Monthly Archives: May 2022

Other NEWS!

Ukraine and the Russian attacks!

Roe v. Wade repeal leaked opinion by Alito.

Uvalde, Texas, Massacre!

Lessor crap …

The NRA Convention in Houston, TX

Trump endorsements GO BAD!

Georgia governor and Sec. State easily win primary against Trump endorsed candidates!

Trump’s Doc Oz (from New Jersey) doesn’t beat McCormick (from Connecticut) in Pennsylvania, but both beat the Pennsylvania candidate (What’s her name)!


Ukrainians hold off Russians at steel plant in Mariupol!

Ukrainians surrender to Russians at steel plant in Mariupol.  (To get medical treatment for wounded Ukrainians.)

Brittney Griner is arrested at Russian airport. And still in Russian prison.

Trevor Reed finally freed by Russians!

Paul Whelan (and other Americans are) still being held in Russian prisons.

Putin is a PUSSY!  


Yet, Putin has GRABBED Trump by the balls!  Why?

Before the Uvalde Texas Massacre …

Buffalo, N.Y.

Parkland, Fla.

Sandy Hook, Conn.

Columbine, Col.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of mass killings in the USA just since Columbine!  What do MOST ALL of these MASS KILLINGS have in common?  Just one thing:  ASSAULT RIFLES!  (AR’s!)

When are we going to stop it?  Who knows!

How are we going to stop it?  Just one way.  With GUN REFORM LAWS!


Donald J. Trump is the HOAX!  (Just like other HOAXes, like The 1619 Project.)

Seven People Died in Connection With the Capitol Attack. Trump Just Called the Insurrection a ‘Hoax’

Donald J. Trump was NEVER the president of this great country.  Donald J. Trump is a big fat ORANGE HOAX!  Donald J. Trump STOLED the election in 2016, with RUSSIAN help and COLLUSION!  Donald J. Trump is a BIGLY FAT HOAX!

Trump’s Primary Losses Puncture His Invincibility

Trump is NOT and NEVER WAS “invincible”!  Trump was and is a HOAX!

Republicans grow more aggressive in openly defying Trump

Too little!  Way too LATE!

Trump Rally-Goers in Wyoming Boo Kevin McCarthy as He Begins Speech

Kevin McCarthy is a HOAX too!

Christie: Trump wants GOP to be ‘party of me,’ where ‘everything’ is about him

BUT IT AIN’T, because Trump is a HOAX!

By the way, The whole 1619 Project is a bullshit HOAX!  

The premise of The 1619 Project is that: black slaves were first sold in Virginia to white owners in 1619.  This was not by design or on purpose.  This was accidentally done, or done strictly by convenience,  because a Slave-Ship from either Spain or Portugal was on its way to Mexico when it was attacked by pirates.  To make money from the plunder, the pirates then sailed to Virginia and sold the property they stoled, ie. some of it was human black slaves, to Virginians.  The pirates did it to recoup some money from their piracy from a Spanish/Portuguese ship on its way to Mexico.  This was NOT planned.  It was an accident.  

It might have been the start of slavery in America, but America was English at that time, the colony of Virginia was a colony of England, so it was slavery in England which already had slavery.  America would not be America until 1776.  

Besides that, many of the black slaves, at that time, were black people captured by other black people who were then sold into slavery by black people to white people in Africa for shipment to all parts of the world including Mexico and England, but excepting America at that time.  

Opinion: The cost of Trump’s chaos just keeps accumulating

Thus, The 1619 Project is all BULLSHIT based on a basic lie!  As we all know, a LIE is the same thing as a HOAX!  Thus, The 1619 Project is all one Bigly HOAX, just like Donald Trump is one Bigly HOAX!  It’s all a HOAX!  

Trump, Cruz and THE NRA are all Nationally Repulsive Assholes!

Trump, Cruz and The NRA are all full of shit!

