Monthly Archives: June 2022

Trump is ‘ODD’ and a real CLOD!

Oh the IRONY!

Another American woman just stood up to protect democracy from Trump

Jan 6 hearings: How Cassidy Hutchinson damaged Trump world

‘This is a bombshell’: Trump aides left speechless by Hutchinson testimony

A WOMAN takes down Trump!

Pro-Trump web turns to disinfo to counter Jan. 6 testimony

Naturally, the only thing Trumpistas have to say is LIES, just like DONALD J.TRUMP THE BIGLYEST LIAR!

The Odds Are Going Up That Trump Could Be Charged

The real “ODDS are” that Trump is really ODD!

June 2022 will be remembered as the month that ‘finished off Donald Trump’: analysts react to January 6 hearings

Andrea Mitchel asked Officer Daniel Hodges how he felt about Trump. And he said it just goes to show how Trump did not care about the lives of anyone else but himself and doing whatever he could to stay in power.  He said he was just a patrol officer, who was caught in the January 6, 2021 RIOT and almost killed by the TERRORIST RIOTERS who were INCITED BY TRUMP that day, who almost killed him, so his opinion doesn’t count.

YES IT DOES!  Officer Daniel Hodges and Cassidy Hutchinson do count!

What does NOT count is TRUMP’s opinion and the three justices (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) that asshole put on the Supreme Court, with the help of “Moscow Mitch” McConnell!  Those are the people who do NOT count!  They are all TRAITORS to you, me and All of AMERICA!

People are DYING, all over the place!

January 6th, 2021, John Eastman, Trump, Pence, Roe v. Wade overturned by GOP Controlled SCOTUS, Similac shipping in from Australia, Uvalde Shooting and the Cover-Up, Buffalo Shooting at the Grocery Store …

John Eastman phone seized by FBI agents

Former FBI deputy director reacts to agents seizing Trump attorney’s phone

John Eastman searched and had phone seized by federal agents last week, he says

Trump-allied lawyer who pushed for Pence to overturn election says federal agents seized his phone

Lawyer who advised Trump says federal agents seized phone


Russian strike hits Kremenchuk shopping center with more than 1,000 civilians inside, Ukraine says


Kill the Russians!  

Kill Putin!

Drop a NUKE on MOSCOW!  NOW!

Drop a NUKE on PUTIN the PUKE!

LIARS! Supreme LIARS! Supreme Court LIARS!

How can we TRUST Alito or any of the other 5 justices who LIED, especially the three just a short time ago, to get their spots on the Supreme Court only to overturn Roe v. Wade when all of them said it was “settled law” or “stare decisis”! 

They LIED then and they are LYING NOW, when they (Alito especially) says this ONLY affects Abortion law.  


You used to be able to TRUST the Supreme Court to act like JUDGES!  No more!  The simple FACT of the matter is that the Supreme Court acts like POLITICIANS now!  REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS!

The SIX who voted to OVERTURN Roe v. Wade, after 49 years, affect ALL LAWS that the Supreme Court decides including BLACKS MARRYING WHITES Justice Thomas!  You will have to UNMARRY Ginni, you fucking NINNY!  (Oops!  I used the N-Word.)

Knot-head!  (There!  I fixed it with a K-Word.). Clarice Thomasina is a Knot-Head!

GOP lawmaker says she misspoke after thanking Trump for ‘victory for White life’

This REPUBLICAN BITCH did NOT “misspeak”!  She said EXACTLY what she meant to say.  “Thanks for the WHITENESS Trump!”  “Thanks for the WHITENESS Supremes!”  “Make America WHITE Again!”  (Even though it was RED long before the first WHITE MAN polluted these shores.”  If it was a “slip” it was a ‘Freudian slip’ that she really MEANT!  “White life thanks!”

Opinion: Her ‘White life’ slip-up spoke volumes. What followed was just as unsettling

STARE DECISIS – Motherfucker!  (Roe was right, and The Supremes are WRONG!  They are also GOP Right-WingNUT-jobs, like the Miller woman and Trump!)

