Monthly Archives: April 2022

Trump the CHUMP and the F’ing Fools at FOX!

Trump is, among other things, an ESCAPE ARTIST!  (Or a KILLER!  Or BOTH!)

Likelihood of Trump Indictment in Manhattan Fades as Grand Jury Wraps Up

New York grand jury hearing evidence in DA’s investigation into Trump Organization expires this week

Manhattan DA prosecutors seem to have stopped trying to build a criminal case against Trump, suggesting he won’t be charged, report says

Manhattan DA to let grand jury expire despite prosecutor concluding Trump “committed crimes”: report

But TRUMP IS GUILTY!!!  I just wonder who he PAID OFF or KILLED to get them to drop this case?  Like Trump had Jeffrey Epstein KILLED in PRISON while Jeff was supposedly on DOUBLE-SUICIDE WATCH!

Fulton DA faces biggest decision of career as Trump grand jury looms

Meanwhile, the ORANGE ASS goes after George:

Trump goes after George Conway: ‘Mind is completely shot’

Post Politics Now: Trump to rally with GOP gubernatorial hopeful in Nebraska accused of sexual assault

The Sex Fiend supports his fellow SEX FIEND!  Remember it was Donald J. Trump who said he can GRAB WOMEN BY THE PUSSY if and when he wants to!

“Grab ’em by the pussy”: how Trump talked about women in … › trump-secret-recording-women

And that’s not ALL Trump said:

Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women › donald-trump-tape-transcript


Is Trump asking Putin for favors again?


Republican who refuses to bend the knee to Trump surges in Ohio Senate race

After Elevation of Trump Allies, Revolt Brews in Michigan G.O.P.

Madison Cawthorn is just following Donald Trump’s example

The GOP Jury is losing touch with Trump, and Mad-Madison seems to be emulating his Hero (both added together equal a BIGLY FATLY ZERO).


CNN Exclusive: New text messages reveal Fox’s Hannity advising Trump White House and seeking direction

Fox Host Maria Bartiromo Ran Election-Denying Trump Interview By Mark Meadows

Fox News Gave Very Cogent Donald Trump Questions in Advance

Sean Hannity Snarkily Defends Texts Showing He Basically Worked For Trump Campaign

Analysis | Sean Hannity is exactly who we might have assumed

ANALYSIS:  FOX is “TRUMP STATE TV”, just like PRAVDA/TASS is for Putin!  FOX should be taken OFF THE AIR forever!  The whole DAMN THING!

Trump is a ‘NUMBNUT’, but so are they!

The one and ONLY time I wanted to Thank ‘Moscow Mitch’ the son of a bitch!

Trump said he’d be in White House instead of Mar-a-Lago if it weren’t for McConnell: book

Except for this ONE GOOD THING, “Mitch The Bitch” has done everything else WRONG!  You do know what they say, “even a stopped watch gives the correct time twice a day”.

The one and ONLY time that Trump is correct:

Trump said Kevin McCarthy has an ‘inferiority complex’: book

Kevin is an INFERIOR!  That’s a fact.  But, you know what they say about watches, right?

Boeing was STUPID to ever deal with Trump.

Boeing lost $1.1 billion on Trump Air Force One contract; CEO regrets deal

Boeing lost $660 million on Trump’s Air Force One deal

CEO: Boeing Should Have Rejected Trump’s Air Force One Deal

Boeing CEO calls Trump’s Air Force One deal a risk it ‘probably shouldn’t have taken’

Boeing ‘probably shouldn’t have taken’ Trump-negotiated Air Force One deal, CEO says

Boeing is just as STUPID as are the NUMBNUTS who still support Trump.  Boeing’s CEO is a FUCKING IDIOT!  (But look closely at the last picture of Air Force One.  No Trump on Mount Rushmore, no stupid Trump paint job on the airplane.  Thank God!)