Fact-Checking Trump and Cruz at the N.R.A. Convention

Opinion | Nothing Is Stopping the N.R.A.’s Gun Orgy in Texas

Trump zeroes in on school security, mental health in campaign-style NRA speech


‘Give me a break’: Acosta reacts to Trump’s NRA speech


At NRA meeting, Trump reads names of Uvalde victims to gong sounds

Trump is GHOULISH and REPULSIVE!  But, that’s HIGH PRAISE for the likes of TRUMP!  Trump is pure evil, pure cruelty and absolutely pure hatred!  THAT is the PUREST Trump there is because TRUMP tried to exploit the VICTIMS of Uvalde at his godless NRA Orgy!  Cruz is just a stupid ass and the NRA are Nationally Repulsive Assholes!

While these assholes are in Texas, making asses of themselves at the the ill time NRA Convention

VP Harris tells Buffalo mourners: Stand up for what’s right › article › buffalo-supermarket-sho…

Vice President Kamala Harris is in Buffalo New York, at another funeral necessitated by another American Massacre!

STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!  (Against the assholes,)


And Trump IS a RACIST!

As Grieving Parkland Families Waited for Trump, He Ranted About How to ‘Stick It to the Mexicans’

(If Trump wasn’t RANTING about THE MEXICANS, he would have been ranting about the MUSLIMS or any other Non-WHITE Non-Christian.  Because Trump is a RACIST!  That is a FACT.)

Meanwhile …

Trump and GOP leaders to speak at NRA event in Houston after Texas school shooting

Gun owners, protesters and Donald Trump converge on Houston for NRA event

Trump, GOP leaders hand NRA new relevance amid gun debate: The Note

Opinion | Nothing Is Going to Stop the N.R.A.’s Gun Orgy in Texas

What was it that Republican Congressman from North Carolina MADISON CAWTHORN said about Republicans and their ORGIES!

Madison Cawthorn claims he was invited to an orgy in … – CNN › 2022/03/28 › politics › madison-c…

YUP!  Those Republicans sure likes their ORGIES!  SEX or GUNS and COCAINE!  It don’t matter to them.  They just loves their ORGIES!  (Damn PERVERTED Repukelickers.)

Apparently, besides their ORGIES, Trumpublicans also like CHEATING!

Trump’s Michigan election fraud claims actually proved true — sort of

Trump was RIGHT.  (Trump was RIGHT about cheating, but it was Republicans who CHEATED.  REPUBLICANS!)

Exclusive: DOJ interviews Georgia Republicans about interactions with Trump campaign in fake elector probe

Georgia investigation into Trump’s efforts to overturn 2020 election ramps up

I bet the Georgians find the same thing, that Trumpublicans/Repukelickers were the ones who CHEATED!

Will ‘extremism’ fracture the GOP? Cheney vs. Trump in Wyoming

It should.  It really should!  Fracture?  KILL ‘EM OFF is more like it.

Paul Ryan campaigns for GOP congressman who voted to impeach Trump

Republican Wisconsin elections panel member resigns, says Trump lost

Too little!  Too late!  Paul Ryan and the other Wisconsin Republicans helped Trump and the Trumpsters come to power in the first place.  Too bad!  The Republican Party MUST go!  Just like The Whigs before them.

TRUMP will always be an ASSHOLE and contributed to The UVALDE Massacre!

We would really like to believe “Trump is in the PAST!” ..

‘Trump is in the past’: Mounting losses show limits of power

Unfortunately, we once thought “Trump could NEVER be elected!” But he was.

Opinion: Perdue’s loss is good for democracy; Kemp’s win is not

However, we CAN believe this!

‘Trump picked this fight’: Why heavyweight Republicans no longer fear Trump

“Heavyweight Republicans”?  Who are they?  All we see is a bunch of light weight sycophants!

Trump expressed support for hanging Pence during Capitol riot, Jan. 6 panel told1

We can believe that!  Trump is an ASSHOLE!  (Always was!)

TRUMP is an ASSHOLE: he was in the past, is in the present and always will be in the future!  TRUMP THE ASSHOLE!

Uvalde Texas is the NOW!

Trump is THE KILLER and so is THE GOP!

Donald J. Trump is the BIGLY LOSER, LIAR and KILLER!

