain from exhibiting they’re twice stupidity:  1. They bought the shirt and 2. They wore the shirt.  What a bunch of DUMBASSES!  TRUMP LOST!  He really did! TRUMP REALLY LOST, again!  TRUMP IS A LOSER!  They need to admit that, and stop believing the BIG LIE from the BIG LIAR!

The Memo: Trump’s Arizona embarrassment sharpens questions for GOP

Still, Trump and his Turds keep “spinning” the bullshit!

FACT CHECK: Pro-Trump auditors spin election falsehoods.


Analysis | Arizona audit debunks Trump’s false claims, but the poison of misinformation still threatens the electoral ….

Arizona Governor Hits Back at Donald Trump Over Audit: ‘No Decertification’.

There will be “No Decertification” in Arizona, or anywhere else, because BIDEN WON!!!  (Unfortunately, there will be more Trump FRAUDITS before Trump is done LYING about them.)

‘Case-by-case basis’: White House clarifies position on Trump records and Jan. 6 executive privilege.

Maybe We Should Be Talking More About the Trump Coup Memo

Biden probably will release information about Trump’s Jan. 6 activities, White House says.

We hope that PRESIDENT BIDEN does spill the beans on that Old Fart Trump!

… and then there’s this from a typical DUMB BLONDE supporter of STUPID TRUMP:

Kayleigh McEnany targets Biden, accidentally makes Trump look worse.

How DUMB can Kayleigh be in her DUMBASS support of Dumb Donald?  They are like all TrumpTurds – DUMB and STUPID!  And yet another DUMB BLONDE chimes in.

Betsy DeVos offers veiled criticism of GOP’s ongoing passion for Trump.

Then of course is this other DUMBASS MAGA Maiden, Lauren Boebert who wanted to IMEACH BIDEN!

Lauren Boebert Calls For Joe Biden’s ‘Imeachment’.

… and Marjie Tay-Tay Greene, she really MUST be the daughter of Mean Joe Greene, …

Abortion rights shouting breaks out between Rep Debbie … › 

… who, like her Daddy Mean Joe, got into a SHOUTING MATCH! 

Seriously!  Are ALL Republiturds who support Trump just as STUPID as Trump?  Especially the WOMEN?  We already know they are all LOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-ZERS just like Trump!

Donald Trump THE LOSER! Loo-Hoo-Hoo-Zer! (The Bigly Pigly Loser!)


Buckle up: Arizona Republicans to show 2020 recount results.

Bogus GOP Arizona audit confirms the obvious: Biden won.

Controversial Arizona ‘audit’ shows Trump lost by even more votes – live updates.

Arizona Republican ‘audit’ finds even bigger lead for Biden in 2020 election.

Trump-Backed Arizona Audit Confirms His 2020 Loss.

Hand count in audit affirms Biden beat Trump, as Maricopa County said in November.

Arizona Audit Results Reveal Donald Trump Lost to Joe Biden by Even Bigger Margin.

Pro-Trump ‘audit’ of Arizona election results finds Biden did indeed win.

Biden WON.

Trump KEEPS ON LYING with his BIG LIE!

Trump blames media after Arizona audit finds Biden won

Trump releases statement making false claims about Arizona audit.

Even the Cyber Ninjas in Arizona (after months and months of auditing, which was supposed to take just a few weeks at the most) proved it!  The numbers are THE NUMBERS!  The votes are the VOTES!  Even bamboo ballots or the other BOGUS BULLSHIT the Cyber Ninjas once claimed they were looking for did not change the end results.  Trump is simply FULL OF __IT!

TRUMP IS A LOSER!  (In more ways than just one.). That’s a FACT!!!

Wisconsin GOP official urges party to stop ‘nonsense’ election audits

Really!  Just “KNOCK OFF THIS NONSENSE!” Like the Republicans say.  It’s really only going to prove, once again and again and again, that TRUMP LOST!

Michael Steele, former Chairman of The Republican National Committee (RNC), says that Trump supporters need to “Get off the STUPID!”  (Tucker The Fucker and all the FUCKS at FOX are STUPID as well as anyone who voted for and still supports Trump.). STOP BEING STUPID!  (Also, stop being White Supremacists and Communist Lovers too!  America is a GODDAMN DEMOCRACY!  This is NOT motherfucking Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba or any of the places Trump loves!)

Trump is a Commie and a KOOK!

Donald Trump is having some INTERESTING TIMES.  (And like the old Chinese curse supposedly goes “May you live in interesting times.”)

Trump’s TAXES?

18 Revelations From a Trove of Trump Tax Records › trump-taxes-takeaways

Trump Appears to Admit in Lawsuit That NYT Report on Taxes Is True.


MyPillow Guy Mocked For A New Trump Prediction… And It’s A Real Turkey.

