Monthly Archives: May 2023

Trump is a lot like Herschel!

Attack those REPUBLICAN JUDGES that YOU APPOINTED and that Moscow Mitch got confirmed for you!  Attack!  Attack!  Attack!  Attack the Judges YOU DUMBASS TRUMP!

Trump escalates attacks on judges amid increasing legal scrutiny

Actually, Trump is attacking the judges who have ruled against him.  Especially those in his PERSONAL LAWSUITS!  Go ahead Trump. attack them ALL, because sooner of later they are ALL going to rule against you!  YOU DUMBASS TRUMP!

Trump retakes lead from DeSantis in California GOP primary poll

2024 showdown: Trump, DeSantis battle for votes in the crucial lead off state of Iowa

Trump campaign braces for Iowa battle as DeSantis team sees an opening

HA! HA! Trump might win Republiturds but he will LOSE AMERICANS!  There are about three times more Americans than there are Repukelickers!  Just ask Joe.

Biden Has Priceless Response To Fox News Question On Possible Trump Pardon

Biden (literally) laughs off question about possible Trump pardon

Yah, sure, DeSantis is gonna pardon that FAT ORANGE ASSHOLE!  HA! HA! HA!

Trump LIES and RANTS! So Trump feels others should LIE and RANT like HE does.

Liz says Republicans wanted her to LIE!  It figures,  Republicans are LIARS!  Just look at Trump and Santos and all the other LIARS still in the GOP!  Is Rudy a LIAR!  YES!  Is Cruz a LIAR!  Yes!  All Republicans who still claim to be Republicans are LIARS!  I believe Liz!

‘My fellow Republicans wanted me to lie,’ Liz Cheney says in commencement speech

Liz Cheney calls out Donald Trump, Republican colleagues in speech: ‘Wanted me to lie’

Lawyers are Professional LIARS!  Especially the ones who work for Trump.

Trump lawyers send letter to Garland in desperate self-own

We KNOW Trump and his ilk are LIARS!

Prosecutors say they have a recording of Trump and a witness in Manhattan DA case

What is it a “recording” of?  Trump telling lies!  When he’s NOT RANTING!

Donald Trump Marks Memorial Day With Unhinged, All-Caps Rant

Trump wishes happy Memorial Day to those fighting ‘misfits and lunatic thugs’ within the nation

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘ …The Atlantic

Trump is just RANTING, off-key, again!  Always remember it was TRUMP who said that Americans who died in war are “LOSERS and SUCKERS”!  Especially American soldiers, sailors and airmen!

Trump is JUNK! Vivek is VOID! Jack is on the ATTACK! Ron is a Con!

Trump is RILED!  Bigly dealy.

Texas AG Ken Paxton’s Impeachment Riles Trump and His Minions

Donald Trump Rages Against Greg Abbott After Ally Ken Paxton Impeached

Don’t worry Vivek!  Trump will soon HATE you too!

Vivek Ramaswamy Is the Spoiler Candidate Trump Loves

JACK is BACK and Trump is on the ATTACK!

Jack Smith: Trump’s absurd attacks on the special prosecutor are a specific kind of tactic.

Meanwhile Ron is On the CON!

DeSantis attacks Trump directly, says he’s ‘going left’ on key issues

Are the Anti-Trump GOP Forces Starting to Implode?

Five high-profile Trump supporters who’ve switched to Ron DeSantis

First it was FIVE.  Then it was FIFTY!  

Trump The DumbAss loves Kenny!

Trump is a LIAR and an ASSHOLE!

Trump’s exposure in classified documents case goes from bad to worse

Trump ONLY chooses LOSERS, because he chose HIMSELF and he endorsed: Ken Paxton as Attorney General of Texas, who has now been IMPEACHED by a BiPartisan group Republicans and Democrats in TEXAS!  (Now I don’t know much about Texas politics, except that Greg Abbott is an asshole, but when as many people VOTE to IMPEACH an ASSHOLE like Paxton, then he must have done a lot of wrong.  That’s who Trump likes.  People who do shit WRONG!)