Kemp and Raffensperger will win Georgia GOP primaries, CNN projects, as voters reject Trump-backed challengers

Raffensperger fends off Trump-backed primary challenge in Georgia

Primary results in Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Arkansas: live updates

Georgia primaries: Trump-backed Perdue trounced by Pence’s pick

Brad Raffensperger, Who Blocked Trump From Stealing Georgia, Wins GOP Sec. Of State Race

Donald Trump had a rough night in Georgia

Donald Trump recalibrates his standing in GOP after primary setbacks

As one person puts it:

Opinion | As Trump’s primary picks lose, the former kingmaker becomes more dangerous

“More”?  I’d say Trump is WORTHLESS, not dangerous.  Certainly Trump is not MORE dangerous,  All Trump endorses are LOSERS who LOSE!

Primary Election 2022 takeaways: What happened in Georgia, Texas, North Carolina and other races

Takeaways: Trump’s big defeat; election denial backfiring


The DEATH COUNT is now up to 19 Children and 2 Teachers in Uvalde Texas, by one 18 year old young man who legally bought two assault rifles and 375 rounds of ammunition in TEXAS on his 18th birthday!  At the very least Governor Greg Abbott of Texas ought to be LAID OFF or FIRED!  Greg Abbott made it legal for this asshole to get these weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION!  Greg Abbott might as well have KILLED the 21 people himself!

2015 tweet from Greg Abbott urges Texans to buy guns at faster pace

That STUPID son of a bitch, Greg Abbott, is blaming ALL these deaths on MENTAL HEALTH!  To be sure mental health does factor in, but the commonality is GUNS!  GUNS!  GUNS!  Fire Greg Abbott and ALL the LAME-ASS REPUBLICANS!

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, of Texas, is also BLAMING MENTAL HEALTH and ‘multiple entrances’ to the school.  Those PRO-DEATH REPUBLICAN ASSHOLES will try to blame everything EXCEPT GUNS!  The same GUNS which they make easier for the MENTALLY ILL to get their hands on for these kinds of KILLINGS!  FIRE ALL the GODDAMN REPUBLICANS!  Fire all the LYING GOP politicians!

Okay!  Mental Health issues have been addressed by the law.  Entrances to schools have been addressed by the law.  HOW ABOUT ADDRESSING GUN BUYING with THE LAW?  WHY DO YOU REPUBLICANS ALWAYS STOP AT THE WATER’S EDGE?  Go further.  Go into the water.  What!  Are you AFRAID TO GET WET!  YOU PUSSIES!

What the HELL is happening here in America!  Americans are KILLING Americans, while at least in the Ukraine, Russians are killing Ukrainians!  At least in Ukraine they are NOT killing their own people!  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN AMERICA?

It’s NOT just the KILLINGS in Texas, but also the KILLINGS IN BUFFALO NEW YORK and over 40 of the states of The United States of America!  It’s well over TWO  HUNDRED MASS KILLINGS THIS YEAR ALONE.  (It’s only May!  Not even half the year 2022 is over and already America has had over 200 MASS KILLINGS!).  There have been more MASS SHOOTINGS than there have been days in this year!  Why do people have to DIE because of CRAZY IDIOTS with GUNS, and GODDAMN CHICKEN-SHIT REPUBLICANS?

Trump is RESPONSIBLE for the KILLINGS IN TEXAS as well as THE KILLINGS IN BUFFALO, The United States and THE UKRAINE!  (Trump is still WORTHLESS. In fact, Trump is even more WORTHLESS!  Trump is a WORTHLESS Orange Piece of SHIT!). As are ALL REPUBLICANS responsible for KILLINGS world-wide.  The Party that called itself “The Pro-Life Party” is the GOP Party, The Republican Party.  BULLSHIT!  ALL REPUBLICANS ARE KILLERS!  ”Pro-Life” my ass, REPUBLICANS ARE PRO-DEATH!

90 PERCENT OF ALL AMERICANS are IN FAVOR of at least comprehensive BACKGROUND CHECKS, before assholes, like this 18 year old SHITHEAD in Texas, are allowed to buy a gun.  NINETY PERCENT!  Yet 50 Republican Senators and Donald J. Trump prevent the bill from even coming to a vote in the U.S. Senate.  WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT?  