Be like JESUS, NOT like Donald (the Dingus) Trump!

People!  Please READ THESE WORDS!

The ONLY chance YOU have to Prove to GOD that YOU are worthy is by YOUR CHOICES!

If YOU CHOOSE to be good, then YOU have CHOSEN GOD’S WAY!  Right?

When you take a person’s ability to CHOOSE away from them, then YOU have done WRONG in the eyes of GOD and MAN!  You have CHOSEN TO BE BAD!  Based on YOUR CHOICE, YOU are going to HELL for all ETERNITY!

It is all about CHOICE!  Do YOU CHOOSE to be PRO-CHOICE or pro-death?  Do YOU CHOOSE to be a WHITE SUPREMACIST or a real “FORGIVING” person of GOD!

Jesus FORGAVE, because He CHOSE to FORGIVE!  Forgiveness was NEVER forced upon Him.  It was NEVER decided by the LIARS of the COURT!

Now, about those WHITE POWER racists!

Former President Trump Speaks at Illinois Rally

GOP Rep. Miller, speaking alongside Trump, calls SCOTUS ruling ‘victory for white life’

Rep. Miller thanks Trump for ‘victory for white life,’ campaign says she misread remarks

Mary Miller says abortion ruling ‘victory for white life’ at Trump rally

Rep. Miller thanks Trump for ‘victory for white life,’ campaign says she misread remarks

Illinois Republican tells Trump rally that Roe verdict a ‘victory for white life’

“MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN!”  (Like it never was WHITE America.  The original America, before the WHITE MAN, was RED!). “WHITE LIFE” – bullshit!  GOP Bullshit.  Republican Bullshit.  Trump BULLSHIT!  Except this time this BULLSHIT is from some WHITE BITCH named Mary Miller who is running for elective office in Illinois!  This is the kind of RACIST SCUM that Trump loves, who must be BEAT!  (And BEATEN within an inch of her miserable LOW-LIFE the SCUMMY BITCH.)

Supposedly she was trying to say “Right To Life” but then made her ‘Freudian slip’ and said :

“WHITE LIFE”.  What a SCUM SUCKING PIG of a RACIST she is!  She “supposedly” has NON-White grandchildren, but she QUOTED ADOLF HITLER in 2020 and is now thanking Trump for the “WHITE LIFE” that Trump helped with his putting LIARS on the Supreme Court!

Roe v Wade: senators say Trump supreme court nominees misled them

The Supreme Court nominees did NOT MIS-LEAD anyone.  They FLAT OUT LIED!  Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett all LIED!  They CHOSE to LIE!  For those LIES, they are going TO HELL!  That is simply a FACT!  Are YOU going to hell with them?

GOP Republican Trumpublican TrumpTurds MAGA-heads, have their heads buried so far up the ass of Donald Dingus Trump that they do not even know anything happened on January 6th, 2021.  Well. I have NEWS for them:  That is the day that TRUMP INCITED THE INSURRECTION on The Capitol Building of the United States in his FAILED ATTEMPT to conduct a COUP de TAT so that he would stay in office.  TRUMP FAILED, like he ALWAYS FAILS!  (Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Water and all other TRUMP BULLSHIT!)  TRUMP IS A FAILURE and so are ALL the TrumpTurds!  Even Republicans who will NEVER EVER vote for a Democrat believe Trump LIED and BROKE THE LAW!  Even Trump’s own Daughter IVANKA believes Daddy Donald LOST the election, and all the lies Donald has proclaimed since then are all just “BULLSHIT”!  Ivanka said that!  Ivanka agreed with Bill Barr.  Ivanka RESPECTS Bill Barr.  (Obviously Ivanka does NOT respect her own father anymore.)







“Hang Mike Pence!” Like the INSURRECTIONIST REPUBLICANS chanted at The Capitol on January 6th, 2021.  But, don’t stop there!