Ken Paxton: Texas House votes to impeach Trump ally

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz denounce effort to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton

Trump Calls Paxton Impeachment Proceedings ‘Very Unfair’

Everything that doesn’t go Trump’s way is ‘Unfair’ or “A Witch Hunt’ or a “Steal’.   TRUMP IS WRONG!  Let’s face THE FACTS that TRUMP IS A LIAR and A BAD PERSON who allies WITH BAD PEOPLE!

AI be damned!  Anyone who votes FOR Trump needs to be SHOT with their own GUN!  Santos would vote FOR Trump!  We ALL KNOW that SANTOS IS AN ADMITTED LIAR!

p.s.  McCarthy agreed to BIDEN’s Debt Ceiling demands.  Poor Kev.  He’s done for now!

Robblee Trump the DUMBASS CHUMP!

Trump.  Donald J. Trump.  Defined as:

adjective: trumped-up

Invented as an excuse or a false accusation.”he was arrested on trumped-up charges”

Trumped-up Definition & MeaningMerriam-Webster

Typical!  Donald J. Trump has ‘trumped-up’ charges against others, against “the steal” and so much more.  ALL of Trump’s charges are ‘TRUMPED-UP’ as in ‘INVENTED FALSE ACCUSATIONS’.  That makes Trump a FAKE!  A TOTAL FAKE!

TRUMP.  Donald J. Trump is an INVENTED excuse of FALSE ACCUSATIONS.  Donald J. Trump, like his name, is a FAKE!  

For decades, they denied their German roots, claiming to be of Scandinavian origin.

The Trump Family’s Immigrant StoryHistory Channel

The original name was Trumf which is German for Drum.  Hence Joe Biden’s claim to “Beat Trump like a DRUM!”  Read more about the LIES the Trumf’s told and the service to this country and Germany that they avoided because the Trumf’s are basically LYING COWARDS!  Deny & LIE!  That’s what Trumps do!


Is it ‘RON DESANTIS’ (like Runny Ronny says) or ‘ROB DeSANCTIMONIUS’ (as Donald J. Trump calls him)?

Trump Welcomes “ROB DESANCTIMONIUS” As DeSantis …The Yeshiva World

Or, is it really RONALD McDONALD TRUMP the CLOWN!  Maybe it’s really ROBALD McDONALD TRUMP!  Either way, TRUMP IS A FOOL!  Trump is an OLD FOOL!  Trump is an INVENTED FALSE ACCUSER FAKE!

Croak!!! Like a TRUMP, DeSantis, Gaetz, MTG or any of the rest of the Repukelickans!

Wake the FUCK UP!  You Republiturd TRASH!  Get ‘WOKE’ you dumbass ‘JAMOKES’!  That’s really all it means!  Woke means WAKE UP and smell the coffee you dumbass Repukes!  How STUPID are you that YOU don’t even get a simple four letter work like WOKE!  You get FUCK don’t YOU.  You are so FUCKed-Up that YOU don’t get WOKE!  Get Serious!  Forget DeSantis, Musk and Trump,  They aren’t WOKE, they are simply a JOKE!  You get it now.  Quit being such DUMBASSES!  Quit being TrumpTurds and be real people for a change!  Get you head out of the OUTHOUSE!  Quit sniffing their shit!  GROW THE FUCK UP!  

WAKE = Wake Up and Smell the Roses or Coffee!  (At least you weren’t sniffing SHIT!  Or were YOU?)

WOKE = You were AWAKE and YOU did SMELL THE ROSES or COFFEE!  (‘Shit Sniffers’ excluded!)

Trump/DeSantis/Santos/MTG/Gaetz/Abbott/Kennedy(the Loser of Louisiana and NOT JFK or RFK)/Rubio/Cruz/Luna ‘the LUNATIC’/Boobert/McCarthy (Kevin the reincarnation of Joe.) and Moscow Mitch the treasonous ‘son of a bitch’ McConnell as well as all the other Rethuglicans just scattering SHIT for YOU TO SMELL!  YOU are acting like a bunch of BRAIN DEAD ZOMBIES!  (And dumbasses!)

Are YOU a ZOMBIE or a REAL PERSON?  (If YOU are a REAL PERSON then you are WOKE.)

Or are YOU a TROLL?

