Monthly Archives: April 2024


Dumb Donnie meets with Dumb Ronnie.   Trump and DeSantis, now there’s a pair of real numb-nuts!  First Trump LOVED RFK Jr. and HATED DeSantis.  NOW Trump HATES RFK Jr,. and LOVES DeSantis!    What gives?  Is TRUMP just a HACK POLITICIAN?

Trump, DeSantis meet privately for several hours in Miami

Trump Meets DeSantis Seeking to Tap Ex-Rival’s Donor Connections

Trump and DeSantis meet privately in Florida

Come on Ron!  You know that Trump is a TURD.  Trump is a LYING TURD.  (Ronnie should know that by now!) Ronnie you are NEVER going to be a Trump’s VP short list, unless Trump needs someone to KILL!  AGAIN!  Like Pence.  But, Trump has his WOMEN!

Tensions grow between Trump and Lake in Arizona race for Senate

Trump VP contender Kristi Noem defends shooting her dog

What Nikki Haley’s Primary Voters Tell Us About Support for Donald Trump in November 

An ELECTION DENIER, a DOG KILLER and Icky Nikki!  Where did the BLACK GUY GO?  Trump sure can PICK ‘EM.  NOT!  Then there is Trump’s favorite ‘Marjorie “MOSCOW MARJORIE” Taylor Greene’!  Who I call “GangGreene” because she is rotting flesh!  Now she is “Russian Rotting Flesh”!  “Moscow Margie GangGreene!”

To all those College Kids protesting the WAR in Gaza:  WHY ARE YOU NOT PROTESTING AGAINST HAMAS!  You are NOT Pro-Palestinian.  You are ANTI-ISRAEL!  Hamas STARTED THE WAR! (Just like Putin and his Russians started the war against The Ukraine.  Why aren’t you protesting that?  Too!)  Hamas killed JEWS on October 7th 2023.  (Russians have been KILLING Ukrainians for over two years!)  Hamas took Jews as HOSTAGES.  Hamas has been USING Palestinians as HUMAN SHIELDS since then!  YOU are being USED by HAMAS much like the Palestinians have been used.  (How’s it feel to be USED?  Used like a CONDOM!)  Protest against HAMAS and Israel!  Don’t be stupid.  But take your STUPID PROTEST off the American College Campuses and GO TO GAZA, you feeble idiots!  What?!  You are TOO CHICKEN!  You bunch of Chickenshits!  

No wonder you’re voting for Trump.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT TOO!  Ask Trump what he did during THE WAR!  That’s right, Trump DODGED THE DRAFT so he could keep from catching an STD, his own personal Vietnam.  Trump is a CHICKENSHIT as well as a SCUMBAG and Bigly PIG! 

Protest AGAINST HAMAS as well as Israel!  Gawd!  For College Kids YOU SURE ARE STUPID!

p.s. I am a Catholic, the ULTIMATE CHRISTIAN, not jewish.  I am AGAINST WAR too!  ALL WAR!  All the time.  Just like Jesus!  Trump can’t say that, though he probably will.  Trump is a GODDAMN LIAR!

Trump is like PUTIN – All HAT and NO CATTLE!

Trump immunity?  More like TRUMP BUFFOONERY!

Trump immunity fight turns Supreme Court textualists topsy-turvy

Justice Thomas raised crucial question about legitimacy of special counsel’s prosecution of Trump

How Justice Amy Coney Barrett drove the Supreme Court’s debate on abortion and Trump immunity

Trump has a PECKER problem!  (Trump’s is SMALL, like his hands, and shaped like a MUSHROOM!  But that is a small problem!  Trump has a much BIGLYER PECKER PROBLEM!)

David Pecker testimony at Trump trial reveals the seedy underbelly of his tabloid journalism

Pecker Is Defiant at Trump Trial as Lawyers Try to Shake His Confidence

Trump’s WAR is …

What Trump’s war on the ‘Deep State’ could mean: ‘An army of suck-ups’

an Army of SUCK-UPS!

Trump rails against RFK Jr., calling him a ‘wasted protest vote’

RFK Jr. challenges Trump to debate after ‘Democrat plant’ accusation

WAIT!  Trump WAS pro-RFK Jr., now he’s against him?  What is Trump!?

CNN Poll: Trump maintains lead over Biden in 2024 matchup as views on their presidencies diverge

Trump’s Trial Could Bring a Rarity: Consequences for His Words

The POLLS are polls.  They have been wrong before, and they will be again.  How can ANYONE with a BRAIN vote for Trump?  That’s right!  MAGAs don’t have any brains!  They are as stupid as Trump!

