Monthly Archives: December 2022

Trump and HIS Taxes HIS Liars and HIS Opportunists!

Trump’s Taxes!  FINALLY!

Here’s what tax pros are looking for in Donald Trump’s returns

GOP attacks Dems’ probe of Trump’s tax returns on eve of their release

No shit!  The GOP attacks the Dems!  If it wasn’t about Trump’s taxes it would be something else?

Kayleigh McEnany a ‘liar and opportunist’, says former Trump aide

NO SHIT!  All of Trump’s people are LIARS and OPPORTUNISTS (like he is).  

Then there’s George Santos, the NEWEST LIAR and OPPORTUNIST!

Trump, Santos, MTG, basically all Republicans are LIARS!

The committee didn’t WITHDRAW the ‘Trump Subpoena’ because they knew he did nothing wrong.  They withdrew it because they knew he would NEVER respond to it.

January 6 committee withdraws Trump subpoena: ‘They knew I did nothing wrong’

The FUCK-HEADS at FOX can say anything they want, they can LIE and LIE about whatever they wish to LIE, but the ‘TRUTH IS’ Trump is GUILTY and he refused to HONOR the subpoena because he tries to DENY all the facts and run out the clock!  That is a GRIFTERS trick, and Trump’s only strategy!  (You’ll never find that on ‘Truth Social” which is just another Trump SCAM!)

January 6th House committee drops Trump subpoena as it winds down

January 6 committee drops Trump subpoena as it winds down

Meet the little-known lawyer behind Democrats’ years-long battle with Trump

Trump was NEVER serious about running for the presidency again!

Trump’s Disastrous Campaign Launch is Bleeding Supporters

Trump’s main goal was to BLEED his supporters of their money into his pockets.  It’s called GRIFTING!!!  Trump is now, and always has been a GRIFTER!!!  Meanwhile The GOP is EATING ITSELF.

Divided GOP enters 2023 attacking itself

Trumpists don’t seem to get that TRUMP will NEVER BE ALLOWED TO RUN AGAIN.  EVER!!!

Trumpist Site Encourages Donald to Run in a Third Party — and He Seems Down

Trump “Seems Down”?  Bigly Fucking Deal!   ’Truth Social’ is all lies, about everything, ALL THE TIME!  And that’s the ONLY TRUTH about ’Truth Social’!

Maybe Trump can ask George Santos to be his running mate!  Then they can call their third party ‘THE LIARS PARTY’!  Either Santos or Marjoe Taytay Greeneburg!

THE GOP is goop and TRUMP is a turd!

Trump is WORTHLESS, and LESS and LESS!

Donald Trump’s Digital Trading Cards Lose Value Rapidly In One Week

Opinion | Three Ways to Read Trump

Cassidy Hutchinson transcript reveals new low for Trump world

WH aide says Trump received ‘dolly of boxes’ with intelligence docs

Trump White House took QAnon theories seriously, former aide says: CBS News Flash Dec. 28, 2022

And as for ASSociates of Trump …

Former Trump White House aide told Jan. 6 panel Mark Meadows burned documents a dozen times during the transition period

Mark is a WORTHLESS SON OF A BITCH too!  All REPUKELICKANS are WORTHLESS TRAITORS!  They might as well call themselves RUSKIES!  That’s TRULY what the ‘R’ stands for!  ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell NOW makes much more sense!  GODDAMN RUSSIANS!  Blowing-up The Ukraine and America at the same time!  GODDAMN REPUBLICAN RUSSIANS!  What else are they SCREWING-UP?  Iran?  China?  North Korea?  GODDAMN RUSSIANS!

Supreme Court keeps in place Trump-era immigration policy for now

Supreme Court extends Trump-era pandemic immigration rule to allow quicker deportations

AND Thanks to the REPUBLICAN MAJORITY on the Supreme Court (Thanks in LARGEST PART to ‘Moscow Mitch’ and The TrumpDick) this country NOW has the DEATH PANELS that the REPUBELICKERS warned us about years ago!  The Supremes, Alito and his GANG OF REPUKES, reversed ROE v. WADE and thus sent many women, AMERICAN WOMEN, to their DEATHS!  Thanks a lot you FECKLESS FUCKS!  People are DYING in Buffalo, New York!  People are DYING in The Ukraine!  People are DYING because of The Supremes revoking Roe v. Wade!  People will DIE in Texas and other parts of the Southern Border because of The Supremes keeping ‘Title 42’ in place!  The SUPREME COURT is made up of REPUBLICAN MURDERERS!!! 

SUPREME COURT REPUBLICANS are MURDERERS!   Republicunts are worthless!

LIAR & GRIFTER! Trump and/or SANTOS and/or Any Republican for that matter!

Trump is about as TRUTHFUL as Santos.  BOTH are REPUBLICANS!

