Monthly Archives: January 2023

Donald Trump needs to DISAPPEAR!

Lots of Republicans want Donald Trump to disappear from politics.

Waiting for a Deus Ex Machina End to the Trump Era

Some Republicans are waiting!  Not enough Republicans are waiting.  All Republicans should be HOPING that Trump DISAPPEARS from everything!  (Not just politics.)

They be WAITING for a long long time!  Trump will NEVER admit he is to blame, or go away!

Trump investigations: Georgia prosecutor ups anticipation

Up it!  UP THEM!  ALL OF THEM!  Convict Trump of his guilt!

Opinion | Donald Trump Isn’t the Only One to Blame for the Capitol Riot. I’d Know.

This asshole don’t know shit!  Trump IS to blame!  Trump is an asshole and a dumbshit!  That’s MY opinion!

Trump has done more for THE STUPIDS than any president ever!

Who is REALLY loyal to Trump?

Not runny-Ronnie!

Trump hits DeSantis: He’s a Covid skeptic phony

So runny-Ronnie is running against Trump

Ron DeSantis prepares for 2024 White House bid as Trump hits campaign trail

So what does Trump do?

Trump takes aim at DeSantis in first major campaign swing, says he’s trying to ‘rewrite history’ on his Covid-19 record

In Fact:  Trump ATTACKS anyone and everyone who He perceives is against him.  That’s a lot of Americans!

So…. Who is REALLY loyal to Trump?

Only the STUPIDS!  The really stupidest people on Earth like Marjoe Tay-Tay GanGreene who is going to be his running mate!  

Do YOU really want to be as stupid as THE STUPIDS!


Trump’s Evolution on Truth Social: More QAnon, More Extremes

Trump has a lot of other DUMB SHIT to sell you, like QANON CRAP!  (Coming to YOU soon on FACEBOOK and TWITTER thanks to the twits Elon and The Zuck, who both suck and are STUPID!)


Republicans R Racists!  That is Really what the R in Republican means!  Republicans R Racists!

Trump Delivers Falsehood-Filled Speech in New Hampshire

Trump IS a RACIST!

Kevin McCarthy IS a RACIST!

Mitch McConnell IS a RACIST!

George Santos IS a RACIST!

Five Cops in Memphis are RACISTS!


Republicans are idiots!

WE DON’T need to be Anti-Racist.

We just need to be NON-RACIST!

Be a NON-RACIST!  Please!  There are NO black and brown Americans.  There are no yellow Americans.  There are no red Americans,  There are no white Americans.  There are Americans!  Americans are in all shapes, sizes and colors.  These are Americans!  PERIOD!  AMERICANS are AMERICANS!!!  Let’s leave it at that!  Jesus was a JEW!

Trump had Jeff Killed. Trump will have Fried killed. Trump KILLS! (Trump has friends in the MAFIA.)


Trump’s inquiry to clear name on Russia turned into probe into Trump

Trump’s Russia Probe Led to Criminal Investigation Into Trump Himself: NYT

Barr Pressed Durham to Find Flaws in the Trump-Russia Investigation

Trump was/is CROOKED!  Durham proved it and that’s NO BULL!

California bar unveils disciplinary charges against Trump lawyer John Eastman

‘ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST’!  (That is: another Trumper goes down for the count.). MAGA = Make Attorneys Get Attorneys!  MAGA muthah!

Video Former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao condemns Trump taunts

Elaine got out just in time (along with Betsy DeVoss)!  (If only Elaine could get OUT of her marriage to Turtle-Face ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell and GO BACK TO CHINA where she belongs!). “Beijing Mitch” the paid for BITCH!

Trump is returning to Facebook and Instagram after 2-year ban

Facebook, Instagram to Reinstate Trump Accounts After 2-Year Ban

It’s only a small matter of time before FaceBook/Meta and the Zuck goes away like Titter/Twitter and Elon who is almost long gone!  (That’s okay because FaceBook is the BIGGEST SPREADER of Computer-Viruses there is.)  The Zuck bought Instagram, like Elon bought Twitter.  About the same.  What a shame to let Trump back on both!  Trump has PRAVDA Socialist (Truth Social) which he said he would NEVER LEAVE.  

