Monthly Archives: January 2024

Trump and his Anti-Cognitive MUTTS! (Did I say MUTTS? I meant NUTS!) QAnon KOOKS!

Even the CONSERVATIVES want Trump excluded!

Retired conservative federal judge urges Supreme Court to disqualify Trump from office

So!  Kick TRUMP Off The Ballot already!  Everybody wants TRUMP KICKED OFF!

Rep Tenney nominates Trump for Nobel Peace Prize for ‘historic’ Abraham Accords

Claudia Tenney is a CLOD and a FOOL of FOOLS!  (And a NAZI!)

‘He is nothing’: E. Jean Carroll on the biggest surprise of confronting Trump in court

Whereas E.Jean Carroll does NOT suffer fools!  Now!  She has suffered long enough from the BIGLY FOOL!

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and a MAGA Meltdown

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, and the Super Bowl: the right has truly outdone itself with this football conspiracy.

Right-wing media figures target Taylor Swift with absurd conspiracy theory ahead of the Super Bowl

Right-Wingers Say Super Bowl Is Rigged So Taylor Swift Can Endorse Biden

Keller @ Large: Factual problems with Taylor Swift, Joe Biden conspiracy theories

MAGA Nut-jobs are really NUT JOBS!  Have they got their panties in a bunch!  No wonder they are trying to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas and stone-wall the border deal like TRUMP wants them to.  They are NUTS!

Trump HAD 400 Million on hand (so he said). Now he is Broke! Cashless, Cash Poor!

Trump’s problems multiply!

Last Week Was Bad for Trump. This Week Could Be Four, Five Times Worse.

Pro-Trump network OAN execs may have ‘engaged in criminal activities’ while promoting 2020 election lies, Smartmatic alleges

Trump civil fraud trial: Why the New York case stands apart

Trump calls UAW president a ‘dope’ after union endorses Biden

Now Trump has done it!  He pissed-off the UAW President!  A REAL President!  Trump is screwed now!

Trump is a DICK! (Dictator wannabe!)

Trump the DICK-TATOR! (Dictatorship!)

A Trump Dictatorship Is Possible — But Not in 4 Years

I say we NEVER give Trump the chance to become DICK-TATOR (dictator) of America.  NEVER!  Throw him out like the GARBAGE he is!


Trump discrepancies over $48 million loan could be tax evasion: report

What do you know about that!  Did TRUMP RIG the Nevada primary?

“The fix is in”: Why Trump is expected to sweep Nevada’s delegates

What do you know about that!  Trump RIGGED an election.  Trump RIGGED it!  But THAT’s not the only thing Trump has RIGGED! 

Donald Trump brags about his efforts to scuttle bipartisan border deal

It’s like his “RUSSIA!  RUSSIA!  RUSSIA!” collusion all over again!  Trump is a SCUMWAD!  He does not care about anyone BUT HIMSELF!  TRUMP The SCUMWAD!


Trump is PURE SCUM!

Trump is an ‘oath-breaking insurrectionist’ who shouldn’t be allowed to run, challengers argue


Former Reagan speechwriter tells Haley how to take down Trump: WSJ

Haley knows.  Just hit him where it hurts!  Right in his money bags.  

Koch officials tell donors Nikki Haley was the right candidate to back, despite early losses to Trump

Trump hopes to CANCEL the REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES like he did in 2020, when he was THE INCUMBENT.  (He LOST that one to Biden, just like he’s going tor LOSE this one!)

2020 Republican Party presidential primaries

Trump is PURE SCUM!  Trump is a CULT LEADER, no different from Jim Jones famously or rather infamously of Guyana where he KILLED all those people and a U.S. Congressman!  Instead TRUMP OWES E. Jean Carroll 83.3 MILLION DOLLARS plus 5 MILLION from his earlier LOSS TO HER!  


Trump adds to his DEBT!

Trump Tries Tricks!

Ukraine funding for border deal in doubt after Trump comments

and …

Haley Mocks Trump, and He Threatens Her Donors: Election 2024 Live Updates

plus …

Trump Testified in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Trial For Only a Few Minutes

The JUDGE refused to accept Trump’s BULLSHIT, so should Nikki and the GOP!

AND …. Trump is HIGH-JACKING the Republican Primary Process in order to get the nomination from Haley!

Trump: Nikki Haley donors will be barred from “MAGA camp”

Trump warns he will blacklist Nikki Haley campaign donors

Trump even floated a plan to DECLARE HIMSELF THE PRESUMPTIVE NOMINEE after just two states (Iowa and New Hampshire) have weighed-in, but he quickly withdrew that plan when the Real Republicans blasted it with their backlash!  (He had Ronna do the dishonors,)

Haley campaign lashes out at RNC, Ronna McDaniel over resolution to declare Trump presumptive GOP nominee

This is JUST LIKE Trump: Typical Trump!  inflating the values of his properties to get better loans, and then deflating them to get lower taxes.  (Trump was found GUILTY of doing that in a Court of Law!)  TRUMP DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT REAL PEOPLE.  TRUMP IS ABOUT WHATEVER BENEFITS TRUMP!  THE HELL WTH ANYONE ELSE!  He feels NO REMORSE for his actions!  NONE WHATSOEVER!  He’s ‘ALL TRUMP, ALL THE TIME!’  ALL FOR TRUMP and TRUMP FOR TRUMP!  This is SO TRUMPY!  Trump tried to RIG THE PRIMARY.  RIG IT!  He failed, again!

