Monthly Archives: August 2023


Trump is NOT appealing and  Trump’s TRIAL DATE cannot be appealed!

Can Trump Appeal His Federal Election Trial Date? What to Know.

Trump trial date set for March 4, 2024 in federal election case

Trump cited the ‘Scottsboro Boys’ case when he asked for a 2026 trial. Judge Chutkan rejected any comparison

The Trump Trials Will Make 2024 Unimaginably Strange

HOW STUPID IS TRUMP and his dumbass LAWYERS!  Really!  How STUPID are they?

Confused about Trump’s legal problems? Read this. 


Mark Meadows news: The defense of Trump’s “perfect phone call” is really something.

Meadows court hearing could reveal Easter egg in Georgia indictment

How STUPID is Marky Mark?  Really!  How STUPID is HE and HIS lawyers?

The testimony from Trump’s White House chief of staff could change everything

And YOU know what Mama Gump said about stupid:  “Stupid is as Stupid does!’  They’s doing a whole lot of STUPID!

Death Will Come for the Cult of MAGA

Christy ain’t STUPID,

First attack ad with Trump’s mug shot hits the airwaves

… but he’s gonna lose anyway!  Why?  Because, when you get right down to it, the FAT BOY is a Republiturd too!  All Republiscum are RACISTS and so is Chris!  He’s got the taint on him!  The TAINT of TRUMPDUMB!  Trump has ruined that potty foe eveh!


Trump to GO ON TRIAL!

Trump Trial Set for March 4 in Federal Election Case

Christie predicts Trump’s Jan. 6 trial date will be ‘disastrous’ for GOP

Federal judge sets Trump trial date in election interference case

And Mark Meadows spilled his guts out!

Mark Meadows takes stand in bid to derail Georgia criminal charges

Mark Meadows, former Trump chief of staff, testifies in Georgia

The testimony from Trump’s White House chief of staff could change everything

Good for you MARKY MARK!  

TRUTH:  I have never met a Trump Supporter who wasn’t FIRST a Racist!  Never!  

CONCLUSION:  All Trump Supporters are RACISTS!  ALL OF THEM!

TRUMP IS OUT FOR HIMSELF, everyone knows it!

Trump is in this for HIMSELF!  Fuck the rest of you!

Sununu: GOP trying to save the country while Trump only saving himself

Sunny is a Republican!  (Republiturd!) 

One image, one face, one American moment: The Donald Trump mug shot

TRUMP POSED for his MUG SHIT!  TRUMP IS A POSER!  TRUMP IS A FAKE!  Trump is a SNOWFLAKE always playing the part of the VICTIM!

YOU are the ones being VICTIMIZED by TRUMP’s LIES, his FAKENESS and his POSING!

Trump’s support drops six points after skipping debate

That’s TRUMP!

Biden is widely seen as too old for office, an AP-NORC poll finds. Trump’s got other problems

BUT, if Biden is TOO OLD, then TRUMP IS TOO CROOKED!  Which would you rather have running your country?  An old guy who might be TOO OLD with a younger Vice President, or an old guy who is TOO CROOKED with an unknown Vice President who he might call to be hanged?  YOUR CHOICE!

TRUMP is CESSPOOL SCUM (that floats to the top. In other words, Trump is a TURD!)


Donald Trump is AU!

How did Donald get so much MONEY!  He got it from Vladimir Putin!

Trump is NOT a BILLIONAIRE in U.S. Dollars, but may be a Russian Billionaire in RUBLES which are worth a little more than a penny!  Even if Donald Trump has a BILLION RUBLES he has FAR LESS than a billion dollars, all from COMMUNIST RUSSIAN LEADER VLADIMIR PUTIN, who helped him STEAL THE ELECTION in 2016!  STOP THE TRUMP STEALING!  

Trump LIKES RUSSIANS more than Americans!  THAT IS A FACT!

Trump LIKES DICTATORS more than he likes or even respects HONEST PEOPLE who SERVE We The People!  THAT IS A FACT!

Trump wants to RULE people not serve us.  THAT IS A FACT!

Trump is a LIAR!  THAT IS A FACT!


Trump is a RINO!   THAT IS A FACT!

Trump is a/an               (fill-in the blank with your own favorite Trump pejorative).

Bottom line:  TRUMP IS SCUM!  Trump is always THE VICTIM!


Trump, and “The BLACKS”!

A BLACK MAN is the ONLY indicted TRUMP Co-Conspirator still IN JAIL in Georgia!

Trump Co-Defendant Harrison Floyd Denied Bond: Why He’s Still In Jail

During Friday’s hearing, Richardson asked Floyd if he had an attorney and he said he did not. He said the ones he’d spoken to cost between $40,000 and $100,000, and “I can’t put my family in that kind of debt.”