Donald Trump to Mike Lee, Lindsey Graham: You should be ashamed.

Donald Trump takes a shot at Lindsey Graham.

Trump rages at Lindsey Graham for alleged ‘third grade’ whining quip.

Barr had ‘Oh, s***’ moment when Trump blew up over Durham: Book.

Trump and the real REPUBLICANS

Donald Trump needles George W. Bush, this time over Bush’s support for Liz Cheney.


Jan. 6 investigation accelerates as it turns toward Trump.


Trump sues his niece Mary Trump and The New York Times over leak of his tax records.

Trump Sends Out Three Increasingly Furious Late-Night Statements in 77 Mins.

Donald Trump Sounds Pretty Panicked About Spending His Twilight Years Behind Bars.


Analysis | Somehow, we’re still learning the depths of Trump’s dishonesty.

Five Ways Donald Trump Tried to Push a Coup.

This is the GUY that so many people still follow?  Are they STUPID, or what?  INTERESTING!  VERY INTERESTING!  Butt SCHTOOPID!

Trump is a CHUMP, HUMP, DUMP and he should be called a LIAR and SEWER RAT! SUE TRUMP!

Trump, his political pals and all his lawyers KNEW Trump was lying, because that’s all Trump does is LIE!

Trump Campaign Knew Lawyers’ Dominion Claims Were Baseless, Memo Shows.

Trump campaign knew voter fraud claims were baseless soon after election loss, says report – as it happened.

Fact-checking Trump’s letter to Georgia secretary of state.

The Trump Campaign Knew the Dominion Voting Machine Stuff Was Nonsense When They Started With It.

By HOOK(er) or by CROOK, (mostly by crook) Trump wanted Pence to LIE for him!

Trump lawyer’s plan: Pence would nix votes.

Trump Lawyer Memo Gave Mike Pence January 6 Instructions for Electoral College Vote.

Trump’s BIG LIE is a BIG FARCE!  (Even Trump knew it.)

Analysis | It turns out that Trump’s claims of fraud were not scrupulously vetted for accuracy.

And the TURD doesn’t fall far from the wrinkled orange ass!

Eric Trump lawyer in New York attorney general’s fraud case quits

Oh “Boo Hoo!”  Bad news for the Butthead!

Bad News for Trump: Court Hearing Suggests the NY Probe of His Business Is Expanding

And then there is Donald J. Trump a BOY NAMED SUE!

Trump sues niece, NY Times over records behind ’18 tax story.

Donald Trump Sues New York Times And His Niece Mary, Alleges ‘Insidious Plot’ To Obtain His Tax Records.

Donald Trump Sues New York Times and His Niece Mary Trump Over Tax Story.

Trump files $100 million suit against niece, New York Times over bombshell tax story

Donald Trump sues NY Times, his niece for uncovered tax documents.

Just call him SUE Trump!



Whatever!  Just know that Trump answers to the call, “Sou-ee!  Sou-ee!  Here Pig, Pig, PIG!”

TRUMP abandoned the Kurds and doesn’t really give a damn about his own Turds! Trump is the real weasel!

Back to Allen “The Weasel” Weisselberg…

New York Prosecutors Find New Evidence in Donald Trump Organization Case Allen Weisselberg Jeff Mcconney.


Video Trump Organization CFO’s lawyer expects more indictments to come.

It’s NOT just the ‘WeaselBurger’ alone!  Now it’s the ‘Weaselburger’ and ‘THE BIGLY (BIg-uGLY) WEASEL’ as well!

Donald Trump’s lawyer not worried Trump Org indictment named him.

Donald had a PLAN for Pence.  Wouldn’t it be “Cool!”  (Trump is and was a FOOL!)

Memo shows Trump lawyer’s six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election.

Trump lawyer offered six-point plan for Pence to overturn election: book

Trump Lawyer Memo Outlined How Mike Pence Could Overturn 2020 Election.

Not to worry.

Trump Declares U.S. ‘Will Soon Be Considered a Third World Nation’ Amid Border Crisis.

Trump is always WRONG!  Wahoo!  Yet, he keeps on trying to take-out real Republicans (even in Cleveland) …

Lindsey Graham told Trump over the summer ‘you f—ed your presidency up,’ book claims. Trump hung up..

Trump takes shot at new GOP candidate in Ohio over Cleveland nickname

… and replace them with TrumpThuglicans!  (TrumpTurds?)

Trump endorses ‘big lie’ proponents for state election posts.

But, Trump still seems to believe he can always jet to Moscow to get his Functional Dad Vlad to cover his big fat wrinkled orange ass for him!

Longtime GOP operatives charged with funneling Russian national’s money to Trump, RNC.

Republican Party operatives charged with arranging illegal Trump campaign contribution.