All eyes on NRA meeting featuring Cruz, Trump following Texas tragedy

“Thoughts and prayers” are NOT enough, but that is all we ever get from REPUBLICANS!  That is pure BULLSHIT!  Mental Health issues and School Entrances are not enough, but at least they are something!  Now do MORE!  Do GUN CONTROL you CHICKEN-SHIT PUSSY REPUBLITURDS!  Call it GUN SAFETY or whatever you want, but DO IT!  JUST DO IT!



Republicans are LIARS!



Trump and his MAGA MAGGOTS caused the KILLINGS in Texas!

Tuesday was the day!

Perdue ends campaign for GA gov. with racist remark against Stacey Abrams, Trump tele-rally

That is about right,  A RACIST ends a campaign with RACIST comments.  Typical of the GOP.  Typical of TrumpTurds and Trump!  Here is MORE of what they said, before the votes!

Trump faces biggest test since 2020 in Georgia: Primaries to watch

Pence says a vote for Kemp will send ‘deafening message’ that GOP is ‘party of the future’

Georgia’s Primaries May Be Trump’s Biggest Test Yet

Cheney and Pence take the fight to Trump, from Georgia to Wyoming

Trump heads for big rebuke in Tuesday’s elections

Then came THE VOTE!  But NOT before …

Kellyanne Conway in new book acknowledges Trump 2020 loss

Kellyanne Conway: Yes. Trump lost – POLITICO

Kellyanne Conway book admits Trump’s 2020 loss, shares marriage issues

Trump aides helped convince him he won 2020 election, Kellyanne Conway claims

“Alternative Facts – Kellyanne” says (in print) TRUMP LOST IN 2020!  Trump loses again in 2022!  TRUMP WILL LOSE (if he runs) in 2024!  Trump is a LOSER!  (Anyone can “convince” Trump he won, because Trump is so gullible.  Plainly stated:  TRUMP IS STUPID and he remains a LOSER!)

Then came THE VOTES!  (Still too early to tell who actually won and lost.)

One thing we do know is the tragedy of Uvalde Texas.  Eighteen (18) 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders were KILLED by an 18 year old with a GUN!  U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, of Connecticut, is correct when he says “SPARE ME THE BULLSHIT!”

‘Spare me the bullshit’: Sen. Chris Murphy rips GOP colleagues after Texas shooting

Mitch McConnell and all the rest of the GOP is FULL OF BULLSHIT!

Some of these kids may be DEAD NOW!

Chris asks “What are we doing?!”

‘What are we doing?!’: Lawmaker gets emotional on Senate floor over elementary school shooting

Really!  What are THEY doing?  The Democrats WANT to DO SOMETHING!  The Republiturds only want to send their FUCKING WORDS and sympathies.  Words and sympathies don’t mean SHIT to THE DEAD!  DO SOMETHING.  Like the old man once said, “Lead, Follow, or GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!”  It is long past time for the Republiturds to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!  It is time for them to give up their NRA DOLLARS.  They don’t do shit except BLOCK laws that might prevent shit like this from happening!  

VOTE AGAINST ALL REPUBLICANS if you want anything at all done in this country.  VOTE AGAINST THE GOP (Goofy Old Poops!)!


Trump ain’t SHIT, except Trump is ALL SHIT!

Post Politics Now: Pence appearing in Ga. to campaign against Trump-backed gubernatorial hopeful

‘Dark MAGA’: Madison Cawthorn makes ‘bizarre’ vow on social media

What Donald Trump Didn’t Count On in Georgia

Brian Kemp’s Quiet Campaign to Make Donald Trump Irrelevant

Has the ’Trump Shine” FADED?  Is Donald Trump irrelevant?  Hopefully!!!  (After all, no matter how hard you try, you canNOT shine an irrelevant Turd,)

‘Dark MAGA’: Madison Cawthorn makes ‘bizarre’ vow on social media

Trump has the “DARK MAGA”or “DARK SIDE of The Force” that Maddie has made known.

Trump seeks to control The Peach State?  Why?  Because he himself has been TWICE imPEACHed!

