Monthly Archives: December 2021

Happy Fucking New Year TRUMP!

Trump Judges are not necessarily TrumpTurd Judges!

Two Trump-appointed judges reject comparisons between January 6 and Portland unrest

Ex Republican DOJ lawyers don’t support Trump either!

Ex-White House, DOJ officials urge Supreme Court to reject Trump effort to stymie Jan. 6 probe

Trump accuses …

Trump accuses Jan. 6 panel of “seeking evidence of criminal activity”


House January 6 committee defers request for some of Trump’s records

Even AFTER the January 6 Committee gave Trump a BIGLY BREAK on all his other ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES Trump still complains!

Meanwhile Melanie is making her own money.

Melania Trump steps back into the public eye

Apparently in an effort to survive AFTER THE DONALD!


Has ‘The January 6th Committee’ BLINKED?

January 6 panel stands down on request for some Trump documents after pushback from Biden administration

Jan. 6 Committee Shelves Requests for Hundreds of Trump Records

“The documents for which the Select Committee has agreed to withdraw or defer its request do not appear to bear on the White House’s preparations for or response to the events of January 6, or on efforts to overturn the election or otherwise obstruct the peaceful transfer of power,” White House deputy counsel Jonathan Su wrote in one of two letters to the committee obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

White House, Jan. 6 committee agree to shield some documents


Analyst’s tweets two weeks before Jan. 6 riot go viral

Maybe NOT!

Possibly ’The January 6th Committee’ is focusing on the CAUSE and the INCITER of the RIOT and not so much on all the other lies that asshole has spoken or written down.  (An there are a lot of LIES.  Over THREE THOUSAND just since January 2017 when Trump fist took office after HIS STEAL DEAL with the help and collusion of The Russians.)

Trump’s Backing of ‘Stop the Steal’ Candidates May Cost GOP Seats in 2022

Meanwhile Donald Trump keeps on FADING!  (He keeps promoting his latest BIG LIE!)

The 10 Republicans most likely to run for president

10 and many many MORE want to challenge ‘The Trump’, because they can see his FADE-alistic demise!  Trump may be the Party Leader now, but only because Republicans really have no LEADERSHIP ABILITY so Trump is leader by default!  (“Moscow Mitch’ is no leader!). And De (the) Fault is all Trump’s!  The article above should be titled “The 10 LOSERS most likely to run for the Republican nomination.” Who will lose in the General even if they win the GOP Nom (no matter how much TrumpTurd money they collect).

What my 2021 inbox reveals about the 2024 GOP race

Some Trump allies slow walk, stonewall or snub January 6 committee

And Trump continues being A TRUMP!  (Remember:  TRUMP HAS HIS FRIENDS KILLED.  Even in jail when they are under 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH!)

Trump introduces Americans to the idea of conditional endorsements

Jason Williams: Predicting who Donald Trump will endorse in Ohio’s U.S. Senate race to replace Rob Portman

Who really cares what Trump does?  Only the True TrumpTurds do!  (TRUMPTURDS like JOEY THE JERKOFF!)

Joe Rogan: ‘If Michelle Obama runs [against Trump], she wins’

Joey!  Joey!  You are such a DUMBSHIT!  Go back to taking your Anal Horse De-Wormer (Ivermectin) ORALLY you DUMBASS!  Almost ANYONE but a Republiturd will beat Trump this time.  Even Michelle or that DumbAss bitch Hillary!  Trump is a LOSER!  (And so are you Joey!)

Schmeck, SCHMUCK, Trump: all the same. SHIT-HEADS!

Jared Schmeck is a typical SCHMUCK!

Man who told Biden ‘let’s go Brandon’ goes on Bannon’s podcast, touts Trump

Man who said, ‘Let’s go, Brandon,’ to Biden: 2020 election was ‘100% stolen’

Jared Schmeck ‘proud’ of dig at President Biden, promotes lie that Trump won

Outrage over father telling Biden ‘Let’s go, Brandon’ louder than when Trump incurred similar insults

But, then again, all TrumpTurds are TYPICAL SCHMUCKS!