Trump says he won’t leave Truth Social, despite Musk’s Twitter

Trump lies as much as George ‘Anthony Kitara Devolder’ Santos does.  Except Trump’s LIES are even BIGLYER than that big fat liar Georgie!  It’s a good thing Kevin McFarty (McCarthy) is protecting Georgie’s Fat  Ass that he likes to wiggle at ‘Gay Pride Parades’!  (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, unless you are Republican and Anti-Gay, which Kevin is.  Is Kevin a LIAR too?)

Remember:  EVERYTHING DONALD TRUMP TOUCHES TURNS TO SHIT!  Donald Trump has the Turd-Touch!  Remember FTX?  (Fucking Trump eXcesses)  In my considered opinion, FTX was Trump’s crypto crap that he had Sam Bankman-Fried take the fall for.  (As well as Tom Brady and all his other former-FRIENDS.  Ask Giselle about it.)  Wait until they put Bankman-Fried under DOUBLE-SUICIDE WATCH like they did Jeff Epstein (A former OLD-FRIEND of Trump).  It’s my considered opinion that Trump had Jeff KILLED and he’ll have Bankman-Fried KILLED TOO!  Just like Jeffy.  Donnie’s GOOD FRIEND JEFFY!  (Jeff Epstein was KILLED IN JAIL, while under a DOUBLE-SUICIDE WATCH!  Jeffy Epstein supposedly committed suicide while under that DOUBLE-SUICIDE WATCH.  Yeah.  I’m sure.)  

I am CONVINCED that Trump paid-off the cops to be ‘asleep’, and paid-off other guys to have Jeffrey Epstein killed, in his cell while he was under his DOUBLE-SUICIDE WATCH.  Remember, Trump has friends in the MAFIA too!  How about Skinny Joey, who he recently invited to Mar-a-Lago and took pictures with?  Trump is not above paying for stuff like SNUFF, and NOT paying his lawyers like Rudy and John!

BULL DURHAM!  (No BULL, just fact!  In my considered opinion that is.)

ALL REPUBLICANS ARE LIARS!  (That’s No Bull either.). Why are they such consistent LIARS?

Why are THEY (Trumpublicans/Republicans) such damn LIARS, lying ALL THE TIME, lying about EVERYTHING?

What is their game?  Why are they lying to us?  Kevin McCarthy LIES!  Kevin is busy kicking-out people who try to tell the truth, while he covers for the LIES of George Santos.  George Santos won his seat on LIES and keeps on LYING and LYING and LYING to keep his seat that he LIED to get in the first place!  Marjoe Tay-Tay GanGreene LIES, basically because she is too stupid to recognize the truth!  MTG sees SPACE LASERS operated by Italians built by Jews that aren’t there and never were!  Yet MTG does NOT see the Airplane that smashed into The Pentagon, killed people, and was really there.  They all LIE!  All Republicans LIE!  The BIGLYEST LIAR OF THEM ALL is Donald J. Trump who is still telling us the BIGLYEST LIE EVER, over and over again!  Trump did NOT win the election.  He LOST.  Nothing was stolen from him, but he STOLED DOCUMENTS and refuses to give them back by obstructing us with more of his LIES!  If anyone is going to ‘STOP THE STEAL’ it should be Trump to stop it by stopping his LYING and Stealing!

What is their GAME?

Why do they LIE SO MUCH?

The ONLY thing they are good at is LYING because they do it so often!

Donald Chump-Trump

George Santos

Kevin McFarty

Marjoe Tay-Tay GanGreene

Paul Gosar. (Hated by his entire family.)

THIRSTY Marco Rubio

Ted Crooked-Crud-Cruz


Steve The SLEEZE-Scalise

John CORN-PONE Kennedy (giving all Kennedy’s a BAD NAME!)

Mike “The PUTZ” Pence

Josh HOKEM Hawley

‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell

There are so many more, and all of them are Republicans!  

What is their GAME?

Hey Trump: Even George Santos (or whatever his or her real name is) is better Than GanGreene!

VP MTG?  (Marjoe Tay-Tay GanGreene?)  Oh my!  (She’s dead from the neck up and the neck down.)  

Marjorie Taylor Greene aims to be Trump’s VP pick in 2024

Bannon: Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘sees herself on the short list for Trump’s VP’

P NH!  (President Icky-Nikki Haley?  Hell no!)  No way!

Former Trump UN ambassador Nikki Haley gears up for likely 2024 run for president

JK is a JERK!  (Jared is a JERK too, but this story is about his brother Josh, oh my gosh!)