Trump didn’t expect DIS-LOYALTY, because to Trump “LOYALTY IS A ONE-WAY STREET”!  Even ‘The Emperor of the Sith Lords’ had more LOYALTY than Trump has. To Trump, he thinks he deserves LOYALTY and no one else does, except Putin!  

PUTIN is the ONLY PERSON Trump is LOYAL to.  PUTIN!  The COMMUNIST MONSTER Vladimir Putin!  This asshole is WHO Trump is LOYAL to.  ‘Vlad The Bad’ is the ONLY ASSHOLE Trump feels any LOYALTY for.

Trump should be IGNORED!

Trump and Georgia!  (Trump endorsed Dave “The Chicken Man” Perdue, but now Davey is GOING DOWN in the polls!  So what does Trump do?  He ignores him, and basically does ‘backsies’ like he did to Mo Brooks.)

Inside the Republican push to stop Trump’s ‘vendetta tour’ in Georgia

Georgia Governor Race Is a Test for Trump. It Isn’t Going Well.

What Donald Trump Didn’t Count On in Georgia

McConnell Adviser Blames Trump for ‘Embarrassing’ End to Perdue’s Career

Trump and Mo!  (Trump is a ‘Bo-Bo’!  “No!”  Trump is a ‘Doh-Doh’ as in ‘a dumbass’.)

Trump ditched Mo Brooks for going ‘woke.’ Now he’s rising again in the polls.

Trump and Arkansas!  (Trump endorsed his former press secretary, but Sarah Hunkajunk-Slanders, is the ONLY ONE in Arky who Trump has ‘endorsed’.   However, Sarah doesn’t really talk about Trump’s ‘endorsement’, at least not like Ozzie in PA did.  I guess she’d rather win.)

Arkansas governor is odd man out in his own state’s primary

Trump STUPID!  So Trump isn’t endorsing anyone but Sarah fat-ass in Arkansaa,   Especially not the guv. who stands a better chance of winning than Sarah does.

Kellyanne Conway: Trump mulled quitting 2016 race after ‘disgusting’ tape

Trump IS STUPID!  (He should have QUIT!  Kellyanne is a joke, ‘alternative facts’ and all!  Basically, Kelly LIES helped Trump get elected.)

How Trump’s 2020 Election Lies Have Gripped State Legislatures

‘No one’s paying any attention’: The week that Republicans ignored Trump’s election lies

It’s long past time people started IGNORING TRUMP!  All Trump does is LIES!

Robert Gates on Trump running for office again: ‘It would concern me’

Trump has people CONCERNED?  Seriously?  Especially when his ENDORSEMENTS LOSE!  Who the hell is going to VOTE for a LOSER who picks LOSERS?  Bob has a right to be “concerned”!


Did Trump Un-Endorse another one, with his lack of support for “Chicken Man” Perdue?

Trump washes hands of Perdue in Georgia as his campaign limps into final stretch

Perdue Had Trump. In Georgia, Kemp Had Everything Else.

Trump’s revenge tour is put to the test in Georgia, Alabama

Just like …

Donald Trump withdraws endorsement of Alabama Rep … – NPR › 2022/03/23 › donald-trump-mo-br…

Just like Mo, Trump does a “backsies” to Perdue too!

Trump might stop endorsing GOP primary candidates: CNN

Seriously!  If Trump is going to WITHDRAW HIS ENDORSEMENTS, then he might as well never give them in the first lace.

Opinion | Trump’s Alternate Reality Hits a New Crazy Note with Dr. Oz

At the same time Trump is telling Oz to “DECLARE VICTORY”, he says “Buh Bye” to Perdue!  Oz may LOSE anyway!  Perdue still has a chance.  A slim chance, but more of a chance than Ozzie!

Trump Faces More Humiliation in Georgia Republican Primary

In Georgia, a G.O.P. Primary Tests the Power of a Trump Vendetta

WHAT POWER?  Trump power is LIMP!

Trump’s MAGA is marching down a trail blazed by the Tea Party

Opinion | It’s Trump’s Party, and He’ll Lie if He Wants To

Opinion | How Elise Stefanik turned from promising moderate to Trump foot soldier

Did Elise step in it, or WHAT?