Category Archives: Anti-Semitic

TRUMP is a FOOL and a JERK!

Trump’s CUM Queen is Aileen!  She leans toward Trump!

Judge in Trump classified docs case grants his request for hearing on key evidence in indictment

Judge Cannon orders hearing for Trump to challenge Mar-a-Lago search


Trump and Biden’s first presidential debate of 2024, fact checked

TRUMP LIED!  That is a FACT!  In FACT, Trump LIED about EVERYTHING!  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” 

― John Adams

 The Portable John Adams

FACTS are FACTS!  That’s all there is to it!  All Trump has is LIES!  No facts!  Just LIES!  Trump has LIES!  Trump literally has to be FACT CHECKED every time he opens his mouth!  Trump began the debate by Lying and ended the debate by LYING, in between TRUMP LIED all the time!  Trump LIES!  Trump is a LIAR!  Trump is worthless!

I’d rather have a doddering old man who TELLS THE TRUTH, as OPPOSED to a DODDERING OLD MAN WHO LIES, as my president!  Biden!  Vote BIDEN!  VOTE BIDEN!


Trump is a BAD GUY!

McConnell breaks with Trump on vilification of Biden

So says “MOSCOW MITCH” “Trump’s Bitch!” 

Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters

WHO TRUSTS TRUMP?  Really!  I want to know.  WHO TRUSTS TRUMP?  Trump can NOT be TRUSTED! EVER!  TRUMP LIES, all the time, to everyone, about anything!  TRUMP LIES!

Trump showed-up for the debate, but Melania did NOT!  The guy can’t even get support from his wife!

Trump is a LIAR!  That is a FACT!  Do you want a LIAR running your country?  Then VOTE FOR BIDEN!

TrumpScum! Ba-DUMB-DUMB!

Another TRUMPER in prison!  (How many so far!  A hundred, two hundred, a thousand!?  How many?)

Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison

Steve Bannon won’t be spending his prison term in a ‘Club Fed’ as he had hoped, sources say

Cannon SHOULD go to prison!

Judge Cannon is skeptical that evidence from Mar-a-Lago should be thrown out

Judge Cannon skeptical of Trump claim FBI mishandled Mar-a-Lago search

She really should spend some time in PRISON!  It would be good for her!  Instead, Trump keeps grabbing her PUSSY!  Trump is a PUSSY GRABBER!  Aileen is the GRABBEE!  And she LIKES it!

Trump, progressives suffer a rough night: 5 takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries

Trump endorsement falters — but the establishment flexes

Trump’s Endorsement Record Suffers Blow Tuesday

Donald Trump Suffers Triple Primary Blow

Trump-backed Senate candidate loses bid for Romney seat

Trump-endorsed candidates lost Tuesday in Utah, South Carolina and Colorado.  The ONLY RACE HE WON was Boebert because she was running, basically, UNOPPOSED and in a different district!  She made a choice, like she did when she got KICKED-OUT of Beetlejuice for whacking some guy’s willy in PUBLIC!   What a SCUM-WAD she is!   She would have BLOWN HIM if she was not KICKED-OUT!

Burgum wins the VP spot, NOT VANCE!

Vance auditions for Trump’s vice president on FOX

J.D. can “audition” all he wants, but Trump is not that hard to figure out!  Burgum is Trump’s pick!


She’s IN THE BAG for Trump!  Trump made a grab for her PUSSY!

Judge in Trump classified documents case reprimands prosecutor at hearing

Judge Cannon Dresses Down Trump Prosecutor: ‘I Don’t Appreciate Your Tone’

US v Trump: Defense to claim due process violations made in FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid

Judge Cannon should be DISBARRED!  Never to PRACTICE LAW again, EVER!  Of ALL THE PRACTICE she has had, she hasn’t learned a DAMN THING!

And Trump…

Exclusive: Trump handed plan to halt US military aid to Kyiv unless it talks peace with Moscow

… is a TRAITOR!

Trump talks out of BOTH sides of he mouth!

From ‘WORST debater’ to ‘worthy debater’: Trump changes his tune on Biden’s skills

Trump flip-flops on Biden’s debate skills

Trump’s flip-flops on Biden’s debate skills

Latest News and VideosTrump expects Biden to be a ‘worthy debater’ after spending months attacking his mental fitness

TRUMP IS STUPID!  Trump does NOT know what he means.  Trump is a SHITLESS IDIOT!  Trump is LOOKING for an EXCUSE to skip the debate!  TRUMP’s EXCUSE:  Joe won’t submit to a DrugTest!  Neither will Trump, but that will be TRUMP’s EXCUSE!

Trump LOVES Hannibal ‘THE CANNIBAL’ and Kim Jong-Un! (He called him “The Late Great Hannibal Lector!”)

Republicans LIKE TRUMP lie all the time!

Matt Gaetz Is Furious CNN Wouldn’t Let Trump Spokeswoman Lie on Air

Why would Matty be UPSET?  It is TRUMP-a-DELIC to LIE!  Matty knows!  Oh!  CNN would NOT let her LIE!

‘Disturbing’: Conway on Trump-appointed judge not imposing gag order on Trump

Kellyanne’s EX does not like Aileen!  That much is obvious!  Maybe because she LOVES Trump like Kellyanne does!

Trump is WEIRD!

Another NEW BOOK about TRUMP!

New Book Paints Trump as Wounded, Forgetful and Hung Up on Hollywood

This BOOK may have some of it RIGHT about Trump!  What is RIGHT about Trump?  Not very damn much!  

Trump says he’s decided on his running mate

BULLSHIT!  Somebody else decided for him!  Trump can’t decide shit!

Trump is STRANGE!

Trump’s COGNITIVE Decline!

Watch: Embarrassing Video Reveals Trump’s Alarming Cognitive Decline

The Supremes are at it again!

Supreme Court Sends Out an Ominous Sign in Trump Immunity Case

Trump’s FAVORITE Judge!

Judge in Trump classified documents case reportedly refused to step aside

Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside

There is no trial date in sight for the Trump documents case, as a judge he appointed holds hearing after hearing

In Trump Documents Case, Judge Cannon’s Unusual Rulings Have Become Normal

New York Times: 2 federal judges urged Aileen Cannon to step down from Trump case

Judge in Trump classified documents case reportedly refused to step aside

Roger Stone ‘Insinuates’ Aileen Cannon Is in Trump’s Pocket—Legal Analyst

Trump’s Favorite Judge Puts Mar-a-Lago Prosecutor on Trial

Judge Aileen, leans toward Trump!  She is in the TANK with Trump!  Maybe he grabbed her PUSSY!


Trump’s FAVORITE Judge.  Judge Aileen!  L lean to The Right!  For Trump!

Trump’s Favorite Judge Puts Mar-a-Lago Prosecutor on Trial

What’s to know!

Decoding Donald Trump’s favorite 2024 campaign trail catchphrases

What’s to DECODE!  It’s all pretty simple.  From a SIMPLE MIND!  SIMPLE!

Holder worried Supreme Court will come to ‘dangerous’ conclusion on Trump immunity1

The Supremes!  Would they do anything wrong?  Alito and Thomas would, and have!  Holder is correct to WORRY!  Then there are Trump’s other JOKES!