Let Me be HONEST with YOU!

I re-started this blog in January 2019.  Since then I have added to it almost every day, sometimes multiple times in one day.  I haven’t changed my mind on much since I started this.  Lately I’ve added a few new things I do believe in.


I do believe that BLACK LIVES MATTER!

I do believe we need to DEFUND THE POLICE!

I do believe in The Declaration of Independence.


I do believe there is a God, and that he or she wants the best for us, but we have to earn it.


I still believe the ‘The 1619 Project’ is basically a racist lie.

Let’s TRY to be HONEST, shall we?


THE FACTS about today’s protests and The 1619 Project.

‘The 1619 Project’ is BULLSHIT!


The 1619 Project is mostly bullshit.  The link below is closer to  the real story.

FACT: The country known as The United States of America was founded in RACISM!

However, I do NOT believe there should be any financial reparations for anyone, including Black people.

NO (Financial) REPARATIONS for Black Americans.

NO Financial REPARATIONS for Black Americans

(That’s when I learned about Juneteenth too.  I’ve known about it for a long time, but I really started to understand it in 2019.)

I never liked Howard Schultz or his fake campaign to run for president.  That’s what really got me started here.

I have always thought Trump is a LIAR, and that’s what keeps me going.

I never much cared for FaceBook or its creator Mark Zucker-“the lying fucker”-berg.

I always liked Bernie Sanders and believe he is correct that we should have Medicare For All Americans!

I think Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz are total HYPOCRITES and “Moscow Mitch” McConnell is a TRAITOR to America.

I don’t like Rex Tillerson much, but he was right when he called Donald Trump a “Fucking Moron.”  Trump is a FUCKING MORON!

Elizabeth Warren would have been a good president.  So would have Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.  Instead we got Hillary Clinton in 2016, I believe only because “it was her turn”.  Joe should have run then.  Now he’s really too old, but now in 2020 it’s his turn.  That is just bullshit.  But, almost anyone, including Old Joe, is better than Donald Trump.  And, that is a fact!  Here are some more FACTS as I see them:

Kevin McCarthy is a Republican liar.

Tucker Carlson is a FOX Fuck!

Marco Rubio is an idiot.

Rudy Giuliani is a ridiculous fool.

Mike Pompeo is a dickless, ball-less MORON!

William ‘Billy’ Barr is Trump’s lying bitch!

Mike Pence is a pale pussy.

Kellyanne Conway is a creep, (But her husband George seems okay.)

Roger Stone, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort and a lot of other Old FOTs (Old ‘FRIENDS OF TRUMP’) are crooks!

Michael Cohen may have actually redeemed himself by spilling the beans on Trump.

Mitt Romney is a lot better than I ever gave him credit for.  (I am sorry Mitt!  I sincerely apologize to Mitt Romney.  I may have judged him too harshly at times.)

Lisa Murkowski may be okay.

Susan Collins is a complete and total PUTZ!

Ivanka and the whole Trump family, from Melania to Junior and Eric, and Kushner, are lying fools.  (Barron may be retarded, and besides that he’s still a kid, so I’ll leave him out out it for now.)  The only semi-smart one is Tiffany.


Trump Supporters and Trump Voters, most especially the Evangelicals are FUCKING IDIOTS!  (Hopefully some of them have learned by now.)

I like Justin Amash.  Maybe he should be the next president.

I don’t much like Chuck Todd, Rachel Maddow and am leaning away from Ari Melber as well.  They all seem like MSNBC stooges.  I don’t care for Joy whatshername or The Rev. Al Sharpton, but I do like Craig Melvin and others on MSNBC, some of whom happen to be black people.  I’m kind of ambivalent toward Alex Witt though, and she’s almost whiter than white.

Jeffery Epstein is obviously one of Donald Trump’s role models, no matter how much Trump tries to deny it.  (Even though Trump probably had Jeff killed.)


I have my doubts about Nancy Pelosi.  At times it really seemed like she and Chuck Schumer were trying to run interference for Trump, and actually tried to help him.

Trump is SCUM!

Trump is a RACIST!

Trump is a LIAR!

Trump has been trying hard to SELL-OUT America.

There are no legitimate Republicans in America anymore.  Anyone, even Mitt Romney, who still claim to be ‘Republican’ are liars, because most regular Republicans have become Trumpublicans and those left, who have not renounced the label, are really just being foolish and trying to hang-on to something that no longer exists.

There are Democrats and there is the “T” Party, and that “T” stands for Trump!  (There are others too, like Independents, Greens and so forth, but in our COLLUDED two-party system of government only the two major parties matter.  Only Democrats and Trumpublicans matter!  No one else matters, not even the BLACKS!  In American politics BLACKS DON’T MATTER and neither do most of the rest of us.  I don’t believe it was ever supposed to be that way.)

By the way, Stephen Miller is SICK!  (By that I mean “SICK IN THE HEAD”!)

Trump hires NOT THE BEST PEOPLE, but THE BEST LIARS to LIE FOR HIM.  Like: Sean Spicer, Sarah “Hunk-A-Junk-in-the-Trunk” Slanders and Kayleigh – the current LIAR – McINANEy.

Trump does NOT lie.  Kayleigh said so!

I had Kayleigh pegged in August 2019, and now in 2020 she’s Trump’s current MOUTH-PIECE!  Read some of my recent stuff about Kayleigh.  She’s a real PEACH!


I have been CORRECT most of the time.  I have not changed my opinions all that much since I started this.  I can still say, quite confidently, that TRUMP WORKS FOR VLADIMIR PUTIN and is actively trying to sell-out America to Putin’s Russia.

Vladimir Putin

Trump’s real slogan should be:



If you don’t believe what I have written so far, then …

The last thing I have to say about all of this is that: President Barack Hussein Obama was the LAST PRESIDENT America had who was a decent human being.  (Trump sucks in every single way.)

The TRUTH about me:

I Apologize For Being White 

and THIS is my …


That is my final word on the subject.

The point is, I am being HONEST with you.  I hope YOU get that.

Thanks for reading my stuff.

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