Monthly Archives: July 2023

Trump is a DOUCHEBAG, SCUMBAG & DIP-SHIT! (Just perfect for today’s Republiturds!)

What is WRONG with those people?!

Video: Will Hurd booed after criticizing Trump during Des Moines, Iowa, speech

Rivals’ silence at Iowa dinner shows Trump’s dominance in 2024 race

GOP voters need to move beyond Trump, Nikki Haley warns

Dozens served in Trump’s Cabinet. Four say he should be re-elected.


Trump PAC Requested $60 Million Refund Amid Legal Woes: Report

Trump PAC Requested Refund for Legal Fees

Trump legal fees eclipse second quarter fundraising, reports say

Social Media REACTS:

Social media reacts after Trump takes stage in Iowa to song lyrics about ‘going to prison’


Drones slam Moscow; Trump calls for halt in aid

Which REACTION makes MORE SENSE?  Trump is “going to prison.” like the sang says!

Trump really likes assigning Nicknames, like: The Dumbass of The Donbas! (Putin!)

“Moscow Mitch” McConnell, the Mental Midget who FROZE!

KKK Kevin McCarthy, the McCarthyite and A Real Pussy!

Ted “The Creepy” Cruz

Marjo Tay-Tay GangGreene, dead from the Neck up and down

Lauren “Big Boobs” Boebert, That “BITCH” as MTG calls her!

Matt ‘The Rapist’ Gaetz as everybody, even his close friends, call him

JackAss Jim Jordan, the wrestling coach in Ohio who looked the other way as boys were raped by men!

Donald ‘The BIGLY BABY’ TRUMP, the COLLUDER, the THIEF. The Grifter, The (too many to detail here!)

Screwy Louie Gohmert, the late who said of Attorney Gen. Holder “He caste aspersions on my asparagus!”

Goober ‘Piddly-assed Paul’ Gosar, whose own family even says he’s not fit to serve!

George, ‘Anthony Devolder’, “Kitara Ravache“, Santos the gay crossdressing liar, who won election to Congress by LYING about everything!  Now everyone (except KKK Kev McCarthy, who apparently LOVES DRAG QUEENS) is against him, mainly for his LIES not his Drag Queening.

Inside George Santos’ drag queen days as ‘Kitara Ravache’

Is George Santos the Drag Queen Kitara Ravache?

There are so so many more!  Why are the Republicans so named, when Trump seems to make up all the names anyway? ‘Lyin’ Ted Cruz,  Marco ‘Water-Boy’ Rubio, Carly “Ugly’ Fiorina and all the other Ugly women who just weren’t his “type” so he did not RAPE them like he RAPED E. Jean Carroll who he confused as his second wife Marla Maples, ‘Sloppy’ Steve Bannon, Ronald DeSanctimonious and many more that Trump has made up, about people he used to like, just don’t seem to STICK!  Is Trump LAME or what?  What will he name Waltine Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, when he doesn’t like them anymore?

Kev is a PUSSY! TRUMP called Kev a Pussy way before Eric did. Kev did NOT refute it either time. Kev knows he’s a PUSSY!

Kevin McCarthy IS a PUSSY!  

Donald Trump called Kevin McCarthy a pussy.

Eric Swalwell Calls Kevin McCarthy A ‘P***y’ In House 

We really don’t like it when a Democrat repeats TRUMP.  But, TRUTH is TRUTH!  Even SOCIAL TRUTH!  (Truth Social or ‘Pravda Sotsial’naya’ as they say it in Russia). Speaking of TRUMP …

Who is Carlos De Oliveira, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort manager?

Another one UNDER THE BUS (just like Waltine Nauta)!  And another one down.  Another one down.  Another one under The Bus!  (To protect that BIGLY ORANGE FAT-ASS named TRUMP – The RUMP!)

Fewer Republicans believe Trump did ‘nothing wrong’ according to new poll

Republicans seem to be getting smarter!

Trump’s own words from 2016 come back to haunt as prosecutors file new charges in documents case

Maybe Trump should just stop talking!  He should have stopped at least as far back as 2016!  Yet!  He’s still talking and getting deeper and deeper in his own doo doo!  What a dumbass!