Midterm Elections 2022 Updates: Ohio and the Latest News

Trump unleashes his temper on GOP allies over Ohio Senate primary split

Top Trump allies tangle with McCarthy, Scalise over leaked audio

It’s Trump vs. Cruz in Ohio and Pa. Senate races

Trump endorses Joe Lombardo in crowded GOP primary for Nevada governor

Trump says he feared being pelted with ‘very dangerous’ fruit at rallies

Donald Trump lived in fear of being hit by, um, ‘dangerous’ fruit


Trump allies breach US voting systems in search of ‘evidence’



LOCK-UP Boeing’s CEO!  Oh!  I already said that, by saying “LOCK UP THE NUMBNUTS!  That covers Trump too!  After all, Trump is a NUMBNUT!  (Now Trump “The Numbnut’ is afraid of “very dangerous fruit”?)

Trump MUST PAY $10,000.00 A Day!

$10k A DAY is POCKET CHANGE for a BILLIONAIRE!  (Maybe Trump is NOT a billionaire like he claims he is.  Maybe he’s not even a millionaire because he keeps GRIFTING money from really poor people.)

NY attorney general’s office says it’s nearly done unraveling Trump’s ‘Russian nesting doll’

Trump’s $10000-a-day fine for ignoring subpoena kicks in -NY judge

‘Trump has willfully disobeyed a lawful order of this court,’ New York judge says as $10,000 per-day fines start

Daily $10K fines against Trump start today after contempt ruling

New details show extent of GOP effort to unwind Trump’s loss

Trump Admits He Oversaw Pay for Executive Who Got Fishy Perks

Donald Trump held in contempt in New York attorney general’s investigation

‘Trump has willfully disobeyed a lawful order of this court,’ New York judge says as $10,000 per-day fines start


Meet the Republican candidate for governor who isn’t pro-Trump

It starts with one (Liz Cheney), then another (Adam Kinzinger) and now this!  How many in The original GOP really HATE Trump?  A lot!

BY THE WAY:  Vladimir Putin (and Donald Trump) are EXACTLY the same as Slobodan Milošević, and should die in prison just like ‘Slobo The SLOB’ did!  ‘Vlad The VANQUISHED’ and ‘Trump The TURD’!

Trump done DID IT! Damn!

Trump is GUILTY of INCITING the January 6th Insurrection, but many others HELPED!

Trump allies’ secret work to overturn 2020 election detailed in new text messages

Video Ex-Trump chief of staff’s text messages released

Exclusive: Mark Meadows’ 2,319 text messages reveal Trump’s inner circle communications before and after January 6

‘Yes sir’: New texts show Hannity promising on-air Trump campaign push

Marjorie Taylor Greene texted Trump chief of staff urging martial law to overturn election

Kevin McCarthy was asked about his Trump lie. His answer was gibberish

Donald Trump Jr. warned on Jan. 6 that riot fallout could ‘f–k’ his father’s ‘entire legacy’

Though MTG (who we now refer to as PERJURY TAYLOR GREENE) specifically referred to it as “Marshall” Law, hoping that someone named ‘Marshall’ might intercede!  (Gawd is SHE STUPID!).  Kev is a BABBLING FOOL, and Junior can’t even call his own dad!

Trump insists he has no plans to rejoin Twitter even if Elon Musk reinstates his account

RIGHT!  And we ALL know how “HONEST AND TRUTHFUL” Donald Trump ‘The Twitter Twerp’ is, because he really is: a BIGLY “contemptuous” PHONY!  (And he’s fat and ugly too.  “Troth Sential” he called HIS OWN site!  ’Truth’ is NOT DJT’s social strength.  In fact, DJT is more SENILE than he is social.)

Trump = Putin Puppet (and many more!)

Putin’s Puppets are LOSING like Putin is Losing in The Ukraine!

Trump (a well known Putin Puppet) LOST, even though he refuses to accept his LOSS!

Marine La Pen LOST last Sunday in France.

Luashenko is a PUTIN PUPPET, but not doing much to help Putin even from his high office in Belarus.

Is Turkey’s Erdogan a PUTIN PUPPET?  (Probably.)

Are the Saudi’s PUTIN PUPPETS? (Probably.)

What about Hungary’s Viktor Orban?  (Probably.)