Trump’s Tricks are TAWDRY!  Trump is a TRAMP!  A TRASHY TRAMP!  (Trump was a SHITTY PRESIDENT, and he’d be even SHITTIER if he ever got a second chance!)  On top of all that he has an 83,3 MILLION DOLLAR JUDGEMENT against him in the E. Jean Carroll second trial!

Nikki STRONG! Trump WEAK! Trump FAKE! Trump LOSER!

Nikki BEAT Trump!

Analysis | ‘She didn’t win’: Trump angered by Haley’s boasts about N.H.

and Trump is pissed!  Pissed Off!  And maybe even pissed his pants!

Iowa and New Hampshire showcased Trump’s strengths – and exposed his weaknesses

Trump has a lot of WEAKNESSES!  (Mostly between his ears.)

‘Trainwreck’: Conservative GOP senators break on border, Ukraine deal as Donald Trump pressures Republicans

The GOP Senators know Trump has lost!  They already know it!

Trump is a LOAD OF SHIT!


Nothing Can Stop a Biden-Trump Rematch

‘Trump is our last shot at restoring America’

DeSantis unloads on Trump right after endorsing him

TRUMP IS A LOAD alright!

Trump takes aim at Haley in combative New Hampshire primary victory speech

As if Trump DIDN’T TAKE AIM AT HALEY before The Primary!  BULLSHIT!  Trump has taken aim at her before, during and after The Primary and won’t let up until she quits and kisses his ass, like all ALL the others have!  They KISSED TRUMP’s ASS, not his ring (except that maybe he has a ring around his ass)!

I watch a lot of Cable TV, and see Tump listed at the ‘Projected Winner’.  I think Trump should be called the ‘Projectile Weiner’.  Trump is a Projectile and a Weiner!  Trump is a Projectile because he’s always Shooting His Mouth Off, and Trump is a Weiner because he is a DICK!  Donald Trump The PROJECTILE WEINER!

We all KNOW that Nikki really won!  Trump just STOLED IT from her.  TRUMP stoled the erection, er election, with his erection!  Trump rigged it!  It was UNFAIR!  Trump is CROOKED!

United Auto Workers union endorses President Joe Biden for reelection over Trump

Between Trump dividing up HIS party, the Independents going for Biden and the UAW endorsing Biden, TRUMP LOSES AGAIN!

TRUMP LOSES to Icky Nikki!

Can TRUMP be beaten?  Yes!  Joe proved it when he beat Trump ‘Like A Drum’!

Election 2024: Nikki Haley aims for an upset over Trump in New Hampshire

Can Haley beat Trump? A New Hampshire VFW hall spotlights her stark enthusiasm gap

Yes.  She can.  If she wants to!

Markets ‘complacent’ about the risks of a Trump win, strategist says1

Complacent?  ‘FEARFUL’ is more like it!  Trump inspires FEAR!

Trump’s Campaign of Humiliation Against Ron DeSantis

DeSantis is HUMILIATED!  Nikki needs to avoid that same humiliation.


So DeSantis dropped out!  Then Trump PRAISED him.  Seems like a pattern.  A dip-shit’s pattern!

Ron DeSantis drops out of 2024 presidential race, endorses Donald Trump

Florida Gov Ron DeSantis drops out of 2024 presidential race, endorses Trump

Trump suggests he’ll get DeSantis voters’ support: ‘He fought hard’

DeSantis should have ‘LIED HARDER’ like Trump LIED!  Maybe he’d still be in the race instead of ‘endorsing the Odd Father’!  Runny Ronny AIN’T RUNNING NO MORE!  He just didn’t LIE enough!  By the way, AI makes it easier for TRUMP TO LIE!  Plus it does give TRUMP some intelligence even though it is artificial and Trump has no intelligence to begin with.  Trump is STUPID!

Ahead of New Hampshire Primary, Underdog Nikki Haley Gets One-on-One Race With Donald Trump

Haley is now the last obstacle to Trump claiming the GOP nomination

Icky Nikki gets to be the SOLE TARGET of TRUMP LIES now.  “LIE NIKKI,  LIE!”  Of course, all YOU really have to do is “TELL THE TRUTH about TRUMP!”  The Truth shall Set You Free and DO TRUMP IN.

See …

Tim Scott, potential Trump VP, engaged to girlfriend after proposing in South Carolina

Lies work for the JERKS, even the BLACK GAY ONES!

E. Jean Carroll trial against Trump: Here is what to know as former president expected in court today

Oh!  Jean, Jean, it’s all up to the waiting NOW.  With Trump it’s a WAITING GAME!  He’ll delay with Delays and even more DELAYS!  That’s Trump!  The DELAY KING!  ‘Why put OFF til’ tomorrow, what you can put OFF for FOREVER!’ is the REAL TRUMP Motto!   It is easy to see why TRUMP CONFUSED E. Jean Carroll as TRUMP’s SECOND WIFE MARLA MAPLES!  Trump is SO CONFUSED!

Trump is a CONFUSED OLD MAN and a TURD!


Trump goes all in on attacking Nikki Haley ahead of New Hampshire primary


Nikki Haley questions whether Trump is ‘mentally fit’ after he confuses her with Nancy Pelosi

Haley questions if Trump is ‘mentally fit’ after Pelosi mix-up

Nikki is RIGHT!  Trump is WEIRD!  Yet. Trump could still win because Trump Supporters are WEIRD TOO!

Most white evangelicals continue to support Donald Trump, maybe more than ever

and ….

Trump Tries to Turn the G.O.P. Race Into a Vice-Presidential Casting Call

Trump advisers talk VP choices as they assemble ‘short list’ in anticipation of New Hampshire win

Trump & Elise, sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-ING.  They were made for each other!