TrumpScum! Ba-DUMB-DUMB!

Another TRUMPER in prison!  (How many so far!  A hundred, two hundred, a thousand!?  How many?)

Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison

Steve Bannon won’t be spending his prison term in a ‘Club Fed’ as he had hoped, sources say

Cannon SHOULD go to prison!

Judge Cannon is skeptical that evidence from Mar-a-Lago should be thrown out

Judge Cannon skeptical of Trump claim FBI mishandled Mar-a-Lago search

She really should spend some time in PRISON!  It would be good for her!  Instead, Trump keeps grabbing her PUSSY!  Trump is a PUSSY GRABBER!  Aileen is the GRABBEE!  And she LIKES it!

Trump, progressives suffer a rough night: 5 takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries

Trump endorsement falters — but the establishment flexes

Trump’s Endorsement Record Suffers Blow Tuesday

Donald Trump Suffers Triple Primary Blow

Trump-backed Senate candidate loses bid for Romney seat

Trump-endorsed candidates lost Tuesday in Utah, South Carolina and Colorado.  The ONLY RACE HE WON was Boebert because she was running, basically, UNOPPOSED and in a different district!  She made a choice, like she did when she got KICKED-OUT of Beetlejuice for whacking some guy’s willy in PUBLIC!   What a SCUM-WAD she is!   She would have BLOWN HIM if she was not KICKED-OUT!

Burgum wins the VP spot, NOT VANCE!

Vance auditions for Trump’s vice president on FOX

J.D. can “audition” all he wants, but Trump is not that hard to figure out!  Burgum is Trump’s pick!

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