Josh Kushner Is Richer Than Trump After Billionaires Back His Firm

Brother Jared is a BIGGER JERK!  But DT (Dumbass Trump!) is still the BIGLYEST JERK!

Under shadow of Trump, Republican Party meets to pick a leader

OH NO!  Replacing RRM (Ronna ROMNEY-McDaniel) with ‘The My Pillow’ guy, dML (dumbass Mike Lindell!)  Say it ain’t so Donnie!

Trump’s worst judge is now a dangerous threat to press freedom, in Children’s Health Defense v. Washington Po…

Pro-COVID ANTI-VAXERS and now an Anti-Sex Judge appointed by Trump?  OMG!  HHU!

TUBBY TRUMP meets Skinny Joe!


Former President Donald Trump posed for picture with former Philly mob boss Joey Merlino at South Florida golf club

Trump poses for a photo with former Philly mob boss “Skinny Joey” Merlino

Trump Tight-Lipped on Pic of Him and Philly Mobster

“Skinny Joey’ meets with “FATTY TRUMPY”!  What the hell is going on here!

Dems concerned over handling of Biden documents

Da Dems got NO RIGHT to feel scared of Biden!  Y’hear!  (By the way, Manchin is NOT a Dem.  Manchin is a MUNCHKIN!)

DeSantis beats Trump in poll; Georgia Trump probe wraps up: recap

You means DE SANCTIMONIOS don’t you!  Don’t JEW!

Will Trump Face Criminal Charges in Georgia Election Inquiry?

Maybe that’s why Trump is hanging out with Skinny Joey!  Criminals hang out with CRIMINALS!

A Guide to the Possible Forthcoming Indictments of Donald Trump

Trump has so many INDICTMENTS that we all need a GUIDE!  (The criminal bum!)

First on CNN: Classified documents found at Pence’s Indiana

Vice President Mike Pence discovered classified 

Mike Pence: Classified Documents Found at Former Veep’s Indiana Home

Classified documents found in Mike Pence’s Indiana home

NOW MIKE PENCE HAS CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS!  Jesus H. Christ!  WHO DOESN’T HAVE ANY CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS?  (Me!  I do NOT have any CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, even though I worked in The Pentagon from 1977 to 1979 and The State Department during that same time!)

Trump is a CHUMP! And a DUMP! And a FRUMP! And a HUMP!

Trump is being SUED in New York,  Georgia, and hopefully Federally!

Trump Georgia investigation: Judge to consider release of report

Fulton County grand jury investigating Trump may release report soon

What we know about the Georgia 2020 election investigation

Will Trump Face Criminal Charges in Georgia Election Inquiry?

If Biden is a “serial classified document hoarder”

GOP Rep. Mike Turner calls Biden a ‘serial classified document hoarder’

Then Trump is just a THIEF!

Sen. Coons says one key thing separates Biden, Trump docs cases — but acknowledges political ‘fallout’

One Key thing is “COOPERATION”.  Biden has always been cooperative with the FBI and Archivist, whereas TRUMP never has.  In fact; TRUMP Stoled, Lied, Blocked, Obstructed, Gotten Others To Lie for Him, Moved, and basically been totally UNCOOPERATIVE!

Biden (and Trump) Should Have Known Better

Maybe the ‘My Pillow Guy’ will get to be the RNC Chair!

Trump’s MAGA forces threaten to upend vote for RNC chair


Trump team struggles to consolidate support ahead of S.C. event

Top conservative spenders plot new path after split from Trump

Trump will never get out of South Carolina!  {Smelly-Kellyanne is the ONLY ONE LEFT on Trump’s Team!)

Trump loves Kitara and Falwell! (Even more than Rocket-Man Kim.)

Trump Team?  Struggling?  What?  But, we thought he was the FAVORITE PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME?

Trump team struggles to muster support ahead of S.C. event

At least HE TOLD US that HE was our favorite president!  Was that ALSO a lie?

He’s even being challenged for LIAR OF ALL TIME by George (Anthony Devolder, Kitara) Santos!  However, even George Santos can’t tell as many LIES as Donald Trump has and still does.  Though George tries!

At least the Evangelicals are done with Trump and his lies.  

Tensions with evangelicals threaten Trump White House bid

Maybe?  (The only Evangelical Trump has left is Jerry Falwell Junior who fell from his flock and faith very badly!)

