Monthly Archives: October 2023


Trump is Re-GAGGED!

Judge reinstates gag order on Trump in federal election subversion case

Federal Judge Reinstates Gag Order on Trump in Election Case

Judge reinstates Trump gag order in election subversion case

George has words for Trump!

George Conway: The civil fraud trial is striking at the core of Trump

Trump is MOCKED!?!?!?!

Donald Trump Brutally Mocked Over Multiple Gaffes in Speech

But I thought ONLY OLD GUYS like Biden were MOCKED for GAFFES!  WHAT?  Trump is an OLD GUY TOO!!!!!

Trump is the Devil’s Disciple!

Maybe Mike Pence should have been HANGED on January 6, 2021!

The Devil’s Bargain Mike Pence Could Not Escape

He WAS the CHRISTIAN who gave legitimacy to THE DEVIL – TRUMP

Trump on Pence’s 2024 presidential race exit: ‘He should endorse me’

Trump, who once appeared to defend January 6 threats against Pence, calls on his former VP to endorse him

Now TRUMP is DEMANDING Pence’s endorsement!  Meanwhile TRUMP HS PROBLEMS!

Nikki Haley accuses Donald Trump of pursuing ‘chaos, vendettas and drama’ at Jewish Republican event


Opinion | Jenna Ellis Could Become a Star Witness Against Trump

Put a FORK in him.  Trump is DONE!

Trump told Howard Stern it’s OK to call Ivanka a ‘piece of a–‘


Ivanka Trump gets to SCREW DADDY TRUMP for a change!

Ivanka Trump to testify?

Judge orders Ivanka Trump to testify in $250 million fraud case

Ivanka Trump can be compelled to testify in Trump’s New York fraud trial, judge rules

Judge reportedly orders Ivanka Trump to testify in family’s civil fraud trial – US politics

Trump fraud trial updates: Ivanka Trump must testify

Will Ivanka be ordered to testify AGAINST her daddy or FOR him?

Will Donald throw her under the bus, like he did before when he said “she was out of it”!

What will Ivanka do?

What will Donald do?

Who cares what Jared does!

Believe American Republicans like you believe Hamas!  DON’T TRUST EITHER!  They both LIE!

Trump is a FATSO and a FOOL!

Trump!  Loyalty?  HAH!

Trump is forced to play by the rules in court and doesn’t like it

Trump doesn’t LIKE any RULES that he doesn’t make-up himself

How Judges Restrain Trump: Gag Orders, Fines and Possible Jail Time

Trump attacks judge in NY fraud case who fined him $15,000

Whoopi Goldberg begs judge to fine Donald Trump $10 million over court drama

Special counsel accuses Trump of ‘threatening’ ex-chief of staff Mark Meadows following ABC News report


Trump’s Allies Pledged Loyalty to Him. Until They Didn’t.

Trump has NO LOYALTY to THEM.  Why should THEY have any LOYALTY to Trump?  (What goes around, comes around!). Trump RULES are for FOOLS!

Trump is an ASS-HOLEO!

So. The Republicans FINALLY have a Speaker of The House, there’s a NEW WAR in Israel, an OLD WAR in Ukraine and Trump is still being an asshole!  Trump tries to DELAY – DELAY – DELAY, but when he can’t he tries to ignore!

Trump lawyers argue Senate impeachment acquittal means 2020 election interference case should be dismissed

Trump attorneys move to dismiss charges in federal election subversion case and to remove mentions of January 6 attack in indictment

Trump distances himself from Jan. 6 in asking court to toss ‘vindictive’ case


Guilty pleas from ex-Trump attorneys deal blow to right-wing media outlets that amplified election lies

AND ….

Jenna Ellis, Former Trump Lawyer, Pleads Guilty in Georgia Election Case


Trump glowers as Cohen dishes

Trump GLOWERS?  What is Trump glowering at … THE TRUTH!  (You won’t find that on ‘TRUTH SOCIAL’, nor anything close to the real truth.  ‘Trump’ and ‘Truth Social’ are ALL LIES!). Trump is an ASS!

Trump is a RINO and HE always HAS BEEN a RINO!

Trump’s dominoes are falling!  But HE doesn’t remember them!

After Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia case, Trump claims she was ‘never’ his attorney, despite their past ties

Trump claims Sidney Powell never his lawyer after her plea deal

Trump co-defendant Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Jenna Ellis becomes latest Trump lawyer to plead guilty over efforts to overturn Georgia’s election

Former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia case

Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in 2020 election case

Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia Trump election case

Ex-Trump attorney Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case

Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims: Sources

When he can’t LIE, he LItigatES!  Now, is HE going to claim HE doesn’t and NEVER knew Jenna!

