Monthly Archives: February 2022

TRUMP and PUTIN sitting in a tree, K-I-SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-I-N-G!

The STUPIDest one here is TRUMP!  (That would be Putin’s pet poodle ‘Donnie the Doggie’!)

Trump praised ‘smart’ Putin, said the US had become a ‘stupid country

Then there are COCKSUCKERS like Tommy the COCKSUCKER Cottonswab!  (He needs a magnifying glass and tweezers to find Trump’s COCK, but he sucks it anyway.)

GOP Sen. Tom Cotton won’t condemn Trump’s praise of Putin

The ONLY ONE WHO IS REALLY BRAVE is Zelenskyy (Fuck Putin, FUCK Trump and ignore Tommy the Cotton-pony!)

Trump defends praise of Putin even as he calls Ukrainian President ‘brave’

Trump is, as usual, ALL OVER THE PLACE!  That’s the signature of a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!

Trump condemns Russia invasion; hints again at 2024 presidential run

And, he believes it all!  That is what PATHOLOGICAL LIARS do.  Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!  (Even ‘Ted THE TURD’ said so,)

Just like TED SAID!  “Donald Trump is a Pathological Liar!”  (Ted, besides being a TURD, is a gutless wonder, chicken-shit and liar too.  Now and ever since TED started kissing Trump’s ass!) 

At CPAC, Trump Misleads About Biden, a Russian Pipeline and Gas Prices

So!  What else is new?  TRUMP IS STILL LYING!  BIGLY DEALY!  Trump always LIES, just like PUTIN!

Trump warns ‘world war’ could be next as Russia continues invasion in Ukraine

Trump and CPAC Had a Different War on Their Minds

Trump, at CPAC, claims Biden is to blame for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

Trump is STILL LYING to HIS Trumpublican fools at FOX and CPAC!

Trump Praises Putin, Leaving Republicans in a Bind

Conservatives Favor Trump – But DeSantis Is Closing | Elections

Trump Loses Support at CPAC as DeSantis Gains Steam

Uh oh!  Trump is LOSING again, because Trump is a FUCKING LOSER!  The ONLY way he wins is with RUSSIAN MONEY and RUSSIAN LIES.

Trump-endorsed Senate candidates are not fit to serve

Trump is LYING to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!  (Even to assholes who still suck his itty bitty dick.). Like this guy:

Ex-Attorney General William Barr Urges GOP to Move On From Trump

Bill Barr launches blistering attack on Trump in … – Yahoo News › bill-barr-launches-blistering-a…

Donald Trump IS a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!  That has been established for a long time.  Move on!  There is literally NOTHING to see here.

Republicans fear Michelle Obama presidential run, ex-Trump aide says

Why not Michelle?  She’d certainly be a lot better than TRUMP!  (Even a comatose squirrel would be better than Donald Trump.  Anything and almost anyone, except Putin, would be better than Trump.). Biden will beat him again anyway, LIKE A DRUM!

p.s.  “R” stands for Russians, Reds, Retards and Republicans!  The Republiturds need to open a new party called “TRAITORS ‘R US”!  Because “R’s” aRe tRaitoRs and Racists!  R!  R!  R!  R!  Ruskie Repukes!  (Ronald Reagan would really be upset!)


Trump is RIGHT!

Trump says Ukraine crisis ‘would never have happened’ if he were president

The Ukrainian ATTACKS BY RUSSIA would never have happened because Trump would have GIVEN THE UKRAINE and AMERICA to PUTIN.

Ukraine war exposes lack of support for Trump’s pro-Putin GOP wing

Trump was PRO-PUTIN?  Tell me something I DON’T KNOW you dumb-shits!

Trump Praises Putin, Leaving Republicans in a Bind

Oh the poor poor REPUBLICANS.  They support the ASSHOLE TRUMP, let them SUFFER!

Donald Trump’s Detention Club convenes for Putin’s Ukraine invasion

Detention Club?  They are NOT detained in any way.  They SHOULD BE DETAINED.  ALL OF THE TRUMP SUPPORTERS SHOULD BE IMPRISONED!  LOCK THEM UP the dumb-asses!

Trump’s response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine reveals divisions among Republicans

DUH!  Republicans have DIVIDED a long time ago because of Trump.  Many NO LONGER even claim to be Republicans because of Trump!  There are now NON-Republicans, Republicans and TRUMPublicans who are also known as DUMB-ASSHOLES!  Then there are Democrats and Independents who will save this country and this world from DUMB-ASSES like Trump and Putin!

Trump-loving Republicans are cowards compared with Ukrainians

TRUE!  Trump-Loving Repukelickers are simply COWARDS, in ALL RESPECTS, just like Trump is. That is TRUTH – SOCIAL!  (But you won’t see it on Truth Social, because all you will see on that App is LIES, Anti-Social and COMMUNIST!)