The Boss and His Botched Coverup

Trump Faces New Charges in Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents Case

Analysis | 3 things we learned from new charges against Trump in documents case

Trump is the supposed “Boss”, but he even botched that!  Trump BOTCHES everything! Then there is Tubby Tommy Tuberville the SENSELESS Republican SENATOR of Alabama?  The REPUBLICANS are PUSSIES!  ALL REPUBLICANS ARE PUSSIES!!!

Trump has over a BILLION RUBLES (A Ruble is the Russian Dollar and is about worth an American penny.) No wonder he keeps BORROWING, BEGGING and BOOTLICKING for bucks!

But …

How Trump got $225 million in loans from little-known Axos Bank

Is “Axos Bank” really just another FRONT for RUSSIAN MONEY LAUNDERING like ‘Deutsche Bank’ was and still is (… and where Trump got his previous LOANS)?  Where does a “little known” bank get $225 MILLION to LOAN OUT anyway?

I was told, several times, by Donald J. Trump, in so many of his speeches that he “is Rich,  REALLY REALLY RICH!”  SO!  If he really is REALLY REALLY RICH, as he hisself has said out of his own mouth,  then what does He need a LOAN for?  He supposedly is so rich already!  (… and if he BORROWS $225 MILLION, then how are us “Little People” supposed to borrow a measly $225 Thousand, for a house or something?  No wonder why so many of us “Little People” are homeless in this country.  Obviously Trump doesn’t care!)  What a scuzzy and selfish bastard Trump is!

If Trump wants more of OUR TAX DOLLARS (authorized by Congress) to pay for his LEGAL BILLS, then really, HOW RICH IS HE?  (Shouldn’t that money be going to roads, bridges, and The Ukraine first?  Shouldn’t it come back to us before any of it goes to Trump?  Doesn’t he have LOTS of money of his own to spend on shit like this, since he’s REALLY REALLY RICH already!  Doesn’t he NOT pay his lawyers anyway, which is why he has such trouble hiring new lawyers!)

If Trump needs DONATIONS from his working class dumbasses to run for president, then how RICH is he really?  Why do these poor dumbasses keep sending him money anyway?

I thought he said he was REALLY REALLY RICH!  When he’s really a simple-minded SON OF A BITCH!

Who would loan money to Trump anyway?  Oh!  Yah!  THE RUSSIANS!  (… and maybe the Chinese or other COMMUNISTS,)

Let’s all just face the simple FACT that: TRUMP is a LIAR!

Yev, Wang & Mel are MISSING! Kev is a JOKE! Mitch is old! ‘The 1619 Project’ is still RACIST BULLSHIT!

Yevgeny Prigozhin is MISSING, and has not been seen for quite awhile.  Wang Yi of China is missing and has been replaced.  Now Melania is MISSING!  What the hell is wrong with those COMMUNISTS?  They can’t keep track of their own!

Where Is Melania Trump Now?

Meanwhile …

“Trump knew better”: Experts say key White House meeting could doom Trump’s January 6 defense

Special counsel examines 2020 meeting where Trump was briefed on U.S. election system’s integrity

Top election security expert fired by Trump confirms he spoke with special counsel

Jan. 6 Prosecutors Gather More Evidence as Trump Indictment Decision Looms


Trump begs Congress to help with legal troubles as possible Jan 6 charges loom

TRUMP BEGS!  But I was told (several times by Trump) the he was “Really Rich!”  “Really Really Rich!”  Trump is supposedly a BILLIONAIRE!  (Maybe he has a billion RUBLES!  Which are worth about a penny apiece, but NOT a BILLION DOLLARS.  That must be why Trump is BEGGING!)

McCarthy again marches to Trump’s tune by invoking Biden impeachment inquiry

McCarthy is such a JOKE!  “Moscow Mitch” McConnell is MENTAL! We all know where Hunter Biden is and what he’s up to!  MY GOD you’d hardly know the THE RUSSIANS ARE STILL BOMBING THE UKRAINE! with all this other IMPORTANT SHIT GOING ON IN THE NEWS!  Who really gives a damn where Prigozhin, Wang or Melania is.  REALLY, who the hell cares!