Trump is as GUILTY as THE RUSSIANS owned by PUTIN!

The Supreme SUPREME is NOT HAPPY about rulings against Trump?

John Roberts isn’t happy with previous ruling against Trump – what happens now?

That’s TOO FUCKING BAD!  At least One Judge KNOWS HOW TO DO HIS JOB!  (And I’m talking about Merchan NOT ROBERTS!)  Is ROBERTS personal opinion enough to screw-up the CONSTITUTION and give IMMUNITY TO TRUMP?   Is ROBERTS OPINION enough to turn the United States into a DICKTATORSHIT or even a dictatorship?   ROBERTS must THINK so!  (That is, if ROBERTS THINKS!)  Maybe ROBERTS is as dumb as TRUMP!  After all. they are BOTH REPUBLICANS and that IS a synonym (another word) for ‘STUPID’!  ‘Republicans’ are STUPID!  Yah, they are!  Trump and ROBERTS are the STUPIDEST!

Is Supreme Court just winging it in Trump immunity fight?

Shocker From Top Conservative Judge: Trump Likely To Skate Completely


How Trump’s Rhetoric at Rallies Has Escalated


Takeaways from Day 8 of the Donald Trump hush money trial

First week of testimony in Trump New York trial shows hush money world

Trump Hush-Money Trial: Takeaways From the 2nd Week in Court

Trump is GUILTY!  Even John ROBERTS can see that!  And ROBERTS does see that, which is why ROBERTS is going to give Trump Immunity!  To protect Trump’s FAT ASS!  A LA ROBERTS!  The dumbshit Republicunt!  Forget Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett.  ROBERTS, Alito and that dufas dumbass Clarence ’the Clown’ Thomas are going to give Trump the IMMUNITY Trump needs, and wants to REMOVE THE CONSTITUTION, and become America’s first DICKTATOR TOT! (or ‘dictator’ as we intelligent people know it to be).

What Trump’s war on the ‘Deep State’ could mean: ‘An army of suck-ups’

An “army of suck-ups” like ROBERTS and all the other MAGA nuts and NOIDS!  MAGANOIDS!?  No!  That would be too HUMANOID.  MAGA nuts are NOT humans!  MAGA are ALIENS!


Trump RE-Vamps!

Trump advisors are considering plans to dramatically revamp the Fed, WSJ report says

Trump NEEDS to revamp himself into a HUMAN BEING!  Right now Trump is an ALIEN ASSHOLE!

Exclusive | Trump Allies Draw Up Plans to Blunt Fed’s Independence

Trump needs to BLUNT TRUMP!  Before he blunts anything else!

David Pecker gave prosecutors just what they were looking for in Trump hush money testimony1

Pecker was a prick to the PRICK of ALL PRICKS!

Trump is a LOSER with a Teeny Tiny PECKER and BRAIN the size of a PEANUT!

ONLY A  PEANUT-BRAIN LIKE TRUMP would downplay a racist rally to a peanut!  Especially a DEADLY one like Charlottesville!  Compared to Gaza?  Is the man a RACIST or what!?

Trump downplays deadly Charlottesville rally as a ‘peanut’ compared to Israel-Gaza protests

So appalled’: What witnesses told special counsel about Trump’s handling of classified info while still president

Trump is APPALLING!  Trump is SHOCKING!  Trump is DISMAYING!  Trump is a waste!

The LIAR that is TRUMP with his itty bitty mushroom pee-pee!

Trump played CATCH & KILL and then killed Jeffrey Epstein, his ex-wife Ivana and his own sister Maryanne!

Ex-publisher David Pecker details ‘catch and kill’ in Trump trial testimony 

Second day of David Pecker testimony wraps in Trump’s hush money trial

Gag that MAGAtt Trump!

Gag orders and tabloid schemes at the Trump hush-money trial

Gag Order Hearing Is Heated as Judge Considers Citing Trump for Contempt

Trump trial zeroes in on gag order and David Pecker testimony

Another CRIME!  What other CRIME?  How can TRUMP be accused of another crime as he has VIOLATED THEM ALL BY NOW!

NY prosecutors reveal ‘another crime’ Trump allegedly tried to conceal with falsified business records

Even IF TRUMP gets re-elected!

FBI director rejects Trump’s vow to investigate political rivals

THAT would NOT last even a DAY, as TRUMP THE DICKTATOR TOT would FIRE Wray!