Is Kim Jong-un a PUTIN PUPPET?  (Maybe!  At the very least he is a crazy fat little fart!)

Is XI (of China) a PUTIN PUPPET?  (Hard to say, as he might be a Puppet Master and Putin may end-up being Xi’s Puppet.)

Putin’s Puppets – Foreign Policy › 2011/05/06 › putins-puppets

The EU must stop appeasing “Putin’s puppets” in Bosnia › 2022/03/28 › eu-must-stop-appe…

GOP voters finally buck Trump: Republicans unwilling to be … › … › Amanda Marcotte’s Articles

Then there are the WANNABE PUTIN PUPPETS like:  Tucker The Fucker Carlsonofabitch, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, and all the Rethugliclans still loyal to Trump.  Including: Kevin McCarthy and “Moscow Mitch” McConnell.  They WANNABE PUTIN PUPPETS but are too insignificant to actually be included in the club.  (What does that make supporters of Trump?  The USED!)

Putin’s puppet: Donald Trump takes bootlicking to a whole … › 2022/03/01 › putins-pupp…

But, FOR SURE, Trump is a Putin Puppet (and so is Le Pen).


FAILED because HE (they) LOST!

Watch-out for the one’s who haven’t LOST yet!

Trump really is STUPID! (REALLY!)

Trump just Keeps Ramblin’ On!

Trump Rambles About Toilets Not Flushing During Ohio Rally … Oh, and Also: Hijacking America’s Election Systems

Trump fumes about dishwashers at Ohio rally and claims Americans are unable to use the bathroom properly due to low water pressure

Trump in Ohio: Endorsements, falsehoods and attacks on Democrats highlight Delaware rally

Photos: Donald Trump rally at Delaware Fairgrounds

Trump pushes Vance for Senate in Ohio, but supporters are more excited for ‘cowboy’ governor candidate

Trump stumps for Vance while acknowledging he ‘said some bad sh– about me’

Donald Trump holds Ohio rally amid criticism of J.D. Vance endorsement for U.S. Senate

Trump’s Oz, Vance endorsements bring cash windfall, backlash

Donald Trump endorsed Jerk Dork Vance and Doctor (not a real doctor) Oz!  As Trump keeps babbling on!  He probably endorsed Toilets, Flushing and Dishwashers too!  Trump’s new logo to replace the GOP Elephant is the RAMBLER!

Trump Said He Doesn’t ‘Like Being Called Stupid’ During Ohio Rally

Well. If he DOESN’T LIKE IT then he should just STOP BEING STUPID!  Like this …

Trump says Biden is ‘taking orders from the Easter Bunny’


AND!  Sadly, anyone who won the Repukelicken Primaries with Trump’s endorsement is GONNA LOSE and LOSE BIGLY in the General Election.  (Even though they’ll keep claiming they won and the election was stolen, they are still LOSERS!  Like Trump is a whiney LOSER!). Emmanuel Macron WON!  The female Trump in France, Marine Le Pen, LOST!  Get use to it LOSERS!  All the TrumpTurds are gonna LOSE!  Everywhere.

Nuke the PUKE! (Trump and Putin!)

I really wish someone in Washington would go along with this good idea:  

A B2 Bomber (Stealth Bomber of the American Air Force) projects a radar image of a small bird, like a Sparrow.  Fly it at night (it’s already black so nobody can see it). 

Load up a B2 bomber with a Nuke, like the one that was dropped on Hiroshima to end WWII.  

Fly the B2 over the Kremlin, making sure Putin is inside, and drop an A-Bomb right on top of that Putin-Punk.  Instant VAPORIZATION!  No fuss!  No muss!  No Putin puss!  

Just like on August 6, 1945 the Nuke will end the war and save thousands, if not millions, of lives!  For all anyone knows a sparrow could have dropped a BOMB and SPLATT!   

We should to do it NOW before Putin does it to Zelenskyy and Kyiv (during the day, in plain sight, with a Russian Backfire [fart] bomber which Vlad will just LIE about anyway, saying something like:  “I didn’t do it!  It wasn’t me!  It was POTATO.  The Ukrainian’s bombed themselves to make me look bad.  Plus, I’m married to Morgan Fairchild.  Yea!  That’s the ticket!”).  

