Monthly Archives: September 2023


Donald J. Trump is probably peeing his pants now!

Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case

First co-defendant in Trump Georgia election case pleads guilty

Trump co-defendant Scott Hall pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Now he won’t need to PAY RUSSIAN HOOKERS to PEE all over him.  He can PEE himself!

Milley says the military doesn’t swear oath to a ‘wannabe dictator’ in apparent swipe at Trump

Milley takes swipe at ‘wannabe dictator’ Trump in retirement speech

MILLEY IS CORRECT!  Trump is a SCHLONG!  (That should be a SCHLONG-TATER!)  For those of you NOT familiar with Jewish Slang, that would be a DICK-TATER.  Though Trump is a TATER-TOT-TWAT given all the Tantrums he throws!

By the way, though Trump is Putin’s Poodle, Matt Gaetz is Trump’s Puddle. (A Puddle of Piss!)

Trump is the CROOKEDEST of CROOKS!

Trump keeps on LYING to his minions!  From one of his latest emails (I am ACCIDENTALLY getting because one of my nephews from Illinois is a TRUMPTURD and has a similar email address to mine) here is TRUMP’s latest lie.

”My family and I are the targets of yet another witch hunt designed to injure the leading opponent of Crooked Joe Biden.”

First of all, ”Crooked Joe Biden” is NOT as crooked as Trump is.

Second of all, HE is NOT targeting YOU.  As a matter of FACT Joe has kept an arms length (or more) from HIS JUSTICE DEPARTMENT which he has NOT weaponized like TRUMP did!  

The U.S. Justice Department is NOT even involved in this latest skirmish.


And LASTLY, TRUMP IS A CROOK!  If TRUMP had not been a CROOK all his life no one would be suing him now, much less in four different locations on over NINETY CRIMINAL COUNTS!

A judge found Trump committed fraud in building his real-estate empire. Here’s what happens next

Donald Trump fraud ruling could spell doom for his New York business empire

TRUMP IS A CROOK!  Game, set, match!  TRUMP IS A CROOKED CROOK and HE is still stealing YOUR money!  So what if his “business empire” goes ‘bye bye’!  Good!  Good riddance!  He still has the dumb clods, like my nephew in Illinois, giving him their money!  

NOW, in a new email, he is CLAIMING his arrest was the worst day in history!  BULLSHIT!  Trump is WORSE than even NIXON!  (And here we ALL thought September 8th, 1974 was the WORST DAY in American history, which is the date Nixon resigned and Ford pardoned him.)

August 24, 2023 will go down in history as a dark day that forever changed American politics as our once Free Republic officially descended into tyranny.

Trump’s arrest was the BEST day in American History.  At least it was one of the BEST!  TRUMP is a CROOK!  Finally, TRUMP is being RECOGNIZED AS THE CROOK THAT HE IS!  Donald J. (for JACKASS) Trump is the worst piece-of-shit that ever happened to America and Americans!  Republiturds are CROOKS!  Trump is a REPUBLITURD and a CROOK!   Can anything be WORSE than NOXIOUS NIXON?  Trump is WORSE!  Trump is a TRUMPUBLICAN!

Trump has sent out yet ANOTHER email begging for MONEY!  What a greedy bastard!  Three MONEY BEGGING EMAILS all before noon!  WHAT A GREEDY BASTARD TRUMP IS!  Trump is a GREEDY and UNETHICAL bastard,  Trump is a TRUMPUBLICAN!  And another from what he calls “The Presidents Trust!”!  He is NOT ‘The President’ and he has NO TRUST!

Donald Trump is NOT just running to be elected.   Donald Trump is running to END DEMOCRACY!  Donald Trump is running to install HIMSELF as the HITLER of AMERICA!  That is who Donald Trump is, HITLER!  Donald Trump is, PUTIN!  Donald Trump is, JinPing!  Donald Trump is, Jong-Un!  Donald Trump is, Anti-Muslim!  Donald Trump is, Anti-Jew!  Donald Trump is, Anti-Christian!  Donald Trump is NOT AMERICAN!

Donald Trump is the same as, ADOLF HITLER!


SEE!  I told you so!

Trump and company liable for fraud in New York lawsuit, judge rules

Trump on judge’s ruling he committed fraud: ‘This is not America’

NY Judge’s Ruling in Trump Fraud Case

Trump can get away with skipping a debate but can’t evade legal consequences



Trump will NEVER CARE ABOUT YOU as an individual!

Trump ONLY cares about himself!  Trump ONLY cares about his INDIVIDUAL self.  That is a fact!

If PUTIN can get Trump back in The White House, Trump will use PUTIN!

If Kim Jong-Un can get Trump back in The White House, Trump will use Kim Jong-Un!

If Xi Jinping can get Trump back in The White House, Trump will use Xi Jinping!

Trump tried, BUT FAILED, to use Volodymyr Zelenskyy.  That is a FACT.  Look it up.

BUT YOU alone cannot get Trump back in The White House!

So Trump has no problem using a lot of YOUs to get himself back in The White House, Trump will use YOUs to get back in The White House and get YOUR MONEY at the same time!  YOUs will be used by TRUMP!  That’s a FACT!

Trump has been a FRAUD for YEARS!

Bigly Deal!