On reelection campaign, Trump adviser tells reporter ‘magic is gone’

Trump attacks reporter after she revealed his 2024 adviser thinks ‘the magic is gone’

Trump insider says ‘some accurate stuff’ in profile of moribund 2024 campaign

Trump blasts McConnell over passage of government funding bill

Donald Trump Is Being Encouraged to Move on From Political Life in a Not-So-Subtle Way by Mitch McConnell

Donald Trump won Republicans over in 2016 as he loses them in 2022


Trump Legacy Is Supreme Court’s ‘Nostalgia Doctrine’

Why do we compare Trump to Santos?

Liar Rep.-elect George Santos admits fabricating key details of his bio

Rep.-elect George Santos admits to lying about resume on campaign trail

Rep.-elect Santos admits lying about his credentials

George Santos Admits to Lying About College and Work History

Know before you go: Southwest Airlines delays, George Santos admits lying and more

Video George Santos admits he lied about his bio

Democrats call for George Santos to resign over ‘whopping lies’

Because THEY (Trump and Santos) ARE BOTH LIARS and REPUBLICANS.  Only George admits his LIES and will hopefully PAY FOR HIS LIES!  Democrats are NOT the ONLY PEOPLE who want Santos to RESIGN (and Trump to quit running)!  All People want LYING ASSHOLES LIKE THEM to get out of Politics and The Supreme Court!

ALL REPUBLICANS LIE!  (Look at Kevin McCarthy NOW!!!  He’s a LIAR and a REPUBLICAN!)

Trump is a WITLESS TWIT!

Trump is really FULL OF HIMSELF (SHIT).

Trump spreads holiday jeers with Truth Social rant directed at ‘Radical \Left Marxists,’ ‘Department of Injustice’

Trump Calls Himself “Clairvoyant” in Unhinged Christmas Message

Trump Christmas message: ‘The USA is dying from within!!!’


Putin, Trump and the Ghost of Christmas Future

What an ASS!  Trump is an ASS!  Trump is PUTIN!  PUTIN IS AN ASS!

Republicans making moves toward entering 2024 primary against Trump

List: Trump former allies who turned against him and oppose 2024 run

REPUBLICANS AGAINST TRUMP!!!  (It’s about damn time for those assholes to WAKE THE FUCK UP!)

Trump keeps on GRIFTING as The GRINCH!

Trump is THE GRINCH (with no happy ending).

Donald Trump 2024: His Final Presidential Campaign

If the DOJ does the right thing, Trump will already have had his LAST CAMPAIGN and there won’t be anymore Trump campaigns, when he is in PRISON FOR LIFE!  The TRAITOROUS BASTARD!

Potential GOP presidential contenders face crossroads as 2024 decisions near

Republicans making moves toward entering 2024 primary against Trump

Donald J. Trump has NO POTENTIAL!  Trump has only GRIFT!


Trump is the CAUSE!

With eyes on DOJ, a complex path for Trump Jan. 6 prosecution

Why should it be difficult to prosecute Trump?  Everyone KNOWS he did it!

Hope Hicks says Trump called blame for Jan. 6 unfair

“This does sound crazy”: Hope Hicks reveals Trump laughed at Sidney Powell’s election claims

Even Hope (the dope) knows HE did it!  Trump IS crazy!  He’s a fucking LUNATIC!

Trump rails against Jan. 6 committee following final report release

Trump “rails” as everyone and anyone who disagrees with him, because he is a bigly BABY!

Bill Barr knows Trump did it!

Trump White House drafted statement attacking Barr after he publicly refuted Trump’s voter fraud claims, transcript reveals

January 6 committee report: Breakdown of findings on Trump, attack

The Committee interviewed HUNDREDS of Trump supporters, and they all say TRUMP did it!

Trump DID IT!

Lock Trump Up and Throw Away The Key! 

Lock that fat orange fucker up and lose the key!

Bar Trump behinds BARS!

Bar Trump from EVER taking any elected or appointed office ever!

Jan. 6 select committee’s final report includes recommendation that could bar Trump run in 2024

January 6 committee releases final report, says Trump should be barred from office

Jan. 6 panel unveils report, describes Trump ‘conspiracy’

Jan. 6 final report released: Committee puts blame on Trump

January 6 committee report: Breakdown of findings on Trump, attack

Jan. 6 committee final report fallout continues on Capitol Hill: Live updates

Jan. 6 report blames Trump, aims to prevent return to power

Jan. 6 Report Leaves Questions About What Happened in Trump’s S.U.V.

Transcripts reveal link between Trump, Nevada fake electors

Senate GOP rebukes Trump with Electoral Count Act

Ivanka Trump ‘visibly upset’ as she tried to get father to stop Capitol riot

Opinion | Adam Schiff: My Fellow Members of the Jan. 6 Committee and I Don’t Want You to Forget About ‘the Republican Congressmen’

Read the Jan. 6 committee report in full

Opinion | Donald Trump Is Now Forever Disgraced

So!  Trump is still SUPPOSEDLY a billionaire!