Let’s say it ONCE and FOR ALL TIME, Trump’s NOT Pro-LIFE.  TRUMP IS PRO-DEATH!  How else can you explain Trump’s rationale for the KILLING of innocent Ukrainian’s while Trump calls Putin a ‘genius’!  TRUMP IS PRO-DEATH!  Putin is DEATH.  Both Trump and Putin are MONSTERS!

LOCK TRUMP UP and THROW AWAY THE KEY!  Trump is a murderer!

LOCK TRUMP UP and THROW AWAY THE KEY!  Trump is a murderer!

LOCK TRUMP UP and THROW AWAY THE KEY!  Trump is a murderer!

Trump & Putin are PIGS in a blanket!

Thank GOD Trump is NO LONGER our president!

Trump immediately botches what’s happening in Ukraine

Even the fuckers at FOX had to CORRECT TRUMP!

Fox News host corrects Trump when he says U.S. troops landed in Ukraine

Trump is such an ASS!

Late Night Hosts Slam Trump for Defending ‘Bloodthirsty Tyrant’ Putin Amid Ukraine Invasion

Trump and his supporters praise Putin and dismiss Biden as crisis unfolds

Again, the fucks at FOX have to CORRECT Trump and ask if Romney was better!

Trump, allies defend or deflect Putin’s invasion; was Romney right?

Why is Trump so STUPID!

The real reason Putin played a pussycat during the Trump presidency

The FACT IS Trump doesn’t CARE about anyone but HIMSELF!

The Jolt: Trump stepping up focus on Georgia candidates

THANK GOD Trump is NOT the president!  (Too bad he ever was.)

White House spokesman calls Trump and Putin ‘two nauseating, fearful pigs who hate what America stands for’

As Russia Attacked Ukraine, Trump Again Praised Putin and Ridiculed Biden.

Trump falsely blames ‘rigged election’ for Russia invasion: video

Trump is really a PIECE OF SHIT!  (And so is Putin).

TRUMP may be clever, though he is a PEDOPHILE, PERVERT and COMMIE!

The WORLD is on the brink of WORLD WAR III and Donald “THE DUMBASS” Trump is praising the NEW HITLER (Trump’s own Poody-Pie Putin) as a fucking GENIUS!  What a DUMB ASS TRUMP IS!  (And, Trump is a COMMUNIST and wannabe DICKtater who is already a DICK-HEAD.)

Trump praises Putin’s ‘genius’ incursion into Ukraine

Trump praises Putin’s ‘genius’ as GOP fissures grow on Ukraine crisis

Trump talks about Putin, mocking Merkel and more at Mar-a-Lago

Trump: Putin’s justification to invade Ukraine is ‘genius’ and ‘savvy’

Trump calls Putin’s moves on Ukraine ‘smart’ and ‘savvy’

Trump sides with Putin as Biden tries to stop a war

Trump praises Putin as ‘savvy’ amid new escalations on Russia-Ukraine border

Trump Calls Putin’s Ukraine Moves “Genius” Because He’s a Sick Man Who Hates Democracy

While Donald Trump praises Vladimir Putin, America misses John McCain more than ever

REALLY!  That, among all the other really STUPID SHIT Trump has done, should be PROOF of how stupid Trump really is.  TRUMP IS STUPID!  (Thankfully Barbara McQuade, of Michigan, has done the hard work of drafting LEGAL CHARGES against Trump based ONLY on available PUBLIC information.  Imagine if she had the secret info of the January 6th Committee!  She could turn her TWENTY-SIX PAGE indictment into 260 pages, easy.)

NY prosecutors probing Trump resign after disagreement with district attorney

Two top prosecutors in probe of Trump Org resign from Manhattan DA’s office

NY prosecutors leading criminal inquiry into Trump’s business practices have resigned

Two top prosecutors investigating Trump Organization resign

Prosecutors leading Manhattan DA’s Trump investigation resign

Why should it surprise anyone that Trump and his MONEY can cause a mis-trial BEFORE it becomes a trial?  After all, any guy who can pay to have Jeff Epstein HANGED in a ‘SUICIDE WATCH CELL’ in a PRISON, while two cops were supposedly SLEEPING ON THE JOB, can do almost anything.  Right!  Sure.  Any wonder what Ivanka is doing talking to the January 6th Committee.  She is NOT cooperating with them.  She is negotiating with them for her benefit, and possibly Big Daddy Donald’s, but for her benefit for sure!  Another SUICIDE in a CELL or a missed Mis-Trial?  Now that Trump has the City of New York on his side, he can go after the state and Letitia.  Just wait, watch and see.

But, getting back to the real story, Vladimir Putin is the new ADOLF HITLER!  Putin will get his WISH!  He will be remembered for all time, but like HITLER is remembered, Vlad will always be remembered WITH HATE AND DISGUST!  (So will the Trumps.  Hopefully.)