Fact check: Trump lies that Senate Democrats stole the 2020 election, baselessly accuses NBC’s owner of treason

When does TRUMP NOT LIE?  Seriously!  When is Trump NOT lying?  The real story would be, ‘TRUMP TELLS TRUTH – FOR ONCE!’.  That would be a stunner!  Trump!  TELL THE TRUTH?   Not ever gonna happen!  Trump is a LIAR, through and through, about anything all the time!

Trump Tells Gun Store He’d Like to Buy a Glock, Raising Legal Questions

Buy a GLOCK You SHLOCK!  Shoot yourself with it, YOU moron TRUMP!  GO AHEAD!  SHOOT YOURSELF!  You are certainly dumb enough to do it!  GO AHEAD!  SHOOT YOURSELF TRUMP!

Cassidy Hutchinson says it’s a ‘make or break moment’ for the Republican Party to stand against Trump

She is, of course, CORRECT!  The Republican Party will never SURVIVE Trumpism!  It is NAZIism by another name!

Now Trump is CRAZY about The Whales!

The former president raged during a campaign speech in South Carolina that “windmills” are driving whales “crazy.” “Windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before. Nobody does anything about that,” he declared. “They’re driving the wales, I think, a little batty,” he said.

Trump Rant About ‘Batty’ Whales And Windmills Leaves Critics …

Video: Are whales going ‘crazy’ from windmill farms? CNN fact …

Donald Trump boldly claims windmills are driving whales ‘ …

Donald Trump cares more about WHALES than the American People!  Why shouldn’t he.  After all. HE IS A WHALE!  (A Blue-Faced Whale!)

Judge rules Donald Trump defrauded banks, insurers while building real estate empire

Trump and company liable for fraud in New York lawsuit, judge rules

Trump Fraud Trial in New York to Proceed on Monday, Judge Rules

TRUMP IS, IN FACT, A FRAUD!  (And, Trump is STUPID!). The whole TRUMP FAMILY is a bunch of FRAUDS!

TRUMP has been ‘WARNED’

Trump has been ‘WARNED’ again and again, yet, he does shit anyway!

‘You were warned’: Judge reprimands Trump’s lawyers in New York AG’s $250M fraud case

Trump has been allowed to “PASS’ so many times!  It’s about TIME his warnings were acted upon.  Trump thinks he is “ABOVE THE LAW’!  But he is not.  He is subject to the same law we are.

Judge in fraud suit against Trump chides defense for repeating arguments

Thank GOD for people like Cassidy!

Cassidy Hutchinson Reappears. She Has More Trump Stories to Tell.

TRUMP STORIES or TRUMP LIES?  The STATE of the REPUBLICANS can be summed up with this…

McCarthy Caps Nightmare Week With More Humiliation

McCarthy, The Speaker of The House, CAVED-IN to Marjorie Taylor Greene (or as we call her Marjoe Tay-Tay GangGreene the rottenest piece of SHIT in all of congress).  Kevin LACKS the backbone to stand up to THAT THING!  That is the STATE of the Republican Party!

Trump is a FAILURE and believer in ABORTION!


Trump steamrolls anti-abortion groups

Trump abortion backlash spotlights a Republican balancing act


Trump Tries to Strike Down New York AG Case Before It Starts

We won’t know for sure until Wednesday, but so far TRUMP is LOSING!

Trump is weaker among independents than Republicans in primary polls


Judge overseeing case to remove Trump from ballot agrees to order banning threats and intimidation


Rudy is just like TRUMP, both are RAPISTS!

Rudy may NOT have learned it from Trump. but he was inspired to do it by Trump!

Ex-Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson claims Rudy Giuliani groped her on January 6

Former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson claims Rudy Giuliani groped her on day of attack on Capitol

Rudy DID IT, but TRUMP inspired it!  Meanwhile …

House Republicans remain ‘dysfunctional’ as shutdown looms 

The REPUBLICANS are DYSFUNCTIONAL!  Typical.  They have been DYSFUNCTIONAL since Trump took them over!  More than that Republicans have become a “Weapon Of Mass CORRUPTION!”

Trump throws TANTRUMS, as do His TumpTurds!

Trump is talking SHIT!  Only his RACISTs, MISOGYNISTs and SHITHEADs agree with him.  (Hopefully, they are becoming a smaller and smaller group of GROPERS! 

UAW president has some harsh words for Trump

Trump’s Abortion Comments Expose a Line of Attack for Rivals in Iowa

Trump calls DeSantis abortion ban ‘a terrible mistake,’ sparking anger from some key Republicans

Trump Is Said to Have Told Aide Not to Acknowledge She Knew of Documents


Zelensky urges Trump to share Ukraine peace plan but says he won’t give territory to Russia

Trump has NO PLANS!  Just a load of BULLSHIT!  (Or, more accurately, it should be called “TRUMPSHIT’!). Trump is FULL OF SHIT and it’s leaking out of his mouths!

Army general says Tuberville’s tantrum is ‘reprehensible’ 

Tuberville throws a TANTRUM!  Just like the Trump Tantrums we are so familiar with!  Are ALL TrumpTurds Tantrumites?  I mean look at them from Teddie Cruz and Marjoe Tay-Tay GanGreene to Jimminy Jordon and Luaren BOOBS Boebert!  They are ALL CryBabies and Tantrum Throwers!  All of them, and LIARS too!