He added that’d he’d requested a public defender and was denied one. The judge told him he did not qualify for one.

Judge denies bond to only Trump co-defendant being held in jail

The Judge is named Richardson.  What about the Miranda Warning that states:

You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.

Miranda warning – WikipediaWikipedia › wiki › Miranda_warning

Where is his “appointed lawyer”?  Oh.  Right!  He’s NOT QUALIFIED FOR ONE.  

Richardson said one of the reasons she was denying him bond on Friday was a pending case for allegedly assaulting a federal officer earlier this year.

Judge denies bond to only Trump co-defendant being held in jail

Didn’t TRUMP assault us ALL on January 6, 2021?  Isn’t that WHY he and the rest are under indictment?  Why doesn’t TRUMP, the alleged Billionaire, just BAIL the black man OUT with all HIS money!  WHY?  Because he’s BLACK?  What about Trump’s PROMISE to pay the LEGAL BILLS of anyone who supports HIM?  Is TRUMP a LIAR?  AGAIN?  The BLACK MAN was there, in Georgia, before DONALD TRUMP and long-after TRUMP had left and gone home to ONE of HIS many homes.  Meanwhile …

Opinion | Catch the Smug Mug on That Thug!

OR, is TRUMP just a SMUG THUG on a MUG making MORE MONEY?  Maybe, but meanwhile ..

Georgia governor pressured to publicly back Fani Willis in Trump case

It seems like everybody LOVES Fani!  Even Governor Kemp, because he has to.  (She’s BLACK too.)

Trump MUGs for MONEY! Honey!

Trump is just in it for THE MONEY!  Trump is YOUR retribution!  (Retribution is the same as PUNISHMENT, VENGEANCE, REVENGE, PENALTY, NEMESIS, DOOM and more evil!  That us what Trump is.  TRUMP IS EVIL!)

How Trump’s monetizing his mug shot

A Trump Mug Shot for History

Trump makes MORE MONEY with his MUG SHOT than with his hotels and golf courses combined!  Trump’s real slogan should be: “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”  Trump STARTED his MONEYGRUBBING a week before his latest indictment.  IN FACT: Trump and His Team have been sending out an average of 3 emails a day so HE can make even more MONEY!  Now he’s even sharing HIS ‘Booking Number’ in HIS effort to MAKE A BUNCH MORE MONEY!  (Who publishes their ‘Booking Number’ except a CROOK who is PROUD of being “BOOKED as a CROOK”!)  TRUMP’S IN IT FOR THE MONEY HONEY!  TRUMP is ONLY IN IT for THE MONEY!

The TRUMP MUG is FOR SALE!  HIS Mug on MUGS.  HIS Mug on T-Shirts!  HIS Mug on Can-Cozies and MousePads!  He BRANDED his MUG SHOT!  Anything HE can think of to put his MUG SHOT on, HE will sell.  He wants to make MONEY!  He’s trying to Make Money!  Do YOU get it!  Trump is a MUGGLE!  (Not like Hermione Jean Granger.)  Trump is a MUGGLE but he’s more like Voldemort!  Trump even LOOKS LIKE Voldemort in his MUGSHOT pose!  (Trump is a poser!)

This is just ANOTHER FAKE MUGSHOT that Trump SOLD to his cult following!

The Republican Party was once the party of Law & Order!  The TRUMPublican Party (Republicans of today) are the party of THUGS, CRIMINALS like JOHN GOTTI, JESSE JAMES, JOHN DILLINGER and VOLDEMORT!  The Republicans of TODAY are LAWLESS THUGS!  That is all they are.

TRUMP IS A FAKE!  Just as FAKE as the dead voters who supposedly voted (but really didn’t) or his FAKE electors who are real FAKES like Trump.


SURRENDER!  You ChickenShit TRUMP!  (Or, TRUMP-WAFFLE! if you prefer.)

Trump Georgia indictment latest news: Rudy Giuliani surrenders in Fulton County

More Trump Co-Defendants Turn Themselves in to Fulton County Jail

Gutless TRUMP won’t even go to a DEBATE!  Instead he FLOPS with Tuck and his employees FLIP on him!

Here’s how to watch Trump’s Tucker Carlson interview

FLIPPitty!  FLOPPitty!  Fuck Trump the WAFFLER!

About yesterday’s TRUMPUBLICAN Debate:  What doesn’t Nimarata (Nikki Haley) Randhawa and Vivek (Rama-SWAMPY) Ramaswamy NOT get about “Make America White Again!” (the TRUE meaning of MAGA!)?  They are NOT WHITE.  Neither is Tim Scott, who is BLACK (like Nimarata and Vivek. in England they call Indian Indians “Blackies”!).