Meanwhile, in ‘THE REAL WORLD’ …

Fauci said Trump supports vaccines after already ‘poisoning the well’

We said it before and we’ll say it again:  “Fauci was perplexed.”.  He simply admits it.  On the other hand …

How Democrats can keep Republicans out of power

That’s ONE WAY the Dems can keep the Rethuglicans out of power, but not the only way.  In fact The Retards have already done it to themselves by failing to heed the words of their first Republican President:

A house divided against itself cannot stand,”

“House Divided” Speech by Abraham Lincoln › speeches › house

Granted, Lincoln was talking about the United States of America, and The Union versus The Confederates, but Donald J. Trump has effectively divided the REPUKELICKIN POTTY all by himself and he is dividing it further with his current endorsement of Covid-19 vaccines. When before he promoted Hydroxychloroquine, drinking bleach, shoving lit lightbulbs up your butthole and all the other shit he let stand like orally taking an anal horse de-wormer Ivermectin and the latest and greatest Mouthwash to prevent Covid-19!  Now Trump is promoting the vaccines (claiming that He created them which is absolute bullshit, but typical of Trump lies!) and getting “Booed” at his rewriting of history events with Bill-O (the disgraced and fired from FOX, Bill O’Reilly author of all the KILLING Books, because the word “KILLING” apparently sells books to retarded Repturds.).  

Marjorie Taylor Greene tries to explain Trump’s pro-vaccine stance, bashes mandates

Yep!  Trump, the TrumpTurds, ‘Moscow Mitch’, that little bitch Lindsey, Marco the water boy, Ted the Liar, Kev the Kook, Screwy Louie, and all the rest are really really forgetting what Abraham Lincoln tried to teach them.  (Instead they seem to be relying on Grover Norquist, the moron named for a Sesame Street character.  MTG is simply a simple-minded idiot!)

Trump, the chump has totally fucked the GOP!

POP goes the GOP!  Thanks to Trump!

POP goes the GOP!

POP goes the GOP!

The GOP is gone, thanks to Donald The Dumbass!  (What a bunch of dumbass schmucks!)

Donald Trump is …

The First President to be IMPEACHED TWICE!

The First President to INCITE A RIOT!

And should be 

The First President to go to PRISON and DIE IN PRISON!


Now his people think they have to explain him!

Candace Owens tries to explain away Trump’s truthful vaccine remark

Candace Owens: Trump backs COVID shots because he’s ‘from a time before TV’

Trump is from a “time before TV”?  Give me a break!  Has Candy ever heard of The Apprentice?

Trump’s 2020 fixation is putting him at odds with some of his biggest fans

NO ONE CAN EXPLAIN TRUMP!  NO ONE.  Not even Candy Owens!

Fauci says he was ‘stunned’ by boos from Trump supporters over booster revelation

Fauci was “stunned” when supporters booed Trump for getting booster shot.

Fauci reacts to Trump’s COVID vaccine, booster shot comments to Candace Owens

Fauci is stunned while Candy is STUPEFIED!

Trump and the January 6 committee are now locked in a full-on confrontation

Lock-On motherfucker!  

Let’s face THE FACTS!

Donald Trump’s influence is fading

Fade-on motherfucker!  But don’t let Trump fade all the way away.  


LOCK Trump UP!


LOCK Trump UP for the rest of his miserable life!

Trump has Fauci and others PERPLEXED!

Apparently now Trump is singing another tune on Vaccines, but he has his choir of Anti-Vaxxers so well trained that they are NOT following his lead any longer!

Trump speaks out about vaccines to right-wing media host

Alex Jones Slams Donald Trump Over COVID Vaccine in ‘Emergency Christmas Day Warning’

Trump touted vaccines as too old to find anti-vax sites: Candace Owens

Doctor Fauci is perplexed!