Hang all the Republican SCUM on the SCOTUS!

Hang all the Republican Insurrectionists!

Hell!  HANG ALL THE GODDAMN REPUBLITURDS!  Hang ‘em like the dogs they are.  Even as they SNIFF each other’s butts!

Pro-Life is a LIE that is really PRO-DEATH, because Republicans are LIARS!

Pro-Life is a LIE!

They don’t care if 


Besides that, Pro-Life is UN-CHRISTIAN!  (Jesus was all about CHOICES, not mandates.)  JESUS WAS PRO-CHOICE (and let God figure it out.)

All REPUBLICANS are PRO-DEATH!!!  They want GUNS!!!  GUNS!!! And MORE GUNS!!!


Targets for their GUNS!!!

Trump privately called a Roe v. Wade reversal ‘bad’ for his party

NO!  What was ‘BAD’ for America were the DUMBASSES who put Trump in The White House in the First Place!  THOSE DUMBASSES, along with Russian COLLUSION, ‘MADE AMERICA HATE AGAIN’!

Republicans do not want to feed children, help them, protect them or anything good!  The Republicans only want to SHOOT THEM!  If women die along the way, then TOO FUCKING BAD FOR THEM!  They knew what they were getting into!  (Many of them did NOT when they were RAPED or molested by an INCESTUOUS RELATIVE.  Too fucking bad.  But make sure they have those unwanted kids.  Even if they can’t feed them, cuz the GOPPERS can shoot them.)


Roe v. Wade – OVERTURNED (Turned over and FUCKED!)

So Trump is not TOTALLY STUPID!  (Nobody else could possibly be as STUPID as he is.)

Trump Privately Called a Roe v. Wade Reversal ‘Bad’ for His Party

Trump’s JUST STUPID ENOUGH to put the judges on the SuckCream Court who made it happen!  What a DUMBASS!  (Men such as Nellie GorSUCK, Breast Kav-A-NAUGH the LIAR and the woman Flamey Cummy-Bare-It.  Biden put Clariece Thomasina on the court when Biden was a Senator.  Clareice married a white-woman named Ginni Lamp, who has been bringing back the darkness all her miserable life.  So who the hell is this Frito, Bean-Head Alito the wanna-be Cheeto?)

Trump takes credit for end of Roe v. Wade after his 3 Supreme Court justice picks vote to void abortion rights

“Moscow Mitch” (The Russian Bitch) McConnell made it happen!  When he REFUSED to even meet with Merrick Garland because President Obama nominated him, but was in such a HUGE RUSSIAN RUSH to get Amy Cummy-Barrett on the court after Ruth Bader-Ginsburg died and Trump nominated her!

Pence calls for national abortion ban as Trump, GOP celebrate end of Roe

REPUBLICAN FUCKS!  (“Moscow Mitch”, his tovarisch Trump, and all Republicans suck!  Maybe Pence should have been hanged, like Trump said.  So should that rabid hamster Randy Paul, who claims to be a Libertarian but is really a Republiturd like all the rest if those shit-headed idiots!)

It is NOT CHRISTIAN to prevent a woman from having an abortion.  (If YOU think it is, then YOU are NOT a Christian, and that is a FACT.)

THE CHRISTIAN THING TO DO is let a woman have a CHOICE and then FACE the consequences of her CHOICE when her time comes to face her creator.

THAT is ‘The Christian Thing To Do’.  That is what JESUS would do!  Jesus would leave it up to the individual, not mandate it by The Court!  

Anything else is a SIN, and SINNERS GO TO HELL!!!  (Just like LIARS like ‘The Donald’, “Moscow Mitch”, Pence and all the other pricks like that Frito – Alito!)

Even Benjamin Franklin wrote about ABORTION (Yes!  That Franklin – the kite & key Franklin), thus making Alito just another LIAR in a long line of Republican LIARS!  (Alito is going to HELL for sure!)