That’s just an idea, but a good one.  

After we VAPE Putin, then we divide-up Russia, into at least three parts, and give the west-most one to the Ukrainians for all the crap they’ve dealt with!  They already have Chernobyl, why not give them a radiated Moscow too?  They can handle it.  

Next thing is: we go after Belarus!  What’s their capital?  Less than a dollar.  

After that, Orban and Hungary!

p.s.  This is PROOF that TRUMP is LOSING FRIENDS!

Trump Says McCarthy Relationship Not Damaged

McCarthy tapes PROVE he thought Trump was an idiot! Trump is LOSING IT!  BIGLY!!! 

Maybe McCarthy didn’t ASK Trump to resign, because he was too damn COWARDLY, but he told everyone else he was planning to.  SO McCARTHY LIED!  And we already know Trump LIED over THIRTY-THOUSAND TIMES in just four years.  IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT RUNNING YOUR GOVERNMENT?  LIARS!  Pathological LIARS?  ALL RETHUGLICANS ARE LIARS!  ALL THE TIME!  ABOUT EVERYTHING!  TO EVERYONE!  (RETHUGLICANS are as bad as RUSSIANS!  They are all REDS!)

Sure, the Dems lie too, but not as OFTEN!

Trump, McCarthy and Putin ‘THE DUMBASS OF THE DONBAS’!

McCarthy is a liar and Audios PROVE it!

Kevin McCarthy’s Trump Denial Falls Apart In Hours With Release Of New Audio

Audio confirms McCarthy said he planned to tell Trump to resign

Audio contradicts McCarthy’s denial that he considered asking Trump to resign after Capitol riot

McCarthy Says He Would Urge for Trump Resignation After Jan 6 in Recording

McCarthy told fellow GOP leaders he was “seriously thinking” about telling Trump to resign after Jan. 6, recording shows

McCarthy said he would urge Trump to resign after Jan. 6, new audio reveals

Trump crushes lots of people’s dreams after Kevin McCarthy tape leaks

McCarthy discussed urging Trump’s resignation after Jan. 6, recording reveals

McCarthy’s leaked Trump remarks complicate quest to be House speaker

New Audio: McCarthy Said Trump Acknowledged ‘Some Responsibility’ for Jan. 6

Audio: McCarthy said he would urge Trump to resign

Trump Shrugs Off Kevin McCarthy Call: ‘The Support Was Very Strong’

Why don’t they use Audio or Video to prove when Trump LIES?  Surely, they MUST have something on Trump!  I mean, SERIOUSLY, in four years Trump told over THIRTY-THOUSAND LIES!  THIRTY -THOUSAND fer Christ’s sake!

Cheney not source of McCarthy suggesting Trump resign, spokesperson says

Truthfully, GOPpers are COWARDS!  The LIES of Trump, McCarthy and Putin are no different from eachother.  They are ALL LIES!  They all KILL!  (And then there is PERJURY TAYLOR GREENE?  Kick her off the ballot in Georgia!  She has NO RIGHT to run.  The LYIN’ PIECE OF SHIT!!!)

‘Cowards’: See GOP leaders busted for failed plan to oust Trump and public reversal


Iowa GOP open to non-Trump prospects as 2024 gets underway

NON-TRUMP?  NON!  (Plus, is Vladimir Putin, ‘THE DUMBASS of THE DONBAS’, ‘Putin the Punk’, Putin The Putz’, or ‘Vlad The Vanquished’?  YES!  Vlad is all of these and MORE that is LESS.  Putin is a PUSSY!)

BY THE WAY,  If you have NOT seen this, YOU should!

And THAT’s the TRUTH!  (Because almost ALL REPUBLICANS are LIARS!)


More Trump CRAZY SHIT!

A New List of Crazy Shit Trump Did, According to Fiona Hill

Trump is truly a “CRAZY SHIT”!  Yet the REPUBLICANS STILL LIE!

