Monthly Archives: February 2023

Trump is reviled by the GOP goop as well as all others!

Trump RACIALIZED the rail disaster?

‘You’re not forgotten‘: how the right racialized the Ohio train disaster

GOP grapples with how to control Trump — again

Pence breaks further from Trump over style, but not substance

Paul Ryan says he won’t attend RNC in ’24 if Trump is GOP WH nominee

While North Korea was shooting off ROCKETS in our direction, Trump was busy ranting about Jimmy Kimmel!

Trump had WH staff call Disney over Jimmy Kimmel mocking him: report

Trump officials complained about Jimmy Kimmel’s jokes to Disney – report

Trump White House Pressured Disney to Censor … Jimmy Kimmel

What an IDIOT!  He was supposed to PROTECT US from DICKTATORS like Kim, not talk show hosts like Kimmel!  What a DICK Trump was, is, and always will be!

Jimmy Kimmel hits back over report that Trump White House pressured Disney to censor his jokes

You go, JimBO!  

Fox News lawsuit: 5 revelations from Dominion court filing

The current Dominion Voting Systems V. FOX News Network lawsuit is lifting up the ROCKS at FOX and showing what kind of SLIME lives under them!  Slime like TUCKER CARLSON, slime like Sean Hannity, slime like Laura Ingraham, slime like The Murdochs (especially Rupert) and all the other SLIME that support Donald Trump with its LIES, withholding the truth from its dummies!  (America IS watching the scumbags at FOX eat shit. along with Trump!)

Everything is BETTER than Trump! (Except Putin.)

Even the TRUMPTURDS are so OVER Trump!  Now they are ready to be DeSantis Dummies or Pence Pricks or even The Haley Humps!

Longtime Trump backers flock to DeSantis event

From Palm Beach to Staten Island, DeSantis makes 2024 moves on Trump’s turf

Iowa Republicans Are Open to Names Other Than Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis

Mike Pence: ‘Confident we’ll have better choices’ than Trump in 2024

Better than Trump!  That’s for sure!

Mike Pence, possible Trump 2024 challenger, slams ‘apologists for Putin’ in the GOP

Pence is NOT any better than Trump!  Neither is DeSantis or Haley!

Trump visits East Palestine, but Biden says the White House is engaged

Trump can visit The MOON, the GOON, It won’t make a damn difference.

Trump impeachment whistleblower and retired colonel says Russian leaders will ‘never escape accountability’

Hopefully, neither will TRUMP (escape his responsibility for KILLING SO MANY AMERICANS)!

FACTually speaking, DONALD TRUMP is a COMMUNIST!

Simply and HONESTLY put:


Trump accused of ‘shell game with classified documents’ after box moved around

Classified Trump schedules were moved to Mar-a-Lago after FBI search – sources

Exclusive: How a box with classified documents ended up in Trump’s office months after FBI searched Mar-a-Lago

DeSantis now beating Trump in California GOP primary, poll says

Trump’s grip on the Republican base is slipping — even among his fans

East Palestine Crisis Tests Trump-Backed Senator J.D. Vance

Mike Pence, possible Trump 2024 challenger, slams ‘apologists for Putin’ in the GOP

Fact check: Jimmy Carter put his peanut farm into a blind trust during presidency

Donald J. Trump is a Communist!

Donald “The Dumbass” Trump does it again!

Donald Trump SCREWS-UP again, in reverse!  The FAT-ASS Mayor of East Palestine is the one standing next to the FAT-ASS Trump!

Trump’s visit to Ohio derailment gives Biden’s team some breathing room

The BITCH FOREPERSON who VOLUNTEERED to be in charge of the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury and claimed her “coolest moment” was shaking Rudy Giuliani’s hand has SCREWED UP the Grand Jury and the lawyer!

Georgia juror unsettles Trump investigation with revealing interviews

Was she a PLANT by Trump?  She sure acted like one!  Emily Kohrs was at least an idiot if not a TrumpTurd!

The KushTrumps are on the HOOK again?

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner subpoenaed by special counsel: Sources

The KushTrumps are subpoenaed by Jack Smith!

Mike Pence breaks with Trump on Medicare and Social Security

OH Mike!  Will HE ever learn?

Trump and his TRAITORS! RepubliTURDS!

What questions?

Trump’s visit to Ohio derailment gives Biden’s team some breathing room

Trump’s Ohio train derailment visit prompts questions on his environmental record

Trump is ONLY going to Ohio for the politics, because he’s NOT welcome in Europe and CAN’T go there!

Trump is a LYING SACK OF SHIT!  What is wrong with Trump and The GOP?

Former Pence chief of staff Marc Short on tensions …

Marc Short and Mike Pence are both SHIT-HEADS!  Just like Donald Trump is a SHIT-HEAD!  They are ALL SHIT-HEADS!  What is WRONG with The GOP goop?