‘Donald Trump is incapable of running anything’: Union slams Trump in new ad

Trump is INCAPABLE?  It’s about time somebody said it!  The ONLY thing Trump is capable of doing is LYING!  He LIES all the time, about everything!  He even LIES about what’s just gone on in court, even though he SLEPT through most of it!  TRUMP LIES!


Trump is an OLD FART!

MANY People Say Trump FARTS in Court and Privately Stews Over Jimmy & Guillermo Meets Madonna!

Trump did FART!!  Trump FARTED!  Just like Giuliana farted, only Trump FARTS smell WORSER!  Trump FARTS are the WORSTEST!  Trump FARTED!  Trump is: The OLD FART!  (Trump should GAG his BUTT too!)  Trump’s FARTS could GAG a MAGAtt!  Why don’t they!  

The SUPPORTERS of Trump get ALL THEIR NEWS from The National Enquirer or FOX News!  They are LAME!  As lame as Trump is!  THAT’s LAME!  Sleepy Donnie.  FARTY DONNIE!

Trump is IN IT for The Money! Honey! He, like the others, wants Putin to make him an Oligarch!

Trump MONEY means MORE MONEY!  Trump is in it for the MONEY!

Donald Trump is on the verge of another $1 billion Truth Social windfall

Melania is in it for The MONEY too!  She is more concerned withThe ReNUP!  (Forget about the prenup!)

Melania Trump Reappears in the Public Eye, in Black

Melania Trump Gets Dragged For Selling ‘Shoddy’ $245 Necklaces Amid Husband’s Hush Money Trial

Donald is paying Melania more.  COUNT ON IT!  Or at least PROMISING to pay her more if she’ll just get out there and be seen with him, but Melania wants even MORE MONEY!  Alina Habba was a blah-blah, and Susan Nacheles might be e better lawyer but she’s ugly like Trump!  Melania is still a NICE PIECE OF ASS and Donald wants her by his side!

Supreme Court prepares to debate Trump immunity claim in election interference case

Donald is also PAYING THE SUPREMES!  Bet on it!  Clarence ‘the Clown’ is down!

Snoozy Trump Wakes Up as Prosecutor Calls Him a Liar


What Donald Trump Fears Most

Fred’s boy Donnie!  The KILLER or the killed.  Don is a REAL LOSER!  Fred would be disgusted!  So would his wife!  His ONE WIFE, Mary Anne!  Donnie has had three, so far!  Only because he couldn’t marry his daughter, Ivanka – a real PIECE OF ASS!  Donnie is besotted with Ivanka!  So HIS OWN SISTER, Maryanne, said before she was found DEAD!  Who do you suppose ORDERED that?

First there was “Moscow Mitch” McConnell.  Now there is “Moscow Marjorie” Taylor Greene.  Both FIT!

“Moscow Marjorie and Moscow Mitch!”  What about Tovarisch Trump the FRIEND or COMRADE of all Russians like Moscow Mitch, Moscow Marjorie and PUKE-HEAD PUTIN!

Trumpy is BALANCED. NOT!

Trump MUST listen!  (He can’t READ or WRITE, but he can and must LISTEN!)

Hush money trial: Trump forced to listen silently to people insulting him

and it is getting to Donnie!

Trump’s New York trial is knocking him off balance

Trump’s Trial Challenge: Being Stripped of Control

Trump’s PROUD BOYS are at it again!

Proud Boys appear at Trump rally, drawing condemnation from Biden

Trump is DEFLATED!

Trump Deflates

(And here YOU thought  Tom Brady and Bill Belichick were the masters of DEFLATE-GATE!).  Make room for DONNIE!

Trump Privately Rages About His Sketch Artist, Courtroom Nap Reports

They DRAW HIM as they SEE HIM!  Poor Donnie.

Trump MUST LISTEN as many DIS HIM!

Trump posts a BAD BOND? After he got it reduced, he still posts a BAD one!

New York AG says $175 million Trump fraud bond isn’t properly backed, should be voided

NY AG asks Trump civil fraud judge to declare $175M bond ‘without effect’

New York Attorney General Letitia James opposes company holding Trump’s $175 million bond in civil fraud case

A bad bond?  Trump has a BAD BOND?  But Trump is a BILLIONAIRE!  (So he says!  Remember, Trump lies!  Trump lies about everything all the time.  Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR says Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, and everyone!  TRUMP IS A LIAR!)

Trump forced to listen silently to people insulting him as he trades a cocoon of adulation for court

‘He was rattled’: Legal expert reacts to Trump’s statement after hearing

Rattled!  Trump was UNHINGED!  as Manigault said in her book title.

Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House …

by Omarosa Manigault Newman