GOP operatives charged with funneling $25,000 from Russian citizen to Trump campaign in 2016.

Will Vlad put him up, put up with him, or just send him off to a Gulag in Siberia?  Donald better think TWICE about going to Russia to hide-out.  (I hear Afghanistan is nice this time of year!  Think about it Donald, you DUMBASS!). Russia GAVE Trump money for 2016 (and he won?).  Apparently they gave him NOTHING for 2020 (and he LOST!  BIGLY!!!).  In 2022 or later will they give him Siberia? (Because Trump is a LOUSY LOSER as well as a Bad Liar and a non-useful idiot!  As opposed to the ‘Useful-Idiot’ Putin thought Trump MIGHT be before he was president.  Regardless of usefulness, Putin always considered Trump as an IDIOT.)

p.s.  Don’t forget to VOTE for your FAVORITE Pandemmy Award!


Trump Abandoned the Kurds: Here’s What Has Happened Since › politics › politics-news

We need the real story of why Trump sold out the Kurds | CNN › 2019/10/14 › opinions › why-did-…

So, really, what RIGHT does TRUMP have to criticize Biden.  Joe Biden at least TRIED to extract the Afghans.  Trump DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO TRY when he abandoned The Kurds and let the Turks kill them off.

Trump may end up in Moscow, or a Siberian Gulag after he knocks-off “Moscow-Mitch” first.

This is WEIRD!  A Trump Leaning Religious fake actually believes in SCIENCE over TRUMP?

Texas megachurch preacher and Trump devotee says there is no ‘credible religious argument’ against COVID-19 vaccines.

And GOPpers actually FAVOR ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell over Trump?

GOP Senators Reportedly Refuse to Go Along With Trump’s Plan to Depose McConnell.

Yet Trump is still hoping to sabotage McConnell (and the Republican Party).

Trump seeking challenger to McConnell as Senate GOP leader: report

And Trump’s business ventures are even hurting now (people are quitting on Trump Right and Left).

’’ NYC Tower Debt Hits Watch List With Vacancies Rising.

At least Trump can count on something!  (Or, at least he thinks he can.)

Pro-Trump former Overstock CEO gave Russian spy ex-lover money.

Trump can always count on MOTHER(fucking) RUSSIA!  (Or, can he?  If Trump eventually does fly to Moscow to seek asylum, will Putin welcome him or send him to a Siberian Gulag?)

So, we wonder “WHY has Trump been such a pissy little bitch?”  WHY?

Trump endorses ‘big lie’ proponents for state election posts.

Lindsey Graham and Mike Lee personally vetted Trump’s fraud claims, new book says. They were unpersuaded..

Graham found Trump election fraud arguments suitable for ‘third grade’: Woodward book 

Graham, Lee Personally Vetted Trump’s Election Fraud ‘Evidence’ and Were Unconvinced.

GOP Senators Reportedly Refuse to Go Along With Trump’s Plan to Depose McConnell.

This next link may be THE ANSWER to the question “WHY?”.

Donald Trump’s main goal? Kill off the Republican establishment..

The question becomes, “Why would Donald Trump WANT to “Kill off the Republican” party and the Republican establishment?

The answer seems obvious, and fits in well with all we know about Donald Trump.  He wants to TAKE OVER the Republican Party, create the Trumpublican Party (new communists) and then use it to take over America.  That’s probably why Trump is doing what he is doing!

Now the question is: “Why can’t the Republicans see that?”  The answers to that are; some of them can, some are beginning to and some are trying to help him, but many of them are just too racist and too stupid to see anything but their own immediate need, greed and prejudice. Many are just plain stupid, and Trump is counting on their stupidity.  

Trump’s attempted TAKEOVER of the Republican Party and America is a lot like the Covid-19 Pandemic.  At first some people joked about it.  They said it couldn’t be real.  They lied to themselves and others.  Now, some are beginning to see the truth, the facts.  Trump and Covid-19 are real, and they are both bad!  Hopefully enough people will see the TRUTH about Trump and Covid-19, but there will always be some of those who will not.  Many of those who refuse to see the truth will probably get sick and die (politically or physically).  That’s too bad, but that’s just the way it is.  They would rather hope that it just goes away “like magic’ or take hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, drink bleach or shove lit light-bulbs up their butts or believe whatever other crazy crap Trump tells them, rather than take the real preventative vaccination.  They are stupid.  They are just plain stupid.  They are Darwining themselves.  In the long-run it will be good for the human race to have these stupid people removed from our gene pool.

To some people, the death of another TrumpTurd is no big deal because “they knew what they were getting into when they signed up.”  But, is that really true?  They were lied to.  They bought the lie.  Some of them are still buying the lie.  THE BIG LIE!

It’s just too bad that they are so stupid.