Trump can’t LEARN SHIT!

Trump CAN learn?

Trump, Lawyers Ordered to Pay Almost $1 Million Court Sanctions

Trump drops lawsuit against New York Attorney General Letitia James

The five hardest hits from a judge’s scathing ruling against former President Trump

Trump fined nearly $1M for ‘revenge’ lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, others

Well, at least his lawyers can learn!  (They are NOT as STUPID as HE is.  Nobody is THAT STUPID!). Can Trump supporters LEARN?  Let’s see!  (We know, for sure, that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a racist and a liar.  We know, for sure, that George Santos is a liar.  We know, for sure, that Louie Gohmert is a fool and an idiot.  We know, for sure, that Matt Gaetz is a rapist, as is Trump.  We know, for sure, that almost all of Paul Gosar’s family actually hates him.  These are the people who are attracted to and by Trump.  Do YOU really want any of these people as YOUR friends?)

Does Trump think OLD PEOPLE will vote FOR him, or does he really think old people are easily fooled?

Trump to GOP: Don’t touch Medicare or Social Security in debt ceiling fight

With new rhetoric on Social Security, Trump undermines McCarthy

Is TRUMP STUPID?  (Yes!  But that’s a given!).  Are Trump Supporters (even the OLD ONES) that stupid?  Let’s see!  (Old people are supposed to be wise and worldly.  Why is it that the old people who support Trump are not very smart, and not very well traveled?  Do you take any advice from these kinds of people?  Do you want to?)

Who may be running AGAINST DUMB DONALD, besides Biden that is?

Pompeo alleges Haley plotted with Kushner and Ivanka Trump to try to become vice president

Former Trump Secretary of State Says Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Were in Cahoots to Shiv Mike Pence

Pompy is a FOOL!  He always was.  Have the opponents of Trump LEARNED ANYTHING?  Let’s see!  Are the opponents of Trump simply out for themselves, using the masses?  Are the masses really THAT STUPID that they can be used?  Let’s see!  (Why are so many people ready to run against Trump now?  Are they in it because they see him as an old fool?  Are they running because they see things as they are and thus see things as more for themselves!  Do any of them really care about YOU?)

Has Donald J. Trump EVER told you the truth?

The 15 most notable lies of Donald Trump’s presidency

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30573 over 4 years

When is the last time Trump ever won anything?  Never.  Donald Trump said, “Windmill noise causes cancer!”  It does not.  Donald Trump has said over and over, “That he was once named Michigan’s Man of the Year.”  He was NOT.  Donald Trump said, “It didn’t rain on his inauguration.”  It did.  Did Trump “Build The Wall!”?  No.  Did Trump make the Mexicans pay for THE WALL?  No.  Donald Trump said, “The coronavirus was under control.”  It never has been.  Donald Trump said, “Rep. Ilhan Omar supports al Qaeda.”  She does not and never has.  Donald Trump said, “he didn’t know about the payment to Stormy Daniels.”  He did.  He paid Cohen who paid her!  Did Trump ever walk down to The Capitol with you?  No.  Did Trump ever help the poor?  No, but he sure gave huge tax breaks to the RICH!  Donald Trump said “He won Re-Election.”  He didn’t.  He lied.  Like all the other times, he lied!  Over Thirty Thousand times in just four years of counting, he lied.  When has Trump ever told YOU the actual, honest to God, TRUTH?  He never has!

Jack has already TAKEN DOWN a CROOKED and DESPICABLE PRESIDENT despite Trump Interference!

Trump special counsel Jack battled a president, leaks in Kosovo case

He’s ready to TAKE DOWN TRUMP TOO!  What is Jack’s plan to “take down Trump”?  Simply this.  Jack is going to take down Trump with THE TRUTH!

THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!  Lies, like they have in Russia, China and Trumpland will only imprison you with more LIES!  Are you willing to be IMPRISONED or do you want to be FREE!  Let’s see, shall we?


Trump people can remain stupid and continue to support the Communist named Donald J. Trump, but remember …

‘The Real Invisible ENEMY is COMMUNISM!’  Trump is a visible enemy to many of us, he is only INVISIBLE to YOU!

p.s.  Even the Religious people …

Tensions with evangelicals threaten Trump White House bid

… NO longer support Trump!