Benjamin Franklin gave instructions on at-home abortions in a … › 2022/05/18 › abortion-ben-frankli…

Read it!  (All the way to the end of this SHORT article.)  Benjamin Franklin, one of the FOUNDERS, supported ABORTION!  (Look up:  “ben franklin wrote about safe abortion” on Google to find more moral support!  The Heritage Foundation article is FULL OF SHIT!  As is The Heritage Foundation.  Republicans care more about GUN RIGHTS than PEOPLE RIGHTS, and that is wrong.)

The first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BCE. Many of the methods employed in early cultures were non-surgical. Physical activities such as strenuous labor, climbing, paddling, weightlifting, or diving were a common technique.

History of abortion – Wikipedia

Read it and weep: for that DUMBASS ALITO!  One thousand Five Hundred Fifty years BEFORE the CHRISTIAN ERA is long before The Constitution of the U.S. was even thought of.  Alito is such a DUMB ASS!

DeSantis is MURDOCHING Trump!

DeSantis will WIN.  Trump will LOSE (again).  Then DeSantis will LOSE BIGLY

Ron DeSantis doesn’t want Trump’s endorsement: report

A poll that should scare Donald Trump

2024 poll: DeSantis edges Trump in New Hampshire, which holds the first presidential primary

2024 intrigue: DeSantis declines to ask Trump for reelection endorsement

Dump Trump? DeSantis Fever Is Spreading Across Murdoch’s Media Empire

By the way …

Oz drops Trump branding in general election shift

DeSantis dropped and drop-kicked it a long time ago.

Sit down! Shut up! And WATCH it!

Just WATCH & LISTEN to the JANUARY 6th HEARINGS on TV!  (4th episode, Thursday, June 23, 2022,  12 noon Eastern Time on MSNBC)

Read all the stories about it, them on the WEB!


Don’t be a DUMBASS with your head buried in the FOX, OAN or NEWSMAX butthole with YOUR butt up in the air waiting to get WACKED by Dumbass Donald!


BE REAL ‘HONEST TO GOD’ PATRIOTS and not PINOs (Patriots In Name Only) like the fucking RINOs or REPUBLICUNTS!

Pence is a PUTZ!

Now even Trump’s own VICE PRESIDENT is calling Trump a LIAR!

Pence Says He’s Never Seen a President Lie as Much as … Biden

Oh!  Wait!  Pence is calling Biden THE LIAR!  That’s really rich since Trump was the guy who said Pence should probably DIE!   Just goes to prove what a numbnuts Mike Pence is, because he still LIES for Dumbass Donald!  You really can NOT believe anyone who calls himself a Republican (Trumpublican’t) because THEY ALL LIE like Mike.

‘The View’: ‘Recovering Trump Addicts’ Ripped By Joy Behar, Host Says ‘Don’t Try And Fool Us’

Republicans (Trumpublican’ts) are all RECOVERING ADDICTS, who are NOT really “recovering”.

Trump and Pence feud over actions on January 6

Seems like Mike Pence can’t really figure out who his FRIENDS and ENEMAS are.  Pence is so FULL OF SHIT he really does need an ENEMA!  What a SHIT-HEAD!

Trump and Texas are TURDS full of TURDS!


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’Breakdown — The Trump Grand Jury’ Ep. 1: The Jan. 2 phone call

Ex-Watergate prosecutor: Trump has “zero” defense in Georgia probe

Donald Trump Has ‘Zero’ Defense in Georgia Investigation: Akerman

Ex-Watergate Prosecutor Says Georgia Probe Is The One That Could ‘Send Trump To Jail’

Watergate prosecutor: Georgia case could ‘send Donald Trump to prison’

Let’s hope it does!  (Jail or Prison.  Maybe even a Gulag!)

The Texas Republican Party convention was really, um, something

Something WEIRD!  (Seriously, let’s send ‘Texas’ BACK TO MEXICO were it belongs!)