By the way, who RULED this land from 1619 to 1776?  The 1619 Project is a bunch of SHIT and RACIST!  Whereas “Project 65” is Trump being STUPID!  If anyone votes FOR Trump in future elections, they are STUPID too!

THE HYPOCRITE TRUMP! (And more that is BAD!)

“You know I can trust a cynic and a con man, but I can’t trust a hypocrite because a hypocrite doesn’t know when she’s lying and that’s the most dangerous liar of them all.”  Donald Trump is a hypocrite, a liar, a con man and a cynic,  Donald Trump is the worst of the worst!

Donald Trump’s popularity has fallen among Republican voters, poll suggests

Bernie is a CONVICTED LIAR who was PARDONED BY TRUMP thus allowed to become free man again after working as the personal body guard of Rudy Giuliani!  Crooks hang with crooks and help crooks become crooks again and again and again!

Bernie Kerik turns over documents to special counsel Jack Smith 

It wasn’t just one SEARCH WARRANT that prompted the FBI to VISIT Mar-a-Lago.

Eight search warrants issued in Trump classified documents case, new filings show

EIGHT!  8!  EIGHT!!!  Trump is a CRIMINAL!!!

Donald Trump IS A CROOK!

Trump is CROOKED!  And… Jack will PROVE IT!

DOJ recently won Section 241 case, a charge that Trump could face

Special counsel obtains thousands of documents from Rudy Giuliani team that tried to find fraud after 2020 election

As Inquiries Compound, So Does the ‘Trump Tax’

Five questions around Trump’s looming indictment

Up First briefing: State of the economy; a possible Trump indictment; difficult bosses

Special counsel scrutinizing February 2020 meeting where Trump praised US election security protections

TRUMP IS A CROOK!  (Nixon said he was not, but now we know the TRUTH.  Donald J. Trump is a CROOK no matter what he says.  No one with even one functional brain cell needs to wait 30 or 40 years to find out that TRUMP IS A CROOK – NOW!). TRUMP IS A CROOK!

Trump is a JOKE! So what if he said something threatening.

TRUMP THREATENS!  Trump Threatens?  Trump is threatening?  Give me a break!  Trump is a JOKE!

Video: Trump makes not-so-veiled threat about being jailed as result of Mar-a-Lago case

That Sound You Hear Is Donald Trump Screaming, Crying, and Throwing Up in a Mar-a-Lago Bathroom

Trump is a Chump!

Trump calls for death penalty for human traffickers, vows to revive Title 42 to end child trafficking

We CALL for the DEATH PENALTY FOR TRUMP!  No matter what he is CONVICTED of!  Give Trump the DEATH PENALTY!

Republicans didn’t blink after a judge confirmed Trump’s rape charge

DEATH PENALTIES for ALL Trumpub-Lickers!  He GETS what he asks for, and they get what they get!

Con-Man TRUMP! Grifter TRUMP! Dumbass TRUMP!

Once a CONMAN, always a CONMAN, like TRUMP “The Grifting CONMAN”!

Convicted con man who was pardoned by Trump is again

Yes, Virginia, Trump is a GRIFTER too!

Trump the grifter

What’s the DIFFERENCE between a CONMAN and a GRIFTER?

Define Conman

A conman is a person who uses deception and fraud to trick people into giving them money or other valuable assets. They are skilled at manipulating others and often use charm and persuasion to gain their trust. Conmen may use a variety of tactics such as false identities, fake credentials, and elaborate stories to convince their victims to part with their money.

Define Grifter

A grifter is similar to a conman in that they also use deception and fraud to obtain money or other assets from their victims. However, a grifter typically operates on a larger scale and may be involved in more complex schemes. Grifters often work in groups and may use sophisticated technology and equipment to carry out their scams.

Conman vs Grifter: Differences And Uses For Each One

Trump does it all!  He is a Conman and a Grifter!  Trump is BOTH, or either, or the same, whatever!