Monthly Archives: November 2022

Trump is NOT the MASTUR of his DOMAIN NO More! Nopey! Dopey! (He ain’t no MASTURDEBATER either! Trump is just a MASTURBATER!)

Trump really did it THIS TIME!!!

Trump’s Jewish Allies Denounce Dinner With Kanye West and Nick Fuentes

GOP Condemns Donald Trump Dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes

GOP reaction to Trump’s embrace of Holocaust denier reveals who still won’t cross him

Pence, other Republicans issue rare rebuke of Trump over dinner with Fuentes and Ye

Kevin McCarthy’s excuses for Donald Trump don’t check out

Just goes to PROVE that …

Trump doesn’t have ‘absolute immunity’ over efforts to overturn 2020 election, judge says

US courts ruling in favor of justice department turns legal tide on Trump

Judges or OTHERS!

Former Trump deputy chief of staff Ornato, a key witness on Jan. 6, to appear before House committee

Trump FUCKED himself this time!  (Like all the rest!!)

DON’T CONFUSE ME WITH THE FACTS!  I know that ALL the ELECTIONS won by REPUBLICANS were CROOKED and RIGGED!   I know it in my HEART.  I DO NOT NEED ANY EVIDENCE!  All the REPUBLICANS CHEATED!  Rerun those elections until the real people win.  That is, rerun the elections until ANYONE BUT Republicans win.  ANYONE!!!

Trump is the MASTURBLAMER!

Of course Trump BLAMES Ye!  He always blames somebody else for HIS OWN screw-ups!

Trump dinner with white nationalist Fuentes not ‘accidental’: GOP gov

Trump scrambles to defend Mar-a-Lago dinner with notorious bigots

Video Trump criticized for hosting controversial dinner guests at Mar-a-Lago

Trump blames Kanye West for bringing Nick Fuentes as dinner guest

(Kanye West is a KNOWN ANTI-SEMITE!  Fuentes is a KNOWN NAZI and RACIST!  Trump is a KNOWN IDIOT!  Trump is REALLY STUPID, but he knows who Nick Fuentes is and what he represents, just as Trump knew who David Duke was and that he represented the Ku Klux Klan [KKK]!)

Congressional Republicans were largely silent after POLITICO revealed Donald Trump dined with white supremacist …

Donald Trump’s Bad Dinner Guests

Donald Trump ‘shied away from criticising Nick Fuentes’

Pro-Israel group that honored Trump blasts his meeting with Ye and Fuentes

Opinion: Trump hosting a bigot at Mar-a-Lago’s not surprising. Here’s what is

As Trump always BLAMES others for other things HE SCREWS-UP!

Trump, Done with Democracy, Calls on Kari Lake to Be ‘Installed’ as Arizona’s Governor Rolling Stone

Trump, Done with Democracy, Calls on Kari Lake to Be ‘Installed’ as Arizona’s Governor Yahoo

(Trump BLAMES the voters!)

Donald Trump blasts newly appointed special counsel Jack Smith

Trump blasts special counsel Jack Smith as ‘political hit man’

(Trump BLAMES Jack Smith!)

Turning Point for Garland as Justice Dept. Grapples With Trump Inquiries

(Trump BLAMES Merrick Garland and The DOJ!)

The ONE THING we know for sure about Trump, besides the FACT that TRUMP IS NOT A MAN, is that TRUMP IS A LIAR!  (He BLAMES others for his own mistakes,). TRUMP IS A LOSER!  He LOST the Senate.  He LOST The House.  He LOST The White House.  What has Trump WON?  NOTHING!  Are the REPUKES Getting TIRED of ‘ALL TRUMP’s LOSING’, YET?  Apparently not, because they just keep letting him LOSE and they don’t say a thing about it!  Now he’s having dinner with RACISTS (like him).

Trump the NAZI, Commie, Dictator LOVER!


‘F—ing nightmare’: Trump team does damage control after he dines with Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes

Trump’s former US ambassador to Israel blasts meeting with Ye, Nick Fuentes: ‘You are better than this’

Former GOP lawmaker identifies ‘larger problem’ after Trump’s dinner


Why deniers of Trump’s 2020 loss conceded this election

“Of the deniers running for offices with direct authority over elections in battleground states — governor, attorney general and secretary of state — all lost. National Public Radio found that those candidates also tended to fare worse than fellow Republicans on the same ballot, suggesting public aversion to their particular brand of nonsense.”

Democrats want to RUN AGAINST THE LOSER!

The Memo: Democrats pine for Trump as GOP nominee

Trump is easily BEATABLE, like a rug!

Trump uses “The Blacks” and they bring him “The Racists”!