Fauci says he was ‘stunned’ by boos from Trump supporters over booster revelation

Fauci on Trump’s vaccine support: “I hope he keeps it up”

If Donald Trump keeps on like this he will lose BOTH SIDES!

Donald Trump’s influence is fading

Trump is “FADING” is putting it mildly!  “Trump is again becoming  a LOO HOO HOO OOSER!” is more like it!

Just another ‘Trump SHIT Sandwich!’

Trump spokesman “Taylor Budowich”?  Who the hell is THAT?

Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich sues Jan. 6 committee to block access to his financial records

Trump spokesperson suing Jan. 6 panel over banking records subpoena

Trump spokesperson sues Jan. 6 committee over financial records

Oh sure!  Taylor whatshisname is SUING the committee!  He’s suing the January 6th committee AFTER he already COOPERATED with them and gave them over ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED pages of evidence on Trump!  He COOPERATED, like even FOX reported:

Trump spokesman cooperating with Jan. 6 committee but fighting subpoena for financial records

Trump Flack Cooperates With Jan. 6 Committee—Then Hits the Brakes

Then he SUED THE COMMITTEE to keep them from apparently finding out his PERSONAL DIRT!  (He MUST have a lot of PERSONAL DIRT!)

Trump spox has turned over 1700 pages of documents to Jan. 6 Committee

Apparently it’s okay for these creeps to RAT ON A RAT (Turn over evidence on Trump) but they want to keep their own RAT BUTTS from getting reamed by hiding their own dirt!

Besides, who the HELL is this TAYLOR BUDOWICH!  (And what does HE have to HIDE?)

Apparently he is a twenty-four year old PUNK, with a high school diploma, who is about five foot six inches tall, is worth all of two hundred thousand dollars and his most significant accomplishment to date is SUING THE JANUARY 6th COMMITTEE for Donald ‘The Dumbass’ Trump!

Ask Taylor Budowich how successful Trump’s people were at suing SIXTY TIMES to overturn an election.  (Trump and his TrumpTurds LOST almost ALL of those lawsuits,)

Trump Lost 59 Election Cases Before Electoral College Vote › politics › 2020 Election

So, knowing all that, I ask again, “Who is Taylor Budowich?”

The answer is: “I don’t know and NOBODY CARES!  He is a nothing!”  Maybe they’ll name a sandwich after him:  Two pieces of borrowed bread with NOTHING in between slathered with lots and lots of MAYONNAISE! – The Budowich!

This is the kind of MORON Trump now attracts.  (The girl singer Taylor Swift is more politically important than this guy ever was.)

Even ‘Charlamagne The Goof’ (Whose real name is Lenard Larry McKelvey) is more important than this turd!  Seriously, a guy named “Leonard Larry” is more important than Tay-Tay Budowich!!!  

Give me a break!

Trump (is NOT mentally) Healthy!

Who the hell is “Jerome Adams”?

Jerome Adams suggests Trump only endorsed vaccines after Biden praised

Oh!  That’s right!  Jerome Adams was Trump’s ‘TOKEN BLACK’ after Ben “the bumbling” Carson.

Trump’s surgeon general thinks ex-president publicly supported vaccines because of Biden praise

That’s to be expected.  Like everyone else in the Trump Administration, this guy is a dumbass!  Trump was touting the vaccine (and getting his well deserved BOOS) long before Biden praised him for finally being right.  What a dumbass!!!  (That’s both Donnie and Jerry!  They are both DUMB ASSES!)

Who is “Candace Owens”?

Trump pushes back on Candace Owens: ‘People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine’

Oh!  She’s the person who interviewed Trump when he claimed he “came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines”.  Let’s make it clear, TRUMP DID NOT COME UP WITH SHIT except Drinking Bleach and shoving lit lightbulbs up your ass.  Trump did NOT get the vaccines, instead he says he took HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE to keep from getting Covid-19 and then he caught Covid-19 himself and had to be choppered to Walter Reed Military Hospital where 11 doctors worked to save his miserable life, after he EXPOSED a lot of people (including Joe Biden) to his Covid-19 Infection, and then he EXPOSED EVEN MORE when he took a joy-ride around Maryland before going back to The White House to take OFF his mask.  TRUMP IS A FUCKING LIAR!  These are the FACTS!  The FACTS prove TRUMP IS A LIAR!