Trump team trolls Ron DeSantis launch

Ron DeSantis Finally Snaps Back at Donald Trump

Trump’s bizarre reaction to DeSantis’ announcement sparks confusion online

Trump holds 42-point lead in Iowa: survey


The Minds of Trump Supporters

Weirdos!  All TrumpTurds are LIARS and WEIRDOS just like the HEAD LIAR/WEIRDO HIMSELF!  Wake Up!  Don’t be STUPID like Elmer “Screwy-Stewy” Rhodes of the OathCrappers (he claims to be the founder and head of the Oath-keepers Militia, which even more STUPID people belong to.)  Screwy-Stewy was just SENTENCED to 18 years in the hoosegow (prison)!  Why!  For his INSURRECTION activities on January 6, 2001, which have been deemed SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY and also the fact that Stewart is JUST PLAIN STUPID!  For crying out loud, the idiot asshole shot his own eye out!  How STUPID is that?  Yale grad?  Big deal, you know who also went to Yale?  George W. Bush.  We all know how STUPID Bush is!  (Trump and Rhodes make Bush look like a damn genius!)

Trump, DeSantis, and LUNATIC Luna are all in FLORIDA! Put a fence around it an call it a ZOO!

Trump the CRIMINAL is gonna lose, just like Trump The CANDIDATE is a LOSER!

Donald Trump criminal trial is set for March 2024; judge informs Trump what he can’t say about hush money case

Trump Criminal Trial Scheduled for March 2024

See criminal defendant Trump back in court after arrest as judge sends warning I Melber breakdown

Trump is a FEDERAL CRIMINAL too!

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago danger: Special counsel nears end of classified documents probe

Donald Trump’s Carelessness Will Likely Cost Him Millions

How Trump’s rhetoric has become increasingly radical in 2024 campaign

Lawyers, Trump Lawyers abandon Trump!

Donald Trump’s lawyers resign: The ex-president’s legal team is in turmoil

Trump legal team seeks meeting with Garland as documents probe nears conclusion

Why Team Trump is suddenly pleading for a meeting with AG Garland

Runny Ronny runs for President after all!  (With Elon’s, the HEAD TWIT of Twitter, help.  What a couple of TWITS!)

Trump team knocks DeSantis’ Twitter campaign launch: ‘This way he doesn’t have to interact with people’

Ron DeSantis, like Donald Trump, says he can create a more conservative Supreme Court

DeSantis to open presidential bid by out-Trumping Trump

DeSantis Allies’ $200 Million Plan for Beating Trump

Trump doesn’t like Runny Ronny or Elon anymore, although he LOVED THEM BOTH at one time!  Trump is a FICKELED and QUEER asshole!  He’s a TrumpFickle!

Congresswoman LUNA, a Trump debutant, is a LUNATIC!

She is suing Congressman Adam Schiff for 16 MILLION DOLLARS because she said:

“that amount is about half of the cost of the federal investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion, which was debunked by special counsel reports from both Robert Mueller and John Durham.

GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna seeks $16 million fine against Adam Schiff for ‘lies’ about Trump-Russia collusion

First of all, The Mueller Report did NOT DEBUNK or Exonerate Donald Trump.  It simply failed to CHARGE him because at the time it came out he was The sitting (and shitting) President, and The FBI does NOT charge a sitting (or shitting) President for anything!

Second:  John Durham’s reports are BULLSHIT and don’t debunk crap!  Just like his lawsuits, which failed!

The effect the lunatic LUNA should have is to open the dossier and Mueller Report to further scrutiny and a new court case.  Luna is a LUNATIC!  Just like Trump and his other Old FOTs!

Luna represents FLORIDA’s 13th District.  The Man who was arrested at the Virginia Children’s School in his attempt to attack CIA Headquarters with a handgun, AK-47 Rifle and lots of ammo is also from FLORIDA!    Ron DeSantis’s FLORIDA.  Ron DeSantis, the Republican Governor of the SANE and NORMAL FLORIDA, wants to make America like FLORIDA!  “No THANKS!” Ron (the Floridian LUNAtic)!  

Seriously?  The Repukeliturds are NOT being serious!  They are NOT serious about this election, the Debt Ceiling, Trump’s lawsuits! or anything else!  The Repubelickers are NOT SERIOUS about anything!  The Rethugs need to WAKE UP or at least “get WOKE”.  That’s NO JOKE!  DO YOU WANT AMERICA TO BE LIKE FLORIDA?  They are CRAZY in FLORIDA!  They are LUNAtics, like Trump!