McConnell and McCarthy’s Jan. 6 Fury at Trump Faded by February

McCarthy and McConnell Wanted ‘Son of a B*tch’ Trump Out of Politics After Jan. 6 Riot, Book Says

Kevin McCarthy planned on telling Trump to resign after Jan. 6: book

An incredibly damning quote from Mitch McConnell on January 6

McCarthy denies saying Trump should resign if impeached

AND…. Zelenskyy saw it coming when Trump made his STUPID-ASS COMMENT years before Putin actually INVADED the Ukraine!

Zelensky’s reaction to Trump’s 2019 remark gets renewed attention

Trump and Putin are two of a kind.  DIPSHITS!  (As are ALL LYING Republiturds like McConnell and McCarthy.). Speaking of LYING REPUBLITURDS …

Sarah Palin dishes on Trump, her Congress run and love with Ron Duguay

(Sarah Palin Finalizes Divorce from Todd Palin: Docket – People › Politics)

Trump cancels planned July appearance in Mobile

Palin divorces Todd, but keeps his name and goes out with Duguay, then she ”dishes on Trump” and Trump CANCELS a planned appearance in Alabama!  What’s up?  (Is Duggy Duguay ‘doing’ you now Sarah?  What about “FAMILY VALUES” Sarah?  Is Trump down?  Maybe Trump is ‘going down’ on Sarah!  YEACH!)

Trumpster Tantrum Time!

Trump is LOSING … AGAIN!

Trump attempted coup on Jan. 6 to be highlighted in hearings, panel member says

Trump-backed House candidate removed from ballot by Tenn. Republicans

Tennessee Republicans remove Trump-backed candidate, others from ballot

Tennessee GOP kicks Trump-backed Morgan Ortagus, Baxter Lee and Robby Starbuck out of primary

Post Politics Now: Trump-backed candidate booted from Tenn. ballot; Biden to host military leaders

January 6 ‘was a coup organized by the president’, says Jamie Raskin

NOW, get rid of MTG and the rest of the TRUMPTURDS!

Fearing a Trump Repeat, Jan. 6 Panel Considers Changes to Insurrection Act

Fearing a Trump Repeat, Jan. 6 Panel Considers Changes to Insurrection Act

Jan. 6 panel piecing together details of final Trump-Pence call

Yes!  Change is the ONLY CONSTANT, especially with ASSHOLES like Trump!

‘Quietly moving on’: Trump’s mojo may be waning out West

WHAT?  Trump HAD mojo?  BULLSHIT!!!  Trump had MAGA, not MOJO!

Trump walks out of Piers Morgan interview after being pressed on 2020 election

Trump walks out of explosive Piers Morgan interview after being pressed on 2020 election

Piers Morgan talks tense fight with Trump: ‘What the f— is this’

Trump walks out of interview after challenge on false voter-fraud claims

Trump Storms Out of Fiery Piers Morgan Chat When Pressed on Election Lies

Donald Trump Walks Out On Piers Morgan Interview In Promo For New Series ‘Uncensored’

Typical, that Trump throws another TANTRUM.  BTW:  Who is gonna pay Omarosa!  Surely not the TANTRUM TRUMP!  Trump NEVER pays lawyers.  His or any others!

Trump Campaign Ordered to Pay $1.3 Million to Omarosa Manigault Newman in NDA case

It IS happening!  The GOP is being called out for their BLATANT LIES!

Hear lawmaker’s blistering rebuke after colleague’s baseless ‘grooming’ accusations

Michigan Sen. Mallory McMorrow blasts colleague Lana Theis on Senate floor in viral speech

Michigan Democrat blasts GOP ‘groomer’ slurs in powerful speech

State senator hits back after GOP colleague appears to call her a ‘groomer’

Michigan state senator McMorrow blasts GOP colleague over ‘hateful garbage’

Those GODDAMN LYING REPUBLITURDS!  Just like Trump, they LIE!  They LIE ALL THE TIME!  Just like Putin LIES!  They are all REDS!  Red Repubs, Red Commies, Red Ruskies, all REDS!  I’d rather be DEAD than RED!