GOP Rep. Barry Moore Wants AR-15 as ‘National Gun of …

A GOP Rep from Alabama wants to make THE GUN that has KILLED MORE AMERICAN CIVILIANS the NATIONAL GUN!  What is WRONG with the GOP people?  What is WRONG with BARRY MOORE?  Canada, New Zealand and Australia have BANNED the AR-15.  Barry Moore wants to make the AR-15 The National Gun of the United States!  WHAT IS WRONG WITH BARRY MOORE and THE GOP goop?

MarJoe Tay-Tay GanGreene wants to start a new CIVIL WAR!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants ‘National Divorce’ of Red and Blue States

Marjorie Taylor Greene doubles down on call for ‘national divorce’ and says US is headed for ‘civil war’

Marjorie Taylor Greene wants a ‘national divorce.’ This liberal says: ‘Let’s do it!’

What is WRONG with THE GOP!  (We know what is wrong with MarJoe Tay-Tay GanGreene, she’s just plain STUPID!)  Didn’t Abraham Lincoln lead this country through a BLOODY CIVIL WAR (as President) to keep the Union together?  Isn’t The GOP supposedly, ‘The Party Of Lincoln’?  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE GOP of today!  (Besides MarJoe GanGreene, that is.  We already know what is wrong with her, she is BRAIN DEAD!  She apparently wants the RED states, of the United States, to become PART OF RED RUSSIA!). WHAT IS WRONG with the RED STATES and the REPUBLITURDS?

Here is a better question:  What is WRONG with those Goofy Old Poopy HEADS!  (GOP HEADS = Shit-Heads!)

Whats more!   The FAT ASS MAYOR of East Palestine Ohio tells Katy Tur and MSNBC that he does NOT want President Biden to come to East Palestine to view the TOXIC TRAIN WRECK of NORFOLK SOUTHERN Railroad, because President Biden’s security staff would cause more problems. 

Ohio train derailment: EPA administrator visits East Palestine, asks  residents to ‘trust the government’

 Then the FAT ASSED MAYOR of East Palestine goes on FOX NEWS and RIPS Biden for going to the Ukraine rather than coming to East Palestine!  He even calls Biden’s action a “slap in the face”!

East Palestine mayor on Biden’s Ukraine visit: ‘That was the biggest slap  in the face’

East Palestine Mayor Slams Biden for Kyiv Visit as ‘Slap in the Face’

What an ASSHOLE!  Obviously a Republican ASSHOLE!  Or rather a TRUMPublican ASSHOLE!  Biden called the GOVERNOR and sent the FEMA, the EPA, the CDC and other federal agencies.  What else did that FAT ASSED MAYOR of East Palestine expect, after he specifically told Biden not to come?  

East Palestine Mayor Trent Conaway partly walks back criticism of President Biden regarding Ukraine visit, but ‘stands by’ comments

East Palestine mayor says Biden welcome to visit after sharing frustrations with his trip to Ukraine

This is an even BETTER QUESTION:  WHAT IS WRONG WITH REPUBLICAN FAT ASSHOLES and The Goofy Old Poops (The GOP)!  Even when they get caught being stupid, they still do stupid shit!  Just like Trump!  (Other questions come to mind: Why are so many GOPpers/Trumpublicans so FAT?  Are they the proverbial FAT CATS?  Do they get SPECIAL STUFF that none of the rest of us get?) 


Typical!  Trump DEFENDS the COMMUNISTs against the American!s  Comrade Trump, supports Comrade Putin because BOTH are Communist Comrades!

Trump Defends Putin as Biden Visits War-Torn Ukraine

Typical COMMUNIST COMRADE DONALD J. (for Jackass) TRUMP!  If anyone deserves CAPITAL PUNISHMENT it is these two COMRADES!  (Preferably with the same BULLET!)

Republican SACKS OF SHIT!

House Speaker McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson exclusive access to Jan. 6 riot footage

McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to January 6 Capitol security footage, sources say

Why it matters that Kevin McCarthy gave Jan. 6 tapes to Fox News

Bennie Thompson rips McCarthy for giving Tucker Carlson Jan. 6 footage

“IRRESPONSIBLE” Thy name is ‘Tucker The Fucker’ and ‘Kevin the Kunt’ both are confirmed LYING Rethuglickers and COMMUNIST LOVERS like Trump and his trash!  First it was 40,000 hours, then it was 41,000 hours,  now according to that little fucker Tucker its 44,000 hours!

Tucker Carlson says that he has access to 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 video footage

McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to January 6 Capitol security footage, sources say

Is this like the EARTHQUAKE in Turkey and Syria?  Like the DEATH TOLL there, do the totals keep going UP as each hour passes?  (Or is that fucker Tucker just LYING again, like he has in the past and will in the future?)

Behind scenes, Fox News stars derided Trump camp’s claims of election fraud

A lawsuit reveals how Fox News spreads propaganda and election fraud lies

The ONLY thing ‘for SURE’ is the Kevin is a traitorous MORON and Tucker is a LYING little FUCKER!  And, the TRUMPUBLICAN/Republican Party is ‘America’s PRO-PUTIN PARTY’!  Goddamn COMMUNISTS!

