Monthly Archives: January 2022

The ONLY thing Trump can do is LIE!

Well!  (As Reagan would say.). There HE goes again!  (There are a lot of DUMB ASSHOLES in Texas.  They really should put a fence around it and call it a ZOO!)

Trump teases a presidential run and dangles pardons for January 6 rioters at Texas rally

Former President Donald Trump hold rally in Conroe to support Texas Republicans

Trump hints at taking back White House in 2024 during Texas rally

Lying, again!  (Really, that’s all Trump is really good at is LYING!  He does it so often!)

Trump goes back to the ‘Snake’ story to warn against immigration

But Donald J. Trump Senior IS A SNAKE!  (No offense to real snakes, but that is really offensive.)

The song was written by Oscar Brown Jr., an African-American activist and musician, PBS reported. 

His daughter, Maggie Brown, told PBS she was actually relieved that Trump cited the song to Wilson, adding that she “hated the idea of him using Oscar’s words to create such a platform.”

“Wait until Republicans find out that he’s quoting a former Black nationalist and former communist party member,” she said. 

Trump IS “The SNAKE”.  Trump is biting the Texans, and injecting his poison.  Trump is quoting a BLACK COMMUNIST!  Typical!  Donald J. Trump Sr. doesn’t know what the fuck he’s really doing!  Trump is a MORON and a LIAR!  All the Trumps are MORONS and LIARS!

Donald Trump Jr. brought his 12-year-old son to Texas for a Trump rally and let him build an AR-15 at his friend’s business

Just add the charge “CHILD ABUSE” to Junior’s raft of charges!  (Then lock Junior up for the rest of his miserable life, like the rest of his family,)

Trump calls for nationwide protests if prosecutors ‘do anything illegal’

There should be a NATIONWIDE PROTEST already, because everything Trump does is ILLEGAL!

2024 Watch: Are Trump and Pence no longer on speaking terms?

AWW!  That’s too bad (for Trump, but GOOD for MIKE!)

See GOP governor’s reaction to Trump floating pardons at rally

Of Course Trump Is Already Talking about Pardoning Insurrectionists Come 2024

Trump suggests that if he is reelected, he will pardon Jan. 6 Capitol rioters

Trump Says He Would Consider Pardons for Jan. 6 Defendants if Elected

Trump raises pardons for Jan. 6 rioters if reelected

Trump teases a presidential run and dangles pardons for January 6 rioters at Texas rally

Trump calls for ‘biggest protest we’ve ever had’ if prosecutors ‘do anything illegal’ in targeting him


Donald J. Trump is THE PROBLEM!!! (Putin & the Ukraine are just a problem.)

Trump is a TrumpTurd PROBLEM!

Donald Trump says Ukraine-Russia crisis is a ‘European problem’

Wait!  TRUMP is a PROBLEM for ALL OF US, until we put him in PRISON!  Then Trump is the prison’s PROBLEM!  Just like the Ukraine-Russia crisis is a PROBLEM for ALL OF US until we put PUTIN IN PRISON alongside TRUMP!

Trump and Putin are PROBLEMS!  However, we may not have to worry about Trump, because he is SELF-DESTRUCTING!

Polls show Republicans love for Donald Trump may be waning

Trump faces MAGA revolt over endorsement – POLITICO

Why Trump may choose to run third-party in 2024

Donald Trump should not lead the country again, says the Republican leader of the National Governors Association

Third party candidates ALWAYS LOSE, and Trump will LOSE anyway!  Why!  Because TRUMP IS A LOSER!  (He and his Russian pals had to CHEAT to win in 2016.  Then HE LOST IT!)

Trump’s FAKES and Trump The Fake!

Trump and his FAKE ELECTORS!

What to know about the Trump ‘fake electors’ scheme

Why fake Trump ‘electors’ from Georgia could face criminal scrutiny

DOJ says it’s investigating fake Electoral College certificates that falsely claimed Trump won

The 59 Republicans Who Joined Electoral Voter Fraud Scheme For Trump Could Face Prison

What ISN’T FAKE about Trump?

Opinion | What would a 2024 Trump coup look like? A new paper offers a worrying answer.

Trump IS a total FAKE!

Exclusive: Trump WH spokesman is sent subpoena by January 6 committee

Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Fake Trump Electors

Committee probing Capitol attack subpoenas 14 false electors

Jan. 6 riot probe subpoenas Trump White House spokesman Deere, 14 people linked to false electors scheme

Subpoenas!  Subpoenas!  Everywhere subpoenas!

TRUMP LOSES! (The goddamn LOSER!)

Trump is LYING again!

Trump says he gets along well with Ron DeSantis, not Mitch McConnell

Trump doesn’t “get along” with anyone!

Biden leading Trump, DeSantis by similar margins in new poll

Is Trump’s Hold On The GOP Still Strong?


Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 Republicans say they will not vote for any candidate who admits Biden won ‘fair and square’

6 in 10 Republicans?  That means 60% of the LOSING SIDE since there are more Democrats than Republicans and then we count the Independents who WON’T VOTE For TRUMP EVER!  Biden should win in a virtual ‘cake walk’!

Biden would lose to generic Republican, beat Trump in ’24, poll shows

SO WHAT!  Biden loses the TRUMPTURDS!  Bigly deal!  Everyone else who won’t VOTE FOR TRUMP will probably vote for Biden.  Thus, BIDEN WINS!  Again!

These are the faces of the anti-Trump Republican Party

There are ANTI-TRUMPERS in the GOP.  That is a FACT!  Are there anti-Bidens in the Democratic Party?  Sure there are, but there are a lot fewer!  (Biden will WIN.  That’s a FACT, just by the numbers.)

All that TRUMP touches turns to SHIT!

Poor widdle Melania!  (Wooks wike she has to stay with The Donald for a while wonger.  She can’t escape the money, honey!  She will just have to keep being his bearded whore while he’s screwing Ivanka.)

Melania Trump’s auction items fail to bring desired price

Melania Trump is selling fashion cheap

Melania Trump’s Hat Auction Gets Just 5 Bids, Will Likely Lose $80K

Melania Trump’s Auction of Hat Hit by Plunge in Cryptocurrency

Melania Trump’s Sale of a Hat She Wore at the White House Hit by Cryptocurrency Crash

Crypto Crap!  Mel just hitched her wagon to a falling fart when she married McLiar Trump!

Trump had $93M in cash in 2020, much less than he’s claimed

Hell!  Donald Trump is NOT even the billionaire he claimed to be!  Plus he OWES billions to Russia and others, which is coming due.

Mitch McConnell is trying to save Republicans from Donald Trump. It’s not working.

“Moscow Mitch” McConnell can’t save the party, he can’t even save the Putin.  Let’s face the FACTS!  Donald Trump has ruined The Republican Party, Mitch the bitch, Melania, Ivanka and all the other shit Trump has touched because… TRUMP HAS THE SHITTY TOUCH!  (Maybe Mitch can sell his hat.)

Such a happy looking couple!

Donald Trump: What a stupid “son of a bitch” too!

Doocy, Carlson and Trump ARE ‘STUPID SONS OF BITCHES’!

Why Biden’s ‘son of a bitch’ moment is nothing like Trump’s attacks on reporters

CNN’s Acosta on Doocy and Biden: ‘We never got an apology’ from Trump

There is a DIFFERENCE between Trump and Biden!

Trump battled the Powell Fed’s rate hikes. Biden’s betting on them

On STEM, give Biden credit for his efforts to repair the national reputation that Trump trashed

There REALLY is!

Biden is defending Trump’s Title 42 policy, family separations in court

Biden has a REASON, all Trump had was RACISM!  See the difference?

Trump blasts McConnell in front of RNC donors: “Dumb son of a bitch.”

How is Trump’s “son of a bitch” comment about Senator McConnell ACCEPTABLE, but Biden’s comments about that stupid “son of a bitch” Doocy not?  Trump THOUGHT he ruled with an IRON FIST but he really ruled with a LIMP WRIST!

p.s.  We ALWAYS knew Donald J. Trump wanted to fuck his own daughter, Ivanka.  (Again?). Now we know that Tucker Carlson wants to FUCK a GREEN M&M!  (Again and again and again …  It would take an M&M, as small as it is, to find Tucker’s eeny teeny widdle weeny!  How Ivanka found Daddy Donald’s itty bitty little shitty penis is a BIGLY mystery.). By the way, Pete “The Prick” Doocy IS a douche, and a stupid “son of a bitch”!  That’s a FACT!

Oh GRAND! Just GRAND! It’s Trump AGAIN!

Trump is SUCH A LIAR!

Trump says Ukraine crisis wouldn’t happen under him, ignoring 2019 impeachment

Trump Says Russia-Ukraine Tensions ‘Would Never Have Happened’ Under His Presidency

Trump slams Biden for Russia, Ukraine crisis

Trump – impeached for trying to blackmail Ukraine – hits out at Biden over Russia crisis

Trump was IMPEACHED because he tried to sell-out the Ukrainians!

GOP Blames Biden for Russian Aggression. Don’t Forget About Trump.


Pro-Trump influencer sentenced to three years of probation for his participation in the Capitol riot

BRANDON Straka.has a CRIMINAL RECORD thanks only to DONLD J. TRUMP!   (Who did NOT PAY his LEGAL FEES.  Donald J. Trump promised pay all legal fees but like everything else Donald Trump has said he LIED!!!). BRANDON supported Trump, but TRUMP DID NOT SUPPORT BRANDON!!!  And that IS a FACT!

Let’s Go Brandon!  (‘Brandon Straka’ that is.)