These 23 companies got $50 billion in tax breaks due to a Trump tax law

Donald Trump is America’s poorest billionaire

Five red flags in Trump’s taxes

Soon enough he’ll be a millionaire and then POOR!

Trump-era pardon recipients are increasingly back in legal jeopardy

Trump’s cronies KEEP getting in more trouble!

McConnell calls out ‘diminished’ Trump, vows not to bow to his candidates in 2024

“Moscow Mitch’ ain’t having it!  (I wonder how Mitchie the bitchie feels about Putin these days?)

Trump The GRIFTER!

Donald Trump’s whole game plan is to STALL!  (Justice DELAYED in Justice DENIED!)

Judge to Trump: Stop Stonewalling Letitia James With ‘Frivolous’ Filings

Judge rejects Trump’s attempt to block NY attorney general from accessing his trust records

But Trump may not be able to STALL anymore!

Trump news – live: Jan 6 full report looms after release of Trump tax return info and 34 witness transcripts

Cassidy Hutchinson told the January 6 committee she felt pressure from Trump allies not to talk and instead risk ‘contempt’

Cassidy Hutchinson claims Trump figures sought to influence her testimony

Trump’s Taxes: Red Flags, Big Losses and a Windfall From His Father

Trump’s Tax Audit Shows Depths of IRS Funding Woes

IRS went easy on Trump taxes since he had accountants: report

We’ve Learned The IRS Was Slow To Audit Trump’s Tax Returns. We Need To Know Why

Takeaways from the House committee’s report on Trump taxes

ALL of Trump’s businesses are FAILURES!  That’s what we’ve learned.  Trump is a GRIFTER and a CON MAN, that’s all he is.  Successful businessman – BULLSHIT!  Trump is also a LOSER!

Trump acknowledged his election loss to McCarthy before Jan. 6, Hutchinson testified

By the way …

Trump NFTs Tanking as Hype Dies, Floor Price Down 70% › trump-nfts-tanking-sales-prices-fall-…

Even Trump’s latest GRIFT is a FAILURE for the idiots who bought it!

YOU Trump Supporters are THE DUMBEREST! Bigly!

You IDIOTS who are still giving money to Trump will NEVER EVER GET THAT MONEY BACK!

Trump will put in his pocket and it will be gone.  FOREVER!

Does Trump LIE?  You bet he does.  He LIED about Obama not being born in America, when Obama was.  Trump LIED when he said his taxes were under “ROUTINE AUDIT”, they NEVER were under any AUDIT of ANY KIND. Then he LIED some more when he said that when the audit was over he’d gladly show his TAX forms to the world.  Trump’s Taxes were NEVER UNDER ANY AUDIT!  He LIED!

Trump is a LIAR and he LIED to you YOU dumb shithead Trump Supporters.   YOU ARE STUPID you dumbass Trump supporters.  Trump LIED to you, in order to GRIFT YOU and YOU assholes fell for it, YOU DUMB-SHITS!

Trump had his JEWISH LAWYERS and JEWISH ACCOUNTANTS work out deals so he never paid his fair share of taxes (By the way:  Trump was NEVER under an AUDIT.  He LIED to America about that just to keep his Taxes hidden.)  Trump kept stealing from YOU!  (Trump never paid his Jew Lawyers or any other Jews either.)

Trump Paid $1.1 Million in Taxes During Presidency, but $0 in 2020, Report Shows

Democratic-led House Ways and Means Committee set to release Trump’s taxes in the coming days

The Hill’s Morning Report — Trump tax returns to be released; Senate omnibus advances

Release of House January 6 report expected to pile more pressure on Trump

Trump’s income taxes were often paltry, newly released documents show

About the January 6 Committee:

Jan. 6 panel pushes Trump’s prosecution in forceful finish

Analysis | Trump’s Jan. 6 enablers in Congress can now exhale

Electoral Count Act set to deliver another blow to Trump

Exclusive: Trump’s former White House ethics lawyer told Cassidy Hutchinson to give misleading testimony to January 6 committee, sources say

Trump even tried to make people LIE on his behalf!  In other Trump news:

How FBI, Garland’s Justice Dept. came to launch Trump Mar-a-Lago probe

“We Will Get Destroyed”: Evangelicals Are Quietly Ditching Donald Trump’s 2024 Bid

What Trump and Musk Don’t Get About Russia’s Nuclear Threats

The FACT IS Trump is stupid, but Trump Supporters are STUPIDER!  Together they are the STUPIDEST!   Trump and his people are IDIOTS!  Trump and his supporters are as stupid as Elon Musk!  THAT’s STUPID!