Trump is a QUEEN! A Drama QUEEN! (And very Queer too!)

More Trump lawsuits?

Special counsel eyeing Trump overseas business: reports

More is better!

Trump’s legal dramas overshadow his campaign as GOP field grows

Trump’s “legal dramas” are only as dramatic as He makes them.  He’s a dramatic liar!

Tim Scott Joins Trump in 2024 Republican Race With Wall Street, Upbeat Pitch

Tim Scott Begins Presidential Campaign, Adding to List of Trump Challengers

More candidates are better!

E. Jean Carroll asks judge to amend lawsuit to seek further damages for what Trump said at CNN town hall

E. Jean Carroll seeks damages from Trump for CNN town hall comments

E. Jean Carroll seeks $10M in new damages after Trump CNN town hall

Even MORE MONEY is better!

Trumpy is a LIAR and a RAPIST and all kinds of other SHIT that is BAD! (He is a LOSER!)

Trump is such a LIAR!

E. Jean Carroll Seeks New Damages From Trump for Comments on CNN

Trump faces ‘substantial damages’ claim from E. Jean Carroll over CNN town hall remarks

E. Jean Carroll seeks ‘very substantial’ damages from Donald Trump for comments during town hall


Tim Scott Joins Trump in 2024 Republican Race With Wall Street, Upbeat Pitch

The GOP primary might be over before it starts

Just like 2016 all over again.  A cast of THOUSANDS vying for the Repukelicker Nomination that Trump is sure to get.  Except, this time, Hillary isn’t running.  Trump will LOSE the General Election!  Any real DEMOCRAT can beat Trump LIKE A DRUM!  Trump is so STUPID!  Forget about RFK Junior, he’s a FAKE!  Even his daddy would say so if RFK Sr. were still alive, which apparently Junior doesn’t give a FIG NEWTON about!  FUCK JUNIOR!  Biden is gonna BEAT TRUMP LIKE A DRUM!  A DUMB DRUM!

Trump is a Sleazy Commie!

Only THE RUSSIANS and dumbass yanks support Trump now!

Trump lawyer blocked legal team from conducting search after FBI raid

Who is Tim Parlatore!  At least he is American!

Who is Boris Epshteyn?  He’s a RUSSIAN by birth, born in MOSCOW RUSSIA!

So, the RUSSIAN blocked the American from doing the RIGHT thing,  It figures.  Look what The Russians are doing now to the Ukraine!

Former Trump Lawyer Describes Conflict Inside Legal Team

Former Trump lawyer accuses current Trump lawyer of interfering with classified documents searches

Ex-Trump attorney explains why he left Trump’s legal team

If a RUSSIAN were to stop you from doing the right thing, would YOU leave?  Of course YOU would!  Goddamn RUSSIANS!

Russia’s Latest Sanctions on U.S. Officials Turn to Trump Enemies

Trump’s Enemies?  The goddamn Russians are Trump friends!   The REAL INVISIBLE ENEMY is Communism!  So the sign from the January 6, 2001 Insurrection on the Capitol Building of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA says!  What are Trump’s FRIENDS saying?

Republican senator: Trump will lose 2024 presidential race if nominated

Louisiana GOP senator says Trump can’t win a general election

GOP senator: ‘I don’t think Trump can win a general election’

And WHAT is TRUMP doing?

Trump tears into ‘The View’ co-host, ex-aide Alyssa Farah Griffin in online tirade: A ‘sleazebag’ and ‘loser’

It is Trump who is The Loser and The Sleazebag!  Don’t believe me?  Just GOOGLE “Trump is a Sleaze” and see for yourself!  Here is a small sample:

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is … – USA Today

The Sleazy Life Of Donald Trump The Family Man

Editorial: Donald Trump reaps the consequences of …St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Trump Suddenly Loves ‘Sleazy’ FBI Agents, Insists He …Yahoo

The Trump Administration Is a Sinkhole of Sleaze

… and that’s just a SMALL SAMPLE of TRUMP SLEAZE!  It goes on, and on, and on!  Donald J. Trump is the sleaziest of all the SLEAZEBBAGS!