TRUMP IS A COMMUNIST LOVER and useful idiot!  (Donald works for Vlad, fell in Love with Kim, and finally went to Vietnam long after the war that caused his BONE SPURS.)

YOU remember what the sign at the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION said…


Trump is a COMMUNIST and is the visible ENEMA because he is full-of-shit!  

Regardless of all that, Trump is a FOOL!

Trump’s Truth Social’s disastrous launch raises doubts about its long-term viability

The FACT IS Donald J. Trump is a CLEVER, COMMUNIST LOVING, SACK OF SHIT, LIAR, NARCISSIST, DUMB SHIT, SHIT HEAD and THAT is a FACT!  (And Trump is a PERVERT and PEDOPHILE too.  Donald Trump is a Cunning, SubHuman, Orangutan and A PERVERT!  And, YES, that is personal.)

Matt Gaetz wants Trump as House Speaker for few hours, less work

p.s.  Who cares what Matt Gaetz wants?  (Kevin McCarthy maybe?). Matty should just go back to being a pedophile pervert or sucking Marjorie Taylor Greene’s big green dick!  (Or eating Louie Gohmert’s pussy.) The FACT IS:  Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz make Bill Clinton look good.

p.p.s. What are PBMs? “PBMs have two main objectives: to curate pharmacy prescription benefits plan options; and to help patients achieve better health outcomes through greater access …”. PBMs are good.  The LOBBYING Association PhRMA is BAD.  Vote FOR PBMs and AGAINST PhRMA!

Trump is SUPREMED!

Get this!

Trump’s recent legal fight to block document turnover to January 6 probe officially ends

Supreme Court rejects Trump’s bid to shield January 6 records, bringing end to legal battle

Supreme Court turns away Trump’s appeal in dispute with House Jan. 6 panel

U.S. Supreme Court formally ends Trump’s fight over Capitol attack records

Trump’s very own hand-picked SELF-PACKED Supreme Court tells Trump he is SCREWED, BLUED and TATTOOED!

What’s more …

District judge gives DOJ precise rationale to prosecute Trump.

Even a District Judge wants to get in on the act of BRINGING TRUMP TO JUSTICE!

Donald J. Trump is a TRAITOROUS BASTARD who should be LOCKED-UP for LIFE!

Trump Truth Social User Claims App Censored Anti-Vaccine Content


Trump’s Army of MUTANT ZOMBIES!


Opinion | Somehow, Trump Is a Tough Act to Follow

The Two-Headed Freak is ALWAYS tough to follow with NORMALCY!

Pro-Trump Candidate Says God ‘Raising Up Armies’ to ‘Shut Down’ Democrats

God is NOT raising up armies.  The Goddamned are!

Trump seeks end to crossover voting in Wyoming GOP primary to block Cheney lifeline

Trump ONLY seeks to screw Cheney!  If crossover voting was good for that, Trump would be promoting it.

Biden needs a Trump substitute

NOBODY needs a Trump, a real Trump or even a substitute Trump.  NO TRUMP is a good Trump!

Republicans wince at Wisconsin GOP crack-up

Wisconsinites are CRACKED UP!  I know, because most of my relatives live in Wisconsin and they are all NUTS!  The GOP Cracking Up is a GOOD THING.  The GOP crumbling to dust for eternity would be the best thing!

Explainer: How fake electors tried to throw result to Trump


‘This should terrify the nation’: the Trump ally seeking to run Arizona’s elections

Arizona is just about as FUCKED-UP as Wisconsin and all the other RED COMMIE STATES!  Red Commie Republiturds always frighten me!  I am terrified that they haven’t all died out yet!  COME ON COVID, take them out!  (The anti-vaxxing fools!)

And about Trump’s new APP (which is really a ripoff of another app)…

I tried using Trump’s new Truth Social app. Here’s what happened.

Trump’s new app, “Truth Social,” begins slow rollout

Trump’s social media app goes live in Apple’s App Store

Trump’s new social media app launches on iOS

Trump’s new social media app, Truth Social, appears in App Store

Devin Nunes left Congress for Trump’s media company. This is how it’s going

Trump’s new App, may last longer than his previous attempts, but it will FAIL because TRUMP IS A FAILURE!  Don’t waste your time on BULLSHIT ANTI-SOCIAL (which should be the real name of Trump’s latest attempt).

Trump & Gu are slimy gooey SNAKES

So Trump SUPPOSEDLY had a bad week?

Donald Trump’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week in court

Trump has SUPPOSEDLY had so many BAD WEEKS, but he has managed to slither out of every single-one so far, like the slimy snake that he is!  Donald Trump is not a TEFLON anything, he is just a slimy slithering snake!

Trump’s new way of spreading LIES!  (What a snake!)

