Monthly Archives: November 2021

Trump is a NITWIT and so are his TrumpTurds!

They don’t know shit!

GOP becoming a cult of know-nothings

Why?  Because HE doesn’t know shit!

Trump Was ‘Fact Free’ During Briefings, Says Former National Intelligence Director.

And HE never did (know any facts), because his sources didn’t know shit!

Trouble in the QAnon universe is brewing as Trump ally Lin Wood accuses ‘Stop the Steal’ of being a deep-state campaign.

Yet, the SHITLESS SHITHEAD seems to be running again, and there are plenty of DIMWITS and  DUMBSHITS wanting to run with him!

‘They’re all begging me’: Trump’s 2024 veep tryouts get underway.

(Looks like Pence is out on his ass.  “HANG MIKE PENCE!” Like the mutton-headed mutants chanted on January 6th at The Capitol Insurrection!). The FACT IS they (the CIA or anyone else, including Trump) really did NOT believe he was going to win in 2016.  (And he would not have, except for THE RUSSIANS!)

CIA: Trump transition team unprepared, didn’t think they’d win 2016.

GOD HELP US ALL if he wins again in 2024!  (God DAMN Trump and all TrumpTurds!)

p.s.  For Kellyanne CONway, especially, because she THOUGHT (if you call what she does/did was –  thinking) that Covid-19 was called Covid-19 because there were 18 other Covids before it.  

‘This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks’: Kellyanne Conway … › 2020/04/16 › nation › thi…

Hopefully she has LEARNED BY NOW that Covid-19 was called Covid-19 because it first appeared in 2019, when her boss was still in office.  Among his lies was the real doozy that it was all going to ‘Magically’ go away by April or May 2019.  It didn’t.  Trump lied.  This is the end of 2021 and Covid-19 is still with us!!!  AND THAT’s A FACT, JACK!

Well Kellyanne there’s a new VARIANT in town.  It’s called the OMICRON Variant, because it is the 15th letter in the Greek Alphabet.  That does NOT mean there have been 14 variants before this one, (The W.H.O. apparently skipped over two Greek letters to get to OMICRON) , so there have been twelve variants to Covid-19 and this is LUCKY THIRTEEN!

Why WHO skipped ‘Nu,’ ‘Xi’ in naming new COVID-19 variant … › world › article-wh…

The fourth variant was the Delta Variant. There have been 13 variants to Covid-19 so far.  THIRTEEN!!!  (That’s 11 more than 2, Kellyanne.)  Two of them have been really REALLY bad: DELTA and now OMICRON.  

There are 24 letters in The Greek Alphabet, but that does NOT mean there are only nine variants left to go before Covid-19 is out of variants.  It simply means that after the 24th Covid-19 variant somebody (The W.H.O. which a stands for The World Health Organization, and not the band The WHO) will have to start using different ways to name the variants.  

I should NOT have to explain this to Kellyanne (and all the other TrumpTurd dumbasses), but Kellyanne YOU are such a DUMBASS (and so are they, the other TrumpTurds including Trump the BIGLY TURD)!


“Oh My God It’s Omicron!”

QAnon THAT, you Anonymous QUACKS!

This is NOT a ”Deep State”.  This is ‘DEEP SHIT!’ You dumbasses!

p.p.s.  The Rittenhouse Trial and the Arbery Trial is over, so now starts The Ghislaine (Jizzy) Maxwell Trial.  Next, probably The Trump Trial. All trials!  All the time.  No time for real news!  At least someone KILLED Epstein!  (He did not commit suicide, in jail, under 24 hour guard.  Somebody had him killed.  I’ll give you ONE guess who, and his first name is Donald.)

Trump is STUPID, but TRUMP Supporters are even STUPIDER!


What is WRONG with those people who still support a lying asshole like Trump?

He LIED to them, like he LIED to all of us, but especially to them.  They are really STUPID!

Those people who support Trump are really even STUPIDER than those people who refuse to take the Covid Vaccination, and instead prefer to take Hydroxychloroquine, even though they know that Trump was LYING to them about how that protected him, because IT DIDN’T.  He got Covid-19 and had to be choppered to Walter Reed to be saved from it.

Now he says that we should all take the vaccine, because he did.  HE DID!  Melania DID.  Even Trump’s lover, Hope Hicks, probably took the vaccination, but they didn’t need to.  According to the media they all came down with Covid-19 at about the same time, and they all survived.  Only The Dipshit Donald got to go to Walter Reed in order to survive.  The women were left home to suffer through it.  That’s the way Donald J. Trump does it.  FUCK THE REST OF THEM, just make sure The Donald gets the goods.