Trump files motions in new bid to dismiss election subversion case

and HE LIES some more, as HE tries to delay the inevitable!

Trump argues the Justice Department is attacking his free speech rights

Which causes HIM problems!

Tensions between Trump and RNC spill over into public view

Trump is a FRAUD!

Trump seethes at gag order in federal case while his campaign relishes it

Analysis | Tom Emmer quickly runs into a Trump-sized problem with his speaker bid

Trump “seethes”?  What IN THE HELL does Trump have to seethe about?  “Trump-sized problem”?  The TRUTH!  The truth is that TRUMP is a RINO! That’s the TRUTH!



After Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia case, Trump claims she was ‘never’ his attorney, despite their past ties

Trump in new peril after Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro plead guilty

Jan. 6 defense lawyers ‘gobsmacked’ by Trump ally’s plea deal

The NEXT THING Trump will say is that he never even knew Sydney Powell, never heard of her, doesn’t know her or Chesebro.  BULLSHIT!  By the way, Trump calls ALL his friends names!  He calls Chesebro CHEESY and Powell The CRAZY LADY!  Why shouldn’t he have a name for Pratt?

Donald Trump calls billionaire Anthony Pratt ‘red haired weirdo from Australia’ as he denies discussing submarines

Reports: Trump told Mar-a-Lago member about calls with foreign leaders

Oh sure!  Trump gives his friends SECRET INFO and Mar-o-Lardo Memberships, then calls them names!  What an ASSHOLE Trump is!

Liz Cheney doesn’t rule out presidential bid, calls Donald Trump ‘the single most dangerous threat’

Video: Liz Cheney says Trump is ‘the single most dangerous threat we face’ if reelected

Liz may be the only TRUE REPUBLICAN left, and Trump IS whatever she calls him, because Trump is an ASSHOLE!

Tom Emmer scrambles to fix his Trump problem

Tom has an ASSHOLE PROBLEM?  If Tommy is fixing an ASSHOLE PROBLEM then Tommy is just another ASSHOLE!

TRUMP needs to be MUFFLED! Gagged! Bagged! Tagged!

The JUDGE has rejected three MORE challenges against the law by TRUMP!  Trump The Loser!

Lawsuit to block Trump from Colorado 2024 ballot survives more legal challenges

TRUMP continues HIS LOSING STREAK!  Trump is truly THE BIGLYEST LOSER EVER!  (And the Fattest!)

Trump The Traitor!

A President, a Billionaire and Questions About Access and National Security

Reports: Trump told Mar-a-Lago member about calls with foreign leaders

Trump shared sensitive calls with Australian billionaire, leaked audio shows

Trump The Coward!

Trump in new peril after Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro plead guilty

Trump The Liar!

Trump claims Sidney Powell was ‘never’ his attorney following lawyer’s Georgia plea deal

Trump The Morally Bankrupt!

Mitt Romney says Donald Trump represents a ‘failure of character’

Trump The Muffled!

Trump Trials: The Muffled Man?

Trump is MUCH WORSE than all that!


Scott Hall took the first GOP FALL

By copping a PLEA in Georgia,  

Then Sydney Powell


(in Georgia!)

Now Steve CHESEBRO is calling it QUITs 


All Three are total GOP SHITS

All because TRUMP, THE CHUMP,

Refused to be BUMPED (though he has been.)

McCarthy met his FATES

From dumbass Matt Gaetz (and Marjoe Tay-Tay GangGreene)

TRUMP is a ‘HAS-BEEN’!  Jim Jordan is a ‘NEVER WAS’!

but still looks good to THE DUMBASS DON!  (At least until somebody says something bad about Jimbo)

Moscow Mitch was a FOT (Friend Of Trump!)

But now he’s just a SPOT!  (An immovable object in The Senate, especially when he freezes at the podium)


The DUMBASS DON did ‘em in!

They were due.  Long Over-Due!  (Get a CLUE to the ZOO of Repubanimals!)

Judge fines Trump $5,000 for gag order violation after threatening him with jail time

Bigly deal!  A measly five thousand bucks!  Fine the asshole 5 BILLION BUCKS next time!  And throw his FAT ASS in JAIL, don’t just talk about it!

Keeping Up With the Trump Trials: Donald Trump’s No Good, Very Bad Week

Analysis | Threats couldn’t save Jim Jordan. But Trump-era intimidation has had an impact.

Trump has had so many BAD WEEKS!  Any week when Trump is mentioned anywhere is a BAD WEEK for us!  We have had 8 years of BAD WEEKS because of Trump!  Throw Trump in PRISON, and give us at least 1 GOOD WEEK!

Trump tells allies he doesn’t support Tom Emmer’s speaker bid