Trump was a liar BEFORE, DURING and EVER AFTER the Covid-19 Pandemic.  This is the proof!

Trump’s endorsement of vaccines aligns with most Republicans’ views — but it may be an uphill battle to convince the holdouts

TrumpWorld Becomes Unglued Over Trump’s Praise of Vaccine and Booster Shots

Right-wing fringe factions erupt in anger after Trump backs vaccines



Trump is ALWAYS HIDING and LYING about something.  ALWAYS!

Trump pushes one truth and hides another

Trump is such a LIAR!

Jan. 6 committee asks Supreme Court to respond to Trump request by mid-January

Looks like The Committee is CALLING TRUMP’S BLUFF!  (a.k.a. Trump’s LIE!)

Donald Trump’s influence is fading

“Fading.”  “FADING?”  Trump’s influence a heading to the bottom of the cesspool like a rock!  That’s mostly because TRUMP IS A LIAR and a COWARD and people, and TrumpTurds too, are seeing it and him for the schlub he is!

Trump is a Coward, Liar, Fool and ASSHOLE!


So says a Republican Representative who voted against certifying the votes for Biden, but now regrets his vote because “Trump was a coward!”

Republican says he regrets voting against certifying 2020 election results

Trump was, is and will always be a COWARD!

Trump rejects anti-vaccine talking point in Candace Owens interview: ‘If you take the vaccine, you’re protected’

Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ endures and poses a threat to US democracy

And, a LIAR!

Trump asks Supreme Court to block release of his White House records to January 6 committee

Trump asks Supreme Court to block National Archives from releasing Jan. 6 records

Trump asks Supreme Court to block House Jan. 6 riot panel from getting White House records

Trump Asks Supreme Court to Block Release of Jan. 6 Records

Trump Appeals to Supreme Court to Block Jan. 6 House Committee Accessing White House Archives on Capitol Riot

Now what is Trump trying to hide!  Isn’t it obvious!  Just like Trump has been hiding his tax records for years!

By the way, 

isn’t it now also as OBVIOUS as to what the Joes are trying to do?

Joe Biden puts up the Build Back Better Bill to The Senate.

Joe Manchin says “No!”

Meanwhile, the Republicans are hoping to win The Senate in 2022 and replace Schumer with McConnell.

The thing is Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans are scared that BBB will never pass, and that the liars of the Republican Senate may take over.

When Democrats take a significant leadership role in The Senate and The House, then Biden will resurrect his BBB Bill.  By then Joe Manchin may vote FOR it because it’s going to pass anyway.  Joe Manchin becomes the same ol’ lame ol’ lame-ass from a Red State that he was before the Dems made him a decision-maker. Kyrsten Sinema goes back to being an obscure anomaly from another Red State (soon to be purple then blue).  

More Democrats in The Senate and The House mean more power for Joe Biden and less for Joe Manchin and his pal Kyrsty.  They will both go back to being obscure.

Democrats will rule the roost and Republicans, under Trump, will essentially dissolve.  In fact, The Republican Party might just cease to exist altogether.  That would be “A GOOD THING!” As a certain Ex-Con might exclaim.

Let’s all hope it turns out just this way.

Trump is a MURDERING mother…

Like they say, “Even a STOPPED WATCH gives the correct time twice a day!”

Biden touts Trump getting boosted: ‘Maybe one of the few things he and I agree on:’

Still, Trump’s TrumpTurds BOOED him when he made that announcement.  Trump is still the reason so many Americans who did NOT need to die, DIED!

Thank you Donald J. “THE MURDERER” Trump!  