So take your hydroxy-bullshit.  Trump doesn’t care.  At least he doesn’t care about YOU or anyone else but himself.

You even take your Horse-De-Wormer orally, even though it’s supposed to be given anally.  It won’t work.  You’ll still get the Covid if it reaches you.  You are such a dumbass!  Donald J. Trump doesn’t care.  He just wants your vote and your money!  That’s all.  You are stupid, uneducated, and worthless as far as he is concerned.

If you are a Trump supporter then YOU are a dumbass!

That’s really all there is to it.  

Trump supporters are DUMBASSES, even DUMBER than Covid-19 Anti-Vaxxers!

And that’s the truth.  Here’s some more TRUTH:

America IS already GREAT, in-spite of Trump.  (Trump and YOU FOOLS make us look bad.)

Trump wants to MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN (but America was never WHITE.  It was RED in the beginning, then the white men came and they brought in the blacks, yellows and browns, but it was never WHITE!)

Trump wants to be a DICTATOR. (He is already a DICK!)

Trump LOVES Communists!  (He works for one, fell in love with another, and envies all of the rest of them.)

Trump is STUPID (As in ‘Dumb as a Door-nail’!  He doesn’t even know the Kansas City Chiefs are based in Missouri and NOT Kansas.  Trump is really stupid.)

Trump is a LOSER!  (You can’t steal an election from a LOSER who has already LOST.  The FACT IS Trump LOST!  Even REPUBLICANS say TRUMP LOST!)

I could go on, and on, and on, about what a STUPID FOOL Trump is, but YOU people who support him are even stupider.  So let’s just end it by stating for a fact that Trump is a CHUMP!  And YOU who support that CHUMP are CHUMPS too.  Only YOU are DUMBER CHUMPS!

Orally take your ANAL HORSE De-WORMER and please do DIE a slow and painful gasping death, you Trump fools!

Trump works for COMMIES and they (the Commies) LOVE HIM!

Lena Ruseva, a 44-year-old Soviet emigre, is causing a stir with her provocative series of paintings depicting the former president.

She’s Trumped the shark.

Pro-Trump painter causes stir in NYC art scene.

She is a SOVIET.

She is an IMMIGRANT.


She apparently loves Trump!

All the WRONG THINGS.  (We wonder if she works for Putin like Trump does.)

p.s.  Lauren Boebert is a LYING RACIST BITCH.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a TOTAL BITCH.

Matt Gaetz is a RAPIST!

Ted Cruz is a LIAR.

Lindsay Graham is a LIAR and a FRAUD!

Louie Gohmert is an IDIOT!

“Moscow Mitch” McConnell is a Turd!

Mark Meadows is a MOTHER!

Steve Bannon is a BUTTHEAD!

Stephen Miller is a RACIST ASS!

Ron Johnson is a FOOL!

Robert Portman is a LUNKHEAD!

Rand Paul is an IGNORAMUS!

Kevin McCarthy is a SPINELESS WIMP!

Donald Trump is a FAKE. FRAUD, and FOOL!

What do ALL these People have in common?  They are all SCUM!

What is WRONG with all these people!  They are SCUM!

Trump Is SICK and he SUCKS!


Lara Trump Cooks Up Most Bonkers Idea Yet About Democrats And Thanksgiving.

Kyle called Trump?

Trump says Kyle Rittenhouse called, asked if he could visit Mar-a-Lago.

Meanwhile Trump keeps SPREADING HIS LIES!

Trump argues Jan. 6 panel’s pursuit of his records could permanently damage the presidency.

When the TRUTH IS  …

Jan. 6 Organizers Used Anonymous Burner Phones to Communicate with White House and Trump Family, Sources Say.

Trump goes GLOBAL!

Victory For Trump As Scottish Court Rules Ministers Don’t Have To Investigate Turnberry Purchase.

Scotland’s Top Prosecutor Will Decide if She’ll Go After Trump, Judge Rules.


Prosecutors don’t plan on charging Trump Org executive, lawyer says.

Or is SQUID BOY turning states (or United States) evidence on the Trumpster?

If you really want the TRUTH you need to start at the beginning.

The Steele Dossier and the New Trump-Russia Denialists.


Seth Meyers Skewers Subpoenaed Trump Cronies.