Trump will host anyone with MONEY or RACISTS!

Former President Donald Trump hosts problematic guests at Mar-a-lago

Trump’s Latest Dinner Guest: Nick Fuentes, White Supremacist

Trump hosted Holocaust denier at Mar-a-Lago estate during visit with Kanye West, a week after announcing 2024 run

Trump world reels after white nationalist dinner

White House blasts Trump for meeting with white supremacist

Elon is still an ASS!

Musk “fine” with Trump not using Twitter, would back DeSantis in 2024

Elon Musk Says He’d Back Trump Rival Ron DeSantis If He Runs For President


Jerome Adams and his wife, Lacey, fight cancer and the “Trump Effect”

Real people fight CANCER and TRUMP!

Donald Trump, Senior, is a PIECE OF SHIT!

Trump is such a PIECE OF SHIT!  Just about EVERYTHING is WRONG with Donald J. Trump, Senior!

Donald Trump dined with white nationalist, Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes

Trump hosts Kanye West, Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago dinner

Trump hosted Holocaust denier at Mar-a-Lago estate during visit with Kanye West, a week after announcing 2024 run

Either he is STUPID or a RACIST, probably BOTH, but we know for sure that Trump is a RAPIST PIECE OF SHIT!

E. Jean Carroll files new sexual assault lawsuit against Trump after NY legal change

E. Jean Carroll sues Trump under New York Adult Survivors Act

Trump is a LOSER!

Trump – Loser – Rapist – Dirty Minded!

Trump is all washed up!  (But he still has a Dirty Mind!)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski wins re-election in Alaska, fending off Trump-backed challenger Kelly Tshibaka

Lisa Murkowski Wins Re-election in Alaska, Beating a Trump-Backed Rival

Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola win Alaska races, defeating Trump-backed opponents

Trump is a LOSER!

Ex-Trump official on why he thinks Trump will lose in 2024

Trump LEFT the Christians!

Trump Bragged ‘the Evangelicals’ Would ‘Never’ Leave Him. Then the Defections Began

Trump is, always has been and always will be a RAPIST!

E. Jean Carroll files new sexual assault lawsuit against Trump after NY legal change

Trump sucks!  Bigly!

The Death-Fart DARTH tax-eVADER TRUMP

Darth TAX-EVADER!  Trump has finally been ordered by The Supremes to release only the last six years of his taxes.  That’s only his term as president and the first two years of Biden’s.  WHAT THE FUCK!

Trump rips Supreme Court after ruling he hand over tax records

Trump’s rough day in court ends with a double defeat

Besides, it’s the end of this Democratic Congress, so when the Republicans take the House over in 2023 then they will shut that shit down quick!

So what is Trump so angry about?  As DARTH TAX-EVADER he has RUN-OUT-THE-CLOCK!  The bigly orange cock!

In OTHER Trump screws!

If DeSantis Wins the Nomination, Trump Will Endorse Him

NO!  Don’t count on it, because the Primary Election was stolen!

SCOTUS rejects Trump, Army vet hero talks Club Q shooting: 5 Things podcast

Bigly deal!  SCOTUS Rejects everything these days, even FIFTY-YEAR OLD LAWS and RIGHTS!

Trump allies shed fear of former boss as they eye 2024

Big bigly deal!  It’s like shedding an old SNAKE-SKIN!

Trump Org. X-Mas bonus list is a heart attack on a chart, accountant testifies


China’s Xi Misses Donald Trump, Too. It’s Not Just Putin.

THE ONLY PEOPLE who really miss Trump are COMMUNISTS and dumbasses (pretty much the same people)!

Kick TRUMP’s Fat Ass! (Don’t kiss it!)

Trump is so over!  (“R” stands for REDS, Russians, Retards, Reprobates, and Republicans!  Get used to it!  Russians are REDS and so are Republiscum!)

Seven Republicans most likely to challenge Trump in 2024

Opinion | What Makes Trump Different From DeSantis and Other Republicans

Ooh!  Ooh!  Teacher!  I can answer that,  TRUMP IS AN ASSHOLE TO EVERYONE,  DeSantis is just a regular asshole!  Both are Republiturd ASSHOLES, but Trump is a BIGLYER ASSHOLE than DeSanctimonious!  (Both are Republicunts!)

Late Night Reacts to Trump’s Reinstatement to Twitter

Basically, Elon FUCKED-UP AGAIN!  He also FUCKED-UP with TESLA and SPACE-X!