Never mind that Trump claimed he could SHOOT SOMEONE on Fifth Avenue and never lose a vote.

Never mind that Trump is OKAY with all the Russians and others Vladimir Putin ordered to be killed.

Never mind that Trump overlooked the involvement of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia in the murder  and butchering of Jamal Khashoggi!

Never mind the FACT that Trump has specifically given FULL PARDONS to CONVICTED MILITARY murderers.

Never mind the FACT that Trump demanded the STATE SANCTIONED murder of black Americans who were falsely convicted of rape and later freed because those false convictions were made known.  Trump wanted them KILLED anyway, simply because they were black.

Never mind that Trump FALSELY claimed a rise in the MURDER RATE of America, when he was advocating more murder.

Never mind that Trump praised Kyle Rittenhouse for KILLING two people and seriously wounding a third at a protest he had no business even being at, let alone being there with an ILLEGAL GUN!

Never mind all the other PROOF that TRUMP IS A MURDEROUS SON OF A BITCH!

Trump is worse, much worse than a ‘stopped watch’.  Trump is a MURDERER!  On THAT we can all agree!

Donald & Billy = Dumb & Dumberer – THE DUMBEST!

Covid-19 is REAL!

Trump met with boos after revealing he received Covid-19 booster

Donald Trump told his supporters he got a coronavirus booster shot. They booed him.

Donald Trump Said He Got a Booster Shot and His Supporters Booed

Trump tells his supporters not to boo after revealing he got booster shot, is pro-vaccination

Trump says he got Covid vaccine booster shot, tells fans not to boo him for it

Trump reveals he got COVID-19 booster shot; crowd boos him

Bill O’Reilly tried to reassure Trump after booed for vaccine support

Bill O’Reilly: I Had to Console Trump After MAGA Fans Booed Him for Getting Vaccine Booster

You cannot BELIEVE TRUMP on anything, and most of his TrumpTurds apparently DON’T.  

The best thing Trump’s ever done

Even a STOPPED WATCH gives the right time twice a day!   Still, Bill (the bullshitter) had to “console” Donnie (the Dumbass).

Donald Trump, Bill O’Reilly’s ‘History’ Tour Is Over. Here’s What Happened

Keep in mind that they were both performing their ‘schtick’ to almost empty venues!  They just could not sell the tickets, or even give them away for that matter!

Trump, Bill O’Reilly Booed After Admitting They Both Got COVID Vaccine Booster Shot

Trump Played the Conspiracy Theory Hits at Bill O’Reilly ‘History Tour’ in Dallas

It was a very SHORT Tour!  (Little in historical value, but a lot in HYSTERICAL CRAP!) Meanwhile …

Trump sues N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James, seeking to end investigation

because that is what Trump does, and …

Donald Trump is still not over Melania Trump getting flak for her Christmas trees

Powr widdle Donnie!  ‘Donnie The Dumbass’ is so sad!  Maybe THAT explains why his TrumpTurds can’t get over his LIES and accept the FACT that Covid-19 is REAL and it is not going to “Magically go away!” like “Dufas Donnie” said it would (almost two years ago)!  That was long before he said “he has been taking anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine for over a week to prevent coronavirus”, shoved lit lightbulbs up his ass while drinking bleach, and caught the Covid-19 himself anyway!  Maybe now he’s orally taking Horse De-Wormer (an anal horse medication) Ivermectin too, and gargling with Mouthwash as well as being VACCINATED and BOOSTED!  BOO-HOO?  WHO?  Trump!  That’s who!  JUST BOO TRUMP!  Covid-19 is real, Trump is not!  

Trump announces news conference at Mar-a-Lago on January 6

Melania really does NOT care!  Do you?  By the way, any “NEWS CONFERENCE” from ‘The Donald’ is just going to be MORE LIES!  Like “January 6th, 2021 was just an ordinary day with ordinary tourists.” Or some such BULLSHIT!  Do YOU really care what Trump (any Trump) has to say, ever?