WHAT!?  Trump fired another lawyer?  Just before he SURRENDERS at the Fulton Jail in Georgia!

Trump replaces top attorney in Georgia case


Did the lawyer QUIT?  (The lawyer probably quit, because Trump is too GUTLESS to actually “fire“ him.  By the way, is Prigozhin really dead?  You can TRUST The Russians and Putin just as much as you can TRUST Trump!  DON’T TRUST The Russians, Putin or Trump!  EVER!)

TRUMP lives, while Prigozhin DIES. (How’s that for Justice?)

Why do ALL TRUMPUBLICANS seem FAT and BLOATED?  Take a Good LOOK a FAT-ASS Ted Goodman and his client Rudy {“Toody Fresh & Froody!”) Giuliani, TWO REALLY FAT GUYS LIVING OFF TRUMP!  They are not only FAT but they are LIARS TOO!  By the way … PRIGOZHIN is DEAD!  Yevgeny is NO more!

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin ‘on board’ crashed Russian plane

Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin on passenger list of plane that crashed, killing 10 on board

Yevgeny Prigozhin on plane that has crashed near Moscow, says Russia

Ten killed in private jet crash north of Moscow – Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin ‘on passenger list’

TWO MONTHS to the DAY, that Yevgeny led his march (aborted coup) against Moscow calling it his ‘March of Fairness’ which he suddenly quit and backed-off of, Prigozhin is DEAD!  Furthermore …

Russia-Ukraine War Updates: General Surovikin Relieved of Duties After Failed Wagner Mutiny

Russia removes Sergei Surovikin as head of aerospace forces24 mins ago

Yev’s buddy Russian General Surovikin has been RELIEVED!  By whom?  By Vlad?  WHO IS RUSSIA? VLADIMIR IS RUSSIA!  (The same as Trump wants to be America!  Trump has effectively CUT-OFF Giuliani.  Trump probably would rather KILL Rudy than help him with a fundraiser, but at least Trump is REFUSING to give Rudy any more money.  Fuck Trump’s LIES about paying the LEGAL BILLS of others!  Trump does NOT even pay HIS OWN legal bills!  Individual contributors do.  Almost THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS, donated by dumbasses, have paid Trump’s legal bills.  When HE does pay them or HIS lawyers.)  Putin apparently will KILL his own Chef! (He has KILLED, or attempted to KILL, many in and outside of Russia.)  What will he do to his Poodle – Trump?  Get ready to speak RUSSIAN – comrade!

America on trial: the charges against Trump will decide the fate of a nation

(Much more than two years after Trump’s aborted coup.)  NO SHIT – SHERLOCK!

Trump FLOPS and Trump IT Guy FLIPS!

Trump FLIPS after Employee 4 gets a new lawyer and FLIPS against TRUMP!

Prosecutors: Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers

Mar-a-Lago IT employee changed his grand jury testimony after receiving target letter in special counsel probe, court documents say

Tuck & Trump reunite for a FLOP!

Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump reunite to try to upstage Fox News

Trump Tells Allies He’s Skipping Debate to Punish Fox, Murdochs

Get READY for the FLOP OF ALL FLOPS!  (and the Flop-Sweat!)  The DEBATE will be GREAT without the CHUMP named TRUMP!

Trump the NON-Candidate is THE WORST!

Trump is NOT the best.  Melania said, “Be Best”. ‘DUMBASS-Donald’ Trump is NOT The Best!

The Memo: Georgia indictment reminds voters of the Republicans who stood up to Trump

WHY just TRUMP?  When Trump, the FAKE BILLIONAIRE, apparently can afford to pay his own Legal Fees.  When Trump, the LIAR, apparently has offered to pay so many other’s Legal Fees.  Why is Trump the ONLY ONE not paying any Legal Fees?  Is he more than just a LIAR?  Yes!  TRUMP IS THE WORST!

Donald Trump Georgia co-defendant asks why he isn’t paying legal fees

Trump is a LIAR!  Trump is The WORST!!!  (‘Be Best’ my ass!  Trump is THE WORST of THE WORST!!!)

Here’s HOW TO BEAT TRUMP (like a drum, AGAIN!) from a fellow REPUBLICAN!

Opinion | Gov. Chris Sununu: This Is How to Beat Trump

BEAT HIM!  (Like a drum, again!).  As he gets ‘booked’ into jail!

Trump to be booked at Georgia’s notorious Fulton County Jail at center of DOJ probe