Supreme Court clears way for House to get Trump’s taxes

Supreme Court Allows House Democrats to Obtain Trump’s Tax Returns

Supreme Court clears way for Trump tax records to be sent to Congress by IRS

THE BIGLY ORANGE COCK, ran out the clock.  Hickory DICKory dock!  (Dock for DOCUMENTS!  Those he STOLED and those he kept us from seeing.  Trump is a DICK!)


Trump is a TURD!

Pompeo is PATHETIC!

DeSantis is DISTURBED!

West is a WACK-A-DOODLE!

Musk is a MUTANT!

McCarthy is a MUTT!

Jordan is a JERK!

Cruz is a CRUD!

Rubio is a RETARD!

Abbott is an ABORTION!

Those are YOUR Republicans who are all REDS!

(p.s.  Putin is a Pissant!)

Trump has Elon to KISS HIS ASS!

Trump and The GOP are little more than PIG SLOP!  Trump may be WEAK …

Donald Trump is at his weakest political position in years

… but HE still emits a STRONG BAD SMELL, some would even call it a STENCH!  (Even Trump would call it “a STENCH like you have never smelt before!”)

2024 Republican rivals put Trump on notice

Trump may not make it to the primaries

These prominent Republicans are speaking out against Trump’s 2024 run

There is no such thing as a “PROMINENT REPUBLICAN”!  They are nothing more than Repukelickers kissing Trump’s Bigly Orange Wrinkled ASS at Mar-a-Lago (FAKE home of Illegal CLASSIFIED Documents that Trump stoled from The White House).  Remember how McCarthy Flew Down To KISS TRUMP’s BUTT after calling him out for the January 6th INSURRECTION!  Anyone who was once a Republican and calls him or herself one now, is nothing more than TRUMP SCUM!  Kevin McCarthy is TRUMP SCUM!!!

Trump’s growing GOP challengers revive fears of 2016 repeat

Trump Challengers?  More like Trump Wannabes!

Trump snubs Twitter after Musk announces reactivation of ex-president’s account

Musk draws fire after lifting Twitter ban on Donald Trump

Elon Musk and Trump’s Terrifically Stupid Return to Twitter

Jack White leaves Twitter after Musk reinstates Trump: ‘Shame on you’

Musk is just a “TRUMP ASS TASTER”!

Trump Family’s Newest Partners: Middle Eastern Governments

It figures!  Trump HATES America and Americans!  Trump is IN LOVE WITH a Communist Dictator, works for a Communist War Monger, fed the BESTEST Chocolate Cake to a Chinese Commie at Mar-a-Lago, and does sword dances with Saudi Killers!  Why wouldn’t Trump partner-up with Arabs rather than Americans?  TRUMP IS A TRAITOR!  Trump is a MURDERER! (Do you really believe Jeffrey Epstein hung himself with two guards watching his every move?  Seriously!  Trump paid-them-off and paid for Jeff to be MURDERED in his cell!  Trump paid for the Jeff Epstein MURDER in his PRISON CELL, on DOUBLE SUICIDE WATCH, with bed sheets!  I am more certain of THAT, than I am that Saudi Arabian ‘King-to-be’ MBS ordered the killing and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi.  I am certain of THAT!  So is the bulk of the U.S. Government except the Republitards!  WAKE THE FUCK UP! PEOPLE!!)

Trump and his TWITS!

Yet another DUMBASS action by Elon which will eventually KILL TWITTER!  (The TWIT!)

Elon Musk Reinstates Trump’s Twitter Account

Twitter was already in disarray. Trump’s return will only make it more chaotic

Donald Trump reacts after Elon Musk reinstates his Twitter account, ending lifetime ban

Other news about Trump the chump!

DeSantis, Others Draw Distinctions With Trump in 2024 GOP Nomination Race

DeSantis, Pence, Haley, other potential 2024 Trump rivals mostly play it cool at donor confab

Pence: Dobbs decision ‘among most consequential’ Trump legacies

For experts, the evidence in two probes compels charging Trump

Everything seems to revolve around Trump.  Why is that?  Maybe, because, Trump is still the main CHUMP!

The fact is, The Trump Administration was the LEAST TRANSPARENT Administration since before Washington.

Trump White House blocked dozens of new government websites

And, the Trumper’s are LOSERS!

Video ‘We stick with Trump, we keep losing elections’: former House Speaker Paul Ryan

LOSERS!  The GOP goop knows it too!

Trump’s growing GOP challengers revive fears of 2016 repeat

LOSERS of 2016 and the future!

DeSantis, Others Draw Distinctions With Trump in 2024 GOP Nomination Race


Pence says he was ‘disappointed’ by Meadows’s performance as Trump chief of staff

MORE and BIGLYER LOSERS!  (Pence, Meadows and ALL the Clubhouse Gang!  The GOP Goop!)