TRUMP IS NOT NORMAL!  (None of the Trumps or TrumpTurds are!). But he is (and they are) GOOD FOR A JOKE!  A sad joke, but they are sad clowns!

Trump is NOT “Normal”!


Donald Trump slams prosecutors’ ‘misconduct’ in Kyle Rittenhouse trial after meeting with teen in Mar-A-Lago.

Trump says Rittenhouse visited him at Mar-a-Lago.

Kyle Rittenhouse Met With Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

There you have it!  The MURDERERS MET!

Jan. 6 Organizers Used Anonymous Burner Phones to Communicate with White House and Trump Family, Sources Say.

Appeals court order in Jan. 6 documents case may be bad news for Trump.

Rump LIED and CHEATED and the Appeals Court is going to EXPOSE HIM?

‘Nothing about this is normal’: RNC payments to Trump attorneys irk GOP officials.

Nothing is “NORMAL”?


Trump is In-Human SCUM!

Trump’s fellow Republicans, really don’t like Trump that much!

Hogan knocks Trump: ‘I’d prefer endorsements from people who didn’t lose Maryland by 33 points’

Neither does Kyle, apparently:

Kyle Rittenhouse Blasts His Former Attorneys, Including Trump Lawyer Lin Wood, in Tucker Carlson Interview.

This looks really BAD for Trump!

Trump poll tests his 2024 comeback map.

Like Trump: even Trump’s hand-picked pussies have to quit!

Trump-endorsed Pennsylvania Senate candidate suspends campaign after losing custody battle.

Trump-backed Senate candidate Sean Parnell suspends campaign after losing custody battle.

Trump upset at ties to Parnell Senate campaign, blamed Don Jr.: report.

Donald Trump SENIOR throws his own kid under the bus?  Donald Trump SENIOR says “Junior did it!”  Talk about an UNGRATEFUL DISLOYAL SACK OF SHIT!  Next thing you know Donald Trump SENIOR will be using Ivanka as a HUMAN SHIELD, putting her body between him and THE BULLET!

Trump’s False Claims of Voter Fraud Test Republican Candidates.

Besides being a SCUM-WAD and a TOTAL LIAR…

Does Trump really have the money he says he has?

NY prosecutors investigating Trump Org. property value discrepancies.

Apparently NOT!

RNC Paying Donald Trump’s Legal Bills Reveals GOP Remains Hitched to Former President.

Otherwise, why would the RNC have to pay Trump’s legal bills when he boasted he would pay the legal bills (but never did) of anyone who would punch-out any detractor of his!

Judge orders pro-Trump attorneys who brought frivolous election fraud case to pay more than $180,000 to defendants they sued.

Let’s see!  If the RNC is paying for Trump, and Trump is not paying for anyone, who is paying for these guys?  Who is paying for the FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS!

Roger Stone and Alex Jones subpoenaed by House committee investigating Jan. 6 attack.

And all the others who have been subpoenaed.  I guess we’ll all find out soon enough!

Trump’s next January 6 circus looms after Stone and Jones are subpoenaed.

Trump sure isn’t paying for them!

Trump is SCUM!

The FOTs! (Friends Of Trump)

Not so much Friends of Trump (or Old FOTs) …

‘Frustrated’ GOP Rep. John Curtis Wants Voters to Abandon Trump Allies Gaetz, Greene, Boebert.

Possible tension between Gov. Ivey & former Pres. Trump ahead of Ivey’s re-election bid.

Donald Trump’s Former Ally Chris Christie Called Rudy Giuliani a ‘National Embarrassment’.

Trump-backed Senate candidate loses custody battle in court.

Republican Sean Parnell suspends Pennsylvania Senate bid.

Trump Administration Staff Are Squealing to Jan. 6 Committee, Member Says.

Michael Cohen’s house arrest to end Monday.

N.Y. prosecutors set sights on new Trump target: Widely different valuations on the same properties.

January 6 committee subpoenas issued for 5 Trump allies including Roger Stone and Alex Jones.

In Australia they even COMPARE lame-ass response to TRUMP!

Feeble censure of extreme protesters echoes Trump.

And now, for EQUAL TIME, Trump’s Friends!

Breakfast with RNC chief – and Trump ally – Ronna McDaniel.

(That would be Ronna ‘ROMNEY’ McDaniel). Trump is counting fewer and fewer among them.

Trump is a Typical Trump!

Trump’s pointless edicts:

Donald Trump tells Peter Navarro to defy House COVID-19 probe.

Trump Calls on Former Aide Peter Navarro to Defy House COVID-19 Probe.