DA for Atlanta area granted special grand jury to probe Trump’s election interference

Georgia prosecutor granted special grand jury in probe of Trump’s efforts to overturn state’s election results

NPRA special grand jury has been granted in Fulton County’s Trump investigation

Georgia judge approves special grand jury for Trump election interference probe

Georgia to impanel grand jury in probe of Trump bid to overturn 2020 election

Ain’t it just GRAND!

Huh Trumpy?  Ain’t it GRAND!

Will Donnie Trump Senior protect Ivanka? (Doubt it.)

Who is Don Senior’s (Donald ‘The Dumbass’ Trump Senior that is) favorite kid?

Michael Cohen: Trump said Don Jr. should go to prison, not Ivanka

Michael Cohen claims Trump told him Don Jr should go to jail over Ivanka

Trump instructed Michael Cohen to make sure Don Jr. went to jail instead of Ivanka

Will Trump Try To Protect His Kids In Business Probes? ‘Not A Chance,’ Laughs Michael Cohen.

Trump HAS a favorite, and it is IVANKA, because he wants to DO her, or maybe he has DONE her!  And DONE her!  And DONE her!  But, do you really believe Trump will do anything to protect Ivanka, Junior, Eric or even Tiffany and Barron?  Hell no!  Trump will protect himself, even if he has to throw THEM all under the bus!  Why do you think Melania is making her own money now!  She’s hoping to get away from him before he throws her under the bus too!

Trump ‘Fears’ Both Criminal and Civil Investigations in New York: Michael Cohen

But Little-Anny-Fanny is RIGHT!

Opinion | Ann Coulter Is Rooting for a Trump-DeSantis Throw-Down. She’s Not Alone.

THROW DOWN Donnie!  THROW DOWN Ronnie!  THROW DOWN Donnie & Ronnie!  (*Dumber and Dumberest!”). Throw Down you clowns!

The Trump CRIES as he CRUMBLES!


‘House of Trump is crumbling’: why ex-president’s legal net is tightening

New York’s Trump Org civil case is shaking vital documents out of the Trump family tree

New Legal Filing Reveals Startling Details of Possible Fraud by Trump Organization

Weisselberg couldn’t explain gap in $400M golf-course valuation: NY AG

Trump can’t HIDE behind the TRUTH, though he has tried to hide behind his LIES!

Vicky Ward breaks down New York State’s Trump investigation

Who is Vicky Ward?  She is the author of “The Liar’s Ball” and she knows LIARS like TRUMP THE LIAR!

Judge: Trump spokesman can’t retrieve docs back from Jan. 6 committee

NO ‘BACKSIES’ DONNIE!  (Not this time you lying sack of excrement!)

Former Trump campaign adviser acknowledges being part of 2020 fake electors plot

MAGA confession: Trump lawyer admits fraudulent electors plot

‘Dangerous precedent’: Jan. 6 committee trains its sights on false pro-Trump electors

As Giuliani coordinated plan for Trump electoral votes in states Biden won, some electors balked

Jan. 6 Panel and State Officials Seek Answers on Fake Trump Electors

They are ADMITTING Trump FAKED IT!  The COMMITTEE is listening, reading, and ASKING MORE QUESTIONS!

The bottom line is that …

Trump is a FAKE!!!

Trump & Mitch, Putin’s Bitch and Moscow’s Shit!


(Donald J. Trump is “THE BITCH”, more importantly Donald J. Trump is PUTIN’S BITCH.  Moscow Mitch McConnell is a bitch too, but he is a MOSCOW BITCH, that’s Moscow MITCH The Russian’s BITCH!  The fact is, all Republicans are Russian BITCHES, as well as Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsty Sinema!)

The BITCH in the DITCH!

Opinion | Why Trump Is Headed for the Ditch Once Again

Trump is THE BITCH!  Oh what a BITCH he is.  Putie-Pie loves his BITCH!

Moscow Mitch

And Putin’s BITCH!

Moscow Mitch

And Putin’s BITCH!

Moscow Mitch

And Putin’s BITCH!

Moscow Mitch

And Putin’s BITCH!

Moscow Mitch

And Putin’s BITCH!

Moscow Mitch

And Putin’s BITCH!

House January 6 committee now has all the White House records Trump tried to block

Read the never-issued Trump order that would have seized voting machines


Trump even had a SPEECH ready to read so that he could THROW HIS PEOPLE (the people who he incited to insurrection to attack The Capitol) UNDER THE BUS.  He was going to BLAME THEM for all the shit he caused, and Trump was going to lie to the rest if us hoping we would buy his line of bullshit and go along with him.  What an ASSHOLE!  He must have thought we were as STUPID as he is!  But we weren’t, and he knew it, so he didn’t do any of that stupid shit, simply because DONALD J. TRUMP IS A DUMBASS!

and …

Trump is a BITCH!