Always REMEMBER the PRO-PUTIN PARTY’s Biglyest LIE!  Even BIGLYER than the LIE that they won.  (They did NOT win shit!). Their BIGLYEST LIE is the one on the sign at the January 6, 2021 INSURRECTION, which read “The Real Invisible Enemy is COMMUNISM”!  They ARE the Enemy, because they are COMMUNISTS!  All of them ARE COMMUNISTS!

MarJoe Tay-Tay GanGreene, Donald ‘Dumbass’ Trump, and ALL Repukelickers should be banished or LOCKED-UP!!!

Now JUNIOR is competing with daddy and George Santos to be the WORLD’S BIGLYEST LIAR!

Don Jr. said he ate gas station sushi for a year when family cut him off

Here I thought TRUMP had already HIRED all the COOKED LAWYERS in the world!

Exclusive: Trump lawyer hires own attorney in classified documents probe


Biden’s visit to Ukraine draws criticism from conservative House Republicans

MarJoe Tay-Tay GANGREENE is as STUPID as ever, along with her fellow Trumpublicans!  What a bunch of STUPIDS!  Please DO NOT be stupider than they are by voting for any of them, ever!  It will only make you STUPIDER!

There’s No Question: It’s Still Donald Trump’s Republican Party

TRUMPUBLICANS!  See.  I told you.  They are nothing bur goddamn TRUMPUBLICANS!  All of them!  They are LIARS and TRAITORS.  They are NOT ‘Real Americans’!  They are SCUM!  The NEW REPUBLIC is SCUM!  SCUM-SUCKING-PIGS!  GanGreene is a SCUM-SUCKING-PIG!  They all are!  We MUST get rid of all TRUMPUBLICANS and REPUBLICANS.  Throw TRUMP IN PRISON.  Throw his followers OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!  Start with MarJoe Tay-Tay GANGREENE!  Follow with ALL the Repukes in The House, The Senate and The Supreme Court!  Then get the rest of the asshole REPUBLITARDS in the COUNTRY!  Let them all go back to RUSSIA were they belong!  Or China!  Or North Korea!  Anywhere but AMERICA!  They are NOT AMERICANS!  They are all TRAITORS!

Feeling ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘fatigue,’ some GOP voters look beyond Trump

“some GOP voters” are ‘overwhelmed’?  That’s TOO FUCKING BAD!   They caused this!  ALL GOP VOTERS are to blame for this shit!  Throw them ALL out!  ALL OF THE GOP goop!  To prove it:  Kevin McCarthy, the MAGA of MAGAs, has handed over 40,000 HOURS of January 6th, 2021 media to TUCKER ‘THE COMMIE FUCKER’ CARLSON one of the FUCKS at FOX!  That makes Kev a TRAITOR!  Kevin McCarthy is a COMMUNIST TRAITOR who only got his ‘Speaker of The House’ title after 15 separate VOTES amongst RETHUGLICANS.  Kevin and Tucker are TRAITORS to AMERICA!  That’s a FACT JACK!

LIARS are Fox & Trump!

Trump was BAD!  Trump was a LIAR!  The LIARS at FOX helped Trump but they were BAD LIARS!

‘He could easily destroy us’: See Tucker Carlson’s private text about Trump

Fox News execs blocked Trump from doing interview during Jan. 6 Capitol riot, filing shows

Fox Stars Privately Expressed Disbelief About Trump’s Election Fraud Claims

Trump LIED before!  Now he’s LYING again!

Trump: I won’t call DeSantis ‘Meatball Ron’


Trump’s attempted Coup is nothing more than Trump Pooh Pooh! (It ain’t shit! He is a TURD!)

This CHRISTIAN?  Pompadeaux Pompadour!

This Christian ‘Prophet’ Backed Trump in 2020. Now He Says God Favors DeSantis

Now this FAKE is anointing DeSanctimonious!  The Cristian GOD DONALD TrumpChrist will be so upthet!  After all, HE is the Anointed One!  Trump is THE ONE!  He even said so Himself!  (Ron better run!)

Trump to visit East Palestine after toxic train derailment

Butt, Trump is going to PALESTINE.  (That is East Palestine OHIO,  You’d never catch Trump is a real HOLY place!  He might get struck by lightning!  Or a bullet.  A silver bullet!)  Instead you get ONE TOXIC DUMP visiting another TOXIC DUMP!  (You choose which is which.)

By the way, did they name GEORGIA after GEORGE SANTOS!  George says they did, because he’s such a BIGLY hero there!  Trump agrees!

Tucker Carlson: Trump is ‘world champion’ of destroying things

Fox Stars Privately Expressed Disbelief About Trump’s Election Fraud Claims

‘He could easily destroy us’: See Tucker Carlson’s private text about Trump

Thank You, Tucker The Fucker!  MotherTucker!

GOP political operative sentenced to 18 months over illegal Russian contributions to Trump campaign

GOP campaign consultant sentenced to 18 months for arranging Russian contribution to Trump campaign

All these LITTLE PEOPLE go to prison.  What about TRUMP?

Send Trump To Prison!

Send Trump To Prison!

Send Trump To Prison!

Send Trump To Prison!

Send Trump To Prison!

Send Trump To Prison!