Get Ready for Retruths: Inside Trump’s Attempt at a Twitter Competitor

Five questions ahead of Trump’s social media launch

Hundreds of beta testers using early version of Trump social media app: report

Trump social media app Truth Social set to be released Monday

Trump social media app Truth Social to debut Monday

Truth Social: beta testers get a glimpse of Donald Trump’s new social media app

Trump’s Truth Social Is Poised to Join a Crowded Field

Trump’s Truth Social app set for Monday release in Apple App Store

Why Trump’s TRUTH Social Platform Will Struggle to Compete With Mainstream Social Media

The launch of Trump’s Twitter clone is reportedly delayed until March

If you want anything CLOSE TO THE TRUTH look anywhere EXCEPT Trump’s Truth Social App.  As usual Trump and his so called “self proclaimed” Truth Social App is CHOCK FULL OF LIES!  That is all Trump knows how to do is TELL LIES, and he does it again with his Truth Social App which is a LIE!  Truth is LIES,  Black is WHITE,  Good is BAD, and Trump is TRUMP!  Trump USES words like he USES people to enhance his own LIES about HIMSELF and others!  TRUMP IS A LIAR and that is all that Trump does is LIE!  Donald J. Trump can NOT tell the TRUTH, ever!  

Just remember that it was TED CRUZ (R-TEX) who called Trump a “PATHOLOGICAL LIAR”!  That may be the last thing Ted ever said that was TRUE.  (Since TED LOST to Trump he has been kissing Trump’s wrinkled shit-stained orange ass ever since.)

WAIT A MINUTE!  Was what Ted actually said “Legitimate political discourse”?  Maybe he should have BUSTED DOWN A DOOR or CLIMBED THROUGH A WINDOW, or MAIMED SOME CAPITOL POLICE while he was saying it.

p.s.  Donald J. Trump is NEVER TO BE TRUSTED!  NEVER!  Don’t even bother with his Truth Social App, because like him it is a LIE!  TRUTH is LIES to Trump!  (And Ted should never be believed when he is sucking-up to Trump or FOX News.  Sometime Ted does tell the truth, but only when he has not been HANDLED by the handlers.)

p.p.s.  And Eileen Gu can go BACK TO COMMUNIST CHINA and live in that SHIT-HOLE if she wants to, but we do NOT need any more TRAITORS like her or ‘Dumbass’ Donald Trump in the USA!  EILEEN GU is just as much a TRAITOR as is TRUMP!  Let Eileen Gu go live in China and be RAPED like tennis champion Peng Shuai was. Gu wants to be a “role model for girls’?  How’s THAT for a ROLE MODEL?  A RAPED role model.  The social issue she cares about most is trying to help girls connect with sports?  How about connecting with CHINESE DICKS in sport like Peng Shuai was?  (Oh!  Poh Irene Gru,  She no likeee Merica no moh.  She go to Commie CHINA to live and study.  Okay!  A-Okay wid me kemosabe!  Irene Gru go now!!!  Go to that COMMUNIST SHIT-HOLE you apparently love so much Gu!  Just GO!  Go Gu Go!). I WILL NEVER BUY RED BULL AGAIN, EVER!  (If Red Bull really does “Give You Wings” let Eileen Gu use her wings to fly to Communist China, the SHIT-HOLE she has chosen!)


Trump STOLED secrets!  American SECRETS!  

Material Recovered From Trump by Archives Included Classified Information

White House records taken by Trump contained classified information, National Archives confirms

National Archives: Trump took classified items to Mar-a-Lago

National Archives acknowledges classified documents were found in boxes at Mar-a-Lago after Trump left office

Archives confirms Trump records at Mar-a-Lago included classified documents

Now SURELY Trump is a TRAITOR!  You need more convincing?

Judge says Trump could be culpable for January 6 and says lawsuits against the former President can proceed

Can he be SUED?

Judge rules that Trump can be sued over Capitol riot

Trump can be IMPRISONED TOO!

Lawsuits accusing Trump of inciting Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack can move forward, judge rules.

Trump can be sued for role in January 6 attack on Capitol, federal judge rules


Judge rules Trump must face civil suits over Jan. 6


Judge rules Trump must face civil suits over Jan. 6


The never-before-told backstory of Pence’s Jan. 6 argument

Lock Pence up too.  Why not/. Lock them ALL up, all the TrumpTurd Trumpublicans!


As is always Trump’s motto, “If you CAN’T beaten, then CHEAT’EM!”

Trump moves to close off Liz Cheney’s political escape hatch

Meanwhile ….

Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump must be testify in civil case, judge rules

Judge rules Trump, children must comply with NY AG’s subpoena for testimony

Trump must testify in New York investigation, judge rules

Testify YOU Fucks!

Trump and his children may be deposed by New York attorney general, judge rules

N.Y. attorney general fires back at Trump’s defense of financial statements

Lame Ass TRUMPS!