Trump’s fucked-up friends:

Trump loyalists like Greene, Boebert and Cawthorn battle infrastructure supporters and see their influence grow.

‘I Am Not’: Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Threatens to Sue Rittenhouse Lawyer for Calling Him ‘Idiot’.

(With friends like them, who needs ENEMAS?  Donald Trump that’s who!  Trump needs an ENEMA, several ENEMAS is a bad way.  Trump is TOO FULL OF SHIT!  BTW Lin Wood IS an idiot!)

Trump’s GOP critics:

Christie: Trump needs to stop talking about ‘stolen’ election, focus on future

GOP Senator Cramer Dismisses Trump Criticism Over Infrastructure Vote, Touts Bill’s Merits.



Fueled by Trump-inspired grievance, attempts to terrorize public officials escalate.

Trump’s TRUTH and REALITY!

G.O.P. Is Energized, but ‘Trump Cancel Culture’ Poses a Threat.

‘SNL’: Cecily Strong’s Judge Jeanine tackles Rittenhouse, James Austin Johnson’s Trump returns.

‘SNL’ has Judge Jeanine go over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and a chat with Donald Trump.

LIVE!  From New York!  It’s Saturday Night!


So what did you really expect?  The BIGLY LIAR congratulated the BIGLY MURDERER!  

Trump congratulates Rittenhouse on acquittal

Trump Boasts He ‘Saved Kenosha,’ Praises Rittenhouse as ‘Brave’ in Fox News Interview.

Maybe ‘Donald The DUMBASS’ can get ‘The Rittenhouse PUNK’ to run with him in 2024 as VP?

The ‘Donald Trump for speaker’ idea won’t die.

Meadows: Pelosi ‘would go crazy’ if she had to hand Speaker’s gavel to Trump.

‘Don’t focus on Trump,’ you say. This is why you’re wrong.

Sad to say, but even Trump would be a better Speaker than Kevin ‘The Weasel’ McCarthy!  The GOP is so LAME these days.

Americans Chasing Down Trump’s Wild Election Conspiracy Snuck into a Mafia Prison in Italy.

Meanwhile …

Republican Governors Distance Themselves From Trump, Drawing His Ire.

Trump keeps on LOSING!  Why?  Because TRUMP IS A LOSER!

Here’s the thing:  At least ONE Republican Governor is NOT distancing himself from Trump!  His name is Chris Christie!

Here’s the thing …

Trump’s ire grows as DeSantis’ popularity with Republicans takes off.

During the Primaries Republicans are going to be like Trump in order to get the nomination!  Once they get the nomination then expect the Republicans to act like Republicans and keep Trump at a distance (like Glenn Youngkin did in Virginia). 

G.O.P. Is Energized, but ‘Trump Cancel Culture’ Poses a Threat.

DeSantis may be starting TOO SOON, pushing Trump away!  Who knows?  DeSantis may win.  But, ONE THING YOU KNOW FOR SURE …


They might remain Republican or they night become Trumpublican,  DO NOT TRUST ANY REPUBLICAN.  You can’t really trust a Democrat either, but they are better than Republicans.  Democrats are much better than Republicans.  DO NOT EVER VOTE ‘FOR’ a REPUBLICAN!  Ever!

Then there are:  

The Bonnie and Clyde of MAGA World.

A couple of NUTS who still lie and support the NUTBAG (In case you missed it, Trump is the Nutbag)!

Trump Moneyman Patrick Orlando’s Wuhan SPAC Plans to Liquidate.

Wuhan MONEY is Trump’s real and obvious link to COMMUNIST CHINA!  (He works for Commie Dictator Putin because of MONEY that Putin gave him!)

What’s in Chris Christie’s New Book.

Who cares?  Who really gives a DAMN about Christie’s new book?  There will be some truth.  But like all Trumpublican shit it will be chock full of mostly LIES and pure BULLSHIT.  Chris Christie is a BIG FAT FUCK!  And a Republiturd!  

What about Chris Christie’s OLD new book?

At least we know Trump’s LIES are complete with pretty pictures!

Trump Is Publishing a Photo Book of His Time in Office.

News Of Donald Trump’s MAGA Picture Book Gets Shredded On Twitter.

You want the TRUTH?  Then read …

The Steele dossier: A reckoning.

Read the dossier for THE TRUTH!  It is a “reckoning” that’s for sure!  A “reckoning” for TRUMP!  (And there is Trump’s Pee Pee Tape!)